ST. FRANCIS XAVIER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 19 Broad Street, Hereford HR4 9AP Parish Priest Telephone (01432) 273485 Dom MICHAEL EVANS Email: [email protected] Website: Newsletter email: [email protected] During Ordinary Time we are invited to pray for The Spread of the Gospel, the Harvest, the fruits of Human Work and the Reverent use of Creation; justice and peace in the World; all victims of war; young people, prisoners and their families. Parish Mission - the theme for our Parish Mission, next Lent, is "Renewing Faith, Spreading Joy". We also have a Mission Prayer, so now is a good time to start praying for the success of the mission if you haven't already done so. Readings for this week MASSES and INTENTIONS - Nov 2014 Day Date Time Celebration Intention Amboory landslide RIP Sat 8th 10.30am Votive Memorial of Our Lady Sat 8th 6.00pm (Vigil) Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ann McManus RIP Sun 9th 8.00am The Parish Sun 9th 10.00am Dedication of the Lateran Basilica and Remembrance Sunday. Sunday 6.00 pm Year A Psalter week 4 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Ministers of the Word Paul Williams Stuart Fox Mary Amor Jane Gennard Requiem (War Dead) RIP Andy Milne 8.00 am 10.00am Vera McHale Carola Morton Danny West Dec. Rels Morton family Mon 10th 9.15am Tue 11th NO PUBLIC MASS 1st Running of the Parish £667.00 Wed 12th 9.15am SFX School - year 6 2nd Renovation £379.63 Francis Colley (sick) Standing Orders £339.75 Clare’s Recovery St. Leo the Great Wed 12th 1.00pm St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr Thu 13th 9.15am Feria Fri 14th 1.00pm Funeral Mass - Requiem for Sarah Stansbury RIP Fri 14th 6.30pm Trad. Rite Dec. Rels Harrison family Sat 15th 10.30am Feria Holy Souls (Box) Sat 15th 2.00pm Baptism Jacob Krupienko Sat 15th 6.00pm (Vigil) 33rd Sunday of the Year Kathleen O’Shea 33rd Sunday of the Year. Dec. Rels. Scaria fam. Sun 16th 8.00am Sun 16th 10.00am Sun 16th 11.30am Sun 16th 6.30pm The Parish Baptisms Baptisms: Siena and Poppy Hughes Dom Michael at Our Lady’s Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday 11.00 am - 12.00 noon and at call Lately Dead: Peter Cole Sarah Stansbury Brenda Glendenning Remembrance: Catherine Bridget Davies Gerald Hunter Yeoman Patricia Olive Martin Please Pray For The Sick: Joan Sheeran Antoinette Perrot Pat Morris Pat Franklin Canon Keane Vince Hanna Peter Gunter Brian Daw Jean Goldrick Maureen Toner Cynthia Barnett Terry Goldrick Winnie Doran Flo Brown Fr. Antony Pat Clark Alison Alder Sheila Fawcett Beryl Swain Rhys Clement Angela Rosier Sonia Jones Please let the office know if you wish to be added to the sick list or feel that you no longer need to be included Offertory for Last Week - Thank you PARISH NOTICES Guild of St Anne Meeting 2.00pm Monday 10th November in the Presbytery. This weekend there will be a special collection for the ebola crisis for CAFOD. Please use gift aid forms on family fast day envelopes. The Lunch Club will meet on Monday 10th November at 12.00 noon in the Parish Library. New Members always welcome. Details from Jay Boodhoo 263138 Annexe Refurbishment During work on the roof of the Annexe there will be no access to the disabled W.C. CUSHIONS FOR PEWS The Friends of SFX have very kindly donated money to buy the lovely pew cushions which are now in use in church and if anyone, individually, as a family or as part of a parish group, would like to make a donation towards additional cushions, that would be wonderful! The cost of each cushions: Central pews - £99 per cushion Side pews - £87 per cushion. For further details or to make a donation speak to Fr. Michael or ring the parish office. Thank you. Christmas Fair 6th December Shirehall. Just under 1 month to go to the ‘Big Day’ please start to bring in items such as ‘Bric-a-Brac’, books cakes, bottles, anything ‘Red or Green’, toys quality goods and clothing. You can either bring them to the church and leave in the Sacristy or ring for collection 266435. Next week we will be asking for donations for the hampers. Let’s pray that this year will be as good as last year. Many thanks Pat Maclean. P.S. no more Jam Jars please. If you have promised to bake Cakes, please bring them on the day of the Fair. IMPORTANT NOTICE Please return your Parish Census forms now. We need to keep track of changes to our Parish Data Base. Please return your Census Card as soon as possible. It is vital that no-one who considers themselves a Catholic and a parishioner of St Francis Xavier’s is omitted. Thank you I would like to thank you all for the prayers offered for my daughter Catherine Rollings We have been overwhelmed by the kindness shown. She has had good news from her consultant. The Sacrifice of Holy Mass will be offered for you all on 21st November. God Bless Ann Rollings Parish Mission Prayer Loving God, Creator and Giver of all things, bless our Parish Mission. Send Your Spirit to renew our faith and help us spread the joy of the salvation that Your Son wrought for us. Grant us Your grace, that we may serve our community, glorify You, and be sanctified ourselves. