Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordi nary Meeting held on 11104/20 15 at 11 00 hours in the Office of the Cantonment Board, Shillong. Members Present 1. Brig. Navjot Singh President 2. Sh. Parasmal Bothra Vice Pres id ent 3. Brig. M. K Garg SEMO 4. Col. S. Pandey Nominated Member 5. Col. P. Beniwal Nominated Member 6. Maj . Savya Sanchi Executive Engineer 7. Smti. A. Mawlong Additional Deputy Commissioner 8. Smti. Neelam Gurung Elected Member 9. Smti. Shaima Anjum Elected Member 10. Sh. Vikash Gupta Elected Member 11 Sh. Gaurav Tamang Elected Member 12 Dr. Md Meraj Khan Elected Member 13. Ms. L. Hrahsel Member Secretary Members Absent 1. Sh. Pradeep Rana Elected Member Special Invitees - Absent: I) Smt. Wansuk Syiem Hon'ble MP Rajya Sabha 2) Shri. Vincent. H. Pala Hon'ble MP Lok Sabha 3) Shri. Sanbor Shullai, Hon'ble MLA Meghalaya Legislative Assemb ly Before starting the Meeting Smti. A. Mawlong, Additional Deputy Commissioner took the Oath as per section 17 of the Cantonment Act, 2006. ~· President ~billon g Cantonment Board J~ 'Member Secretary Shillong Cantonment Board AGENDA 1. PROGRESS REPORT/APPROVAL OF ACTION TAKEN ON THE MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING HELD ON 20.2.2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Intimated to DG, DE, New Delhi. As per report of the Committee work order was placed but as per observation from office ofthe PO, DE, EC the order was subsequentl y cancell ed. Work order already placed. Agreement executed and work order has been issued for preparation ofDPR. Work orders were issued but cancel led due to the observation received from the office of the PO, DE, EC. Work order issued. Advertised in Newspaper for empanelment. Resolution No.1 Board noted the progress report on the Minutes of the Meeting held on 20.2.201 5. Spot Discussions. Before starting the meeting, President Cantonment Board discussed about the Spot Resolution No.7 adopted in the Board Meeting held on 20.2.2015. Col S Pandey, the Adm Comdt, Station Cell HQ 101 Area, brought to the attention of the President Cantonment Board, the contents of his letter No 5471/1/Q/Cantt Bd dated 01 Mar 2015, in which he had stated that his objections on the proposal to discontinue the services of CBLA, Mr SP Mahanta had not been recorded in the minutes of the previous board meeting and he had requested that discussion on the same is required to be carried out. The President Cantonment Board agreed to the same and also informed the members that he was also in receipt of an application from the CBLA to present his point of view before the board. The President Cantonment Board informed the board even the judiciary gives a condemned man, the right to express his point of view and as such, keeping in mind the principle of natural justice, the same must be allowed . Accordingly Mr SP Mahanta, CBLA was invited to the meeting to present his point of view before the board. Col S Pandey brought out that the allegation levelled against Mr SP Mahanta, that he had been dismissed from the post of the Additional Advocate General (AAG) by the Meghalaya Govt, was incorrect. He stated that the truth was that he had resigned voluntarily. Moreover, only an FIR had been lodged against Mr SP Mahanta and the charges leveled against him were yet to be proved. He fut1her stated that the law provides that an individual is innocent until proved guilty and as such the decision taken by the board to discontinue the services of Mr SP Mahanta and appoint a fresh CBLA needs to be reconsidered. Subsequently Mr SP Mahanta, CBLA accompanied by his associate Mr Anil Agarwal arrived and the CBLA was invited to present his point to view. The CBLA placed before the board, copies of Govt of Meghalaya letter No LJ (A)/21/71/359 dated 01 Apr 2011, which conveyed appreciation by Govt ofMeghalaya for the services rendered by him . It also confirmed that he had voluntarily resigned from the post of Additional Advocate General (AAG) and had not been dismissed by the Govt of Meghalaya, as had been incorrectly alleged. Mr SP Mahanta further clarified that again in May 2013 , he had resigned voluntarily from the post of Additional Advocate General (AAG) to the Govt of Meghalaya (which had been accepted) and he had never been dismissed. \~\t\\\~resident Sbnlong Cantonment Board Member Secretary Sbillon1 Cantonment Boarci Mr SP Mahanta, CBLA furth er informed the board that the charges/co mplaint/FIR lodged against him were baseless and had not been proved in the court of law. He had infact lodged a defamation suit claiming compensation of Rs 12 Crore from the individual and from the newspaper concerned, in which the said news had been published. The Pres ident Cantonment Board then as ked Smt Neelam Gurung, the Ward member who had moved the motion seekin g the removal of CBLA, as to whether she had anything to state on the subj ect or contest the statements made by Mr SP Mahanta. Smt Neelam Gurung had nothing to say and was unable to substantiate the all egation that had been made by her. She also apologized to the President Cantonment Board and to