Shining God’s Light Our Redeemer Lutheran Church November, 2014 Reflections………………………….…..

“Come to me, all you who are weary and
burdened, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am
gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest
for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my
burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
Shining God’s Light
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
November, 2014
“I thank my God every time I remember you.” Philippians 1:3 (NIV)
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
825 Golf Ave SW
Pine City, MN 55063
(320) 629-2985
Facebook: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
[email protected]
Reverend Dr. Vicki L. Vander Vegt
Ext. 203
Jeff Hussong, Jr./Sr. Youth Director
Ext. 206
Preschool at Ext. 207
Patty Keyport, Secretary
Ext. 201
This is a monthly publication.
Deadline for articles is 4:30 pm on the third
Monday of each month.
Thanksgiving, Retreat………...…......4
ORLC Family………..………....…...5
Marriage, Bell ringing & more…. ….6
Bible Studies, Community……..……7
Church Ministries…………………..10
Sunday School/Preschool……..……11
Jr/Sr High Youth/Confirmation……12
Financial Peace U/Luther Point…....13
Church Council…………………14-16
Ushers, Readers, Acolyte…….…….18
Monthly Calendar.. ..…….………...19
The results of the church member survey
will be reported in the October newsletter.
A recent Saturday afternoon found me cleaning our basement. There
were boxes of papers to sort, bins of holiday decorations to shuffle and
other assorted items to realign neatly on the shelves. I’d estimated it
would take me an hour or so to tidy up the space. Except I hadn’t factored in one thing. Memories.
The items I straightened and stacked weren’t spectacular; they were common articles found in many basements
and garages. But the fragrance of precious memories clung
to them. Memories of events that changed my life. Memories of people who touched my heart. My pace slowed significantly. I gently folded the ivory lace dress my daughter wore for her
baptism at Calvary Lutheran over three decades ago. My mother bought
it for her and continues to think of her grandchildren and greatgrandchildren, picking up special trinkets and treats for them. I thank my
God for my mother.
A hand-sewn stuffed bunny rabbit sat perched on a corner
shelf. My long ago neighbor Cindy lovingly crafted it for one of
my children when they were young. For over 30 years, Cindy
has been a thoughtful friend who never forgets my birthday and
faithfully prays for my family. I thank my God every time I
remember my friend Cindy.
Memories surrounded me as I sorted through yearbooks and photo
albums. Old friends. Precious relatives. Church members and coworkers.
Pieces of my past. So many of these dear folks played a part in my life.
Remembering them brought a smile to my face and a few salty tears to
my eyes. I whispered a prayer of sincere thankfulness for all of those
people who helped shape my life. Their encouragement, advice and mere
presence were blessings to me. God even used the relationship bumps to
help mold my character and teach me life lessons.
In the verse I’ve shared with you, Paul writes to the believers at the
church in Philippi declaring, “I thank my God every time I remember
you.” Just calling to mind the image of these loved ones gave the apostle
But Paul didn’t only
thank God, Paul also told his friends of
his thankfulness.
reason to be grateful to God.
Could we do the same today? To not only thank God for those in our
lives but also let them know how grateful we are for them? Dare we divert from our daily routine to take a moment or two to shoot off an email,
make a phone call, or even send a hand-written note to someone we thank
God for each time we remember them? Gratefulness brings contentment and contentment brings peace—peace in knowing all
the pieces of our lives string together to make us who we are
Reflections cont.
Grab a pen or pick up your phone. Someone is waiting to
hear how thankful you are for him or her. It might just make
their day. And yours.
Let’s pray together:
Dear Lord, help me to take time today to not only thank You
for the many special people in my life but to joyfully tell
them as well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Living into God’s Grace,
Pastor Vicki
Community Thanksgiving
Join us
At 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday,
11/26 for a special Thanksgiving Eve worship followed by
pie served by our church
The community Thanksgiving dinner will be
held at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
in Pine City, on
Thursday, November 27th
11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
As in the past, the other churches in Pine
City will be collaborating with Our Redeemer
to help make this Thanksgiving dinner the
best attended and most memorable of all.
To that end, we encourage all of you to consider contributing, in any way you can, to the
success of this endeavor.
We need people to cook the turkeys. They
will be supplied to you. We need pumpkin
pies and people to work setting up and
waiting tables. Serving food, washing dishes, cleaning up after the feast, etc.…etc.…
We will also need volunteers to deliver take
out meals to those who are unable to attend
the dinner. There are multiple and varied
tasks available to anyone wishing to help.
Sign up sheets are in the narthex.
Please search your heart, talk to your family
members and if you are able to help in any
way, please contact either: Trudy Wood
(320-629-1199 [email protected]) or
Penny Hudlow (320-629-3048)
Semi-Silent Retreat
Come Lord Jesus,
Feasting at God's Table
November 14-16, 2014
Registrations are available in the narthex by
the poster and on our website under Adult
Ministries. All are welcome to this retreat
that will provide the opportunity to practice
the disciplines of Christian living that will cultivate joy and peace in Christ Jesus.
Coordinated by members of ORLC at Luther
Point Bible Camp.
Cost is $50 for 2 nights and 5 meals.
To Pray for: Kar en Westing, Lor r aine Dor an, J anice Par ker , Tr ish Gahler , J er r y Tschida,
Shirley Woischke, Karen Blake (Dan’s sister), Sandy (daughter of Marilyn Arnold), and anyone
else that comes to mind.
Continuing to Pray for: Mel Haug, Steve Grady (Evie McAvoy’s son), Arlene Lauer, Kirk Flesland, Chris
Risberg, Jim Jacobson, Christopher Tindal, Kathy Marenchin, Dale Clementson, Lil Duda, Aine Casey (Judy &
Larry Bothum’s grandchild), Kristen Struss (sister-in-law to Tricia Jahnz), Ayden Radke (great-grandson of
Donna & Ron Pingree), Wilma Cashin (Gail Mattison’s sister), Cal Hill, Steven Mueller (son-in-law to Vera
Duzan), Donna Mae Johnson, Steve Johnson (son of Curt & Virginia),
Contact the church if you or someone you know is needing a hospital, home visit or phone call. Pastor
Vicki makes regular calls and visits; she needs to be told of what is happening in our lives. You can leave a
confidential voicemail or use one of the yellow forms on the tables in the hallway/narthex.
