ORDER OF SERVICE The Gathering Prelude & Welcome Opening Song Prayer CELEBRATION – A PLACE OF GRACE! November 8/9, 2014 The Word Children’s Message First Reading Holy Gospel Message Song of Praise Sacrament of Holy Baptism Prayers of the Church The Meal Offering Time Holy Communion The Sending Announcements Benediction Closing Song David & Bathsheba Solomon’s Wisdom Elisha Heals Naaman Micah Swords into Plowshares Christ King/Jeremiah’s Temple Sermon Faith as a Way of Life Esther Light to the Nations Jesus as Immanuel The Congregational Meeting is Nov. 16 at 9:20am after an abbreviated 8:30am service. All members are greatly encouraged to attend. WELCOME GUESTS! Please sign the Welcome to Worship book today at the end of your row when it is passed to you. Please include your contact information. Join us for fellowship & coffee at 9:35 am every Sunday. Nursery is available during Sunday services for children, Infant – age 5. We practice open communion – all Christians who believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the Lord’s Supper bringing His forgiving grace are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Contact an usher if you have mobility problems and communion will be brought to you. Gluten free wafers are available, pick up from small table by organ. Sunday Jam for ages 3 – 2nd grade available Sundays at 8:30 am and 9:35 am, September – May. 3rd-9th grade, faith forming activities on Wednesday nights, September - May. Celebration is a youthful, active, vibrant and growing family of faith. We are people just like you. We know the busyness and challenges of life and the need and desire for friends and community. WE HOPE YOU EXPERIENCE GOD’S PRESENCE AND FEEL WELCOME AND ACCEPTED HERE WITH US TODAY! Mission of the Month Stretch Your Hearts And Hands To Help People In Need They focus on attacking the root causes of poverty and breaking the cycles that keep people from being healthy, productive and self-supporting. LWR responds to that need efficiently and effectively by providing resources to local partner organizations How Do I Get Involved At Celebration? Join our quilting group! Or donate supplies such as fabric, thread or batting. Donate to the Joyful Jar during Celebration worship services. Donate items for school kits. Visit the Gathering Space bulletin board for more information. Visit us online at celebrationlutheranchurch.com and on Facebook at “Celebration Lutheran Church” We Prepare For Worship Sunday’s Music: Bibles located on west wall First Reading: Micah 5:2-4, 6:6-8 Gospel Reading: Matthew 9:13 Black Bible: pg. 756 Black Bible: pg. 790 To prepare for worship on November 15/16 read: Isaiah 36:1-3,13-20, 37:1-7. 2:1-4; Matthew 5:14 This Weekend’s Musicians: Proclaim! Opening Songs: “We Are Called” (screen) Song of Praise: “Just a Closer Walk With Thee” (screen) Communion Songs: “River of Glory” (screen) Closing Song: “God of Grace and God of Glory” LBW #415 (green hymnal) Next Weekend’s Musicians: BELLievers Hearing devices are available for those in need during our worship services. Ask an usher to assist you in getting started. We want you to fully experience today’s service with ease. WELCOME TO WORSHIP BOOKS: Please sign the Welcome to Worship Book as it is passed to you during the Children’s Sermon. This helps us know who is visiting and who is actively involved with Celebration, and for keeping contact information up-to-date Fall Worship Schedule Sat: 5:00pm & Sun: 8:30am & 10:30am Child care (through age 5) is provided in the nursery at all weekend services. Worship Attendance Last Week November 1 & 2 Total: 696 Saturday 5pm: 153 Sunday 8:30am:288 10:30 am: 255 Prayer Requests Lavender Prayer Request Forms are on the information rack by the office. Prayers are listed for 4 weeks; contact the church office to extend. In Our Prayers: Betty Batdorf, Dee Brost, Deb Berglund, Debbie Davids, Kathleen Engel, Brielle Gullickson, Evan Gullickson, Daniel Hansen, Tim Held, Elliot Imdieke, Mike Jurek, Vicky Klever, Elaina Lee, Paul Orndorff, Jeannie Peterson, Jill Scherr, Dan Strenge, John Almie (Jody Pasell’s uncle) Marjorie Botzek (Jackie Peterschick’s mother) Alice DeJong (Bev Zupfer’s mother) Vernon Grinde (grandfather of Melissa, Bridget, Erik & Kelsey Maas) Tasha Hadland (Greta Ringstad’s sister) Heidi Hendrick (Nicole Oftedahl’s sister) Etta Holmgren (Aaron Holmgren’s mother) Marlene Humphreys (Kim McMillan’s mother) Mary Lou McDaniel (Roger & Jan Farley’s friend) April McMillan (Kim McMillan’s sister) Steve Pasell (Brian Pasell’s brother) Jerry Peterschick (Doug Peterschick’s brother) Kernan Peterschick (Doug Peterschick’s nephew) Mary Pohl (Madonna Maas’ mother) Carmen Schmoll (Jeannie Cashman’s friend) We celebrate as the following children are welcomed into God’s family at Celebration through the gift of Holy Baptism. 