all members of the board for having misled to the board. Mrs Neelam Gurung also tendered her unconditional apology to Mr SP Mahanta. Col P Beniwal stated that action shou ld be taken against Smt Neelam Gurung for having misled the board and she shou ld be warned/censured for her indiscretion. The Commandant Military Hosp ital and SEMO agreed with the same as Mr SP Mahanta' s reputation had been unduly affected and the complete Cantonment Board was led to make an incorrect decision due to fa lse and uncorroborated inputs presented by one member of the board. The President Cantonment Board asked Sh SP Mahanta to accept the apo logy tendered by Smt Neelam Gurun g, for moving an agenda point (based on factually incorrect inputs) pertaining to removal of Sh SP Mahanta, CBLA from the post of Additional Advocate General (AAG) by the Govt of Meghalaya, on the matter of forgery of land documents and on the issue of charge sheet by the Meghalaya Police authority on the ground of cheating, land grabbing and forgery (none of which could be substantiated). Smt Neelam Gurung was also given the opportunity to produce the documents in support of the input given by her. She tendered her unconditional apology and expressed that since she was not aware of this discussion, she had no documents to produce. However she was given the opportunity to produce the necessary documents by 20.4.201 5 to President Cantonment Board. On being asked to present the progress of the cases pertaining to the Shillong Cantt Board, which had been handled by him, the CBLA presented the same to the board and placed on record the required details. He confirmed that out of total No of 201 cases , 139 cases had been disposed off and 40 were at an advanced stage of being finalized. Out of there 139 cases which had been disposed off, 121 had been decided in favour of the Cantt Board. Mr SP Mahanta further clarified that when he had been assigned to take over the cases and represent the Cantonment Board, there were no proper records pertaining to any case. He informed the board that he and his colleague Mr Anil Agarwal, had taken up the matter and had painstakingly built up the records over a period of time. The Chief Executive Officer informed the Board that Sh SP Mahanta vide his letter dated 23.2.2015 had earlier submitted his resignation from the post of CBLA, however the President Cantonment Board stated that in light of the sterling work done by the CBLA and keeping in mind his unblemished credentials, the same had not been accepted and the same was unanimously approved by the board. Though the engagement of lawyer as CBLA is at the discretion of the Board and there is no specified tenure for CBLA, yet the President Cantonment Board informed all members that, there should be sufficiently sound grounds, which could be substantiated, to merit removal of the CBLA. In the present content, as there were no grounds to merit such a step to be taken, hence the Cantonment Board had unanimously decided to continue to employ the services of Sh SP Mahanta as the CBLA pending the decision of the Board to empanel lawyers as put up in Agenda No.9 The President Cantonment Board then summed up the extensive deliberations that had taken place and asked all members of the board whether any one differed with the views put across by the Col P Beniwal and the SEMO and as to whether anyone could refute the facts that had been stated by the CBLA. All members unanimou sly supported the points put across by Col P Beniwal and the SEMO and agreed with the same. They were also unable to refute the points stated by the CBLA. Col S Pandey and GE Shillong Zone said that the spot resolution No . 7, passed in the previous board meeting needs to be amended in so far as the point regardin g removal of Mr SP Mahanta as the CBLA is~c~rned. · ~ ~.rrest"d If·~ en t ment Bo , J Shil , ong C an ton ·· Member Secretary S . hdlong Cantonment Board Spot Resolution No 1. The President Cantonment Board directed that in light of the unan imous approval by the board, the services of Mr SP Mahanta as CBLA be continued pending the decision of the Board regarding empanelment of lawyer as put up in Agenda No .9. He also req uested Mr SP Mahanta, CBLA to be grac ious enough and accept the apo logy tendered by Smt Neelam Gurung. The Presi dent Cantonment Board also stated that based on records placed before the board, the Cantonment Board is appreciative of the excellent work done by the CBLA in exped iting the speedy resolution of various court cases of the Cantonment Board Shillong. President Cantonment Board on behalf of all members of the Shillong Cantonment Board thanked Mr SP Mahanta, CBLA and hi s ass istant mr Ani I Agarwal, for the servi ces rendered by them. The President Cantonment Board also advi sed all members to be completely certain of the authenticity of the facts before presenting an y agenda point to the board for di scussion. He reminded all members that they had sworn allegiance to the constitution of India and their conduct whil e performin g the duties of the members of the Shillong Cantonment Board must