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November 2014
Our Church’s Guiding Principles:
We are:
 committed to serve
 forward-thinking
 welcoming
 guided by faith
 fun, relevant, cool – the place
people want to be
Volume 3, Issue 10
FLC’s Living Generously
team is so excited that
the end of our program is
near, because that
means PLEDGE
SUNDAY is almost here!
What a concept in that
little definition:
Webster’s dictionary
defines Stewardship
the activity or job of
protecting and being
responsible for
Inside in this Issue:
Holiday Fair
We need you to
An Invitation from Amanda 3
Community Christmas
Letter about Sunday
Advent and Christmas
Senior Christmas
Thanksgiving: Year End
So when we look at what
the definition of
stewardship REALLY
means - the activity or
job of PROTECTING and
for something - WOW –
we think we really like
that word!
The Living Generously
team needs your
attention! We need those
of us committed to
for Faith Lutheran Church
to commit to that
protection and
responsibility on pledge
FLC will use that
commitment to PROPEL
us into the future!
Sincerely, FLC’s Living
Generously Team: Pr.
Harris, Ellie Gagnon, John
Twining, Liz Helbig,
Charlotte Marks, Jay
Huntington & David Dube
Our Church’s Purpose Statement:
God’s purpose for our new church is to unite unconditionally, sharing God’s love
through our growing faith and mission with everyone in the name of Jesus Christ.
Faith Lutheran Church
Page 2
Our Church’s Strategic
Addressing Hunger in Middletown;
Sharing Knowledge;
Volume 3, Issue 10
Serving & Empowering Youth &
How? Coordinating assets in our
community to meet needs; and
Communicating about resources &
We wish you and your family many blessings
during this Thanksgiving season. May the
year ahead be filled with happiness and
hope for bright tomorrows.
Also please note, there will not be a
Thanksgiving Eve service at Faith Lutheran
this year.
Calumet Women’s Weekend
This is one of Calumet's most popular weekend
programs...an opportunity for the women of Faith
Lutheran Church to get away for fellowship, relaxation,
faith sharing, (maybe some early Christmas shopping
too!) & tons of fun.
We will enjoy breakfast buffets, yummy lunches and a
special Saturday evening candlelight dinner. Our
weekend will include awesome singing and music,
inspirational devotions, Bible study and exciting
Sunday morning worship!
Now pull out your calendar and mark on it these
ready for
Your help is needed to fill the White
Elephant Room of household items to
make our sale successful.
We accept all donations except Please
NO clothing, computers, TVs,
microwaves or furniture. We are just
physically limited on space and the
ability to move these items.
Volunteers are needed for Thurs (Nov
13) & Fri (Nov 14) from 6-8 pm for
unpacking boxes and pricing; on the
day of the fair Sat (Nov 15) 8-2 to help
answer questions and keep the tables
Thank you!
- Sue & Ray Girard
Calling all Crafters…
Crafting continues at Sue Giuffrida’s house on
544 Pine Street in Middletown every Monday
night until the fair at 6:30 p.m. Mark your
calendar with the following Crafting dates:
Nov. 3 and Nov. 10. If we need to meet more
dates, we can. Park in the parking lot between
the barn and the house. Hope to see you there!
Also, Donna Winter will be hosting card making
sessions at her home (18 East Ridge Rd.,
Middletown) on Tuesday, November 4th and
11th at 6:30 p.m. Please join us!
Date: NOVEMBER 21-23, 2014
Estimated Cost: $164 Retreat Lodge
See Joal now to sign up! I can be reached by
email at [email protected] or home at 860-3423351.
Thanks to Janet Wright for her office help!
Page 3
An Invitation!
Do you love music?
Ever thought about joining the choir
but not sure if it’s for you?
Now is a great time to give it a try. We
rehearse Thursdays at 7pm, and ALL are
welcome (even if someone once told you that
you’re not a good singer!!). Don’t worry
about making a giant commitment; just come
when you can!
Don’t like to sing
but have instrumental skills?
We are always looking for instrumentalists to
add to our joyful noise!
Don’t have experience in music
but wanting to learn?
Amanda is available to teach private lessons
in piano, voice and beginning guitar.
Contact Amanda Weber at
[email protected].
What does Christmas mean
to you? Could it possibly
mean spending time serving
300 community members?
