ASAN MEMORIAL COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE Velachery – Tambaram Road, Jaladampet, Chennai - 600 100 To, The Head of the Department, Greetings Sir/Madam, The Department of Language (Shift II) has proposed to organize “VAAGAI PAASARAI 2015 – TOWARDS SUCCESS” an inter collegiate Competitions on 23th January, 2015 at 9.30 am in the main Auditorium. We expect your same support and active participation to make this event a grand success. Details of competition Department of Tamil வ.எண் ேபாட் யின் ெபயர் விதி ைறகள் • ல-ள-ழ, ந-ண-ன, ர-ற, ேவ பாட்ைடக் கண் 1 எ த ேவண் ம் • எ.கா. வைல-வைள என இ ந்தால், வைல – ஒ ய ம் ெபா ம். மீன் பி க்க பயன்ப வ : வைள-எ , நண் ேபான்றன வசிப்பிடம் • ெசாற்கள் கு க்கல் ைறயில் ெதாி ெசய் தரப்ப ம். ஒ தாளில் 10 ெசாற்கள் தரப்ப ம் • ஒ 2 அணிக்கு இரண் நபர்கள் • ஒ வாிடம் ெகா க்கப்ப ம் ெசால்ைல அவர் ெகா க்கும் உடல்ெமாழி குறிப் கைளக் ைசைக ெமாழி ெகாண் மற்ெறா வர் கண் பி க்க ேவண் ம் ன் • சுற் கைளக் ெகாண்ட 1. பழெமாழிச் சுற் 2. தனிச் தமிழ் சுற் 3. ஆ ைமகள் சுற் • திைரயில் ேதான் ம் படத்திற்கு ஏற்ற தமிழ்ச் ெசால்ைலக் கூறேவண் ம். 3 காட்சி ெமாழி ன் • • ஒ 1 சுற் க்கைளக் ெகாண்ட அணிக்கு இரண் நபர்கள் Department of English Sl.No 1 Name of the events Rules • Individual event Spell Bee • Preliminary: Written • Final: On Stage • Topic: General 2 • Topic will be given on the spot Collage • Two persons in a team • Time limit : 45 minutes • Only charts will be provided • All other necessary materials like newspaper clippings, ribbons, bits of colored papers, scissors, glue etc. should be brought by the participants themselves Department of Hindi Sl.No 1. Name of the events Tongue Twister Rules • Individual event • 2 minutes will be given 2. Translation • Two persons per team • Participants have to translate from English to Hindi without using English words 3. Slogan writing • Individual event • 3 minutes will be given to write the appropriate slogan 4. Speech competition • Individual event • Topics are separately enclosed • Time limit: 2 minutes 2 Department of French Sl.No 1 Name of the events Rules • Questions based on French culture, cuisine, personalities, geography, civilization, politics, cinema, language, products and companies etc Pictionnaire • Two members per team 2 • Missing letters, jumbled words, write the words. Rappelez • Two members per team 3. • Translate french sentences into English, English words into French Para phrase • Two members per team 4. • 30 seconds will be given to the participants to see and memorise the items Memoriser • Individual event Department of Malayalam Sl.No 1 Name of the events Elocution Rules • Individual event • Topic will be given before 20 minutes of the competition • 2 Story writing Time - 4 to 6 minutes • Individual event • On the spot topic • Time - 1 hr Thanking you Mrs.T. Aryamala Professor in-charge (Shift II) Dr. S. Ramanathan Principal 3 General Rules • • • • • • • • • • • • • I.D Card must for all participants Day and Evening colleges can register separately Spot registration can be done through our mail ID Kindly bring the filled in registration form Two teams per college Two participants per college for individual competitions. Judges’ Decision will be final and binding Vulgarity and hurting of religions/politics/personal sentiments are strictly prohibited for further enquiries Participation certificate will be given For registration : [email protected] Registration on before 20.01.2015 The participants should stick on the time limit For further enquiries contact Faculty coordinator Student coordinator Department of Tamil Dr. K. Panneerselvam - 9710794981 Mr. K. Manikandan - 9444470321 Department of English Ms. I. Hemamalini - 8098030109 Mr. Githu Sunish - 9789854246 Department of Hindi Mr. Kamal Prasad – 9094192692 Dr. P. Padmavathi - 9789924539 Mr. Ashutosh Prasad-7299185730 Department of French Mr. Adith – 9444343294. Ms. M.M. Gowri - 9952037765 Ms. Sowmiya-8056208638 Department of Malayalam Dr. Vinoth – 9087845480 Rishi – 8754660622 4 ASAN MEMORIAL COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE - SHIFT II INTER COLLEGIATE COMPETITIONS REGISTRATION FORM Department of Tamil Sl.No Name of the events Names 1 ஒ ய 2 ைசைக ெமாழி 1. 2. 3 3 காட்சி ெமாழி 1. 2. 3. ம் ெபா ம் 1. 2. 3. Department of English Sl.No Name of the events Names 1 Spell Bee 1. 2. 3. 2 Collage 1. 2. 3. Department of Hindi Sl.No Name of the events Names 1 Tongue Twister 1. 2. 3. 2 Translation 1. 2. 3. 3 Slogan writing 1. 2. 3. 5 4 Speech competition 1. 2. 3. Department of French Sl.No Name of the events Names 1 Pictionnaire 1. 2. 3. 2 Rappelez 1. 2. 3. 3 Para phrase 1. 2. 3. 4 Memoriser 1. 2. 3. Department of Malayalam Sl.No Name of the events Names 1 Elocution 1. 2. 3. 2 Story writing 1. 2. 3. 6
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