not only be above board, but should be seen to be above board. The President Cantonment Board told Smt Neelam Gurun g to submit a written application giving reasons as to why she had misled the board, by 20.4.201 5. ~ Member Secretary Sbillong Cantonment Board President . ent Board 5 hi\1ong Cantonm 2. MONTHLY STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS To consider and approve the statement of accounts of receipts and expenditure for the following months July 2014 Opening Balance for the month of July 2014 Add Co ll ection of revenue made during July 2014 Add Deposit: Total Less Expenditure during July 2014 Less refund Balance of Service Charges Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs 35240357.16 3053036.25 42523224.00 80816617.41 4163571.00 43441439.00 33211607.41 Rs 82568901.00 August 2014 Opening Balance for the month of August 2014 Add Col lection of revenue made during August 2014 Add Deposit: Total Less Expenditure during August 2014 Less refund Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs 332 11 607.41 2982304.00 40086265 .00 76280176.41 2536924.00 115895.00 736273 57.41 September 2014 Opening Balance for the month of September 201 4 Add Collecti on of revenue made during September 2014 Add Deposit: Total Less Expenditure during September 20 14 Less refund Balance of Service Charges Rs Rs Rs 73627357.41 54 1793.00 530587.00 74699737.41 2697007.00 40252586. 00 317501 44.4 1 Rs 82568901 .00 Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs 3 1750144.4 1 3005906.00 40006000.00 74762050.41 5192088.00 40000000.00 29569962.41 Rs 8256890 1. 00 Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs 29569962.41 61725894.00 53582.00 91349438.41 5832988.00 341556.00 85174894.41 Rs 82568901.00 Rs Rs Rs October 2014 Opening Balance for the month of October 2014 Add Collection of revenue made during October 2014 Add Deposit: Total Less Expenditure during October 2014 Less refund Balance of Service Charges November 2014 Opening Balance for the month ofNovember 2014 Add Collection of revenue made during November 2014 Add Deposit: Total Less Expenditure during November 2014 Less refund Balance of Service Charges December 2014 Opening Balance for the month of December 2014 . Add Collection of revenue made during December 2014 Add Deposit: Total Less Expenditure during December 2014 Less refund 85174894.41 2428576.00 30136418.00 117739888.41 9046693.00 Rs Rs 100178000.00 8515195.41 Rs Balance of Service Charges Rs Rs Rs Rs 82568901.00 January 2015 Opening Balance for the month of January 2015 Add Collection of revenue made during January 2015 Add Deposit: Total Less Expenditure during January 2015 Less refund Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs 8515195.00 315001.00 12000.00 8842196.41 2846084.17 4000.00 5992112.24 ~ 82568901.00 if< President Shntong Cantonment Board Member Secretary Shillong Cantonment Board February 2015 Opening Balance for the month of February 2015 Add Collection of revenue made during February 2015 Add Deposit: Total Less Expenditure during February 201 5 Less refund Balance of Service Charges Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs 5992112.24 9332245.00 3000.00 15327357.24 6454752.48 10000.00 8862604.76 Rs 82568901.00 Resolution No.2. As desired by Adm Comdt. the Chief Executive Officer explained how the service charges are received and how the balance is accumulated. The Adm Comdt suggested that a presentation should be given before the Board about the so urces of revenue and what are the fixed receipts and what are fluctuating receipts. However while the monthly accounts placed before the Board from July, 2014 to February, 2015 are approved, the Adm. Comdt. also pointed out the need to place the Account for March, 2015 in the next Board meeting. -~ J - ~hi\,M CS Member Secretary Shillong Cantoumeut Board }'resident C ntonment Bo:nd a 3. ENHANCEMENT OF DEARNESS ALLOWANCE. To consider and approve the payment of enhance DA to the Cantonment Fund Servants and reliefto pensioners/Family Pensioner w.e.f 1/7/2014@ 6% raising the DA from 89%-95% declared by the State govt. of Meghalaya, Finance (Pay Revision) Department vide letter No. F(PR)47/2009/Pt.I/61 dt 15.10.2014. As per clause 14 of the Memorandum o'f Settlement arrived at between the Cantonment Boards and their workmen, the Cantonment Fund Employees are eligible to be paid DA at the same rate and under the same terms and conditions as declared by the State Govt. in respect of their employees. The pensioners/Family pensioners are also to be paid the relief as per the State Govt. in accordance with the existing orders. As per the revised rate an additional expenditure for payment of DA per month is Rs.55399. 00 and Rs.664790.00 per annum . Arrears payable for the period w.e.f 1.7.2014 to 28.2.2015 works out to Rs.469893.00 for the employees. Further, an amount of Rs, 13368.00 is the arrears which has to be deposited towards the NPS subscription of some of the employees. With respect to the pensioners/ family pensioners an additional expenditure ofRs. 19640.00 per month and Rs . 