How about providing a
cooked turkey, baked goods,
or Ham? For many years,
that is EXACTLY what
Christmas means for anyone
helping out at
Middletown’s Community
Christmas Dinner!
The Community dinner is one
of TWO opportunities to help
with FLC’s Strategic mission
in addressing hunger in
Middletown. Lets show this
community that FLC is
serious by having a huge
showing at this year’s dinner!
Members of Faith Lutheran
Church can help with
donations of time, money and
Please contact Ellie Gagnon
at [email protected] or
Julie Hurlbert at First Church:
860- 346-6657 X15 or
[email protected]
to volunteer or find out more .
Every year on December 25th I
provide a cooked turkey for this
dinner, I have also volunteered
time in serving at the dinner as
well as delivering meals to
those who are homebound. If
you have never taken an
opportunity to help the
community in such a way,
consider this God calling you to
do so! I can assure you that you
will discover the true meaning
of Christmas!
- written by Ellie Gagnon
Faith Lutheran Church
A Letter about Sunday School...
Page 4
November, 2014
Dear Sunday School students, parents, teachers, and families:
It’s been my privilege to serve as your Sunday School Superintendent for two months, and I have really
appreciated your participation, suggestions, and most of all, your patience as I learn how to do this important
and challenging job.
Practically every one of you has requested a schedule for the remainder of 2014 about when Sunday School
will be held. Great suggestion! Here is the list of our scheduled classes and their topics.
Volume 3, Issue 10
The Burning Bush
David Is Chosen
Solomon Builds the Temple
Naaman Is Healed
Queen Esther
Daniel and the Lions
Pageant Rehearsal
No Sunday School
Weekly Schedule:
10:15-10:30 snack time/Living
Generously activities (thru Nov 2)
10:30-10:45 Opening with music
10:45-11:30 Classroom time
This year’s Sunday School pageant is entitled “Comfort & Joy for the Children of God.” I am pleased to
announce that Ellie Gagnon has volunteered to direct this year’s pageant! There are 140 separate speaking
parts, so every child will have a chance to participate fully. If you’ve always loved Christmas pageants, we
need your help! We’re looking for adults willing to lead our confirmands and Music Director in directing the
pageant. Please see me to participate.
We continue to seek a permanent teacher for the 5th and 6th grade class. If you think you might like to serve in
this manner, please talk to me. We are also looking for substitute teachers and parent monitors. Again, please
talk to me if you can help out.
Please continue to hold our Sunday School in your prayers as we grow and change as a congregation, yet
remain true to our Lutheran roots and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for entrusting your children’s
Christian education to us, and best wishes,
Jen Eifrig, Superintendent
Join us for a Pancake Breakfast!
Sunday, December 7th, we will be
serving pancakes following the church
service. Please join us downstairs in the
fellowship hall for good food and good
friends! More details to follow.
Advent and Christmas Events to put on your Calendar
Page 5
During November, we finish up the last several weeks of our Stewardship emphasis culminating with our
final stewardship themed Sunday on the final Sunday of the liturgical year, Christ the King. But that very next week
starts what people outside the Church call “the holidays,” and what people inside the Church refer to as Advent and
Christmas. Christ the King Sunday is November 23rd which is the Sunday before Thanksgiving. That week, we are not
having our Wednesday night service or any Thanksgiving service, but November 30 th marks the start of Advent with
the lighting of the first candle on the Advent Wreath and the beginning of our “holy days” (from which the word
“holidays” derives.
December 3rd is the first Wednesday in Advent and our 7 pm Wednesday night services will become Advent
services for December 3, 10, and 17. The first Saturday in Advent we will celebrate Faith’s first Hanging of the
Greens Service starting at 4 pm. Hanging of the Greens is a time of decorating, reflecting on the meaning of the
symbols that we use to decorate, with perhaps a prayer and a song or two. All of which means, we will be decorated
for the rest of the Sundays in Advent, December 7,14, and 21. But December 21 st, along with being the fourth
Sunday in Advent, will be the day of the children’s Christmas program during worship. All of which leads us to
December 24th, which is our fourth Wednesday in Advent and also Christmas Eve. As such, we will celebrate
Welcome Table Wednesday at 6 pm as always and then share together in worship at 7 pm with one Christmas Eve
Lessons and Carols Candlelight Communion service which will tell the story of our Savior’s birth in Word, song,
sacrament, and celebration.