Thank you for your Prayers for Technical Ser geant Rodney Phillips & family in his deployment; he is
home. He is the grandson of Donna & Ron Pingree.
Our Prayers & Sympathy to:
Diane Teich and family in the loss of Doug.
Texting Prayer Team is available to
pray for your needs. Text Deb Wagner
at 320-279-1757.
Judy Konz in the loss of her husband Don.
Baptized on Sunday:
We are estimating Pastor Monson served at
Our Redeemer in the late fifties or early sixties.
Rev. Daniel Monson, 82, died Saturday, Oct.
18, 2014, at Arbor Manor in Fremont.
He was born June 19, 1932, in Great Falls,
Mont., to Pastor G. T. and Helen Monson. In
1955, he married Mary Rudd from St. Charles,
Ill. Their children are Diane, Timothy, Philip
and Stephen.
Daniel graduated from Nutana High School
and University of Saskatoon (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) and Augustana Lutheran
Seminary (Rock Island, Ill). He interned at Immanuel Lutheran Church (Chicago) and was
ordained in 1957 in Omaha. He completed further studies at Lutheran School of Theology
Chicago (LSTC). He served as senior pastor in
Pine City, Minn., Westminster, Calif., Temple
City, Calif., Wahoo, Wayne, Aurora, Colo., and
Cheyenne, Wyo. He was an interim minister in
Colorado and at Tekamah, Wakefield, Wausa,
Albion, Homer and Hubbard in Nebraska.
10/5, Jackson Curtis Kruse, son of Joe & Amy Kruse
and grandson of Curt & Jody Kruse.
10/9, Brittany Marie and Kyle Christian Miller, children of Tom & Nicki Miller, grandchildren of Carolyn
10/12, Isabella Rose Horton, daughter of Christina
Horton and granddaughter of Cindy Horton and Harlan
10/26 Charlotte Olivia Mishler, daughter of Joe &
Amanda Mishler.
Thank you for all of the prayers, kind words and the
many cards during Chris’ journey with cancer. Prayers have been answered and his surgery went well.
Bob, Betty & Chris Tindal
Serving God Together logo’s are available at Lee’s Pro
Shop—buy a T shirt/shirt there or bring one in to get the
logo attached. Our thanks to ORLC’s Stewardship Commit3
Married couples everywhere are looking for
- Satisfying communication
- More romance
- Stronger commitment
Enrich Your Relationship on a Fall
2014 Lutheran Marriage Encounter
Attend our Weekend in Brooklyn Center, MN from November 21 - 23, 2014.
Apply now at, or contact Pete & Phyllis McMahon
at [email protected] or 763-561-1575 for
more information. Pre-registration is required and
Weekends fill up fast - don't miss out!
FoodShelf Focus for November:
Macaroni & Cheese
Hamburger Helper
Please put donations in the blue tote.
Once again, it is the time of year that we
have the opportunity to give help to people
in our community and our county that are in
need. BELL RINGERS of all ages, are needed to help the Pine County Salvation Army
raise funds to aid our community and county
all year long.
If you are willing to spend some of your
time to ring the bells for this wonderful
cause, please contact Betty Gilbey at
Our Church’s History
We are presently gathering information about our
Church’s history which we hope to make available
to everyone through displays and other visual and
written materials.
If you can share or donate historical items, photos
or stories you have about ORLC’s history starting
from 1904 with the Milburn and Pine Grove Lutheran Churches to the present, please contact Ilene
Haavisto or Barbara Christensen.
One specific item would be Confirmation Class photos prior to 2005 (they were destroyed in the recent
fire). Any questions, again contact Ilene or Barbara.
Medicare Part D Open Enrollment
October 15th—December 7th
Reasons to contact Senior LinkAge Line for telephone or face-face assistance:
 New plans may be available
 Some existing plans may end
 Plan premiums may change
 Plan formularies may change
 You may qualify for extra help with prescription drug costs.
Call 1-800-333-2433 Senior LinkAge help.
Beginning in January through midApril, Lakes & Pines will be using space in
our fellowship hall on Tuesdays and Fridays to assist low income and elderly
members of our community with their taxes. In the case of a funeral, they will use
the youth/family room and music room.
Senior High Youth (grades 10-12) meet Sundays at
7 p.m.—See Jeff Hussong
Healing Ministry
Third Monday of every month at ORLC.
6:30 p.m. All welcome.
You don't need to be a member of the team.
Healing Prayers by appt. (call Lynn Walz, Lois
Bengtson or John Oare)
Sunday Prayers available after worship
Men’s Breakfast Bible Study meets ever y Wednesday
morning at 6:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Join them for
food, fellowship and discussion on how God’s word applies to our every day life.
Wed Bible Study at Old Oak Inn (Pine City) meets
at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays
Call Bonnie Menigo for more information.
Befrienders meet r egular ly for study and discussion. Contact Helen Clarke (629-1125)
SonRisers meets Thur sdays at 7 a.m. in the
small group meeting (crying) room.
New members are welcome & invited.
Arrowhead Transit—Pine City to Duluth
$3.50 one way (3rd Friday each month)
Call 800-862-0175 option 3 by noon the day before—
there must be 5 in order for the bus to go. The bus
picks up at 7 spots in Pine City between 7:30 a.m. and
8; arrives at Miller Hill Mall at 10 and leaves Duluth to
return at 2 p.m.
Dates going will be: 11/21, 12/19
Narcotics Anonymous meets 7 p.m. Tuesday
nights at Hinckley High School room #107 (west
side/south corner). Call Steve at 218/380-0805
for more information.
AA meets 7:30 p.m. Mondays in the Youth Room
Al Anon meets 7:30 p.m. Thursdays
Call Cindy S. at 320/279-1428 with questions
AA & Al Anon meet during holidays.
Billy Graham’s The Reason for My Hope, book
discussion group meets Sundays at 9:30am
Arrowhead also has Sunday bus
service primarily to provide rides
to area churches.