235675.00 per annum. The arrears w.e.fworks out to Rs.154912.00 A proposal of obtaining necessary sanction of the GOC-in-C Eastern Command , Ko lkata under rule 19 (b) of the Cantonment Accounts Code 1924 for payment and incurring additional expenditure towards payment of DA to the emp loyee and pensioners/family pensioners of Shillong Cantt. Board may be submi tted. Relevant Paper are placed on the tab le for consideration of the Board. Resolution No.3. Considered and approved. Proposal be subm itted to GOC-i n-C, Eastern Command, Kolkata for sanction. ~ t;bi\\ong Canto Member Secretary Shitlong Cantoument Boa ·d nxnent Boa.r d 4. IMPLEMENTATION OF ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION SCHEME. To consider and approve the implementation of Assured Career Progression Scheme. The Finance (Pay Revision) Department of the Government of Meghalaya has vide its letter No. F(PR) -76/2009/54 dt 22.2.2010 issued an Office Memorandum wherein the Fourth Meghalaya Pay Commission in is its report has recommended introduction of a new scheme to deal with the problem of genuine stagnation and hardship faced by the employees due to lack of adequate promotional avenues especially those belonging to services or holding post generally classified as common categories and isolated posts. As per recommendations career progression , benefits wi ll be avai lab le to a government employee who stagnate in service for a continuous and specified period of time in the form of financ ial upgradations to be allowed twice in his/her service career subject to fulfillment of certain conditions. There are two financial upgradations in the scheme counted from the direct entry of a government employee into regular service on completion of 12 and 24 years of service respectively. The first financial upgradation shall be allowed in the next higher scale of pay after an emp loyee has completed 12 years of regular services in a scale of pay and the second up gradation after 12 year of regular service from the date of first financial upgradation. The Scheme is effective from 22.2.2010. As per clause 18 of the Memorandum of Settlement arrived at between the Cantonment Board and their workmen on 13 111 May, 1969, wherever any State Government carries out any general revision of Pay Scale of their employees a similar revision will be undertaken by the GOC-in-C, the Command on the basis of equals posts mentioned in Column 5 of the Schedule. Preposition Statement showing financial implementation is placed on the table. Approximately Rs 70 Lakhs will be required for payment which can be met out of the Cantonment Fund . Necessary provi sion will be made in the Revised Budget estimate for 2015-16 . The GOC-in-C, Eastern Command may be requested for sanction of pay scale applicable under ACP A proposal of obtaining necessary sanction of the GOC-in-C Eastern Command, Ko lkata under ru le 19 (b) of the Cantonment Acco unts Code 1924 for implementation of ACP and incurring additional expenditure towards payment of arrears to the emp lo yee and pensioners/family pensioners of Shillong Cantt. Board may be submitted. A ll re levant papers are placed before the board for consideration . Resolution No.4 Cons idered and approved. Proposal be submitted to GOC-in-C. Before submitting the proposal Chi ef Executive Officer and the concerned staff shall check the eligibility of employees who will be benefitt un der thi s scheme. Member Secretary Shillong Cantonment Board President ment Board lhU1ong Canton 5. IMPLEMENTATION OF E-PROCUREMENT Referen ce DGDE letter No 83/62/e-publishin g/DGDE/Coord dt 24th Dec 2014 The DGDE vide letter under reference has directed a ll offices w ithin the Defence Estates organisation including Cantonment Boards to impl ement th ee-procurement system in accordance w ith the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Procurement policy Divi sion OM No I 0/3/201 2PPC dt 9th Jan 2014. As per the DOE instructions all tend ers havin g value of Rs 5 lakh w .e.f 1.4.201 5 has to be processed through e-procurement by using the Central Publi c Procurement Portal (CPP) . Relevant fil e is placed on the tabl e for consideration . Resolution No.5. . Board noted the instructions issued by DG, DE, N ew De lhi letter dated-24.1 2.20 14 Member Secretary Shi11ong Cantonment Board 6. MUTATION IN LEASE HOLD RIGHTS OF HOLDING NO. 9A JB SY. NO. 135/11 To consider and approve the mutation of the lease ho ld ri ghts of Holding No . 9A JB w ithin the notified Civil Area of Shillong Cantonment. T he lease is renew upto 3 1.03.2019. The lease hold rights is held by Babur Bah adur Rana Shri. Sanj ay Rana vide his letter dated-23.4.20 14 informed this office that his father Babur Bahadur Rana exp ired on 30.12.20 13 for which he has submitted the attested copy of Death certificate issued by Shillong Municipal Board. He has also submitted the legal heir certificate through an Affidavit and Indem nity Bond and requested to mutate the said ho lding in his name. Thi s office publi shed Public Notice vide letter No. 04EC/CB/SHG/LAND/9AJB/135-11/DE, dated- 16.5.2014 inv iting obj ection with in 30 days if any to the proposed mutation. The said publi c noti ce was publi shed in the Shillong times on 17.5 .201 4 alongwith other Notice Boards. No obj ection was rece ived to the proposed mutation from anyone till date. Relevant fil e is put up fo r consideration and approval of mutation. Resolution No. 6 ered the mutation in respect of Holdin g No. 9A JB , Sy. No . 