St. Mary November 9, 2014 Roman Catholic Church FAIRFIELD, IOWA PARISH OFFICE 3100 W. Madison • Fairfield, Iowa 52556-4213 Website : .............................. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8 AM–4 PM Phone: 641-472-3179 Fax: 641-472-6137 PASTORAL STAFF: Fr. Nicholas J. Adam, Pastor Karen Crossland, RCIA Coordinator Jean Dorothy, Faith Formation Coordinator Diane Tone, Youth Ministry Coordinator.....319-217-0148 OFFICE STAFF: Roberta Danielson, Parish Secretary Jo Ann Adam, Parish Bookkeeper Email: Fr. Nick’s Email: [email protected] Faith Formation Email: [email protected] Youth Ministry Email: [email protected] Parish Office Email: [email protected] Parish Finance Email: [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL: Susan Mosinski– Hervey, President FINANCE COUNCIL: Mike Nunn, President KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS # 4092 Dean Adam, Grand Knight ....641-777-3079 Aaron Sheetz, Deputy Grand Knight ......641-919-6105 LITURGY SCHEDULE: MASSES Saturday 5:30 PM - Sunday 8 AM & 10 AM Memorial Weekend through Labor Day Weekend Saturday 5:30 PM - Sunday 9 AM RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturday 4:30 - 5 PM or by appt. (641-472-4375) Daily Masses: See enclosed calendar SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: Call parish office A WELCOMING FAMILY OF FAITH” Blessed Trinity, we thank you for helping us become a welcoming family of faith. Smile on us as we greet each other and all visitors to our Church. Hear us sing your praises at Mass and in our daily lives. Embrace us as we support growth in love for You. Guide us as we study Your Word, celebrate the Sacraments, and work in Your Service. We ask for your forgiveness and grant our own to others. Inspire us to respond to the needs of our world today. Amen WELCOME TO OUR PARISH. We extend a warm welcome to all who attend our Church. We hope that you will find our parish community a place where your life of faith will be nourished and that you will share your special gifts with us. Your prayers, your presence and your talents are most welcome. Parish registration forms are at the church main entrance. Fill one out and give it to Father or drop it off at the church office. We take this opportunity to welcome all of you, our parishioners and visitors, to church today. We thank you for making us a part of your day. Gospel Readings for the Week Mass Schedule & Intentions Nov. 10 Lk17:1-6 Nov. 11 Lk17:7-10 Nov. 12 Lk17:11-19 Nov. 13 Lk17:20-25 Nov. 14 Lk17:26-37 Monday, Nov. 10 No Mass Tuesday, Nov. 11 5:15 PM Mass — Al & Lucille Robeson † Wednesday, Nov. 12 5:15 PM Mass — Pedro Castellon Jr † Thursday, Nov. 13 8:30 AM Mass — Tom Rowe † Friday, Nov. 14 8:30 AM Mass — Irene Gabis † Saturday, Nov. 15 5:30 PM Vigil Mass — Marvin Kitch † Sunday, Nov. 16 8:00 AM Mass — Adrien Aicher † 10:00 AM Mass — Colleen Keefe † 9 SUN N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 8 AM Mass KC Breakfast after 8 AM Mass 10 AM Mass Senior Night at the Rectory 6PM to 8PM Youth Night from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM 16 SUN 8 AM Mass Anointing of the Sick Mass 10 AM Mass Anointing of the Sick Mass 10 MON No Mass KC Meeting Meal at 6 PM Meeting at 7 PM 17 MON No Mass 11 TUE 5:15 PM Mass 6:30 PM RCIA 18 TUE 5:15 PM Mass 6:30 PM RCIA 12 WED 5:15 PM Mass Faith Formation for Youth Meal: 6 PM Class: 6:30 PM 19 WED 9:00 AM Mass at Sunnybrook Assisted Living (by the church) Faith Formation for Youth Meal: 6 PM Class: 6:30 PM 13 THU 8:30 AM Mass 20 THU 9:00 AM Mass at The Oaks, Parkview Care Center 14 FRI 15 SAT 8:30 AM Mass 4:30 - 5:00 PM Confessions Rosary after Mass 5:30 PM Mass Anointing of the Sick Mass 21 FRI 22 SAT 8:30 AM Mass 4:30 - 5:00 PM Confessions Rosary after Mass 5:30 PM Mass Liturgical Ministers for November 15 & 16 , 2014 Lectors: (1) RoseAnn Karbacka (2) Therese Cummiskey (3) Karen Crossland Eucharist: (1) Jean Dorothy, JoAnn Adam, Denise Estle (2) Doug & Roberta Danielson, Andrew Fernandes (3) Al & Ann Lane, Larry Hampton Servers: (1)Zach Martin (2) Raisa Fernandes (3) Finn & Ronan Malloy Greeters/Gift Bearers: (1)Clay & Rita Harris (2) Mike Holt Family (3) Volunteers needed Keyboard/Cantor: (1) Evelyn Pacha / Therese Cummiskey, Gerry Garles (2) Meg Earsley, Jeff Shipley (3) Mary Andersen / Fran Bovard Parish Announcements Notes from Father Nick... Marriage Enrichment Sunday, November 16, 2014 from 2PM to 4 PM Mather Cabrini Hall in Richland, IA Starts at 2 PM, Break at 3 PM, Pork Chop Dinner at 4:30 PM Directed by Ila Mae Hanisch of Newton Reservations needed: $10 a couple for Dinner Call 319-456-3161 for Reservations by Nov. 9th I again ask that those of you who have not yet contributed to the Annual Diocesan Appeal to please do so. As of this week's notification from the Chancery, we are $23,274 short of reaching our goal of $49,119. According to that report, only 79 households in our parish have responded to this Appeal. I remind you that if we do not reach our assigned goal, we will need to make up the balance from our General Account, which in turn will impact our parish needs. I also remind you that, as members of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Davenport we have an obligation and responsibility to support its existence and financial needs. Envelopes are available on the center table in our Gathering Space. Please make your checks out to "The Diocese of Davenport." Caring Though Clothing November 15th is the last day for donations for Caring Through Clothing. Gently used clothing, winter apparel, bedding, blankets, new packaged underwear and socks, laundry detergent, fabric softener, laundromat gift cards or cash donations are requested. You may leave your donation at the First Baptist Church in Fairfield or on Stacie Wright’s porch at 305 E Broadway. Any questions call Stacie at 641-919-6328. I invite our parish's high school seniors to our monthly "Senior Night at the Rectory" tonight (Sunday, November 9). We will begin at 6:00 PM with Mass (our Sunday liturgy), continue with a simple meal and conclude at 8:00 after a time for discussion and fellowship. As we pray for our deceased loved ones during November, we invite you to write the names of your beloved deceased in our parish Book of the Dead which is located in our Gathering Space. We will remember them at our Masses and in our daily prayers. This coming weekend, November 15/16, we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick during each of our three Masses. Our Church encourages those who are suffering physically, spiritually or emotionally to receive the grace of this sacrament. In a special Attention St. Mary Bakers: way, those who are elderly and those who are preparing for Mark your Calendar surgery should consider being anointed. If you will not be able to The annual cookie walk is scheduled attend these Masses but would like to be anointed at another time, for Dec. 6, 2014.Cookies, candy, please contact the Office. fudge, etc are needed. Helping Hands of St Mary uses the funds for non budgeted donations such as: Heartland Pregnancy diaper drive, Lord’s Cupboard; Mission trips and needed items for our church kitchen. For more information call Esther Urban at 641919-4896 if you can help or donate. Thank you for your support! To help us celebrate this Year of the Liturgy, our diocese is providing a "Day of Reflection" for all lectors, cantors, ushers, greeters, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, sacristans and ministers of art and environment in our Ottumwa Deanery. This event will be held on Saturday, November 15th at St. Mary Church in Ottumwa, from 9:15 AM to 2:30 PM. During our diocesan Clergy Overnighter this past Monday and Tuesday, we were presented with a short video which discussed the role that our diocesan church, Sacred Heart Cathedral, plays in our Catholic faith. If you have not attended Mass in our