Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Varied Cantonment Board held on 11-07-2014 1200 hours at the office of the President Cantonment Board, Station Headquarters,atChennai. MEMBERS PRESENT Brig. Kulpreet Singh, President Sri. S. Prabakaran, Member Secretary 1. AGENDA RESOLUTION BY CIRCULATION DATED 22-05-2014 To note the Agenda Resolution by circulation 22-05-2014 in connection with extension of service of Dr. Jothi Pramod for six months with effect from 26-05-2014. RESOLUTION 2. No.1 : Noted. AGENDA RESOLUTION BY CIRCULATION DATED 27-05-2014 To note the Agenda Resolution by circulation dated 27-05-2014 in connection with construction of four foot over bridges for the benefit of the public in order to avoid accidents. RESOLUTION 3. NO.2: Noted. AGENDA RESOLUTION BY CIRCULATION DATED 30-05-2014 To note the Agenda Resolution by circulation dated 30-05-2014 in connection with extension of service of Dr. S. Sumitha Parthiban, Sonologist fon .one year with effect from 17-05-2014. RESOLUTION No.3: Noted. 4. REVIEW OF PATIENTS ATTENDED AND REALIZED IN CANTONMENT DISPENSARlES AND HOSPITALS To note the daily attendance of the patients of the Cantonment Dispensaries and Maternity Hospitals of St. Thomas Mount and Pallavaram for the month Mar' 14, Apr'14, May & Jun'14 Sl. No Description Mar'14 No. of Patients Treated 1. 2. 3. Out Patient a) St. Thomas Mount b) Pallavaram Apr'14 Fees realized in Rs. No. of Patients Treated May'14 Fees realized in Rs. No. of Patients Treated June'14 Fees realized in Rs. No. of Patients Treated Fees realized in Rs. 1850 1422 1591 1198 1883 1458 2043 1592 1786 1320 1634 1198 1732 1263 1932 1488 In Patient a) St. Thomas Mount b) Pallavaram 1 4 220 650 1 1 130 130 2 2 390 260 3 2 470 430 Lab Cases a) St. Thomas Mount b) Pallavaram 246 178 10362 6014 240 200 9582 7408 262 213 10563 7387 313 270 11334 9005 In this connection relevant documents are placed on the table. RESOLUTION No.4: Considered, noted and approved. 5. POL ACCOUNT To consider and approve the POL accounts for the months from March to June 2014. Vehicle No. TN TN TN TN TN TN 22 22 22 22 22 22 AA 7449 AE 1775 AE 1776 BE 5468 BE 9514 AW6370 POL for the month ofMarch'2014 Petrol Diesel Engine Coolant Oil 1 100 2 120 200 1 400 3 500 2 178.50 1 Blue Cloth "' .. Break Oil Yz - - - - - 1 - TN 22 BK4737 TN 22 CB 6980 TN 22 BK4627 TN 22 CF 3210 Generator Fogging Machine Bush Cutter Vehicle No. TN 22 AA 7449 TN 22 AE 1775 TN 22 AE 1776 TN 22 BE 5468 TN 22 BE 9514 TN 22 AW6370 TN 22 BK4737 TN 22 CB 6980 TN 22 BK4627 TN 22 CF 3210 Generator Fogging Machine Bush Cutter Vehicle No. TN 22 AA 7449 TN 22 AE 1775 TN 22 AE 1776 TN 22 BE 5468 TN 22 BE 9514 TN 22 AW6370 TN 22 BK4737 TN 22 CB 6980 TN 22 BK4627 TN 22 CF 3210 TN 22 CP 9074 Generator Fogging Machine Bush Cutter - 11 10 - 200 400 300 211 - - - - - 2 1 1 - - - - - - - 440ml - - - - 55 1 - POL ~or th emon th 0 fA .pri'1'2014 Diesel Engine 20/40 Coolant Oil oil 75 3 300 1 100 500 1 2 500 100 1 397.02 1 400 1 400 2 206 1 1 25 30 ~ 440ml -- Petrol - - - - Blue Cloth - e- 9 10 Petrol - - - i _ 4 15 POL ~or th e mont h 0 fM avo '2014 Diesel Engine Coolant Oil 2 75 200 2 200 1 400 2 500 3 100 200 1 1 300 2 300 1 1 151 90.92 20 640ml - Break Oil - - 1 - - - - 2 - - - - Break Oil Blue Cloth 2 - - - Y4 1 - - - - - - -..;:,. - - .. - 2 - - Vehicle No. TN 22 AA 7449 TN 22 AE 1775 TN 22 AE 1776 TN 22 BE 5468 TN 22 BE 9514 TN 22 AW 6370 TN 22 BK 4737 TN 22 CB 6980 TN· 22 BK 4627 TN 22 CF 3210 TN 22 CP 9074 Generator Fogging Machine Bush Cutter Petrol - - 4 20 POL for the month of June' 2014 Coolant Diesel Engine Oil 2 75 300 8 200 300 1 400 2 200 1 200 400 2 300 1 288.01 1 1 92.61 20 840ml Blue Cloth 1 Break Oil - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - In this connection relevant documents are placed on the table. RESOLUTION No.5: Considered, noted and approved. 6. APPOINTMENT OF SMC TEACHERS To consider and approve the appointment of two Graduate teachers and one PET teacher on contract basis for SMC in Cantonment Board High School, Pallavaram. Relevant documents are placed on the table. RESOLUTION NO.6: Considered and approved. 7. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SMC MEETING OF CANTONMENT BOARD PRIMARY SCHOOL, ST.THOMAS MOUNT To note the proceedings of the SMC meeting of Cantonment Board Primary School, St.Thomas Mount held on 15-04-2014 (copy of the proceedings is enclosed as Annexure- I). .. RESOLUTION No.7: Considered, noted and approved. 8. SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION THROUGH VIRTUAL CLASSES IN CANTT. BOARD SCHOOL To consider and approve the introduction of the Supplementary education service for English language development through virtual classes in the Cantonment Board High Schools, St.Thomas Mount and Pallavaram as a proprietary service/product to be provided by M/s. Unbound Learning Networks, Hyderabad at the special discounted Govt. prices as detailed below:Spoken English (class 5 to 10): RsA,500/- per class/month Science Foundation (class 9 & 10): Rs.lO,OOO/-per class/month + applicable service tax under the enabling provisions of Section 62 (xix), 64(iv) read with Section 64(v) of Cantonments Act 2006 Along with a VSAT apparatus at a one-time expenditure of Rs.l.5 lakhs per school. Office Note: This service is intended to facilitate equal opportunity to the students of the Cantonment Board Schools, who are bright yet bereft of top quality teaching and learning material. This supplementary service focuses on developing the students' ability to read, write and speak fluent English by following phonetics based approach having predefined milestones with each module which gradually builds up a student's comfort level with all three aspects of language learning i.e. reading, writing and speaking. The teaching methodology includes, among other established pedagogic practices, extensive use of pictures, videos, role-plays, activities to engage with students in order to ensure better internalizing and retained learning. The salient features of the service include, among others: Virtual teaching: Virtual teaching classes at the rate of two sessions per class per week with a total of 120 sessions per annum aggregating to 600 total teaching sessions per annum. Appropriate budget provision will be made under budget head G 1(b) please, The CEOIF erozpur has also recommended the proposal. Relevant file along with concerned proposals, draft agreement etc. is placed on the table for consideration and approval. "' ... RESOLUTION No.8: Considered and approved. 9. DEFICIENCY OF SERVICE OF SECURITY AGENCY To note the notice of this office letter No.STMISANISecurity/653 dated 25-042014 issued to Mis. Indian Security Services for providing unsatisfactory services. Office report Mis. Indian Security Services, Chennai-103 has been rendering services to the Cantonment Board from 16-03-2014. One security guard posted at Cantonment Hospital, Pallavaram misbehaved on a particular date. Therefore a sum of RS.22,7851- (Rs. Twenty two thousand seven hundred and eighty five only), which is equalent to one month Amount for a location has been deducted as penalty. The notice and reply dated 29-42014 are placed on the table. The Board may note. RESOLUTION 10. No.9: Noted. RENEWAL OF LEASE FOR THE LAND BEARING GLRS NO. AT PALLAVARAM 388/432P To consider the application dated 6-11-2013 received from Sri. R. Tajudeen requesting the Board to renew the lease for further period of 30 years with effect from 2-12-2011 for the land bearing GLRS No.399/432P Cantonment Lease Land Pallavaram measuring an area of 396 sq.ft. In this connection the relevant file along with engineering section report is placed on the table. RESOLUTION No.1 0; Considered and approved. 11. RENEWAL OF LEASE FOR THE LAND BEARiNG GLRS NO. AT ST.THOMAS MOUNT 256176A To consider the application dated 23-06-2014 received from Mrs. Fli'1renceMohan rep. by St.Thomas Church requesting the Board to renew the lease for further period of 30 years with eiTect from 11-12-1991 for the land bearing GLRS No. 256176A Cantonment Lease Land St.Thomas Mount measuring an area of 400 sq.ft. In this connection the relevant file along with engineering section report is placed on the table. RESOLUTION NO.II; Considered and approved. 12. RENEWAL OF LEASE FOR THE LAND BEARlNG GLRS NO. 388/427 A AT PALLA VARAM To consider the application dated 26-12-2012 received from Sri. R. Azeemuddeen, S/o M.A. Rahim Sahib requesting the Board to mutate the leasehold rights from Sri. M.A: Rahim Sahib to his name and renew the lease for further period of 30 years with effect from 11-10-1993 for the land bearing GLRS No.388/427A Cantonment Lease Land Pallavaram measuring an area of 99 sq.ft. In this connection the relevant file along with engineering section report is placed on the table. RESOLUTION No.12; Considered and approved. 13. RENEWAL OF LEASE FOR THE LAND BEARlNG GLRS NO. 388/24A AT ST.THOMAS MOUNT To consider the application dated 20-1-2014 received from Sri. Gurram Naraiah requesting the Board to renew the lease for further .pericd of 30 years with effect from 17-11-1990 for the land bearing GLRS No. 388/24A Cantonment Lease Land St.Thomas Mount measuring an area of 2023 sq.ft. In this connection the relevant file along with engineering section report is placed on the table. RESOLUTION No.13; Considered and approved. 