135/11 is approved by the majority. P resident ment Board Shil1ong Canton 7.MUTATION OF LEASE HODL RIGHTS OF HOLDING NO. 31JB SY NO. 135/81, SHILLONG CANTONMENT To consider the question of mutation of lease hold rights in respect of Holding No. 31JB Sy. No. 135/81 within the notified Civil Area of Shillong Cantonment. Smti. Monika Subba vide her letter dated-9.12.20 13 informed the office that her husband Shri. Basu Dev Subba one of the Co-lessee of Holding No. 31Jb expired on 19.7.2013 and requested to mutate the lease hold rights in the names of tHree legal heirs from that of her husband (L) Basu Dev Subba. She had submitted the legal heir certificate through an Affidavit together with the Indemnity Bond. Public Notice vide letter No. 04EC/CB/SHG/LAND/31JB/135-81/DE, dated- 10.02.2014 was published in Shillong Times on 11.2.2014 along with other Notice Boards inviting objection within 30 days if any to the proposed mutation along with other Co-lessees but no objection is received from any one till date Relevant file is put up for consideration and approval. Resolution No.7 Considered the mutation m respect of Holding No . 31JB, Sy. No. 13 5/81 is approved by majority. ~ ~ Sb1l1ong Cantonment Board r:f~ Member Secretary Sbillong CantoQment BoarD 8.MUTATION IN RESPECT OF HOLDING NO. 28A JB SY. N0.135/68 To consider and approve the lease hold rights of holding No. 28A JB the lease hold rights is held by Sh. Mohan Pradhan lessee of Holding No. 28A JB Mohan Pradhan has gifted the lease hold rights of Holding No. 28A JB in the name of Smti. Sona Devi. Sona Devi wife of Sh. Ramji Prasad vide her letter dated-3 1.8.2013 has submitted a gift deed duly approved by this office and registered with the Sub-Registrar, Shillong on I0. 5.20I 3 This office published public Notice vide letter NO. 04/EC/CB/SHG/LAND/28AJBII 35-68/DE, dated-28 .11.20 I 3 inviting objection within 30 days if any to the proposed mutation whi ch was publi shed in Meghalaya guardian on I4.12.2013 . No objection was received to the proposed mutation from anyone till date. Relevant file is put up for consideration. Resolution No. 8 Before discussion on the Agenda Sh. Vikash Gupta, Elected Member took the permission for not participating in the discussion since the mutation to be done is in his mother's name. The Board approved th ~on of Holding No. 28A JB, Sy. No. 135/68 ~~ Sh"n'ong Cantonrn Member Secretary Shi11ong Cantonment Boa rd ent Board 9.EMPANELMENT OF LA WYERS TO SHILLONG CANTONMENT BOARD Reference Resolution No.7 dated-20.2.2015 This office vide letter No. 04EC/CB/SHG/GEN/ADMIN/CLA/DE, dated-23.2.20I5 has advertised in Newspaper for empanelment of Lawyers having more than I 0 years experience. In response I 7 application was received. The relevant file is place on the table for consideration. Resolution No. 9 Deferred to be discussed in the next Board Meeting. Metnber Secretary Shillons Cantonment Board 10. SHILLONG CANTONMENT BOARD VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE: FIXING OF RENT Reference CBR No.9 dated 25. 08 .2014. Meghalaya Poorva Sainik Seva Parishad formerly known as Cantonment Ex-Servicemen Resettlement Association handed over the phys ical possession of the existi ng property to Shillong Cantonment Board on 2/04/20 13 The Board vide CBR under reference have resolved that the existing RCC structure from where the Meghalaya Poorva Sainik Seva Parishad in running their office be levied a minimum rent of Rs. 2,5 00/- (lumpsum) per month for the period of 6 months only and the same may be reviewed/ renewed at the option of the Cantonment Board. Accordingly this office issued a letter vide No.04/EC/CB/SHG/REV/SCVTC/DE dated 11111/2014 to the Meghalaya Poorva Sainik Seva Parishad to comply with the Board decision. The Meghalaya Poorva Sainik Seva Parishad vide their letter No. MPSSP/CE0/2014 dated 1311112 104 have requested CEO to fix the rent at Rs. 400/- to Rs. 500/- per month being a non earni ng organization. Again this office vide letter No.04/EC/CB/SHG/REV/SCVTC/DE dated 20/01/201 5 have issued a letter to MPSSP to comply with the decision of the Board under reference and the Meghalaya Poorva Saink Seva Pari shad vide their letter No. MPSSP/CE0/20 15 dated 22/01/201 5 have further requested the CEO to increase the agreement period from to 5 years instead of 6 months. Further, PCB vide spot discussion in Board meeting held on 18/02/2015 have delegated certain responsibilities to the newly elected members and in which Sh. Pradeep Kr Rana, Elected Member from Ward No. VI has been given the responsibility to ensure timely payment of rental (including arrears) by the present occupants of SCBVTC. On 28/021105 the Meghalaya Poorva Sainik Seva Parish ad held a meeting with