I hope everyone will mark these important events on their calendars so we can share the wonder of God’s
love in Jesus with one another!
By Pr. Zach
The Life of a Musician During
Stewardship Season
Have you ever wondered about the
choice of hymns for a given
worship service? Whose job is it
and how do they choose? Is there
a script from which we work? As
you can probably imagine, there
are a multitude of resources for the
church musician. We could simply
turn to one, look up the 21st
Sunday of Pentecost, and write
down the hymns that are
suggested. But for me, the choice
is a much more prayerful one.
Early in the week, I read and reread
the texts, I converse with Pastor
Zach, and I consult all of my books.
What I hope results is a worship
service that flows and connects,
with the texts and melodies of the
hymns and anthems reinforcing
God’s word and Pastor’s
interpretation. (It’s a fun process,
really. Let me know if you’d ever
like to help out one week!).
Sometimes, the choices to make are
crystal clear. But one of the things I
have noticed during this
stewardship season is the ambiguity
of the word “stewardship,” which
has opened some unexpected
doors. At the start of the season,
the first thing I did was turn to the
Stewardship section of our current
hymnal. There, I found many
wonderful hymns to choose from.
But in looking at the topical index, I
notice it says, “Stewardship (see
also Creation; Offering; Justice,
Peace).” Next, I consult other
diverse hymnals (including one of
my favorites, This Far By Faith – the
African-American Lutheran hymnal).
All of a sudden, I began to come
across a cornucopia of words! In
one hymnal, the index says,
“Stewardship, Commitment.” In
another, “Stewardship (also:
Discipleship, Ministry). In another I
was directed to “Testimony,
Witness and Evangelism.”
Do musicians not have a clear
sense of the meaning of
stewardship? To the contrary,
I’d argue that there is an
understanding that
stewardship is in fact a broad
term that draws many strands
of the church together as one.
This discovery while worship
planning has been an “Ah-ha!”
moment for me. I have
realized that all of the ways in
which I thought I had already
mastered stewardship are just
the tip of a giant iceberg.
Praise the Lord for the
Liturgical Year and the chance
to revisit topics the next time
they come around; there is still
so much more to learn!
by Amanda Weber,
Minister of Music
Page 6
Senior Christmas Luncheon
Place: Baci Grill
134 Berlin Road
December 4, 2014
12:00 p.m.
$25.00/person inc. tax & Tip
Luncheon choices:
Baci Penne, sausage, chicken broccoli tossed in
penne in rose sauce;
N.Y. Strip, mashed potatoes, vegetables; or
Panko Encrusted Talapia, baked w/lemon white
wine & italian seasonings, mashed potatoes, and
Meal includes: Tossed Salad, Bread, Brewed Hot
Bev., and Tiramisu for dessert
See Marge Smith or Sue Giuffrida
with any questions. Sign up in
connector. Pay cash or make
check payable to Sue Giuffrida.
Calling All Sunday Volunteers!
We are a month into scheduling our
Sunday Volunteers on VolunteerSpot.
VolunteerSpot is an internet-based
scheduling vehicle we are using to more
easily schedule our acolytes, assistant
ministers, communion assistants, altar
guild, ushers, openers, closers and
greeters. It is an easy, user-friendly tool.
You will get an email from me with a link
for you to follow to sign in and select
dates you are available. Currently the
schedule is up through the end of
December. Soon I will be adding the
2015 year. For those who do not use
email, I add you to the schedule. You
can find the schedule on the Volunteer
Board in the Connector. If you currently
do not receive emails for the volunteer
positions and would like to, let me or
Karen in the office know and I’ll add you
to the list.
Thank you, and please let me know if you
have any questions or suggestions.
Lee Kozlowski
Creativity Conference in Orlando Could Fuel Your
Mission by Pr. Zach
Pastor Zach would like to encourage our church members
and leaders to attend the 9th annual Creativity Conference
being held at First United Methodist Church, Winter Park, FL
(Orlando) on January 20-22, 2015. Pastor Zach has
served on the Advisory Board for the event as well as
providing leadership at the event for the past 5 years. You
will learn how to infuse creativity into your ministries from
Disney experts and creative church leaders from across
America. You will learn how to nurture your creative side
and to funnel that creativity into the ministry of the Church
with conference workshops and motivational talks. It all
takes place in the environment of Orlando, Florida and
Disney World - not just the happiest place on earth but also
one of the most creative places you will ever experience!
