ICSSR SPONSORED INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SHIFTING PARADIGMS IN APPLIED ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT: COURSE CORRECTION st nd st nd 1 – 2 AUGUST, 2014 O R G A N I S E D BY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS FA C U LT Y O F M A N A G E M E N T S H R I M ATA VA I S H N O D E V I U N I V E R S I T Y KA K RYA L , KAT R A - 1 8 2 3 2 0 JA M M U A N D KA S H M I R , I N D I A ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University has been established through an Act of J&K State Legislature as a fully residential University of excellence. The University is recognized under section 2(f) and 12(B) of University Grants Commission Act 1956. Our projects are regularly supported by various funding agencies including Government of India, University Grants Commission, All India Council for Technical Education, Indian Council of Social Science Research etc. University witnessed a remarkable growth and has transformed 470 acres of barren land in the lap of Trikuta hills, the abode of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi, into a magnicent Temple of Learning. Continuous evaluation system forms the basis of our academic pattern, syllabi and examination. University has signed several Memorandum of Understandings with various national and international academic, professional and research institutes as well as industry to augment the learning process and develop research and development infrastructure. The University has four Faculties consisting of twelve schools which promote seven Undergraduate and ten Postgraduate programmes besides Ph.D. programme. University has the unique distinction of being inaugurated by the President of India in the year 2004 and the rst convocation addressed by the Prime Minister of India in the year 2008. As one of the constituents of the University, School of Business, has established itself as one of India's leading centers of excellence in management education and research. The School of Business is offering Master of Business Administration and Ph.D. programme in Management. This year the school is going to introduce new courses viz., Five Year Integrated Dual Degree B. Sc. (Hons) & M. Sc. (Economics). The Department has been organizing seminars, conference, workshops, special lectures and other academic programmes on issues of national and international importance from time to time. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE Twenty-rst-century-Global Economy has entered an era of complex, multi-dimensional metamorphosis that includes nancial crisis, environmental catastrophes, mass poverty, inequality, economic and political conicts. Applied Economics that normally deals with practical issues within wider range of elds viz demography, business, labour, industrial organization development, education, health, monetary sector, public sector etc., is in present times, in a state of catharsis. Globalization-Liberalization has given rise to new opportunities, opened up wide horizons and also brought with it fresh challenges and responsibilities. With ever shrinking globe, world market is severely affected and inuenced by nancial upheavels happening among leading economies, inuenced by various factors, manmade or natural, often witnessed during times of nancial downturn cycle, followed by recession, growing unemployment, weak aggregate demand compounded by scal austerity, high public debt burdens, ination, so on and so forth. The importance of Management as a discipline has been increased enormously in the present globalized era due to increase in the size and complexity of organizations, turbulent environment and worldwide cut throat competition. Beyond that, the role of a manager in the competitive world has dramatically been shifted from traditional management practices. Part of the most Management text-books curricula is taking care of the growing requirement of the society to adopt ever changing market paradigms. There is a need to deliberate on the various issues that managers take recourse to in order to harness the opportunities available as also face the challenges and be prepared with the proactive approach to combat these issues of varying complexities. Through this conference, various issues concerning management practices and contemporary economic issues shall be raised and it would hopefully arrive at a prudent and logical conclusion which policy makers could use as guiding principles at various levels of planning and decision making. The conference aims at initiating an in-depth and comprehensive debate and deliberations of acceptable standards regarding present status, challenges and issues confronting the present Indian economic environment and management system in relation to and in context of present global economic scenario. The two-day international conference is expected to strive to bring academicians, researchers, business managers, professionals, practitioners, scholars and policy makers together on one platform, for exchange and sharing their experiences, ideas and research results, related to different aspects of Applied Economics and Business Management. OBJECTIVES 1. To provide a unique forum to present and deliberate research based knowledge among academicians, industry captains and practicing manager in the elds of Economics and Management. 2. To increase the degree of awareness regarding the world economic prospective vis a vis the economic position of the country. 3. To arrive at the linkage between academic research and practitioner views and constructs. 