5:00pm service: Stella Mary, daughter of Patrick & Dawn Michaud. Sponsors: Jaimie & Beth Gruebele. Keagen Robert, son of Roy & Jennifer Wald. Sponsors: Renee Deal and Tom Kemper. Thank You Hospital Visits: Pastor Jeff, Pastor Elizabeth and/or Vonnie Ottem would love to visit and pray for you during your hospital stay. Please contact the church office 255-0488 ext 0. Opportunities to Serve GODSTORY Please take home the green colored insert which has text background and Bible verses for this week. MONTHLY GIVING REPORT October Annual Mission & Ministry Fund Month to Date Giving $57,664 Anticipated September Giving $60,753 Month Giving Compared to Projection 94.92% Building Fund Month to Date Giving $15,481 Anticipated September Giving $16,149 Month Giving Compared to Projection 95.86% Joyful Jar-Mission of the Month Joyful Jar offering in October totaled $1300.75. The Mission of the Month was Operation Christmas Child. Wow! Thank you for all of your donations to help make this mission a success! We had 28 youth and 6 adults helping to pack up 438 Christmas boxes to be sent all around the world to children in need along with the good news of Jesus! Joyful jar offerings collected go to help ship the boxes. If you would still like to contribute, filled shoe boxes along with $7 a box shipping or any other monetary donations can be collected here at church though 11/16. Thank you for your generosity! ...to all Fall Festival committee members, volunteers, and participants that made the event a success! Volunteer to help at our worship services in November as ushers, communion assistants, readers, greeters, etc. Sign-up at the Volunteer Bulletin board in hallway or contact Teresa Ahrendt: 255-0488 ext 170, or [email protected] Be A Place of Hope Server: YDT guides, youth and families, are you looking for a volunteer opportunity for service hours? Our next serving date is Nov. 16 at Place of Hope. We meet at 11:15am and finish up at 2pm. Please sign up at the Welcome Center or contact Steve Lovejoy at [email protected] or Call/Text Angela Burnett at 493-7354. There is a family in our area that is in need of boy’s clothes--size 9-18 month (can be gently used), baby foods or a food processor, etc. Please drop off items in church office. Opportunities to Grow Sunday Morning Adult Education: 9:40-10:15am “Animate: Bible” In the Sanctuary between services. Encounter the Scripture in new ways! Deepen your understanding of the Bible through these sessions of DVD’s and discussions. Pastor led. All welcome! Celebration Wish List We are looking for donations to purchase 50 more Bibles to put in the Sanctuary. Please indicate “Bibles” in the memo or on the envelope. Music: Jennifer Ambrosier 255-0488x103 [email protected] JOIN THE A/V Crew! You can get on the rotation schedule or just fill-in when you can. Training provided to run our Audio/Visual equipment at worship services. Contact Teresa for more info 255-0488 x 170. Misc. OWLS (Older Wiser Lutherans Serving) Chili Cook Off: Sun. Nov. 9, from 4-7pm in the Gathering Space. Sign-up at the Welcome Center. Questions call Vonnie at 251-6582. On Sunday, Nov 16 after the second service, please stay for cake and coffee in honor of Vonnie Ottem’s 80th Birthday! Everyone invited! 