Our next Book Discussion
Group meeting will be on
Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, at 10:30
a.m. in the Memorial Lounge.
The book of the month will be—
The Face of a Stranger by Anne
Perry. For more information,
please contact either Ellen
Cassady at 860.346.1612 or
Donna Sera at 860.632.2033.
Newcomers are most welcome!
Get more information and register at:
Page 6
From the Pastor: Thanksgiving: Year End Clearance
Here we are at the start of
Halloween fading away in our
rearview mirror with the Holy
Days ahead (oh, all right the
holidays ahead). This time of
year always seems to me kind of
sluggish in its pace like drudging
through that ice laden slush that
will most likely appear in the
near future. We trudge and
trudge and then like hitting an ice
sheet those holidays take off like
some downhill run in the Winter
Olympics! And that run starts,
ironically, at the end of the
liturgical year, the beginning of
the holidays, and, for Faith
Lutheran, at the end of our Living
Generously program.
As I write this, we are at the
halfway point in our 8-week
Stewardship emphasis. We have
one more week in our video
series to go, and still our act of
making commitments for next
calendar year in the mix. And
then, that 4th Thursday of
November will arrive, and like
hitting the play button for “It’s a
Wonderful Life” to start, there is
an immediate shift all around us.
And I think it’s a dramatic shift.
Even though New Year’s Day is a
little over a month away, the
liturgical year ends. November
23rd is Christ the King Sunday,
and we are literally talking about
the end of the world! November
30th comes, and we reset the
clock, and we are anticipating
baby Jesus coming in a manger.
From the King coming to settle all
scores from the judgment side of
the coin to a baby born to the
world to show love and peace.
Then we have another transition.
The world is finishing up that
season of “me” that started last
year when the last Christmas
present was returned for “what I
really wanted.” And all of the
sudden, Thanksgiving is going to
bring our focus back on family and
friends. As a disclaimer: the world
intends to sell you a lot of goods by
this emphasis that begins in full on
black Friday. But still, the spirit of
those Norman Rockwell paintings
will arise again, as the world shifts
its image from me to us and even
… to them! The Church can make
fun of the commercialism as much
as it wants, but the result will be a
push to be with family, to be with
friends, and to make new friends
even inviting them to the status of
family. And in some very altruistic
ways, there will be a push to see
the WHOLE world as family! So
sneer if you will, but those
moments get it right, usually better
than the Church has been able to
do all year long!
And then for those of us of the
Christian persuasion who call Faith
Lutheran Church home, we will be
putting the closing moments on
what has been two months of
talking about Living Generously.
There are those who quit listening
at week two who will so glad the
other six have finally flown by.
There will be some who are so
excited that what they live
everyday and believe with all their
hearts has been shared with
everyone associated with the
congregation. Those groups for
good or bad probably didn’t get
anything out of it more than where
they started. But I’m hoping the
majority will have had some
revelations and some movement of
the heart.
There will be some who will have
lived all the moments of this
“stewardship” program (it really
has been a “how to live your life”
program), and be moved by the
message found in video, in music,
in word, and in discussion. And I
wonder if they won’t have seen
something wonderful in the irony
of when this time has come.
I wonder if they will realize that
Living Generously is a little more
like Advent than Christ the King
Sunday. To be a good steward is
less an attitude of fearing the
coming judgment of the Lord over
what we have coming into the
world. It’s coming into the world
in a lowly manger and a no-name
town as we celebrate Jesus’ birth
into the world; but it’s also
coming into the world in very acts
and gifts WE share in that hour
we spend at Welcome Table, that
class we teach so children can
learn, those dollars we give to
ministry greater than we alone
can do, and in every selfless thing
that comes from the humble
place of ME. And it is infectious
making us want to do it again and
again, sharing and caring more
and more!