Our Redeemer Readers
Murder at Spirit Falls
By Deese
Robin’s book group is at her cabin in Wisconsin, relaxing and enjoying the peace and
quiet until they discover a battered body beneath Spirit Falls. Could one of them be
Books may be checked out of the church
office. Meet for discussion on Tuesday,
11/25 at 6:30 p.m.
November Circle Meetings:
Board meets 4 p.m. (Tuesday) 11/11
JOY Circle 9:30 a.m. 11/18
FAITH Circle 1:30 p.m. 11/18
HOPE Circle 1:30 p.m. 11/20
WELCA Ministry
See poster on bulletin boards for complete information specific to each of the 4 churches participating.
Posters will also be around town.
ORL Boutique Saturday, December 6, 2014
Open to the public: 9 am until 3pm
Setup on Friday, December 5 from 8 am-?
Drop off items for sale including sweets Friday, December 5, 8 am- 6pm
NEEDED: Sewers, cutters, pressers to assemble items for sale (Amer ican Gir l Doll Bedding Sets,
infant wear, fleece hats, appliqued towels, etc.) Meet Tuesday afternoons 1 pm-4 pm, and/or evenings 6:30-9pm at Carolyn Tuckner’s home. For directions or questions call Pat Teich 629-7119 or
Carolyn Tuckner 629-3966.
NEEDED: A gr oup (including men) of at least 6 people to collect gr eens, pr epar e pots and baskets
for the evergreen arrangements. This is one of our best sellers. Timing should be between Thanksgiving and the Boutique.
NEEDED: Wor ker s for set up on Fr iday
NEEDED: Wor ker s for sales on Satur day (cashier s, helper s for bagging etc.)
GRANDMA’S COOKIE AND CANDY SHOPPE- NEEDED: Baker s for specialty holiday items such
as: Krumkaka, Rosettes, Russian Tea Cookies, Lefse, Spritz, Peanut Blossoms, decorated Sugar Cookies,
Gingerbread Men, Melting Moments, homemade candies, fudges, brittles. For questions contact Merrilee
Eberhart 629-2063.
RADA PRODUCTS: Will include dip mixes, soup mixes, gift sets of knives, hunting knife in holder ,
numerous paring, French, slicing, etc. knives, servers, knife sharpener. For orders anytime call Evie McAvoy
629-3736 or Pat Teich 629-7119.
Proceeds to global and local projects. (Luther Point, A Place For You, Carlton Youth Shelter, Phebe Solar
Project, Image Project, Lutheran World Relief school kits, personal care kits, sewing kits and others).
Sox for Detox Collection Basket will be available until Thanksgiving weekend.
A reminder about Thank Offering boxes
Thank Offering Boxes are available for each woman in our congregation. They are in a basket at the back
of the sanctuary, please take one or more. Each time you are thankful for something or someone place
coins or bills in the box. Bring yours to our Thank Offering service which will be scheduled during a worship service in November, exact date to be announced.
The high points of the Kettle River Conference Fall Gathering held at Emanuel Lutheran/ Del Grove
held October 11. (Submitted by Car olyn Tuckner )
 A total of 7 women represented ORL
Penny Hudlow and 3 others reported on their experience at the Women of the ELCA national triennial
conference/gathering held in Charlotte NC. Please ask Penny to share her observations/learning from
the amazing experience of being with 2300 women uplifted and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Carrie Olsen presented a reflection entitled “I am a child of God”. It encouraged an understanding of
the significance of GLBT people being children of God and empathy for their quest for a church home.
Please speak to Carolyn Tuckner for more information.
Our offering went to The Refuge Network which our speaker shared was founded in 1986 and continues to believe that no one deserves to be abused. They serve Chisago, Kanabec, and Isanti counties.
Penny Hudlow and Mary Jo Metter were elected to the nominating committee.
Planning meetings were scheduled to plan the Kettle River Spring Gathering
Our NE MN Synod Women of the ELCA Summer Gathering is scheduled for June 13 and 14 at UMD.
Oh, and yes, to answer my mother’s usual first question and… always saving the best news for last:
With morning coffee we were served sweetbreads, then for lunch we had a delicious chicken casserole,
colorful vegetable salad, and bun with a variety of bars for dessert.
Gratitude gets us through the hard stuff. To reflect on your blessings is to rehearse God’s accomplishments. To
rehearse God’s accomplishments is to discover his heart. To discover his heart is to discover not just good gifts
but the Good Giver.
Gratitude always leaves us looking at God and away from dread. It does to anxiety what the morning sun does to
valley mist. It burns it up.
—Max Lucado, You’ll Get Through This
Church Ministries
Many ministries are active at Our Redeemer allowing us to do what we do. New members are always welcome
and needed. Please pray for our ministries and those who give of their time and themselves. Pray also for God
to show you if you are being called to join. Below is a partial list, my apologies to those who have been left
out. Patty Keyport, Church Office
Sunday, 11/2 is Stewardship Sunday. We are grateful for the following ministries at ORLC.
Altar Guild Mem ber s set up and clean up for com m union on Sundays, th ey set up for baptisms, weddings and make sure everything is ready in our altar area for funerals as well. They look after the
candles and change banners. They assist in changing of decorations for the seasons. One member of the altar
guild volunteers for each month to cover those worship services. Is God calling you? We have a need for the
months of August and September. If you have questions, talk to Jenny Mansavage our coordinator.
Acolytes & Coordinator Our student m em ber s fr om 5th -9th grade are invited to become trained and
assist at worship services by lighting candles, handing out offering plates and assisting at baptism. We thank
coordinator Carole Samuelson for scheduling and notifying students and parents.
Adult Ministry or ganizes var ious events including m ovie nigh ts, th e after noon coffee tim e
with information etc. Council members involved include Lyndon Hagestuen and Lee Isaacson.
Befrienders m eet m onth ly for study and pr ayer as a gr oup of volunteer s. Th ey m ake w eekly
visits to those who are shut in, sick, recovering or simply need a visit. Talk to Helen Clarke; the needs are
Church Council m eets on th e 2nd Th ur sday of each m onth . Mem ber s ser ve 3 year ter m s and
new members will be needed for the ballot for our annual meeting on 2/1. Is God calling you to share your
unique perspective in partnering with Pastor Vicki to lead our church?
