Mon November 2014 Sun Sunday Activities Tue Wed Thu Wednesday Activities Bell Prac. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. Class w/ Rev. Wood 5:45 p.m. Light Supper Children’s Choir 5 p.m. 6 p.m. Class w/Beth Craft Choir 6 p.m. Fri Sat 1 8 Join us each Sunday morning for the following events. (see inside the newsletter for more details.) 8:30 a.m. Light Breakfast 9 a.m. Class w/ Revs. Wood & Myers Learning Centers for children 7 Fellowship 15 6 14 5 13 22 4 12 Church Council 5:30 p.m. 21 3 11 Veteran’s Day Repeat above schedule from for each Wednesday 20 29 Repeat above schedule from for each Wednesday 10 Prayer/Bible Study 9 a.m. SAM Breakfast 9 a.m. Worship Com. 5:00 p.m. Finance Com. 5:30 p.m. 19 Men’s Community Breakfast 7 a.m. 28 Prayer/Bible Study 9 a.m. Membership Com. 5 p.m. 9 Festival Bells 5:15 p.m. 18 Repeat above schedule from for each Wednesday 27 Office closed Festival Bells 5:15 p.m. Veteran’s Day Sunday See above for morning events. New Member Reception 11;15 a.m. 17 Prayer/Bible Study 9 a.m. Board Meeting 5:30 p.m. 26 Thanksgivng Day 2 Communion All Saints Sunday See above for morning events. 16 Festival Bells 5:15 p.m. 25 The office will close at 12 noon. St. Andrew by the Sea, A Community Church - Gulf Shores, AL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO. 119 Foley, AL PAID NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE Com. 3:30 p.m. ASG Com 4:30p.m. p.m. Thanksgiving Dinner 11:30 p.m. See above for morning events. 24 Prayer/Bible Study 9 a.m. 23 See above for morning events. Festival Bells 5:15 p.m. 30 Parton St. Andrew Day See above for morning events. St. Andrew by the Sea 17263 Hwy. 180 P.O. Box 2385 Gulf Shores, AL 36547 Phone: 251-968-3900 Fax: 251-968-3901 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: Senior Minister: Rev. Dr. Larry Wood Associate Minister: Rev. George R. Myers Director of Children’s Ministries: Kim Kelly Director of Music: Joan Hand Choral Director: Dr. Roger Jones Administrative Assistant: Pat Strahan Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert C. Warren November 2014 From the Pastor... Dear church family, There’s an inescapable theme to this month. November begins with All Saints, a time of thanksgiving for loved ones who have shaped our lives. It’s one of the most moving services of the whole year. On the following Sunday we will continue that theme and say thank you to veterans. Then on Sunday the 16th, ahead of the national holiday, our church will have its own Thanksgiving dinner. By Sunday the 23 rd, many of us will be giving thanks for family members who are soon to visit. And on the very last day of the month, we will come to Advent, a time of expectancy as well as thanks for Christ’s work in our lives. Gratitude is the order of the day. I hope you’ll find satisfying ways of expressing it – for there is no slice of pie or Black Friday bargain that leaves us feeling quite as good. With every blessing, Larry Wood 2015 Stewardship Drive Another year-end for our church is fast approaching, with financial planning 2015 already underway. Letters with pledge cards have recently been mailed to all congregation members. We ask everyone to prayerfully consider pledging an amount to St. Andrew by the Sea so that your commitment can be included for 2015 budgeting purposes. Forms may be mailed back to the church office or dropped in the church offering plate during Sunday services. Questions or additional information requested: please feel free to contact Pat in the church office at 251-968-3900, or by e-mail at [email protected] Many Thanks! The Halloween Fried Chicken Dinner was quite a success, with a profit of $1,204 (Bake Sale - $574, Chicken - $630) which supports our Music Program. A special thank-you to Paul Alanko for his face painting; Kim Kelly for providing games for the children; Catherine Barefield for chairing the bake sale; and the Music Committee for all their support. Nov. 5th - 5:00 p.m. -"The Faces of Christ and the Faces of Islam.” ( Rev. Wood) 5:45 p.m. - There will be a light supper. 6:00 p.m. - Parenting with Love and Logic (Beth Craft) Confirmation class – 11 and Christian Education - 3-10 Nursery Care - under 3 Nov. 9th - 8:30 a.m. - Light breakfast for all ages 9:00 a.m. - Classes for all ages Attention Men of St. Andrew, members, and visitors! Join the St. Andrew Men for their monthly breakfast on Nov. 13th at 9AM. Enjoy a wonderful breakfast as well as great fellowship. If you are interested in attending for the first time, please reserve your spot by calling Jim Catrett at 948-6620 or Tom Gauntt at 968-8539. Nov. St Andrew Community Men's Prayer Breakfast: You are invited to attend the St. Andrew Community Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Thurs., Nov. 20th from 7AM to 8AM in the Fellowship Hall here at St Andrew by the Sea. We encourage you to invite a friend and join us in Oct. for this wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with other men in our community. Please contact Perry Hand at 251-6047936 for your reservation. New Member Reception: The Membership and Welcome Committee will host a New Member Reception/Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall on Nov. 9th, following the morning worship service. Board Members and Committee chairpersons are asked to join us in welcoming our new members and their families. If you have questions, please call