ANASPED federazione nazionale spedizionieri doganali

federazione nazionale
spedizionieri doganali
ANASPED is the Italian Federation of the territorial
associations of Custom Brokers. It is the only Federation
representing the Italian Cusom Brokers. An assembly with a
President and two Vice-presidents together with a Secretary
which represent the Federation.The Executive Board
carries out the organisation, execution and control of the
Assembly decision. The Executive Board is made by 13
members and nominates a President of the board, two
vice-presidents a Secretary and a Treasurer. Each territorial
association is represented in the Executive Board.
The most importatnt scopes and purposes of the Federation are:
To represent the Custom Brokers with the National authorities
,boards and public and private organisations or associations;to study
and to solve the problems connected with the profession of CB
b) to valorize the functions and professional operation of the CB
promoting the proper juridical position and to realize the order and
rules of the profession
c) to promote and to maintain national and international connections
with Offices , Boards or Associations directly or indirectly connected
with the interests of CB
To indicate the representatives of the Federation in any of the
National Offices, Boards or Organisations where the CB must be
represented as per Law or as per Regulations provided
To exercise any and whatsoever function required by laws,
regulations or disposition of competent Authorities
The profession of Customs Broker in Italy is regulated
by the Law no. 1612 dated 22.12.1960 and further
modifications or integrations, it is recognised as
Professional Rank, which name is Consiglio Nazionale
degli Spedizionieri Doganali, which takes care of the CB’s
training and education together with their social
ANASPED is a Member of
National Strategy
improve the members ,looking at the young CB;
-To hold the Official list of the CB;
-To find new possibilities of work as per the provisions of the Law no.
213 providing services to Nation,Regions,Provinces ,Municipalities and
local boards;
-The application of laws,rules and regulations in the same way all over
the National territory;
-To activate a Single Window in order to speed up and simplify the
Customs preocedures avoiding fragmentation and bureaucracy imposed
by the various Authorities involved in Customs operations;
-To modernise the system of economic sanctions against the CB
-To activate a project for a software for checking customs declarations in
order to avoid sanctions;
European Strategy
Though the European Association CON FI AD
to obtain :
Com m on standards for Custom s
Representatives that valorize the profession;
To obtain the standardisation of custom s
controls in Europe in order to avoid traffic
A Single European database for the
centralised custom s clearance
The UE harm onization for VAT and sanctions;
The status of AEO for the a custom s
representative holding the required
standards of Custom s com petence
• Pan-European Federation of Customs Brokers and
Customs Representatives
• Founded in 1982
• 20 000 companies (mainly small & medium size
enterprises) employing about 25 000 workers
• 7 members: Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Poland,
Portugal, Ukraine
• Based in Brussels, Belgium, close to the EU Institutions
CONFIAD objectives:
• Represents its members to the EU Institutions
• Represents its members to other public and
private administrations and organisations
• Inform and advice its members about customs
Examples of latest CONFIAD
interventions to the EU:
• Union Customs Code:
– Introduction of the CEN Standards of competence
for customs representatives
• Blue Belt initiative
Union Customs Code: state of play
• 20 Febraury 2012: COM(2012) 64 Final, Proposal for a Regulation laying
down the Union Customs Code (UCC)
• 23 May 2013: COREPER agreement on final compromise text
• 29 May 2013: EP IMCO vote on final compromise text
• September 2013: Adoption by EP and Council
• October 2013: publication, entry into force & application of empowering and
final provisions
• 1 May 2016: application (30 months after entry into force)
Blue Belt Initiative
• Objective:
– Reduce costs for Short Sea Shipping
– harmonized and electronic Manifest (eManifest)
• The eManifest is used as a « Proof of Union
status » of the goods