THE WEEKLY First Christian Reformed Church of Detroit November 9, 2014 WORSHIP SERVICES November 9 Series: Living in Two Worlds: The Sermon on the Mount Text: Matthew 7:7-14 Title: A Narrow Way Choir Offering: Community Assistance Program November 16 Series: Living in Two Worlds: The Sermon on the Mount Text: Matthew 7:15-23 Title: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing Offering: Safe House November 23 Series: Living in Two Worlds: The Sermon on the Mount Text: Matthew 7:24-29 Title: Shaky Foundations Choir Offering: God’s Kids Wednesday, November 26, at 7:00pm Thanksgiving Eve Series: Living in Two Worlds: The Sermon on the Mount Choir Have something for The Weekly? Please submit it to [email protected] no later than 5:00 pm Wednesday. NEWS AND EVENTS Thanksgiving Eve Worship: Please join us on Wednesday, November 23, at 7:00pm for a service of Scripture, singing, communion and prayer. CAP Thanksgiving Baskets: The Community Assistance Program has commenced its annual Thanksgiving Meal program, which seeks to provide all the supplies for Thanksgiving Dinner for 300 families. Copies of the supply list are available on the table in the foyer. Baskets will be collected Sunday, November 23, following our Sunday morning worship service. Thanks for your contributions, and for your support through the year! Sanctuary Decorating: Believe or not, the Christmas season is coming soon. We’ll be decorating the sanctuary for the Advent season on Saturday, November 29, beginning at 9:00am and need your help! Coffee, doughnuts, and Christmas music are provided and children old enough to help are welcome. Please contact Elissa M. in the church office if you have any questions. Poinsettias: Order forms are available today and due by November 23 to Helen M. Poinsettias may be picked up on December 6 or 7. Parents' Night Out is planned for Friday, December 5. We need workers for all age levels: infants, preschoolers, and school-age. The only requirement is the desire to spend an evening with children and have fun! Contact Helen M. if you can help. Last Call: The 100th Anniversary DVD and group photo will soon go into the vault! The DVD includes the programs from Saturday and Sunday as well as a slide show of historical photos. The DVD also includes the photo taken of the group outside of church and some pictures taken at the event. The price of the DVD is $10. Printed copies of the group photo are also available for $5. Order forms are available in the foyer. Please attach a check made payable to First CRC of Detroit and place it in the designated box. We also have a few extra copies of the Anniversary book if you would still like one. Please direct any questions to Sally Z. and Kathy B. Our appreciation is extended to Franklyn B. for all his efforts in putting this DVD together! MINISTRIES AT FIRST Current Sermon and Study series: We will spend the fall working our way through Jesus' teachings about how to live as citizens of the Kingdom of God while navigating the challenges of life in this world. An accompanying study guide will be provided free of charge for small group Bible study. If you wish to dig deeper in your own study, Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy (readily available in print or eBook on Amazon) will be used as a supplement. Bible Study group meeting times and locations are Mondays, 7:00am, at Higher Grounds; Tuesdays, 10:00am, at Higher Grounds; and Tuesdays, 8:00pm, in Pastor Ben's study. Bible Survey Class: Join Pastor Ben for a bi-weekly discussion of the major themes of the Bible and the basics of the Christian faith. Held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 9:00am in the Pastor's Study. Support for People in Job Transition: First Church is a member of "Eastside Take Control", a local organization devoted to equipping and supporting those recovering from job loss and looking for work. If you are looking for support during your job transition process, or want to know more about ETC, please contact Pastor Ben (313-443-5446; [email protected]). Inquiries about Facility Use: Any individual or committee that would like to use the church building for a one-time event can send a request to the church email account ([email protected]). Place "Building Use" in the subject line, and include in the body of the email the following details: event purpose and participants; event date; and facilities needed. MINISTRY HIGHLIGHT: COFFEE BREAK Coffee Break started in the summer of 1970 as a Bible study for women. Over four decades, Coffee Break has consistently provided fellowship and Bible study for women inside and outside our congregation. Coffee Break is a study in which readers discover what the Bible has to say by asking questions and seeking answers directly from the passage being studied. Here at First Church, Coffee Break members meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:45AM in the church basement for around an hour, after which we pray for individual prayer requests. We are blessed with God's Word and growing friendships that encourage our faith. Refreshments are also enjoyed by all of us. Coffee Break is open to anyone who is new to the Bible or may be a more advanced student of the Bible as we all are learning together. We are about to finish with our study in the book of Hebrews and will start a four-lesson series on how to share Jesus on November 18. An invitation is open for all who would like to join us. Please contact Mary H. PRAYER CONCERNS Please remember those in our congregation who cannot worship with us regularly because of health concerns. We especially want to remember Marge F. OCTOBER COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS In an on-going effort to share information with the congregation, the following items provide a summary of the information discussed at the most recent Council meeting. If you have questions or comments regarding any of these items, please contact an elder or deacon. Administration: The financial reports were received noting that budget giving is currently about $6,500 behind. Also minor repairs will be made to the organ in time for the holiday season. Building & Grounds: The State of Michigan inspected the elevator on September 22; AED training took place on September 27. Procedures where defined and put in place and approximately a dozen people have been trained. Parking lot cracks were sealed. Mission Focus: There was discussion regarding various avenues for promoting and providing information about our Church and its activities through pamphlets, bulletin boards, displays, etc. Education: The Sunday School program is underway with three classes being provided. Kris V. is teaching K-2, Elissa M. is teaching grades 2-4, and Pastor Ben is teaching grades 5-8. Positive comments regarding materials being used this year were received. Website: There was a discussion regarding the need to update content on our church website. Classis Update: A brief report was received regarding the recent Classis Lake Erie meeting. Pastor Ben, elder Jack K., and deacon Jennifer P. represented our congregation. Volunteer Surveys: Responses from the volunteer survey have been complied. Council members were asked to follow up on those from their Care Circles who have not responded. VOLUNTEER SCHEDULE November 9 November 16 Greeters Ushers Nursery Scripture Reading Offertory Prayer PowerPoint Refreshments Children’s Worship Volunteer needed Beth D. Becky C., Jeff N., Josh S. Mary K. Nancy M. Paul M. Kelly and George S. Kelly S., Jon K. I-12: The Birth of John the Baptist Paul H. Rick Z. Bev N., Tim P., Allison S. Paul H. Bruce V. Heather D. Evelin and Brian T. Jen P., Nichole R. 16: How the Church Tells Time CALENDAR Week of November 9 – November 15: Sunday Adult Sunday School Children’s Sunday School Choir Rehearsal Worship Service Monday Discussion Group Council Meeting Tuesday Coffee Break Discussion Group Discussion Group Wednesday Choir Rehearsal 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 10:00am 7:00am 7:45pm 9:45am 10:00am 8:00pm 7:30pm Week of November 16 – November 22: Sunday Adult Sunday School Bible Survey Class Worship Service Monday Discussion Group Tuesday Coffee Break Discussion Group Discussion Group Wednesday Choir Rehearsal CONTACT US First Christian Reformed Church of Detroit 1444 Maryland Ave, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230-1018 • 313-824-3511 • [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Ben Van Arragon 313-443-5446 [email protected] 9:00am 9:00am 10:00am 7:00am 9:45am 10:00am 8:00pm 7:30pm
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