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Our Lady, Cause of our Joy, pray for us. St. Francis Xavier, pray for us. St. John Kemble, pray for us. Dear Parishioners, We need more volunteer visitors to let Hereford know of the great gift we at St Francis Xavier have. Our gift of faith comes from God and we have this wonderful opportunity to share this with others. If you feel called to take part in visiting with the Sion Community please make yourself known to Audrey Fussell or parish office. Parish Mission 14-29 March 2015 – Hospitality There is a letter in the Sacristy for all those parishioners listed below who kindly volunteered to help with hospitality during next year’s Mission, namely. Mary Amor, Margaret Bubb, Rosalie Elegado, Regina Harrison, Frances Hetterley, Eileen Macgregor, Pat Maclean, Vera McHale, Barbara O’Sullivan, Helen / Karen Richards, Pat Rumbold, Justine Snober and V Thompson. Please could you collect it and return the form. If you are not named on the list (and have not received an email from me about hospitality) and would like to join our fantastic team then please speak to me Stuart Fox or give me a call 01432 760204. The meeting of the St. Pio Prayer Group is held on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 3pm. Phone 01432 357660 for further information. MESSAGE FROM ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S SCHOOL ADMISSIONS FOR SEPTEMBER 2015. We will be having two open day sessions on Tuesday 11th November at 2.00pm and Wednesday 26th November at 9.30 am. Prospective parents for September 2015 are welcome to attend either session and there is no need to book. Envelopes for the November Dead List are now available at the back of the church. Place the names of your deceased loved ones in the envelope and Mass will be offered for them during November,. Include the usual offering and return as soon as possible. Thank you. Telephone Prayer Line Further details from Eileen MacGregor (01432) 352915 or Meg Furber (01432) 264560. Neath Male Voice Choir 22nd November @7.30 pm. Place your order for tickets now by phone or e-mail [email protected] Price £10. Tickets on sale now . Please take a poster from the table at the back of the church and display somewhere eg a local shop or business. First Communion Classes. Class this week on November 13th at 4.00pm. Confirmation 2015: There will be a meeting on Wednesday 3rd December for all those in Year 9 and above who are seeking Confirmation, with their parents. The meeting will be in the Parish Room at Our Lady's Belmont Road, and will start at 7.00pm. Carola Morton. Prayer and Bible Study Group Friday, 10-11am Petal’s Place. Ring 344218. 32nd Week in Ordinary Time II – 10th-15th November 2014 I’m still carried away by Mgr. Ronald Knox’s translation of St Paul’s Letters published in 1957 for the sum of two shillings and sixpence! To me it’s priceless as I read again about the fantastic descriptions of Philippi, a great market/army city and its 2 battles in 42 BC. Paul, who visited Philippi twice, is not interested in the history. He is under arrest and could be put to death but his whole message to his friends there is humble gratitude for their prayers and even the gift of money to get him through. I have to move to the 32nd Week — Monday to Wednesday. Paul’s letter to Titus who has been left to carry on Paul’s mission in Crete. It contains much practical advice to him which is still helpful to those who run parish activities. On Thursday there is a letter to another of Paul’s assistants who is helping Paul while he is in prison. This is Philemon. Paul even brings in the name of Apphia a woman helper! We will leave Friday and Saturday until the following week. ********** In Luke’s Gospel readings, Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, trying to clarify to friends and enemies what will happen there. His last words to them in Saturday’s reading is helpful as he considers unjust judges, ‘I promise you God will see justice done to them and done speedily. But when the son of man comes, will he find any faith on earth?’ Petal Poetry for Pleasure We are starting up a Poetry Group in the Parish for those people who appreciate poetry - established poems and poets, and for people who enjoy writing their own poems. We will meet every month, each session will have a theme, we will reflect and discuss the poems that are read out, looking at areas such as culture, humour, social and emotional interpretations etc. Our first meeting will be on Thursday 20th November, 7.30 to 9.00 in the Parish house library. The first meeting will be a suggestion of themes for each month and how we would like to see the group develop also bring with you one of your favourite poems and a little information about the poet. The group is open to everyone and all ages. Further information from Jay Boodhoo, or Jane Gennard on tel no. 356248. PILGRIMAGE TO FRANCE 2015 Our Parish Pilgrimage is now fully booked. If any parishioner would like to put their name on the reserve list in case of cancellations please contact John/Mary Cook on 850231. Further details of pilgrimage will follow in due course. Thank you. OTHER NOTICES Churches Together in Hereford Will be meeting in All Saints Church on Tuesday, 25th November at 7.30. We are delighted to welcome some of the members of Close House who will start the meeting with a mixed media preview of their original work, THE STORY OF MARY AND JOE. Produced with ‘Film, Song and Attitude’ it is a Nativity story with a difference and we hope that you will give it your support. It will be followed by a short AGM. WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK Mon 10th Nov 2.00pm St. Annes Guild Meeting. Library. Mon 10th Nov 12.00 noon Lunch Club Parish Library Tue 11th Nov 2.00pm SFX School admissions open day Thu 13th Nov 4.00pm First Communion Class WHAT'S COMING UP Mon 17th Nov 2.00pm St. Annes Guild Meeting. Library. Mon 17th Nov 12.00 noon Lunch Club Parish Library Thu 20th Nov 7.30-9.00pm Poetry for Pleasure. Parish Library Sat 22nd Nov 7.30pm Neath Male Voice Choir Wed 26th Nov 9.30am SFX School admissions open day Sat 6th Dec 11.00am Christmas Fair. Shire Hall.
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