14. RENEWAL OF LEASE FOR THE LAND BEARING GLRS NO. 388/432RAT PALLAVARAM To consider the application dated 30-06-2014 received from Sri. P.T. Ramakrishnan requesting the Board to renew the lease for further period of 30 years with effect from 05-08-2014 for the land bearing GLRS No. 388/432R Cantonment Lease ". Land Pallavaram measuring an area of 966 sq.ft. In this connection the relevant file along with engineering section report is placed on the table. .. RESOLUTION No.14: Considered and approved. 15. BUILDING APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 235 OF THE CANTONMENTS ACT 2006. To consider the Building application dated 28-04-2014 received from Sri. K.B. Chhabria, Ms. Prema K. Chhabria, Ramchand B. Chhabria & Jyothi R. Chhabria, Plot No.22, D.No. 1I54-21A, I" Street, Sripuram Colony, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai-16 requesting permission for the proposed demolition and reconstruction of commercial building at D.No. 1I54-21A, I" Street, Sripuram Colony, St.Thomas Mount, on land bearing GLRS No. 215 part and R.S. No.427 part, classified as B2 land, situated outside bazaar area of St. Thomas Mount. The Engineering section has reported that no encroachment on Government Land is involved. As report of AE & JE, the building plan is in conformity with the building bye laws and FSI restrictions. The relevant file and office report are placed on the table. RESOLUTION No.15: Considered and approved. The Board resolved to sanction the building plan under section 234 of the Cantonments Act 2006 subject to conformity with the conditions under the section and bye-laws of the Cantomnent Board and without prejudice to the rights and interests of the Board to take action under other applicable provisions/ enactments. 16. BUILDING APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 235 OF THE CANTONMENTS ACT 2006. To consider the Building application dated 29-04-2014 received from Sri. Anthony Simiyon Raja, Plot no.55, Rudhra Road, St.Thomas Mount, Chennai-16 requesting permission for the proposed construction of residential building at D.No. 55, Rudhra Road, St.Thomas Mount, on land bearing GLRS No. 290 part and R.S. No.1946 part, classified as B2 land, situated outside bazaar area at St. Thomas Mount. The Engineering section has reported that no encroachment on Govermnent Land is involved. As report of AE & JE, the building plan is in conformity with the building bye laws and FSI restrictions. The relevant file and office report are placed on the table. RESOLUTION No.16: Considered and approved. The Board resolved-to sanction the building plan under section 234 of the Cantonments Act 200"6subject to conformity with the conditions under the section and bye-laws of the Cantonment Board and without prejudice to the rights and interests of the Board to take action under other applicable provisions/ enactments. 17. ISSUANCE OF TRADE LICENCES To consider and approve the trade licence application under section 277 of the Cantonments Act 2006. Relevant documents are placed on the same. RESOLUTION No.17: Considered and approved 6 nos. of trade licence application under section 277 of the Cantonments Act 2006. 18. AGENDA RESOLUTION BY CIRCULATION DATED 22-05-2014 To note the Agenda Resolution by circulation dated 22-05-2014 in connection with supply of Data Entry Operator on contract for the period 2014-2016. RESOLUTION No.18: Noted. 19. HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT - C&M WING-CHENNAI CIRCLE -CITY ROADS DIVISION - WIDENING OF GST ROAD KM 15/9 - 16/7 ALLENATION OF DEFENCE LAND To consider the letter received from the Principal Director, Southern Command, Pune vide Dte. DE SC, Pune letter No.204781DE/SCILIChennai/2014 dated 10.07.2014 directed us to forward the Board Resolution consideration for the proposal of the widening of the GST Road from Jain College Road to Range Road (left side of the GST Road towards Tambaram). It involves the crossing of Cantonments Roads of Kings Street, Queen Street and Station Road. The area of the C land involves is 62.245 sq.mts. The land bearing GLRS No.387/15 (part), classified as C land and under the management of Cantonment Board, situated outside civil area of Cantonment Pallavaram. The cost of the land is Rs.27,38,2451- as per the current STR. Hence the land may be handed over to the highways department for the said purpose through DEO, Madras Circle, Chennai on payment of Rs.27,38,245/- by the highways Department to this office. The relevant file and office report is placed on the table. RESOLUTION No.19: Considered and approved. Sd/-( Brig. Kulpreet Singh) President Cantonment Board Sd/-(S. Prabakaran) Member Secretary & Chief Executive Officer Dated: 11-07-2014 -/TRUE COPY/~ Office Superintendent Cantonment Board
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