Sh. Pradeep Kr. Rana, Elected Member of the Board on the issue of amount of rent to be paid to Cantonment Board Shillong and they have resolved to pay Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand) only, per month with an agreement of 5 years which was informed to this office vide their letter No .MPSSP/CEO/RENT/2015 dated 04/03/2015. In view of the above, the matter is put up before the Board to fix/ revise the rent and the date from which the rent is to be collected alongwith tenure of agreement. Relevant file is put up on the table. Resolution No. 10 Considered. Rent @ Rs 1000/- per month be fixed and an agreement be executed for 11 (eleven) months having a clause for renewal every after 11 (eleven) months at the option ofthe Board. President Sli\Hong Canton ment Boar d 11. IMPLEMENTATION OF DRDO TOILETS/ECO-FRIENDL Y TOILETS Reference this office letter dated -9.2.20 15 and letter dated - 17.6.20 15 received from Vice President of Cantonment Board, S hillon g To consider the question of impl ementation of DRDO To il ets/Eco-friend ly toilets to improve the public health and sanitation within th e S hillong Cantonm ent area, in this connection the five year plan submitted to th e office of th e PD, DE, EC, Kolkata as a part of Swachh Bharat Campai g n IS placed on the tabl e . All relevant papers are placed before the board for consideration. Resolution No.ll Approved in principle. The details of the project be placed in the next Board Meeting. cf~ president ~bU'o1lB Canton ment Boar Member Secretary Shillons Cantonment Board d 12. FIXING OF HIRING CHARGE FOR CANTONMENT BOARD COMMUNITY HALL, JHALUPARA '· It is submitted that the upper floor of the Cantt. Board Community Hall at Jhalupara was inaugurated on 28.08.2014 by PCB, Shillong Cantt. The community hall was constructed with the intention of providing the basic requirement for the residents of the Cantonment like social functions, shrad, marriage and other various funct ions. However to maintain the hygiene, sanitation and upkeep of the community hall a minimum hiring charge alongwith security deposit has to be fixed for hiring the community hall. At present the following rates are fixed by this office for hiring the Cantt. Board Community Hall, Jhalupara for various functions: SI.No. Purpose Hiring charge not refundable Ground floor 1. 2. 3. 4. Shrad or death ceremony Social/ Religious functions of a community organized by resident within Cantt. Area Marriage and other private function by residents of Cantt. Area Marriage and other private function by residents of outside Cantt. Area First F loor Security Deposit Ground floor First Floor Total Free Free Rs. 2000/- Rs. 3000/- Rs. 5000/- Rs. 1000/- Rs. 2000 Rs. 2000/- Rs. 3000/- Rs. 8000/- Rs. 3000/- Rs. 7000/- Rs. 3000/- Rs. 5000/- Rs. 18000/- Rs. 3000/- Rs. 9000/- Rs . 3000/- Rs. 5000/- Rs. 20000/- The Elected Members have requested PCB and CEO to reduce the hiring charge for both ground and firsts floor of the Comm unity hall so as to enable the less privil eged residents ofShill ong Cantonment to hire the community hall at a lower rate. In view of the above, matter is put up before the Board for cons ideration. Resolution No.12 The President Cantonment Board and the Chief Executive Officer inform all the Members that the rates were reasonable and even with the present rates, there was a long waiting li st for booking the Hall. The President Cantonment Board in full however advised all members that nothing is free and cautioned them against adopting populist measures which are not financially viable or sustainable. However accepting the request from various Ward Members, few changes were acception as an exception. Considered and resolved that the hiring charges for marriage and other private function (a) By the residents of Cantonment Area be revised as follows :- (i) (ii) (b) - Rs 2000/Rs 5000/- By residents of outside Cantonment Area be revised as follows: - (i) (ii) (c) Ground Floor First Floor Ground F loor F irst F loor - Rs 5000/Rs 10,000/- And th~y shall rema;n ;n force. President ent Board Shillong Cantonro Member Secretary Shillong Cantonment Board 13. UPGRADATION OF THE SHILLONG CANTONMENT BOARD JEEVAN RAM GOENKA GENERAL HOSPITAL To consider few points brought out by the Vice President of the Cantonment Board with regards to the upgradation of the Cantonment Board Jeevan Ram Goenka Hospital. a). APPOINTMENT OF SPECIALIST. It is submitted that the Board vide CBR No.4 dt 19.11.2013 had resolved to engage specialists on contract basis in the JRG Hospital. Advertisement was floated for engagement of specialists such as Gynaecologist, Radiologist, medical speciali st with MD (medicine)/ MD (Community Medicine) etc with a remuneration of Rs. 20,700, Rs. 20,600 and Rs. 20,700 respectively but no applications were received for the above post. Therefore, the members through the Vice President has proposed that special ist may be engaged on contractual basis with a remuneration of Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 80,000 p.m. Further, if any specialists are engaged they wi ll not be under theRMO