Finance & Audit Committees The Finance com m ittee m eets m onthly to review bills, the financial statements and to make recommendations to the council including work on the budget. The Audit committee meets quarterly to review paid bills, the checking account/bank statements and deposits to ensure all
is done appropriately. Talk to treasurer Chris Jahnz with any questions.
Gardeners & Lawn Maintenance volunteers w or k diligently every available season to keep the
outside of our building looking beautiful. If you haven’t lately, take a moment to drink in the beauty we are
blessed with. They do an amazing job. Our thanks to the many volunteers and to Merrilee Eberhart and
Lyndon Hagestuen for coordinating.
Prayer & Healing Teams m eet m onth ly for study as w ell as offer ing var ied suppor t such as th e
semi-silent retreat (see p. 3), personal prayer after worship services, prayer during select worship services,
the book cart with resources to check out and the prayer service and prayer vigil we just had. We also have a
time of prayer on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. to pray for our church leadership before each
council meeting—all are invited to the family room.
Other Ministry Teams include Missions and Outreach, who organized God’s Work, Our Hands as well as regular information on how we can help those in our community and around the world, Newsletter Crew, who
assemble the monthly newsletter, Personnel Committee, Preschool Advisory Board, Property & Grounds,
Stewardship Committee and Youth Committee.
We will begin to offer children the opportunity to
give their offerings in church before being invited to
Sunday School. Encourage your child(ren) to bring
coins for a ‘noisy offering’.
Birthday Celebrations
Beginning in November, during our Sunday School
large group time we will celebrate birthdays that
month. Have your child bring a penny for each year.
September, October and November birthdays will be
celebrated in November to catch up. All summer birthdays will be included in our May celebration.
Christmas Program—we’ll begin practicing in November for our Christmas program on Sunday, 12/14. Watch for more information.
Sunday School
We have been learning about some of the heroes in the Bible including David, Daniel and
Elijah. We will continue with Jonah and move
into the Christmas Story.
There will not be Sunday School on Sunday,
11/30 (Thanksgiving break).
Deuteronomy 6:7 teaches: Y ou shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in
your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. How as parents can we
do this with our children?
One way is to use mealtimes to guide conversation around the truths of God's Word, especially with young
children, a great way to make the most of mealtime. Focus on questions that guide basic worldview, talking about
how biblical truths influences their lives. As kids get older, give them opportunities to share their experiences
about how scriptural truth relates to their life at school and to the views of their friends. (excerpt from Larry Fowler,
Thriving Family magazine © 2013 ) For example, if someone is being mean or hurtful, help your child pray for
them as you talk about how they can protect themselves. Talk about the power of forgiveness and what Jesus
taught. Celebrate the beauty of our creation and the Creator who gave it to us to care for.
Stone Soup Celebration will be Wednesday,
11/26 based on a wonderful story about sharing leading to plenty for all.
A Pajama & Popcorn party was held on Friday, 10/31 including a fun treat and pumpkin carving.
During the school year, students will practice tying their shoes. When they learn how, they will
earn a pair of fun, colorful shoe laces.
Beginning 10/6, students have been introduced to letters of the alphabet. A new
letter is introduced the beginning of each week teaching students the different
sounds letters make through stories, songs, projects, writing sheets, sensory toys
and many other fun ways to learn. Show & Tell is on Fridays and students are
encouraged to bring an item that begins with that week’s letter.
The pumpkin games will be
hosted by Doug and Vicki Pieper on November 1 from 6:30 to 10 p.m. This is
an annual event where we have a bonfire,
s’mores, devotions, and hunt for the ever elusive
Coyote Bob. Sign ups are currently on Jeff’s
door. This event is open to all students grades 7
-12. We will meet at the church so we can
transport everyone out to the Pieper’s house.
Our fall lock-in will be hosted
at Our Redeemer Lutheran
Church on Friday November 7
from 7 p.m. till Saturday at 7 a.m. Students
must arrive to the lock in before 7:30 and are not
allowed to leave until 7 a.m. We will be up all
night playing games, having contests, cooking
food together, and much much more. Feel free
to bring movies, games, pillows, blankets, and
other items that you would need. Remember
that electronics are not allowed at our lockins! Sign ups are posted on Jeff’s door and this
event is open for grades 8-12. Sign ups are limited to 20 students for the lock-in.
We are needing more parent sign ups for meals starting the month of December. We are currently
full through Thanksgiving. If you would like to sign up to host the meal for students on confirmation
Wednesdays, the sign up is on the bulletin board on the west side of the Narthex. Thank you!
Confirmation doesn’t meet on Wednesday, 11/26—come to Thanksgiving Eve worship at 6:30 pm
Mission Trip 2015
Jeff Hussong,
Jr/Sr. High Youth Director
Can be reached via email at
[email protected] Or call 629-2985
ext. 206
We are going to Oklahoma and our informational meeting
has already taken place. If you need informational packets for the mission trip please contact me as soon as possible. We will be having an official meeting on November
9 after the 9:30 service to go over fundraising opportunities and other important information. In order to secure
your spot on the mission trip you need to make a $50 deposit for your student along with their parent permission
form. After December 7th you will no longer be allowed to
sign up. Space is limited so first come first served for
spots. We currently have 25 spots reserved for the trip.
Financial Peace University----One's Story
Financial Peace has made a bigger impact than I could have imagined it would. I am an
extraordinarily social person so sticking to my budget has been a challenge and I'm going over
since I started; however, I am not using credit and paying my bills on time. I am also the nerd if
you couldn't tell since I am in "charge" of the budget, but also have a bit of free spirit in me so this has
been a tough thing to do and stick to. Josh is 100% our advocate, when I start to have a princess moment
and "want" things we can't afford, then I remember how sweet those things will seem when we pay for
them in cash. Dave has not only given us a much deeper perspective of where we want our money to
take our family, but it's brought us deeper toward our faith in God. We regularly attend church now. We
understand and believe that all of the money we have and spend IS God’s and in the end it's not "ours" to
keep. I want to try and make the world a better place with our money, but I have to get a handle on it
first. Once I do that, we'll tithe more than we do now and we'll give more to charity. First things first,
getting our credit cards paid off. Thank you for truly being an amazing person. You have a story the entire world should hear. We are on baby step 2 and might be here a while because my gazelle intensity
needs to be stepped up a bit, but as long as I'm NOT using credit, I can see the small dim light at the end
of the tunnel!