I wonder if those same people
might jump on that bandwagon of
looking less at the “me season”
and more toward those family
and friends who really are our
true source of that elusive
happiness and contentment that
comes from finding purpose and
Will it be that the
Madison Avenue slick attempt to
use Norman Rockwell as a Trojan
horse into your wallet might
[Continued on Pg. 11]
Page 8
Living Stewardship for November 2014:
Assisting Minister:
Nov. 2: Donna Barney; Nov. 9: David Dube; Nov. 16: Ellie Gagnon
Nov. 23: Linda Carlson; Nov. 30: Robin Stauffer
Communion Assistant: Nov. 2: Bud Swanson; Nov. 9: Liz Helbig; Nov. 16: Joal Lentz;
Nov. 23: David Dube; Nov. 30: Cathie Giuffrida
Acolytes: Nov. 2: Adryana Brooks; Nov. 9: Allison Dube; Nov. 16: Madison Dube;
Nov. 23: Adryana Brooks; Nov. 30: Troy Lentz
Ushers: Nov. 2:
Nov. 9:
Nov. 16:
Nov. 23:
Nov. 30:
Ellie Gagnon, Mike Vajda, Bob Barney, Dan Clark
Cathy MacEachern, Mike Vajda, Janet Wright
Kathy Raczka, Mike Vajda, Brendan Twining
Liz Helbig, Mike Vajda, Jay Huntington
Mike Vajda, Lee Kozlowski, Donna Winter
Thank you
for serving!
Greeters: Nov. 2: Karen Swanson; Nov. 9: Liz Helbig; Nov. 16: Mary Bacon; Nov. 23: Janet Hayn;
Nov. 30: Pat Stielau
Altar Guild:
Nov. 2: Marian Martin, Shirley Salafia; Nov. 9: Janet Wright, Heather Karpe;
Nov. 16: Beth & Bill Stielau; Nov. 23: Jen Cope, Lee Kozlowski; Nov. 30: Diana & Lena Huntington
Fellowship Hour:
Nov. 2, 9, 23, 30: Open; Nov. 16: Margaret D’Aquila
Opener/Closer: Nov. 2: Bud Swanson/Jay Huntington; Nov. 9: Lee Kozlowski/David Dube;
Nov. 16: John Twining/Bill Stielau; Nov. 23: Lee Kozlowski/Tom Kugeman;
Nov. 30: Lee Kozlowski/Peggy Morrissey
Counter/Depositor: Nov. 2: Lee Downing; Sue Giuffrida; Nov. 9: David Youngs, David Winkel;
Nov. 16: Janet Wright, Kathy Hartline; Nov. 23: John Twining, Jen Cope;
Nov. 30: Cathie Giuffrida, Verne Harrison
Poinsettia Plants: A Christmas Giving Opportunity
If you wish to add a poinsettia to the altar for Christmas, please complete the form below and place it in the offering plate
(or contact the Church Office at 860.347.6068). The information MUST be forwarded no later than Mon., Dec. 15th.
We are currently offering 6 1/2” plants for $7.50 and eight 10” plants for $15.00 each. It is hoped that some of these
plants may be left by the donor to be distributed to our homebound members as a Christmas gift from the congregation.
Please cut off the form below to reserve your poinsettias.
Christmas Poinsettia
Plant given by ________________________________________________________________________________________
In memory of ________________________________________________________________________________________
In honor of __________________________________________________________________________________________
Please check one:
_____ will pick up my plant(s)
Enclosed is:
_____ # of plants at $7.50 each =
_____ # of plants at $15.00 each =
_____ will leave my plant(s) for a homebound member
8pm NA
November 2014 at
Faith Lutheran Church
2 All Saints Sunday
9am Eucharist
9am Martha Unit/
Crafting at
Sue Giuffrida’s 6:30pm Card
making at Donna
7:30pm AA
10:30am Sunday School,
Fellowship Hour, Holiday Fair
meeting, Blood Pressure Check
1:15–4pm United Pentecostals
9am Eucharist
10:30am Sunday School,
Fellowship Hour, Holiday Fair
9am Martha Unit/
Crafting at
Sue Giuffrida’s
6:30pm Card
making at Donna
7pm Council
1:15—4pm United Pentecostals
7:30pm AA
9am Eucharist
9am Eucharist
10:30 am Sunday School,
Fellowship Hour
1:15-4pm United Pentecostals
4-10pm Friendsgiving/Fell. Hall
9am Dominoes
7:30pm AA
6pm Welcome
Table Weds.
7pm Choir
7:30pm AA
8pm NA
7pm Mountain
6pm Welcome
Table Weds.