36th Annual St Cloud Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast on Nov. 18, 2014 at St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center. Breakfast: 6:30am, Program: 7:00am Speaker: “What Great Leaders Know and Do” presented by Ryan A. Bowman from Chick–Fil–A. Two (2) FREE Tickets Available. Please RSVP to Chris Garman at [email protected] or 255-0488 x100. WELCA BAKE SALE: Nov. 22/23 before and after church services. It is time again for our annual Bake Sale sponsored by Women of Celebration. Please bring your goodies to the church kitchen on Nov. 22 between 10am and 1pm. We are also adding craft items this year. Proceeds from this event will help wilth mission projects, women’s activites and kitchen equipment. Thank you for your support. LEFSE MAKING: Monday, Nov 17 from 9am-noon and/or 6-9pm. Come and bring a batch of lefse or join us in rolling and packaging. ALL ARE WELCOME. Mission Quilters will meet Thursday, November 20, from 9am until noon in room 317. Come join us. Celebration MOPS 9th Annual Holiday Boutique: Saturday, Nov, 22, 2014 from 10am-2pm at Celebration Lutheran Church. It is a one stop shopping event with over forty different local businesses & crafters plus a silent auction! MOPS is a ministry that is designed to meet the distinct need of mothers of children from conception through kindergarten. The proceeds help Celebration MOPS group fund speakers, hospitality needs, community outreach, etc. Come join us for fellowship over a cup of coffee after our Sunday services! Celebrate Coffee beans are now available for purchase! A portion of the sales are donated to our Mission of the Month. We are serving coffee after the second service but need your help to make it happen! 8am-10:45am Prep Coffee, juice and goodies, attend early service, serve clean-up. 9:15am-noon: Brew, serve, attend late service serve, cleanup. Contact Teresa for more information 255-0488 ext 170. Y o u t h C o n n e c t i o n! Primary (Birth – Gr. 4) Nicole Oftedahl 255-0488 x 105 & Mindi Scholz 255-0488 x 110 [email protected]; [email protected] Sunday JAM Happenings: This week (Nov. 9): "God Watches Over Elijah." We will sing, watch a skit and do fun activites to engag in the story! Next week (Nov. 16): “Elijah Helps a Widow.” We will talk about being helpers and do fun activites to drive the story home. REMINDER: SUN., NOV. 30- No Sunday JAM- Enjoy celebrating Thanksgiving with family! This week at GZ…Forgiveness! What an amazing God we have who forgives all of us. What about you, do you forgive like Christ? “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 Don’t forget to return your M & M tubes for Kids Fighting Hunger! Middle School (Gr. 5-8) Aaron Dowzak: 255-0488 x 107 [email protected] Service Project Night: All 5th-8th Graders please attend at your normal YDT time unless otherwise instructed by your Small Group Guide. Service Project Night is Wednesday, November 19. Youth participating in the Kids Fighting Hunger packaging project are asked to bring in $20 to help offset the cost of the event. 1st Communion Classes: 5th-8th Grade. 1st Communion Classes are set for November 12 & 19 from 5:45-6:25pm. Classes wil be held in the Fireside Room. Parents please plan to attend the Nov. 12 class and are welcome to come to the Nov. 19 class. Youth Shopping Night: Mark your calendars for Sunday, Dec. 14 for our annual youth shopping night at Target in Crossroads Center. A sign-up will be available soon. 6pm-8:30pm Youth Group Time: Will meet Nov. 9 from 3-4:45pm. Come for marshmallow shooters and watch a movie with us. High School (Gr. 9-12) Alex Becker: 255-0488 x 106 [email protected] Tuesday Morning Bible Study will meet on Tuesdays at 7:40am at Liquid Assets, Sartell. All high school youth are invited. ZERO Gravity: Sr. High Youth Group includes music, games, a message and discussion. Wednesdays at 8:15pm. ELCA Youth Gathering: Detroit, MI, July 14-20, 2015. The ELCA Youth Gathering takes place every three years and is for high school youth (students must have completed grade 9 or have just graduated). Still in need of a couple more adult male chaperones. Wednesday Night Schedule: 4:45-5:15pm: Witness Choir gr 3-6 6:00-6:45pm: Spirit Choir gr K-2 5:15-5:35pm: GodZone Pizza Dinner 5:40-6:50pm: GodZone—grades 3-4 6:45-8:00pm: YDT—grades 5-8 7:00-8:15pm: YDT—grade 9 8:15pm: Zero Gravity—grades 9-12 This Weekend’s Worship Volunteers SATURDAY 5pm SUNDAY 8:30am Acolytes Communion Assistants 3rd Station Communion Greeters Nursery Attendants Readers Usher Captain Ushers Communion Prep AV Techs Sunday Refreshments Tyler Werk Vicky Petersen Stephanie Kadlec Mark Franz Garrett Nelson Nancy Martens Anne Deters Dale