since they will be higher in rank to him . b). CONSTITUTION OF A HOSPITAL MANANGEMENT COMMITTEE. The members have proposed that a hosp ital management committee may be constituted In order to improve the functioning of the hosp ital. The comm ittee wi ll constitute of a Chairman and few members and will be responsible for the all round improvement of the hospital. c). TIMINGS OF THE HOSPITAL Presently the timing of the hospital is from 9 a. m to 1 p.m. however, the members felt that the timings ofthe hospital should be extended with two hours break. The suggested timings ofthe hospital is 9 a. m to 1 p. m and 3 p. m to 6 p. m. this will benefits the residents of the Cantonment as well as the employees of the board and wi ll improve the functionin g of the hospital. d). PURCHASE OF NEW X-RAY MACHINE AND ANALYSER The Vice President has requested for the purchase of an X-ray machine and an Analyzer machine. In this connection it is submitted that the JRG hospital is having one small X-ray machine. To procure the big machine provisions was made in Revised Budget for the year 2014-15 but due to the instruction received from the DG,DE, New Delhi for implementation of e- procurement the same cou ld not be purchased during the year. Hence to consider the request for procurement of X-ray machine through e- procurement as per the specification decided by the board Resolution No.13 Considered and resolved as follows:(a) The Specialist be engaged on Contract basis with a remuneration of Rs 40,000/- with a Nurse and an Attendant @ Rs 6000/- and Rs 4000/- respectively. The Advertisement be floated in the Newspaper. (b) The Hospital Management Committee be constituted with the following members who shall improve the functioning of the Cantonment Board Hospital (c) (i) Brig. M. K. Garg, SEMO Chairman (ii) Dr. M. Khan , Elected Member Member Secretary (iii) Smti. Shaima Anjum, Elected Member Member The timing of the Cantonment Board Hospital staff shall be 9 A.M to 1 P.M and for the Specialist from 1 P.M to 4 P.M if~ Member Secretary Sbitlong Cantonment Boar4 President Shillong Cantonment Board (d) Procurement agued to in principle. The technical specifications of the same to be prepared by the Hospita l Management Comm itted (HMC) constituted at para 13 (b) above and the procurement be carried out thro ugh £-procurement. (e) The Mem ber Secretary of the Hospital Management Committee (HMC) to subm it the recommendation s/suggestions to the President Canto nment Board and to the Chief Executive officer 111 by 28 April , 201 5. Member Secretary Shillong Cantonment Board 14.MUTATION OF BUNGALOW No. 33 Sy. No. 32, SHILLONG CANTONMENT Sh. Narayan Prasad Jhunjhunwala and Krishan Kumar JhunJhunwala had given Notice U/s 235 of the Cantonment Act 2006 vide Notice Dt 10-02-2015 and accordingly, this office vide letter No. SHG/7 /B.NO. 33/3216 dt 18-2-2015 had forwarded the said Notice to Defence Estate Officer, Guwahati Circle for ascertaining whether there is any objection on the part of Government to such erection or re-erection of building u/s 238(3) of the Cantonment Act 2006 with a request to forward a copy of site plan and a GLR extract of Bungalow No. 33 , Sy. No. 32, Shillong Cantonment for taking further necessary action. The Defence Estate Officer, Guwahati Circle vide letter No. AS/1321 /HRG/SUIT/84 Dt. 10-32015 has informed that the lessee of the said Bungalow is supposed to maintain the authorized dwelling House, Servant Quarter and Kitchen jn a habitable condition in terms of clause (7) of lease agreement and as such, question ofNOC I Permission for repairs/ renovation does not arise during the terms of lease granted without making any change within the authorized Plinth Area. In this connection, a photocopy of site plan and building plan of the Bungalow, wherein NOC had been issued by the MEO, Bengal circle, a copy of GLR extract and a photocopy of lease deed executed on 08-09-1936 in schedule VI of CLAR has been forwarded by Defence Estate Officer, Guwahati vide above quoted letter. Hence, to consider and note the mutation effected by the office of Defence Estate Officer in the name of Sh. Narayan Prasad Jhunjhunwala and Sh. Krishan Kumar Jhunjhunwala in respect of Bungalow No. 33 , Sy. No. 32 to make updation of Tax Register of this office and to dispose off the building plan submitted by the lessee of the Bungalow Relevant file is placed on the table I Resolution No. 14 While discuss ing the Agenda the Adm Comdt brough t out before the Board that there was a proposa l for resump tion ofthe subj ect Bungal ow hence the land in questio n was require d by the Army. He request ed that the status of resump tion proceed ing of the said Bungal ow be ascerta ined from the Defenc e Estate Officer , Guwah ati Circle since the records are maintai ned by the Defenc e Estate Officer , Guwah ati Circle. He has also propose d to seek lega l opinion in terms of lease conditi ons, particu larly c lause 7 ofthe lease agreem ent of Bungalow No. 33, Sy. NO. 32. Board resolve d that the Defenc e Estate Officer , Guwah ati Circle be asked to furnish the above