LARDIES OPEN CHESS TOURNAMENT 8 November 2014 @ Laerskool Elarduspark Address: Albertonstr. 548, Elarduspark, PTA GPS: S25 49.758 E28 15.594 Reg van toegang voorbehou / Right of admission reserved Organised by LAERSKOOL ELARDUSPARK CHESSA rated tournament, only online entries will be accepted: Entries close: 20:00 on Wednesday 5 November 2014 - late entries will be manually paired for Round 1. Payments must be made to: Tshwane Chess, Absa Bank, Account nr. 110 161 0671; Reference: LO + Surname + Initials Payment advice must be send to the organisers no later than Wednesday 5 Nov 2014 at 20:00 Fax / e-mail proof of payment to 086 508 9343 / [email protected] The players’ list will be published on 24 hours before the start of the tournament. th The DRAW for round 1 will be published on Friday 7 of November 2014 at 22:00. Only players whose payments have been confirmed will be published and put into the draw for Round 1. PLAYERS DO NOT NEED TO REGISTER AT THE START OF THE TOURNAMENT IF YOU ARE INCLUDED IN THE PUBLISHED PLAYERS LIST. Any player who withdraws after the players’ list has been published will not be refunded. Latest FIDE rules and CHESSA rating rules will apply. Please provide OWN CLOCKS; chess boards and chess sets will be provided. Limited amount of clocks will be available to rent for the day (R50 Deposit and R10 p/round) The organisers reserve the right to combine sections and subsequently prize funds in such event. Players who would like to move from one section to another ON THE DAY OF THE TOURNAMENT, will be liable for a penalty of R50 per move. PLAYERS NOT SEATED at the start of the clock will forfeit the game. Final results will be determined by Bűcholz MedianSystem, Performance and Sonneborn Berger. Prize money is subject to entries. Prize giving commences after the last round. Players must attend the prize giving in person to qualify for prizes. No items may be sold, traded or displayed without the prior written consent of the organisers. TUCKSHOP available at venue. SECTION B Rating below 1500 SECTION C Rating below 1300 & Born on or after 01/01/2003 SECTION A Open to all Entry fee Friday 7/11 Saturday 8/11 Saturday 8/11 Saturday 8/11 R150 5 Rounds 60:60 CHESSA RATED DRAW PUBLISHED at 22:00 ONLY LATE ENTRIES register at 07:00 – 7H30 Opening PAIRED players seated at 07H45 Round 1 - 08:30 Round 2 – 5: 15 min after the previous round SECTION D Rating below 1100 & Born on or after 01/01/2005 R120 5 Rounds 60:60 CHESSA RATED DRAW PUBLISHED at 22:00 ONLY LATE ENTRIES register at 07:00 – 7H30 Opening PAIRED players seated at 07H45 Round 1 - 08:30 Round 2 – 5: 15 min after the previous round SECTION E First time players not registered with CHESSA Born on or after 01/01/2007 R80 5 Rounds 60:60 CHESSA RATED DRAW PUBLISHED at 22:00 ONLY LATE ENTRIES register at 07:00 – 7H30 Opening PAIRED players seated at 07H45 Round 1 - 08:30 Round 2 – 5: 15 min after the previous round Enquiries: Caren Cruywagen (083 444 7163, [email protected]), Marelize Meiring (082 551 7846, [email protected]), & Lizette van Rooy (084 581 2341) LARDIES OPEN CHESS TOURNAMENT 8 November 2014 @ Laerskool Elarduspark Address: Albertonstr. 548, Elarduspark, PTA GPS: S25 49.758 E28 15.594 Reg van toegang voorbehou / Right of admission reserved Organised by LAERSKOOL ELARDUSPARK Payments must be made to: Tshwane Chess, Absa Bank, Acc nr: 110 161 0671, Reference: LO + Surname + Initials Fax / e-mail proof of payment to 086 508 9343 / [email protected] Enquiries: Car/en Cruywagen (083 444 7163, [email protected]), Marelize Meiring (082 551 7846, [email protected]), & Lizette van Rooy (084 581 2341)
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