TE i TM lid t WT [ / U.T. Administration Daman & Diu Secretariat Z1 Tf^T i i, N is / Official Language Department . 7,T' T I Daman - 396 220. Dated S/11/2014 No. OL. I(5)/Estt/ Part-5/2011-14/ 1S4ADVERTISEMENT Applications are invited for tilling up of the post of Junior Hindi Translator in the Official Language Department of the Administration of Daman & Diu as under: Sr.No Name of the No. of Educational Qualifications post and Pay I Posts Scale Junior Hindi Translator 02 (Two) P.B.-2 Rs.930034,800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4200. Group-B. \onGazctted. NonMinisterial. Age Limit Not exceeding 30 years. Relaxable by 05 years for Govt. Employees in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Govt. from time to time. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from the candidates in India (and not the closing date prescribed for those in Assam. Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur. Mizoram, Tripura. Nagaland, (ii) Recognized Diploma/Certificate course in Ladakh Sikkim, translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa Division of J & K state, OR two years experience of translation work Lahul and Spiti district from Hindi to English and vice-versa in any and Pangi sub division C:entralr'State Govt.! U.T. Administration Offices of Chamba district of including Govt. of India Institutions. Himachal Pradesh, DESIRABLE : Knowledge of Computer in both Andaman & Nicobar Hindi and English. Islands or Lads hadweep. Essential (i) Master's decree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a main subject at degree level : OR Master's degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as a main subject at degree level : OR Master's degree of a recognized University in any subject with Hindi as a medium of instruction and examination with English as a main subject at degree level : OR Master's degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi'English with Hindi;English medium and English/Hindi as compulsory! elective subject at degree level: OR Bachelor's degree of a recognized University with Hindi and English as main/elective subject or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as a main/elective subject. Reservation ST -1 (One) UR-I (One) The candidates should submit applications giving full details regarding Educational and other Qualifications, Date of Birth. Experience etc. accompanied with self attested copies of each certificate so as to reach the Office of the Assistant Director(OL), Rajbhasha Vibhag, Secretariat, Daman-396 220, within a period of 30 (Thirty) days from the date of publication of this advertisement. The candidates claiming to be ST shall be required to furnish a self attested copy of certificate issued by the Competent Authority that he ' she belongs to ST community alongwith his/her applications. Any Indian citizen can apply for the post. However, applicant having domicile of Daman and Diu shall be given weightage in accordance with O.M. No. 1-I-87-CS/PF!2823,dated 16/12/2013. subject to his/her producing Domicile Certificate issued by the Mamalatdar. Daman/Diu. Applications received in the prescribed proforma with re uisitc documents as stated above shall only be taken into consideration, if received within the stimulated time. No correspondence will be entertained as regards incomplete/time barred applications. Assistant Director (OL) To. National Informatics Centre, Secretariat. Daman for uploading in Daman The State Informatics Officer. Administration Website. TTET ' 3i i;UT tTa i d wu :r / U.T. Administration Daman & Diu TTj3ii T fdallai, ZT / Official Language Department , Secretariat i1JIM I Daman - 396 220. ---------------------------------- _________________________________________________________ Tr. ZT. 2Ti. 1(5 )/TIrrq-wri/-4m-5/2011-14/ t 3 - f zF : 0,5 / 11 /2014 f -qT w i Fu vtir aRT >'a tra usrr^Ta 2T T' T fdaTrdr al o tit 3 d-+ ZFT q& 3-ft a# f 1rr 3Tr a 3TrRfci f ;5 : qz^ EFT FIM qal 't na aava^ra Trrs^r ztt d 44 rrk 3TM a* Tt #r Tr 3M M ail Tl^ (i) 34^ar f Fft i i'-ci ft2 I # 30 3MaI f7t A c T 1 c ci 7 AT F 1 f c i - ` F ; c T qT 3it^ +Rcht M fc4V ,WIflfc Fbw fad Fq al Tf f er 3T1T91 f k,# 5R T m al tFiYw (vzF) RT i TAT^i f^`taf it # 3Tt A 1FciT FT4;7 i;dTU N T r-N T AT --^ TaT qT f o ,t FU4 f q^ r 3T ft a 3i1c,34 ^ Zr T>sl gt 3f 1 f i - c1TLTT-c f of zTrcau rt t 37-TT 3irzr Ti # f aft fir J 3Tt F / q 1T ZFT dT1t J3T 05 awl Z'r qT i t WVaft aat -1 02 (at) c -2 F .. 