5pm Fair
Set Up
7pm Miountain
Vespers Svs.
7pm Choir
10:30am Book
7pm Mountain
Vespers Svs.
7:30pm AA
9am Martha Unit/
6pm Welcome
Table Weds.
7:30– 9
event in
7pm Choir
5pm Fair
Set Up
7:30pm AA
6pm Welcome
Table Weds.
9am Eucharist
10:30am Fellowship Hr
1:15-4pm United Pentecostals
7:30– 9 United
Bible Study
1:15-4pm United Pentecostals
7:30– 9
10:30am Sunday School,
Fellowship Hour
8pm NA
7:30pm AA
8 pm NA
Women’s Weekend at
Camp Calumet
7:30pm AA
8pm NA
Page 10
Again this year, we will be assembling complete
Christmas-at-Sea satchels for an entire ship. A
ship’s crew consists of 25 seafarers.
Help bring joy to seafarers who will not be home
with their families for Christmas. Port chaplains
deliver satchels filled with gifts to the seafarers
they meet in port in the weeks prior to Christmas.
Later, on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, when
the ship is in the middle of the ocean, the captain
will hold a celebration, and all the crew will open
their satchels, each containing:
One sweatshirt, with or without hood (size L-XL),
Three pairs of thermal or white gym socks,
One casual pullover T-shirt (size M-L),
One knit winter cap,
One can of nuts or bar of chocolate, and
A Christmas card from you!
(You pick the colors, styles and brands you wish..
The Christmas-at-Sea satchels should be
comparable for each member of the ship’s crew, so
no substitutions please.)
Drop off your donations in the box marked
“Christmas-at-Sea” in the connector at church.
Items will be dropped off the first week in
Holiday Fair
November 15th 9:00-2:00
The Fair will be here before you know
it, and many of our FLC elves have
been very busy preparing for this day.
If you would like to be involved,
contact Lee K. and she will be happy to
let you know where help is needed.
We will be setting up Thursday and
Friday evening beginning at 5:00. We
are also working on a “day” schedule
and will post those hours in the
We look forward to seeing you there to
enjoy the bake sale, cookies-by-thepound, Santa’s Workshop, white
elephant, Korv sale, needlework table,
craft tab le, basket raffles, greenery sale,
and the list goes on! Come in and
enjoy a free cup of coffee and pick up a
free FLC cookbook (while they last).
Contact Lee Kozlowski with
any questions at 860-663-2571.
Faith Lutheran Church
300 Washington Street
Middletown, CT 06457
Phone 860.347.6068
[email protected]
Pr. Zachariah Harris
Cell phone: 860.269.4632
[email protected]
Amanda K. Weber, Minister of Music
Karen Carta, Office Administrator
& hope.
From the Pastor:
Page 11
Thanksgiving: Year End Clearance
[Continued from Pg. 7]
backfire and inspire you to Yeah, we may not realize it,
give to the very family, but the end of November is
friends, and those who are an opportunity for a year-end
It is an
soon to be both friends and clearance.
family that we see all opportunity to clear out to
around us rather than to the old and less helpful, and
those advertisers? Could it start anew. And it is my
be, that it might inspire prayer that our congregation
some to understand that can get a fresh start,
not only is the WHOLE anticipating the Grace of God
world actually our family, coming to the WHOLE world
the whole world is God’s through us, as we continue
family and God’s creation, Living Generously!
all of which God has asked
each of us to mutually take Living Under His Grace,
Pastor Zach
care of?
Thanksgiving Baskets
Faith Lutheran Church has pledged to provide 300
cans of corn for Thanksgiving Baskets which will be
provided to families who are living with dire food
insecurity and shortage. These are people who must
depend on Amazing Grace, Salvation Army,
congregations and other sources to feed themselves.
This year 700 families and 200 singles will be helped
in Middletown area. A collection box will be located
in the Narthex to be delivered on November 14th.
Let’s Celebrate November
Please visit our website for more
information & events!
Richard Vynalek
Jonathan Yantosh, Kathy Zygmont
Jennifer Eifrig
Calvin Hilton
Verne Harrison
Jonathan Singngam
Pr. Zach Harris, Joal Lentz
Ruth Anderson
Diana Huntington
Dana Kugeman