Attention, Ladies! Multiple lessons are now available. You will find the most recent lesson on page two with the previous lessons on the pages following. So when printing, please remember that you will have to note the page(s) you would like to print, or you will get all posted lessons. 1 John Gail Arterburn – 2014 Monday, 9:30 – 11:00 am To be discussed –11/10/14 1. 1 John – Lesson 5 1 John 4:7-5:3 Read 4:7-10. According to vv. 7-8, why should believers love one another? 2. 1 John 1:5 said, “God is light;” in 2:29, “God is righteous;” and now in 4:8, 16, “God is love.” What does it mean that “God is love”? 3. How did God show his love to us? (v. 9) 4. Explain v. 10 in your own words. (What is love? Why did he send his Son?) 5. Read 4:11-18. How is God’s love “made complete in us”? (vv. 11-12) 6. How do we know that we live in him and he in us? (See also Rom. 5:5) What is the source of our love for one another? (v. 13) 7. How is it possible for all believers (not just those living in Jesus’ day) to have seen and testify about Jesus? 8. According to v. 15, what is required in order to live (abide) with God? What does such knowledge lead us to do? (v. 16a) How does that enable us to have confidence on the day of judgment? (v. 18) 9. Why is there no fear in love? What is the ultimate ground of Christian assurance? 10. Read 4:19-5:3a. How will true love of God be manifest in the lives of believers? 1 John Gail Arterburn – 2014 Monday, 9:30 – 11:00 am To be discussed –11/03/14 1 John – Lesson 4 1 John 3:11-4:6 1. Read 3:11-15. Why did Cain murder Abel? Why should you not be surprised if the world hates you? 2. According to vv. 14-15, how do we know that we have been born again (passed from death to life)? 3. Why is hatred such a serious sin? (Matt. 5:21-22) 4. Read 3:16-18. How do we know what true love is? What is the standard? 5. Most of us will never be called upon to sacrifice our life for another literally. How are Christians to display the same standard of sacrificial love in smaller ways? (1 Tim 6:17-19, Heb. 13:16, James 2:1417) 6. What principle is taught here about true love? 7. Read 3:19-24. How can we quiet a guilt-ridden heart? 8. What enables a believer to pray with confidence? Will they receive “anything” they ask? 9. What specific command must we obey? (v. 23, Matt. 22:34-40) Why? How do we know God lives in us? 10. Read 4:1-6. Is God’s Spirit the only spirit manifest in the world? (1 Tim. 4:1) What warning does John give? How can we tell the difference between the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood? 11. Why do believers need to be alert and aware but not afraid? What protection do we have? 1 John Gail Arterburn – 2014 Monday, 9:30 – 11:00 am To be discussed –10/27/14 1 John – Lesson 3 1 John 2:28-3:10 1. Read 2:28-3:6. According to v. 28, we are to continue (remain, abide) in him. What does that mean? Why should we do so? (See also 1 Cor. 3:10-15 & 2 Cor. 5:10) 2. What characteristic of God will be manifest in his children? (v. 29) Why? 3. Who are Christians now? What will we be in the future? (See also Phil. 3:20-21) What effect should that anticipation have on us now? (3:1-3) 4. What is revealed about the seriousness of sin and why it is not compatible with Christ in vv. 4-6, 8? 5. We know that even as Christians we continue to sin. How would you explain v. 6? What is the key to sinning less? Conversely, what is the cause of sin? 6. Read 3:7-9. What characterizes the children of God? Why is sinning utterly incompatible with being a child of God? 7. What characterizes the children of the devil? Why? 8. According to v. 10, what are the only two groups of people? How will it be evidenced in life? 1 John Gail Arterburn – 2014 Monday, 9:30 – 11:00 am To be discussed –10/20/14 1 John – Lesson 2 1 John 2:3-27 9. Read 1 John 2:3-11. If we truly know God and are in the light, how will we respond to: a). God’s commands? b). the life of Christ? c). other believers? 10. What command is John referring to in vv. 7-8? How can it be old and yet new? (See also Lev. 19:18, Matt. 5:43-48, John 13:34, 2 John 5-6) What is the condition of someone who “hates his brother”? 11. Read 1 John 2:12-17. What assurance of their standing before God does John give to believers in these verses? 12. Why must believers “not love the world or anything in the world”? What “world” does John have in mind? (Obviously different than in John 3:16.) 13. Read 1 John 2:18-27. John refers to the false teachers as “antichrists.” How are they characterized in: a). 2:18-19? b). 2:22-23? c). 2:26? 14. How are believers enabled to stand against such false teachers? a). 2:20-21 b). 2:24-25 3). 2:27 1 John Gail Arterburn – 2014 Monday, 9:30 – 11:00 am To be discussed –10/13/14 1 John – Lesson 1 1 John 1:1-2:2 15. This letter does not have a greeting and is not addressed to anyone. Who are the recipients according to 1 John 2:12-14, 3:1 and 5:13? 16. Read 1 John 1:1-4. The author begins with “that which”. Who or what is he talking about? How does he describe or qualify his subject in the four phrases that follow in v. 1? 17. According to v. 2, “the life appeared”. What life? Why is John qualified to “testify to it” and to “proclaim it to you”? 18. John gives at least five purpose statements for writing this letter. What reasons does he give in 1:3 and 1:4? 19. Fellowship is a key concept in this letter. What fellowship is he talking about? How would you describe it? Is it the same as salvation? Why or why not? 20. Read 1:5-2:2. What does it mean that God is light? What is darkness? 21. Can a Christian have fellowship with God and yet continue to walk in darkness? Why or why not? 22. What does John say about those who claim to be without sin? Are they true believers? 23. In contrast, Christians are to walk in the light. Is John saying that Christians must live perfect lives and never sin? How is it possible for us to live in fellowship with God? 24. What is John’s third reason for writing this letter? (2:1) Are we powerless against sin? What should increasingly characterize the life of a Christian?
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