Cathedral If you are no longer a Homebound Minister and have a or visited it, I suggest that you consider doing so. It is our Bishop's pyx and or cross please return them Church and is the location for all major diocesan liturgical celebrations. Today we celebrate the Dedication of St. John to the vesting sacristy. Lateran Church in Rome, which is our Holy Father's "cathedral." Thank you! Such buildings represent our faith in the Trinity as well as our union as world-wide Catholics. Advertiser of the Week from the back of our bulletin: In gratitude for the faith that we share, let us ask the Lord this week to deepen our relationship with him and one another. Midwest One Bank God be with you! Please support those who support our parish bulle- Parish Ministries Future Saint’s Front row: Whitney Estle, T.J Jirak, Riley Bruckman, Andrew Twohill, Mya Twohill. Back row: Kiya Robertson, Tate Allen, Olivia Sandbothe, Mackenzie Kaska. Confidentiality legislation prohibits the release of hospital admissions to churches. If you or a family member are admitted to a hospital, a direct contact from the patient or family must be made with the parish office to ensure that you receive visitation and pastoral care from the parish staff. Youth Ministry News Grades 6-12 YOUTH NIGHT Sun, Nov. 9 from 6:30—8:30 pm Join me tonight. We are talking about Vocations; “God is Calling You”. DCYC (Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference) Sat. Nov. 22—Sun. Nov. 23 High School Youth: This is an overnight at St. Ambrose with keynote Doug Tooke. Final Registration is due by Wed, Nov. 12. Information and registration forms are in the Gathering Space. - Diane Protecting God’s Children These sessions are open to all adults and are mandated for all employees and volunteers who work on a regular basis with children. Register on-line at P.O. Box 232,Bettendorf, IA 52722-0004 To report child abuse contact: Iowa Department of Human Services Child Abuse Hotline: 800-362-2178 and if it involves clergy or church personnel also notify Alicia Owens, the Victim Assistance Coordinator, 563-349-5002; [email protected] or PO Box 232, Bettendorf, IA 52722-0004. Nov. 9 : Kim Adam Nov. 10: Nohema Graber, Sarah Lowe Nov. 11: Ricardo Alonso, Bill Hellkamp, Harold Mosinski Nov. 12: Mick Flattery, John Murphy III, Susan Shafer Nov. 13: Madelyn Swan Nov. 14: Tom Adam, Alexis Jirak, Jim Scherman Nov. 15: Ramses Alonso, Craig Steward As you celebrate your birthday of human existence this year, in your charity, would you help other celebrate their life also? Please consider joining many of us here at St. Mary by sending a check for $12.00 (yet the gift you give is your gift) to Choices Medical Clinic, PO Box 2537, Iowa City, IA 52244 so that others may have a life and a birthday to celebrate. Consider that a yearly donation of even $12 averages out to about 25 cents a week. And you have helped contribute to a Culture of Life by helping others help those in need. Thank you! Please remember in your prayers: R. Adam, M. T. Adam, S. Ayala, J. Bradley, J. & K. Buch, L. Forbes, M. French, R Goldstein, J. Graber, S. Hardin, G. Hellweg, M. Kauffman, A. Kessel, L . Koerselman, L. Kurtz, R. (Lamansky) Larson, M. Laux, L. Merschman, S. & J. Murphy, B. Nelson, A. Pech, R. Sieren If you wish to be placed on the prayer chain and if you want your names removed, we respectfully ask that you make that request to the Parish Office, Marilyn Glass (472-3165) or Dot Hellkamp (472-5282). FINANCIALLY SPEAKING: October 14 thru 20, 2014 95 Families Contributed Envelopes Offertory Total week’s income Total week’s expenses Building loan payment Total week’s expenses 3910.00 374.00 4284.00 4734.58 499.90 5025.80 Mass Attendance: November 1 & 2, 2014 5:30 PM: 133 , 8 AM: 115 & 10 AM: 171 Knights of Columbus #4092 KC Breakfast on November 9th after 8 AM Mass KC Meeting on November 10th Meal at 6:00 PM Meeting at 7:00 PM
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