Pauline Kern at 967-3400 or Mollie Harris at 968-6962. Robert Warren in the loss of his father. family of Butch Fadely family of C.B. (Carolyn) Bowden Memorials Anne Saunders St. Andrew Women Lunch Bunch – We will take Nov. and Dec. off for the holiday’s. Watch your Jan. newsletter and bulletin for date and location. Have a blessed holiday! THANKSGIVING DINNER Wednesday and Sunday Classes November Anniversaries Sympathy The Fellowship Committee is sponsoring our annual Thanksgiving Dinner on November 16th at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the church. Volunteers are needed to help provide and cook turkeys and hams. We will need 5 turkeys and 4 hams, all cut up when brought. If you are willing to provide and cook one of these, please contact Susan Coyne at 205-4922205. Everyone else is asked to bring a large dish of you favorite: salad, vegetable, or casserole. Desserts will be provided. We hope that everyone will plan to attend! Angel Tree Christmas will come early to St. Andrew by the Sea this year. Because we have so many needy children that depend on us for their Christmas gifts, our Angel Tree will go up on Nov. 16th. The gifts will need to be returned to the Narthex and left unwrapped with your angel attached to the gift on or before Dec. 7th. As we contemplate all the things we have to be thankful for, please let it motivate each of us to pick an Angel or two from our Angel Tree. Our church has always been so generous with the children. I am sure this year will be no different. If you have any questions please call Beth Sanders at 251-968-2255. Ushers 2nd - Ed Diercks, Carlton Garner, Tom Gauntt, Neil Harris, Herb Malone, Lynda Thurmond, Wade Ward, Allen Woerner. 9th - Marge Bumann, Clint Davis, Pierre Geneux, Andy Haynes, Chance McLemore, Mike Vaughn, Sue Vosloh, Allen Woerner. 16th - John Boller, Dolly Crewes, Pierre Geneux, Don Kopf, Joe Martin, Don Meghreblian, Charles Runels, Jan Zimmerman. 23rd - Bob Davidson, Pierre Geneux, Tommy Lee, Bill Parks, Carl Schuchardt, Joe Slaughter, Eileen Sylvester, Mickey Webb, Murrell Webb. 30th - Harry Dalton, Pierre Geneux, Terry Jones, Faye Kelly, Sheila Nicoll and Jim Roy. Family Fun Night at St. Andrew Friday, Nov. 14, 2014 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Pizza, drinks and snacks will be served. Activities include: Painting a Christmas Door hanger for the Moms. R. C. Warren, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gene Myers Mrs. Jan Zimmerman Community Events Christian Service Center’s Annual Christmas Spirit Once again the time has arrived for our area churches here on the island to compile their lists of shut-ins or others who need to be remembered with some Christmas Spirit. It has been our custom annually to provide each person a little extra holiday gift during the Christmas season. We will begin our shopping soon. We will need name, phone number and physical address of each person. Please respond via email to Hope Becklund at [email protected] by Nov. 21st. Our projected delivery dates will begin on Dec 15th through Dec 19th. Fellowship for the Dads Games, watching a movie in the big screen and eating lots of popcorn for the children. If the situation changes after you have submitted the name, please contact Hope Becklund at [email protected]. Please contact Tammy Bryant at 7526982 to sign up for the Family Fun Night. Kim Hollis, school teacher from Orange Beach, will be helping us paint Christmas Door Hangers. The cost is $20 per Mom and reservations are needed so that we know how many supplies to have. Please call Tammy by Monday, Nov. 10th to let her know that you are coming. Christmas Food Boxes: CSC needs the following items to prepare Christmas food boxes for 2014: Stuffing, Cream Soup, Onion rings, Canned Green, Beans or Peas, Gravy, Canned Yams, Canned fruit (pears, peaches, etc), Chicken broth and/or any other items appropriate for Christmas dinner. STEWARDSHIP Through October Budgeted Received $22,000.00 $24,956.00 Attendance for Oct. 5th - 201 12th - 159 19th - 198 26th - 214 Oct. Sunday School 5th - 43 12th - 51 19th - 35 26th - 43 8th - Charles & Lynda Thurmond 8th - Donald & Linda West 12th - Robert & Pat Warren 13th - Dave & Diane Davis 24th - Terry & Yvette Jones 24th - Ed & Gail Diercks 27th - Buddy & Linda Brown 28th - Charles & Lynn Norwood 30th - Roger & Dee Jones 30th - Steve & Janice Neitzel November Birthdays 1st - Bill Coyne 2nd - Lisa Denham 4th - May Alanko 5th - Shirley Barbour 5th - Sarah Brown 5th - Charles Thurmond 7th - Linda Underwood 9th - Terry Jones 9th - Jim Rutledge 10th -Jonathan Hand 11th - Sidney Burgess 11th - George Grau 11th - Fred Van Cor 12th - Gayle Guthrie 13th - James Boutwell 13th - Deb DeShazo 13th - Lula Null 13th - Cheryl Quinn 14th - Delaney English 15th - Ellen Hammett 16th - Molly Wood 17th - Jean Garner 18th - Juanita Goode 19th - Carolyn Burnette 19th - Angela Martin 22nd - Ann Wright 25th - Ava Grace Davis 26th - Howell Riggs 26th - Wil Webb 27th - Tim Fulmer 27th - Sheri Burgess 29th - Faye Cook 29th - Spud Davis 30th - Holly Hancock October Communion Offering for Christian Service Center $2073.00 Altar Flowers If you would like to pay tribute to a loved one by FRIENDS ARE ANGELS presenting WHO LIFT US TO OUR FEET WHEN OUR WINGS HAVE flowers on the TROUBLE REMEMBERING altar in their HOW TO FLY. honor or
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