An FPU Graduate
WHAT WILL BE YOUR STORY?? Classes are planned for after the holidays.
Director Report
Rev. Mark Peters, Executive Director
Greetings from Luther Point
November 2014
The starting point for the future of this camp is "right relationship" with God, neighbor, and God's creation. As I begin serving you as the new Executive Director at Luther Point Bible Camp I am grateful to build upon such a strong foundation laid by Term
Director, Jesse Weiss (who completed his term at the end of September) and the other staff who have been faithful stewards of the
resources entrusted to them. He forged an exemplary summer camping experience with Program Director, Kristen Hussong, in order to assure a wonderful summer camp experience for so many children and families. I am delighted that Kristen has chosen to
continue serving as our Program Director for 2015. I wish to personally thank Jesse and Kristen (and the staff they hired for summer), for maintaining the highest level of programming and assuring that the campers always come first! I express the same thanks
to Rachael Trillelwitz and Ryan Hennessey in our camp office for their hospitality, wisdom, and grace in welcoming me here to be
part of this team! BRAVO!
"Forming Faith - Pointing to Christ"
In my first weeks here I have taken time to read evaluations from campers and retreat guests while also listening to the stories from
those at camp this fall. Please don't hesitate to contact me or our staff as we plan for 2015 as we welcome your creative ideas for
how we might best serve you. Stay tuned for more details on our upcoming retreats and new offerings.
Winter Wonderland: New to Luther Point! December 6th
Join us for a day of wintertime activities. Enjoy fellowship and community as we decorate gingerbread houses, share a meal together and play outside! Sleigh rides, snow tubing and snowmen building activities will be held in the afternoon. Bring your family and
friends to Luther Point to enjoy a winter day together!
Calling all Quilters and Scrapbookers! Spring 2015
Luther Point is excited to start up new retreat opportunities for quilting and scrapbooking. Look for more information and logistics
soon. We welcome your suggestions!
Come spend some time at Luther Point. Whether it is a mid-week getaway or a family weekend, Luther Point has year-round cabins
available for you to rent! Contact Rachael at 715-689-2347 or [email protected] today!
Grace and Peace, Rev. Mark Peters, Executive Director
Council Committee Reports
(excerpts from the written meeting reports)
Children’s Ministry: Sunday school has begun; needed is a person to help with skits. Nine youth will be confirmed
on October 26th. Rejoice choir was scheduled to begin October 8 for k-5th grades. Acolyte training for grades 5-9 was
scheduled for October 8 and Luther Point Weekend Camp, "Connected by Song", is scheduled for October 17-18 for
grades 6-12. Trudy W ood & Kris Gross
Outreach Committee: A God's Work Our Hands slide show was made for viewing at worship. The ORLC Facebook
site is now up to 135 "likes" with an average of 1-2 likes per week since it began. The African Children's Choir was
Wednesday 10/1 at the new auditorium and was a huge success. Thanks to all who helped. On a side note Sunday school
has started and a lot of old and new faces have been at worship which is awesome and I hope attendance remains at this
level! Tim Schlichting
Outreach/Visitation: Altar Flowers not picked up by Tuesday at noon, will be put in small vases and delivered to
those that may need a day brightener and a sympathetic ear. They have been gratefully received. Communion kits have
reappeared and are also in the closet. The Befrienders are teaching me to reach out and listen. This is key to visitation.
Listening, commiserating praying with them. I have a lot to learn, but I also have willing teachers, whom I thank for this
opportunity. Trudy W ood reporting for Chris Jahnz and Lee Isaacson
Property & Grounds:
- Selling of the land continues to be discussed and will be discussed as a separate item.
-Thanks to Jason Wiener for providing a lawnmower for the summer.
-Discussion has been happening as to the reason we have two water meters. Jamie Wiedemann and Royce Johnson have
advised us that we have the capability of re-routing water lines - and getting down to one meter. I will contact the city
to get the format for removal process.
-We are on our 2nd year of our snow removal contract.
-The re-lighting of the north outside cross continues at a slow pace. Lyndon Hagestuen
Finance: A new bank account was set up last month for the insurance premium savings to be deposited into. The savings is approximately $962; we pay 4 times/12 months so deposits of $240.05 will be made into the account each time.
This account can also be used as the emergency fund budgeted for in 2014. Criteria on whether something is an emergency was discussed.
Emergency Fund recommended criteria:
Is it unexpected? (events that happen every year or regularly are not an emergency)
Is it a need? Or a want? (many things are nice to have but are not actually needed)
Is it urgent? (a sale does not make something urgent)
Stewardship Committee: They plan to offer in the December and January newsletters for a question/answer session
for members on how to read our budget and financial reports. This could be held the Sunday prior to the annual meeting
depending on member interest. Stewardship week will be 10/26-11/2 with many events planned, your prayers are asked
for. Council members are also asked to attend events as well as inviting friends and other members. Sue Osterdyk
Bible Quiz
What was the source of Samson’s strength?
A. His huge muscles
B. The Spirit of God
C. His uncut hair
D. He inherited it from his father
Answer: B (See Judges 14:19)
ORLC Church Council Update
Dear members of ORLC,
Good Morning! This is God. I’ll be handling all of your problems today and I don’t need your help. Have a
good day. A cute reminder for all of us to start out the day!
Please pray for the church council, yourself and all members of ORLC that we will be in continual communication with God concerning his plans for Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.
Bring to God all of our needs, our hopes and our fears
Commit everything to His care
Turn to a path of Peace
There is a special prayer time to pray for council and leadership before each council meeting from 6—6:45
p.m. In the Family Room (crying room) off of the sanctuary on the second Thursday of each month. Please
join us then or pray for the council in your own prayers. The council meets the second Thursday of each
From Jesus Calling by Sara Young:
1 Peter 5:6-7 6-7 So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll
promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.
Proverbs 16:9 We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it.
Psalm 37:5 5-6 Open up before God, keep nothing back; He’ll validate your life in the clear light of day and
stamp you with approval at high noon.
from The Message
1 Peter 5:6-7 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in
due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
Proverbs 16:9 A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.
Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.
From the New King James Version
God’s peace,
Sue Osterdyk
Our Redeemer Church Council: Kris Gross, Lyndon Hagestuen, Lee Isaacson, Chris Jahnz,
Jim Koppen, Sue Osterdyk, Doug Pieper, Tim Schlichting, Carolyn Tuckner, Glenn Westing, Trudy Wood.
The council will meet on Thursday, 11/13 at 7 p.m.
October 9, 2014
Our Vision:
Shining God’s light into the darkness, bringing hope where there is despair, and healing where there is hurt.
Jim Koppen
Glenn Westing
Sue Osterdyk
Chris Jahnz
Lyndon Hagestuen
Kris Gross
Patty Keyport
Trudy Wood
Pastor Vicki
Tim Schlichting
Doug Pieper
Lee Isaacson
Carolyn Tuckner needed to leave early Mary Brown, LSS
President Jim Koppen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and opened with prayer.
Lutheran Social Services: Pastor Mary Brown spoke. She is the Director of Congregational Relations for LSS a
ministry we support through our monthly missions giving. There are 1100 congregations in MN with over 800 partnering with LSS; her job is to contact/visit as many as possible each year. She gave a brief history. LSS began 150
years ago in a SE MN congregation in the 1800’s during a time of a lot of immigration to MN from Norway, Sweden
etc. Parents would become ill and die en route leaving children orphaned in a new land not knowing the language. The
congregation found out about a group of orphaned children, prayed, picked up the children and raised/cared for them.
They still serve children in need of adoption and serve those looking to immigrate. LSS is present in every county in
They have a senior nutrition ministry which serves 1 million meals a year to seniors who have worked their entire
lives but still don’t have enough income after retirement. They also work with the VA assisting returning soldiers from
Iraq/Afghanistan who need employment. Camp Knudson is a camp in Brainerd for children with serious illness. Camp
Noah began during Red River valley flooding to help families recover especially the children. It is a therapeutic VBS
focused on kids who have experienced a natural disaster; that is their only line of service that is now a national ministry. The Federal government and Red Cross came to LSS asking for their help based on Camp Noah; now they do 1520 camps nationwide. Last summer they were in Newton, CT to help cope with the school shooting by request from
the community and received very rewarding feedback from the participating parents with statements like ‘I have my
child back’.
Homeless youth is their newest need they are working to address. There are currently 106 shelter beds for youth
(unaccompanied minors) in all of MN which is inadequate for the 2500 to 4000 homeless youth in MN. Often they
end up in unsafe areas. These are kids whose parents can’t take care of them due to substance addictions, abusive, or
have lost their home through foreclosure; it is not teens who just ran off after a disagreement. Many go to larger cities
out of embarrassment so LSS is currently focused in the largest cities: Mpls/St. Paul, Duluth, Rochester etc. The best
option is for youth to be brought into a community of faith who surround them and provide for them. Churches can
sponsor host homes to help with this tremendous need.
She opened for questions. Kris Gross clarified there is a Camp Noah by Sturgeon Lake over MEA weekend for K6th grade. Local communities sponsor and are responsible to promote/get the word out; LSS puts on the program. Pastor Vicki asked how do you determine service areas? For example, where are there needs for senior services or youth?
It seems that Pine County is often a no-service zone; in other words, to get LSS services, residents have to travel to
Duluth or the Twin Cities which is hard when transportation challenged. LSS is working to use technology more including doing phone counseling, skype, and providing iPads to accommodate this. Pine County is in the center of the
areas of greater intensity such as Duluth and the Twin Cities. They are also beginning an initiative with Schwanns to
deliver frozen meals to seniors in rural areas who don’t want to come into a senior dining center. LSS constantly
works to adapt to changing needs. Kris Gross discussed some issues she has experienced with not having access to
LSS youth programs in Pine County and asked how it works. The LSS budget is over $100 million; $80 million comes
from the state of MN because they have seen the efficiency and effectiveness of how LSS manages programs and
meets needs. Half of the MN funding goes to assist people with disabilities. The LSS model is that communities come
to them with a need and they partner together prayerfully.
Financial Report: The financials were reviewed. It was opened for questions and comments. Glenn pointed out utilities are higher than last year so will need to adjust our budget for 2015. Lyndon Hagestuen moved to accept the Financial Report; Lee Isaacson seconded: motion carries.
Council Reports: wr itten r epor ts wer e included in the packet and excer pts will appear in the next newsletter .
Youth (Kris Gross/Trudy Wood) See written report.
Personnel (Jim Koppen) did not meet this month; are planning to meet soon.
Outreach (Tim/Chris Jahnz) See written report.
Missions –World & Local (Carolyn) Carolyn informed that there are 2 minute videos explaining what Lutheran World
Relief does as well as other missions. She asked if they could be played once a month on Sundays during announcement time. Pastor Vicki concurred. Tim will also work to see if he can upload to our facebook.
Visitation (Lee Isaacson/Chris Jahnz/Trudy Wood) See written report. The new altar flower policy is working beautifully. Prison ministry has been amazing. There are three groups of cells in our jail; 2 for men and 1 for women. The
Prison Ministry outreach team meets with each group for about an hour. Last week there were about 9 women with
about 18 men for a very spirited discussion. (They meet for 2 hours total—1 hour for female and 1 hour for male prisoners).
Adult Ministry (Lyndon/Lee Isaacson) See written report.
Property & Grounds (Lyndon) & Van (Doug Pieper) See written report. Lyndon added that there are 2 water/sewer
meters here and we are being billed base charges for both. Royce Johnson came and looked at it and confirmed that
we are being billed as if we are two buildings. Jaime Wiedemann will give us an estimate on disconnecting one and
hooking the line to the newer large meter. The van is working well.
Finance/Stewardship/Adult Ed (Glenn/Sue) Sue highlighted her written report. Be sure to see the events for Stewardship Week 10/26-11/2. She asked council members to pray for the week, to attend and invite others, get a Serving God
Together shirt, read chapter 8 in the Field Guide and watch for a mailing coming out. The next Financial Peace University class will be offered here beginning Tuesday, 11/18 for 9 weeks at 6:30 p.m. Please pass the word.