Buske Diane Weber-Brand Bonnie Rodness Jody & Mark Franz Bonnie Rodness Abby Lyon Bethany Joul & 9:30am h= Caroline Gruebele h= Alyssa Gehrke Mark Franz Nancy Martens Don Burge Erich Martens Paula Burge Jamie Gruebele Pam Trobec Jake Gruebele Tyler Kadlec Jeff Deters Mark Kadlec Mark Hankel Brice Kadlec Ronny Brand Jerry & Colette Carlson Tracy Gehrke/Wendi Clark Steve Schwanke Keith Yapp Jonathon Mills Tammie Yapp 8am-10:45am: Jeff, Karla and Amber Teer 9am-noon: Lisa Maurer & Lori Glanz SUNDAY 10:30am Jake Reil Julie Ellis Jackie Peterschick Madonna Maas Vicky Schaefer Dennis Herschbach Dennis & Edie Mosbrucker Bethany Joul h= Tessa Schwinghammer Maggie Brossoit Terry Hagen Dave Cashman Mary Sorenson Jacky Erickson Erik Maas Lori & Mike Flom Les Engel Reggie Vanlonden CELEBRATION LUTHERAN CHURCH 1500 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell, MN 56377 Phone: 255-0488 Fax: 255-9378 www.celebrationlutheranchurch.com [email protected] Office Hours: Monday -Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Lead Pastor: Jeff Sackett (x 101) Congregational Life Pastor: Elizabeth Strenge (x 102) Director of Worship & Music Ministries: Jennifer Ambrosier (x 103) Director of Operations: Terry Hagen (x 109) Director of Youth & Family Ministries: Primary: Nicole Oftedahl (x 105) Asst. Primary: Mindi Scholz (x 110) Middle School: Aaron Dowzak (x 107) Sr. High: Alex Becker (x 106) Y & F Assistant: Rita Bartlett: (x 108) Pastoral Admin Assistant: Chris Garman (x 100) Director of Volunteer Ministries: Teresa Ahrendt (x 170) Business Manager: Tammie Yapp (x104) NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday 9 Baptism Weekend 8:30 & 10:30am Worship 8:30 & 9:35am Sunday JAM 9:35am Fellowship 9:40am Animate AdultEd SA 3-4:30pm YGT 4-7pm Owls Chili Cookoff GS 4pm Uganda Team Mtg FR 7pm Living The Story Grp FR 10 Pastor Elizabeth Sabbath 16 Wreath Pickup 8:30 & 10:30am Worship 8:30 & 9:35am Sunday JAM 9:35am Fellowship 9:20am CONGREGATIONAL MEETING in Sanctuary!! 17 Pastor Elizabeth Sabbath 9am Lefse Baking 11:30am Place of Hope Servers 11:40am Vibrant Faith Mtg 317 12-5pm Ottem Party GS 7pm Living The Story Grp FR Tuesday 11 7:30am Sr High Bible Study at Liquid Assets 6:30pm Living The Story CR 8:30-11am Preschool 315,CM 7pm BELLievers 9:15am Staff Mtg CR 8pm Living The Story Grp FR 12:30pm Living The Story FR 6-7:45pm First Communion Class SA/GS/FR 6:15pm Exec Mtg CR 6pm Lefse Baking 6:30pm Living The Story Grp FR 7pm BELLievers 8pm Living The Story Grp FR 18 7:30am Sr High Bible Study at Liquid Assets 8:30-11am Preschool 315,CM 9:15am Staff Mtg CR Noon Sartell Ministerial Mtg at Blue Line 12:30pm Living The Story FR 3:30pm WELCA Mtg CR 6:30pm Council Mtg 317 Wednesday Thursday Friday 12 9am Living The Story Grp FR 4:45pm Witness Choir Gr 3-6 6-6:45pm Spirit Choir Gr K-2 5:15pm Pizza Dinner 5:45pm First Comm for grades 5-8 GodZone: 5:40-6:50pm Gr 3-4 YDT: 6:45-8pm Gr 5-8 7-8:15pm Gr 9 8:15pm Zero Gravity 8pm Mission Trip Mtg 7pm Living The Story Grp at Holien’s 7:30pm Living Story Grp at Maas‘ 19 9am Living The Story Grp FR 4:45pm Witness Choir Gr 3-6 5:45pm First Comm 5-8th Grades 6-6:45pm Spirit Choir Gr K-2 5:15pm Pizza Dinner GodZone 5:40-6:50pm Gr 3-4 YDT: 6:45-8pm Gr 5-8 Svc Proj Night 7-8:15pm Gr 9 Svc Proj Night Zero Gravity 8:15pm 7pm Living The Story Grp at Holien’ s 7:30pm Living The Story Grp Maas’ 13 6:30am Living The Story Grp FR 8:30-11am Preschool 315, CM 9-11am MOMS GS, N 9:30am Pastor’s Gathering @ Salem Noon Men’s Study at Blue Line 14 Pastor Jeff Sabbath 6-8am CLC Group FR 8:30-11am Preschool 315, CM 9am Living the Story FR 15 Wreath Pickup Saturday 21 Pastor Jeff Sabbath 6-8am CLC Group FR 9am Living Story FR 22 First Communion Preschool Conferences 3pm ReFuel Practice 5pm Worship Service 6pm WELCA Bake Sale 3pm ReFuel Practice 5pm Worship Service 6pm Worship Team Mtg CR 7pm Women’s Study Grp FR 7pm Celebration Singers Reh 20 6:30am Living Story Grp FR 8:30-11am Preschool 315, CM 9am Mission Quilters 317 Noon Men’s Study at Blue Line 6:30-9pm MOPS GS/N 7pm Women’s Study Grp FR 7pm Celebration Singers Reh 10am-2pm MOPS Boutique Day 4pm depart Jr High Youth Gathering - Willmar 1pm return fromJr High Youth Gathering
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