9300 - 34,800 + i :Fq 7 ` ^cTaf F..4200, a*-;U' 3RT7gftf' I J tw^t R1'^i c , c aft wa-. F cTz qT I 3TTzr #rdrr I rrr r 3 fr F;5 4 fir 3Tf 3T^7'dT f f1 f^f? EFT 3M-F PTa 3TZr f w T 1I d c car Pa Tare TaT qT rt t Ft / 3T t 3ifI"dl / r 4 ft 9W 4i FQ # 3Tf i 1 tft t (YTW, qr-a (VW) A f'lclfft?rrc / 3 7fl 3TWdT f fr iii 3Ta i 3ia f wz# zRr T e l er 3i'-TT T f i t JTTF-ZFir TTCa f2l3 # A U RR I, 3TTIIrr4c. T, f vCt 3P)-'3# 3lMC114/ d, 1 v1 Kris f lrii, Rfgr, aTarrc 5, zTT pa aril al ;ft zF4t VTw gNsT a+T Burr, upw Pa Ti a Yf^ J 3TftrzF a1Tt T AT 3T^ / Uf^Mb f'dgzt Fq wta#tr rT-'-w c Ttq 4 Tf I R cr, f ci gt3t t wo w va (ii) f # 3i" al Vid faA- : 3FTdT al / gw4TgT MXW f f VET arr q ft 39 Ftf^r fiT i t 3i2iar u / T T RTaIT / Rm u '3r if; Rte, 3iU-a1ra tTa 1 4raiT ahg ur M g -FT rl al, 21+ 3iF ci RTTci FTZF7 Eft #M t # 7il ai ft f c rq aft 3UT a A 1 cT gwqmwa I Lc r3TT g, f # 3i Aa TUr tTif f^- : 3C-tut 3Ti ar ZFT4 # 02 agl a+T 3TMTa et I 1I fi f^ C1 f c f 3Tf 3r CIMIT rr9 cT c 3M^ft 3f fE V;- 3T-W Zra 4i T, FWT fc , 3T d Yrt i]K x^ f ^fdruT Ff tF F 3ft u a i T II T g 5r l t Ta-9a-Il c c1 c T T i t R M $ R 1aaiga t T WRW r f^ft # 30 (t F) t;# * afraT Ri °F f 31ZF (U73TM), U 73TTW fi rM, RfZl cn mT, as yr - 396 220 k chizhqz4 al 3TgaT 3W4f 91 iT ftiff 131 c1 u i,z,zI1 1 apt 4+ l r 3Tc air r it + RRT R$i;f ATf +r t a^1Tr ft A3TTIIrv3r 'r Ta-wiffi3 i Af^r TJRT zF 1 3T t f it 3T cT ^a^rf^ R^aTZT ^t I 9. ;t 3 F4&w+ &;m yr tEr Pra 34 chi4ci-n 7oT # is W-1-1-87-rf Mw/tvT/2823. fiiF 16/12/2013 + c c t aTLaft 1 d IT f i g a a o r/ i f d c , m 3 P z $ f i wpw Tq-i u 1 3gT 3 zt 3r^iRrt _ zF^t aft aTT-itm aTaffzt, Y* q^ ta 3mctw AFT Rwi iT t I Yfi^fF-; - -AT T 31 qt fir aft f TT f ?TT TCTaTT I 3igIIt LTa f Jrf$cj u zt M-& ATLTf 3TTc Qft r rtr al gird aFT wwzffT Tarr fir Smarr I f It ri (T r3TT^r) 1. rrTar-fascia $; 3 ^RiFI Rf'^c^ I YM--wit, usOw mar-fires , Rf u, i^ EF' t R cht ti'R al 3Tgj ER APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR HINDI TRANSLATOR Union Territory Administration of Daman & Diu Official Language Department , Secretariat, Daman -396 220 Email : adoldaman -daman -ddia nic.in Paste recent self attested passport size photograph 1. Applicant's Name (in Block Letter) 2. Father's Name (in Block Letter) 3. Residential Address 4. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) 5. Gender 6. Whether SC/ST/OBC/PH -^ n,.,,,; ro : DAMAN / Dll l / OTI IER ( as appropriate) S. Educational Qualification Sr. No. Board / University Year of Passing Percentage 9. Information / documents regarding Educational and other Qualifications : (if enclosed) i. Master's degree of a recognized university in Hindi with English as a main subject at degree level OR Master's degree of a recognized university in English with Hindi as main subject at degree level OR Master's degree of recognized university in any subject with Hindi as a medium of instruction & Examination with English as a main subject at degree level OR Master's degree of a recognized university in any subject other than I Iindi/English with Hindi / English medium and English/I lindi as compulsory/elective subject at degree level OR Bachelor's degree of a recognized univ. with Hindi and English as main/elective subject or either of the two as medium of Examination and the other as a main/elective subject ii. Recognized diploma / Certificate course in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa OR Two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in any Central/State Govt.! U.T. Administration offices including Govt. of India Institutions. iii. Knowledge of Computer Operations both in Hindi and English. 10. Experience, if any Name of Organisation Designation Nature of Duty Period of Service From To Declaration : I declare that I fulfill all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limit and Education Qualification. Experience etc. for the post of Junior Hindi Translator. I declare that all statements made in this application form are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found suppressed / false or incorrect or ineligibility being detecdted before or alter the examination, my candidature / appointment is liable to be cancelled. (S(_Ynature of Candidate) Unsigned application will be rejected NOTE : Attach self attested copy of Birth / Educational / Experience Certificate / Caste Certificate (if relevant). Domicile Certificate (if of Daman / Diu). Physically Handicapped Certificate (if'relevant) failing which the application will he summarily rejected.
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