Finance met this past Monday. They will be working on the 2015 budget at the November meeting. They are discussing offering a class to members who are interested in learning how to read the church financials. The written report
lists 3 criteria the committee recommends to council for our emergency fund.
Ministry Team Reports
Jeff Hussong, Youth Ministry—see written report.
Pastor Vicki highlighted her written report. There is currently no Thanksgiving Dinner coordinator; if we do not get a
volunteer she will need to offer to area churches for them to lead/host. We need a Sunday School Christmas Program
coordinator. She is proposing we move to 1 service for Lenten worship primarily due to the difficulty in getting volunteers for 2 services. She’d like to see supper/fellowship from 5-6 p.m. with worship at 6 p.m. It also is very tough to
be doing 3-5 services each week with 1 Pastor. She is aware this will cause some issues for those who have come to
4:30 and 6:30.
Old Business:
November Newsletter: Sue Osterdyk will write. The deadline is Monday, 10/20 for all committees.
Contagious Christianity: J im asked for updates. Pastor Vicki asked council member s how do they want to follow through with the good ideas from the last meeting? Kris Gross has tried the Bible Study on 2 separate Sundays
with no one able to attend. She is looking at trying again perhaps in January, it is currently on hold.
Moore Proposal: (pur chase of NW cor ner of ORLC pr oper ty) Sandy & J ason Moor e sent a letter to the chur ch
council detailing their offer and recent activity. There was a significant difference in price given by the assessor’s office last month. When Sandy returned after the last council meeting, the assessor’s office determined a fair market value of $3600. Pastor Vicki read her letter to council; all council members were given a written copy. After the past
council meeting, some members have given feedback. Concerns expressed include: why sell it? Another concern by
members was raised that if Moore’s wish to store things on the new partition, how will they access? It’s a landlocked
property – how will equipment access to do the improvements/rain garden that Moore’s have proposed? Lyndon has
tried to speak with a variety of longer term members soliciting their thoughts. There has been frustration expressed
that the Moore’s built onto our property line and have been using it somewhat for a playground. An option given was
to sell them the property they are already using and be done. The water issues are not our responsibility. Their offer of
$3600 divides into 25 cents per square foot.
If we allow anyone to use our property long enough, legally it becomes theirs so this is an issue council needs to
address. Is there also a liability issue? Lee Isaacson checked on that for her own property and was advised by the sheriff’s office if people cut through her land she is still liable even with no trespassing signs posted. Pastor Vicki reminded that the play set was there for the former owners before Moore’s purchased. Is it worth it to us to force moving a
playground? Sue Osterdyk and her husband Mark faced the same issue; they sought legal advice and were advised to
write a letter that allows the neighbor to use the land while still maintaining ownership. Jim suggested we look into the
legal issues involved. We also have an option to value the land higher than the value Moore’s have given. Glenn Westing
reminded that no one opposed a sale at the last council meeting and discussed moving forward while Sandy Moore was
present; he is concerned about keeping our word. Doug Pieper reminded he said at the past meeting we did not have
enough information; now we have better information for a decision.
Lyndon suggested selling just 10’ to resolve the property line issue at a set price allowing Moore’s to either agree or
not. Lyndon would be willing to make a motion for width 10’ up to the length they want for a $1000 flat fee. He would
like to resolve this. Jim asked if 10’ allows a large enough buffer? Tim Schlichting is willing to get rid of it and let it be
Moore’s responsibility. Kris Gross walked it and saw how it impedes on our property; she wants to be very clear visually
what we are considering before she can approve anything. Lyndon Hagestuen moved to offer to sell from our NW corner a length of 191.25‘by a width of 10’ for $1000 with Moore’s responsible for all associated legal fees; Pastor Vicki
seconded. This is equivalent to 50 cents per square foot. Trudy Wood asked if it’s an option to allow Moore’s to improve
the area without us selling it to them. Per Sandy & Jason Moore’s letter, their neighbors are not willing to contribute financially to any improvement in water drainage.
Jim asked if this is the right price? Pastor Vicki feels it’s a good compromise. Doug isn’t comfortable with the motion. He was asked what he would propose instead. He feels it’s setting a bad precedent for all neighbors on our property
line. Discussion continued. Jim called the question; Lyndon asked for roll call vote: Lee Isaacson abstained, Trudy Wood
no, Chris Jahnz abstained, Doug Pieper no, Glenn Westing yes, Sue Osterdyk yes, Kris Gross no, Pastor Vicki yes,
Lyndon Hagestuen yes, Tim Schlichting yes, Jim Koppen yes: 6-3 yes to no with 2 abstentions. This passes allowing us
to take to the congregation as a council recommendation. First we will need to see if Sandy & Jason Moore are interested; then can take to the congregation. A letter will be sent to Moore’s detailing the process and offering the land per the
motion. Jim recommends that if Moore’s are not interested we need to have the line move back to its original place. Pastor Vicki reminded in the past, random members of ORLC have showed up in their backyard to discuss this. She has
concerns that this remain a fair process with only designated members here in contact with them. Consensus is in strong
favor that only designated ORLC members are to be in contact with the Moore family. Jim will write the letter. Kris
Gross asked that if Moore’s are interested, part of the process include staking the proposed section so all members can
clearly see what is proposed. Jim asked if everyone is comfortable with the process as outlined; consensus was yes.
Appointment of member to vacant council position: We have not found any member willing. Constitutionally we
can leave it vacant; the concern is that we have not found any willing members. This is a larger discussion to have at another time.
Vison/Values Statement Plaque: Wher e ar e we going to place it? We need to r eview council minutes to deter mine
if council approved to do this or was it a suggestion? Per the 12/12/13 council meeting minutes this has not yet been discussed or approved. Doug Pieper brought out the proposed plaque and presented to the council with a suggestion to
hang it in the narthex by the lit stained glass. Discussion continued. Sue Osterdyk moved to hang the resolution, Lee
Isaacson seconded: 2 no’s; 10 yes’s – motion passes.