4. To explore the layout for future discourse in the emerging elds of Management and Economics. FOCUS The main focus of the conference is expected to be the subjects concerning research and application of knowledge in the eld of Economics and Management. THEMES AND SUB-THEMES OF THE CONFERENCE The themes and sub themes of the proposed conference include but not limited to: TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION Delegates (one person per paper) will be reimbursed travel expenses as per the established ICSSR norms and availability of funds on submission of the tickets in original. Sharing accommodation shall be arranged for the registered delegates on rst come rst serve basis only on prior intimation at least 10 days prior to date of commencement of the conference REVIEW AND BEST PAPER AWARD The manuscripts shall be subjected to a blind review process. The best three papers shall be selected by a panel of experts constituted for the purpose. The decision of the panel shall be nal and binding. The award for the best three papers will be announced on the second day of the conference. PUBLICATION Selected research papers will be published in the form of a book with ISBN Number. However, the authors may opt to have their research papers back and get the same published elsewhere. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF PAPERS One soft copy of the research paper in Microsoft Word will have to be submitted to the Conference Organizing Secretary by June 15, 2014. The electronic version of the paper should be e-mailed to: [email protected] or [email protected] and acceptance of the paper imply that at least one of the authors will attend the conference and present the paper. Papers must include a clear indication of the purpose of the research, methodology, major results, implications and key references. They should adhere to the following: Tables, illustrations, charts, gures, formulae etc. should be placed within the text at appropriate places. Referencing should be in the APA style. For example: Ang, J.B. (2008), “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia”, Journal of Policy Modeling, 30,185-189. Paper without soft copy will not be entertained. The authors must send a declaration that the paper is original and has not been sent/submitted elsewhere for publication or presentation in any conference/seminar. REGISTRATION Interested participants should get themselves registered by sending the duly lled registration form along with the registration fee payable in form of Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Payable at Jammu. Registration Fee For multi authored research paper, at least one registration is mandatory. In case other author/co-author wishes to physically attend the conference they need to pay full registration fees separately. Researcher, unable to attend the conference can contribute the paper in absentia subject to acceptance of the paper and proper registration. IMPORTANT DEADLINES AND DATES th Submission of Extended Abstract : 15 May, 2014 th Conrmation of Abstract: 25 May, 2014 th Submission of Full Paper : 15 June, 2014 nd Conrmation of Full Paper : 22 June, 2014 st nd Conference Dates: 1 -2 August, 2014 TEMPERATURE During the month of August the temperature in the region uctuates between 35 to 40 degree Celsius. HOW TO REACH SHRI MATA VAISHNO DEVI UNIVERSITY Jammu is well connected by Rail and Air from New Delhi and rest of India. Regular bus service is also available to the holy city of Katra from almost all district headquarters of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Srinagar, etc. The Campus is about 13 kms away to south from Katra, 40 kms north from Jammu railway station and 50 Kms from Jammu Air Port. Now, the new four lane toll road highway has become largely operational and is about 7 kms from the University campus. It is also expected that the Katra railway station will become operational before the dates of this Conference. ORGANISING COMMITTEE Prof. Sudhir K. Jain, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, SMVD University Prof. D. Mukhopadhyay, Dean, Faculty of Management Dr. Supran K. Sharma, I/C Director, School of Business Dr. Kakali Majumdar, Assistant Professor Pabitra Kumar Jena, Assistant Professor Patron Chairperson Coordinator Convener Organizing Secretary LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE Dr. Jyoti Sharma, Assistant Professor Dr. Sushil Mehta, Assistant Professor Dr. Hari Gobind Mishra, Assistant Professor Dr. Ashutosh Vashistha, Assistant Professor Dr. Saurabh, Assistant Professor Dr. Roop Lal Sharma, Assistant Professor Dr. Meenakshi Gupta, Assistant Professor Dr. Deepak Jain, Assistant Professor Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mishra, Assistant Professor Dr. Arti Devi, Assistant Professor Ms. Rashi Taggar, Assistant Professor Ms. Syeda Shazia Bukhari, Assistant Professor ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO: Dr. Kakali Majumdar Convener Assistant Professor School of Business, Faculty of Management Pabitra Kumar Jena Organizing Secretary Assistant Professor School of Business, Faculty of Management Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra-182 320, Jammu & Kashmir E-Mail: [email protected] Mobille Number-09419275183 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra-182 320, Jammu & Kashmir E-mail: [email protected] Mobille Number-09419214167 REGISTRATION FORM ICSSR Sponsored International Conference “Shifting Paradigm in Applied Economics and Management: Course Correction” st nd 1 to 2 August, 2014, School of Business, SMVD University, Kakryal, Katra, Jammu & Kashmir Name of the Delegate………………………………………………………………………………………………. Date of Birth…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name and Address of the Institution/ Organization…………………………………………............ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Designation: Academician/ Research Scholar/Corporate Executives…………………………... Mobile Number with Country Code…………………………E-mail………………………………………. Presenting a paper in the Conference: If yes, Title of the Paper:…………………………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Accommodation Required: Yes / No................................................................................... Date and time of Arrival ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Date and Time of Departure ……………………………………………………………………………………. If you are unable to attend the conference mention absentia……………………….................... Details of Bank Draft Draft No. …………………………………………….. Amount ………………………………………. Bank Name…………………………………………… Date……………………………………………. Place: Date: Signature
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