informa tion for conside ration of the Board. Decisio n in th is matter to be taken only if the said premise s are not require d y the armed forces. Member Secretary Shillong Cantonment Board presiden t d nroent Boar Sn'lnong Canto 15. ALLOT MENT OF LAND FOR CONST RUCTI ON OF COMM UNITY HALL AT CANTO NMEN T BAZAR . Sh. Paras mal Bothra vide his letter dt 17-3-201 5 has requested to put the matter for all otment of land for construc tion of Commu nity Hall at Cantonm ent Bazar. In this connect ion, it is to mention that the followin g pockets of land classifie d as "C" have been vested to the Board for Municip al purpose s and the vacant land classifie d as B-4 has been placed under the manage ment of Cantonm ent Board. Sl. No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SI. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sy. No. 15-10-1 15- 11 15- 13 15-18 15-2 15-26 15-32 15-4 Sy. No. Total( in Acres) B-4 15-10 15-29 15-5 15-68 15-69 15-79 15-87 15-88 Total J.4868 0.34 0.1287 0.15 0.4436 0.264 0. 1858 0.66 5.6589 3.4868 0.34 0.1287 0.15 0.4436 0. 264 0. 1858 0.66 5.6589 Total( in Acres) 0.0367 0.6841 0. 2783 0.042 0. 23 0.606 0.0854 0.0098 c 0.0367 0.6841 0. 2783 0.042 0.23 0.606 0.0854 0.0098 Purpos e Static Tank Cantonm ent Drain Latrine & Incinera tor Drain Passage All Cantt. road Passage & Drain Drain 15-41 15-49 15-50 15-52 15-6 15-69A 15-77 15-8 Total 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0.1004 0.036 5 0.0946 0.0395 0.326 0.067 0.09 0.020 1 2.7464 0.1004 0.0365 0.0946 0.0395 0.326 0.067 0.09 0.0201 2.7464 Roadside & Drain Drain Roadside & Drain Drain Bazar Drainage System Latrine and Incinerator Roadside Road side & Drain Hence to consider the iss ue of allotment of land fo r construction of Community Hall at Cantonment Bazar R esolution No. 15 Considered and resolved that Smti. Neelam Gurung, E lected Member, SE and GE shall in spect the site bearing Sy. No. 15/6, 15/5 and submit their report regardin g the feasibility and requirement of Community Hall in the said Sy. Nos. The report be submitted to the President Cantonment Board and to the Chief Executive Officer by 25 111 April , 201 5 and the same to be subsequentl y be placed befo re the Board for nsideration. ~ cJ ~ d 'Metnber Secretary Shiltong Cantonment Board ent Boar Shi\long CantonUl 16. PUBLIC WATER TAP NEAR HOLDING NO. 49 CB AT CANTONMENT BAZAR Smt. Neelam Gurung, Elected Member, Ward III has been requesting to provide 2 No ' s of Public water tap near Holding No. 49 CB. The area around Holding N. 48 , 49 and 15 CB is densely populated area and there exists only one public water tap. Which is not sufficient and the residents are facing acute water crisis. Hence to consider and approve to provide 2 Nos of additional Public water tap at the existing location . · Resolution No. 16 Considered and approved . Chief Executive Officer is authorized to incur necessary expenditure. \ ~ Ulent Boar d Shil\ong Canton M ember Secre tary Shillong Canto nme nt Boa rd 17.LAYING OF WATER SUPPLY DISTRIBUTION LINE AT JHALUPARA BAZAR. The existing water supp ly distribution line starting from the M.S Tank near Holding No. 9JB is d istributing water to Ho ld ing No . 12, 12A, 13, 13A, 17, 23 , 20, Cantt Board Quarter, 7,8, 11, 11A, 9, 9A, 2,3,4,5, 6Jb and 58 and 59CB. However, it has been experienced that there is low pressure in the line supplying water to 17, 23,20, 13, 12, 12A JB which has hampered equal di stribution of Water. A separate sub line of 50 mm bore if laid will improve the di stribution system. The approximate expenditure wi ll be Rs 60,000/- approx imately. Hence to consider and approve the work Resolution No. 17 Considered and approved. Work be executed. \~ Sbillong Canton JDCDt Boar d Member Secretary Sbillong Cantonment Board 18.JUDGEMENT AND ORDER PASSED IN WP ©OF 2012 SMTI. KULWANT TAGORE, EX-SANITARY JAMADAR VRS CANTONMENT BOARD SHILLONG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND T.ROY, ADM COMDT. Reference CBR No.8 dated-23.5 .2014 Smti. Ku lwant Tagore, Ex-Sanitary Jamadar vide her letter dated-20.8.2014 has enquired as to how her suspension period is to treated which was not decided by the Board in its earlier resolution and to release her pensionery benefits. The relevant papers are placed on the table for con sideration. Resolution No. 18 Deferred. The concern ed staff to put up full detail s of the case with regard to eligibility of pensionery benefits, treatment of her suspension period and the outstanding dues to be recovered fo r furth er consideration of the Board. The President Cantonment Board also directed that the detail s ofthe commitments given by the individual regarding vacating the Govt. qu arter allotted to her and not yet vacated by her should also be placed before the Board . Thi s should also including detail s of Gratuity, Prov ident Fund, re leased to her for renting/purchas ing a house. These details will enabl e the Board to arrive at a conscious decision, safeguardin g the interests of the Government. Member Secretary Sbillong Cantonment Board.
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