2015 Budget: Committee budget r equests ar e needed in the chur ch office by 11/5. Pastor Vicki asked ever yone to
dream on what each wants to do with their ministry area and put together some dollar amounts needed to achieve. We
perhaps have another year on the roof and need to be working on our emergency fund as well as potentially budget for
replacement on the roof. Consensus was to bring numbers and ideas to the next council meeting to start planning on options for the roof. Lyndon will work on that and bring to the next meeting.
Devotions & Closing Prayers wer e led by Pastor Vicki. At the end of this month we will celebrate the Reformation.
Martin Luther went through a personal process especially regarding our sinfulness and God’s grace. She read Romans
3:19-26 and a devotional based on this scripture. Sin separates us from God; freedom comes when we understand God’s
grace that makes us righteous through Jesus allowing us to more fully understand what love truly is and how much God
loves us.
Kris commented she’s been meeting for prayer in the last 3 months with a few members prior to council meetings; she
invited all present to join them.
Respectfully Submitted,
Patty J Keyport
Recording Secretary
The November Sunday Coffee
free will offerings will go to
Pine County Veteran’s Council
We are called to give out of our own abundance. ORLC follows scripture and gives a tithe (meaning 10%) of
general offerings to both local and global missions. The total Missions Giving is 10% of our 2014 budget. The
actual amount given each month is based on the offerings of the previous month.
Our Vision:
Shining God’s light into the darkness, bringing hope where there is despair, and
healing where there is hurt.
Stewardship committee report
The Stewardship team has just completed a year of praying, studying and planning for stewardship at ORLC.
We FOCUSED on helping people have a better understanding of stewardship.
We PRAYED that everyone will increase in the sharing of their time, their talents, and their tithes.
We had a GOAL that you will read, see or hear about stewardship every week.
We hope our efforts have sparked your own understanding of stewardship or sparked a hunger to learn more about
the plans God has for you. We also hope that if God has been on the short end of receiving your time, talents and
tithes that you have been encouraged to take action and to increase how you have been stewarding everything God
has given to you.
We hope you participated in the Stewardship Week events of 10-/26-11/2 and that you were blessed. Thank you for
all that you have shared with ORLC so far this year. Thank you for making a commitment and turning in your pledge
card. Thank you for making plans to share all that God has given to you in the year to come.
The ORLC Stewardship Team
Lutheran Social Services
LSS began 150 years ago in a MN Lutheran church who after prayer, took in orphaned immigrant children from Norway among other countries. They continue to
serve in MN primarily by partnering with local communities. The community brings
them a need and together they determine how to best meet it. Areas LSS serves include:
 Children in need of adoption and immigrants
 A senior citizen nutrition ministry serving a million meals each year
 Partnering with the VA for soldiers returning from Iraq/Afghanistan in need of
 Camp Knudson for children with a serious illness
 Camp Noah for children who have experienced a natural disaster
 Homeless youth
 People with disabilities
more details found on page 15
Altar Guild
Nov 2
Justin Jahnz
Jane Tschida
Trudy Woods & Jeneice Carter
Eric & Jenny Wicktor
Trudy Woods & Jeneice Carter
Sam James
Laura Abbott
Sarah Dickey
Parker Sell
Grace Jahnz
Nicole Currie
Alison Brown
Carissa Nascene
Justin Jahnz, Mary Anderson
Kris Gross, Justin Jahnz
Jeff & bonnie Menigo
Jennifer Krinke
Assistants (NEED 3)
Becky Berglund
Jenny Mansavage
Jeff Jahnz
Leonard Dickey
Nov. 9
Justin Jahnz
Lyndon & Ann Hagestuen
Don Lund
Thank You
Don Lund who coordinates 8 a.m. worship
The 2015 schedule for 8 a.m. will be out by the end
of this year.
Haven Spychalla
Kiya Johnson
Kyle & Barb Nascene
Trudy Woods & Jeneice Carter
Mark & Connor Clark
Amber & Josh Doenz
Noelia & Ben Cruz
Madeleine Wiener
Ellee Foster
Holly & Abbey Haug
Gina Haug, Julie Doenz
Carrie & George Sell
8 a.m. USHERS
Nov: Trudy Woods & Jeneice Carter
Dec: Del & Rosie Rude
Emily Elliot
Kristina Knutson
Trudy Woods & Jeneice Carter
Brietta & Kris Clementson
Trudy Woods & Jeneice Carter
Bonnie Menigo
Don Lund
Liz Olson
Nov. 16
Nov. 23
Nov. 26
6:30 p.m.
Nov. 30
2 - Ardelle and John Oare
9 - Carole and Carl Anderson
16 - Sheryl Nascene, Barb Christensen
24 - Deb Eck, Sheila Basta, Eileen Neville
30 - Helen Clarke, Jeneice Carter
Sunday Schedule
8:00 Life Connected
9:30 Life Surge
Sunday School
7 pm Sr Hi Youth
2 See Above
All Saints &
Stewardship Sunday
9 See Above
10:40 am Mission
Trip meeting
9:30 Quilting
7:30 pm AA
3 See Above
10 See Above
6:15 Finance meets
5 See Above
6 See Above
10 am Adult DayBreak
7 a.m. SonRisers
5:30 Worship
7:30 Al-Anon
12 See Above
6:30 am Men’s Bible
3 pm Rejoice! Choir
4 pm Old Oak Bible Study
6 Wed Nite Supper
6:30 Confirmation
7 pm Choir
4 pm WELCA board
13 See Above
6 pm Prayer meeting
7 pm Council meets
Lock In ends at
7 a.m.
7 pm Youth Lock-In
Church Office Closed
16 See Above
11:30—1:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Dinner
27 Thanksgiving Day
17 See Above
19 See Above
20 See Above
9:30 JOY Circle
10 am Adult DayBreak
Newsletter Deadline
12:15 Befrienders
6:30 Healing Team
1:30 HOPE Circle
Pastor Vicki Vacation *** Pastor Vicki Vacation *** Pastor Vicki Vacation *** Pastor Vicki Vacation ***
6:30 pm OR Readers
24 See Above
December 1
Pastor Vicki Vacation *** Pastor Vicki Vacation *** Pastor Vicki Vacation *** Pastor Vicki Vacation ***
26 See Above
No Confirmation
6:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Eve
23 See Above
30 See Above
6:30 Piano Recital