2751 Littlefield Drive NE, Grand Rapids Elders Deacons Pete Adams-Clerk Bruce Doezema-President Frank Dykstra David Flier-Bookkeeper Roger Meyer Brian VanderKolk-Secretary Dan Pastoor-Vice President Pete VanPutten-Vice-all Dwight Quenga-Treasurer-Asst. Clerk Jordan Whiteley-Benevolent Fund Treasurer 2800 Michigan Street NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 942-0332 • www.firstprchurch.org Morning Worship - 9:30 a.m. • Evening Worship - 5:00 p.m. To listen to the service live, visit sermonaudio.com/firstprc or call (616) 942-9955. Bulletin Announcements Announcements are due Thursday by 6 p.m. to: Reformed Witness Hour Radio Broadcast Linda Young, Bulletin Clerk Sunday, 8 a.m. – 102.9 FM (WFUR) 2017 Lafayette NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Sunday, 4 p.m. – 1570 AM (WFUR) Phone: (616) 364-0240 E-Mail: [email protected] Apostles Creed I believe in God, the Father, Almighty, Maker of Heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead, He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; I believe an holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Volunteer Schedule The Lord’s Day • Sunday, November 9, 2014 Morning Worship Service Rev. Mahtani Evening Worship Service Rev. Mahtani Prelude Prelude Call to Prayer / Silent Prayer Call to Prayer / Silent Prayer *Doxology *Doxology Praise Praise Praise Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Him all creatures here below, Him above, ye heavenly hosts, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Praise Praise Praise Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Him all creatures here below, Him above, ye heavenly hosts, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *Votum and Salutation *Votum and Salutation *Psalter # 241 *Psalter # 268 Reading of the Law: Exodus 20:1-17 *Psalter # 109 Prayer Offertory: General Fund, Benevolent Fund *Psalter # 367 Scripture: 2 Samuel 7 Text: Sermon: "David Seeking to Build God’s House” 1. His Desire Declined 2. God’s Gracious Answer 3. His Godly Response Prayer *Psalter # 391 *Doxology Blest be the Lord, our fathers’ God, Eternal King of Kings, Who only is omnipotent, Performing wondrous things. Blest be His great and glorious Name For evermore, Amen, And let His glory fill the earth From shore to shore. Amen. *Apostles’ Creed (See back of bulletin.) *Psalter # 151 Prayer Offertory: Adams Christian, Building Maint. Fund *Psalter # 232 Scripture: 2 Samuel 9 Text: Sermon: “Mercy for Mephibosheth” 1. Mephibosheth’s Misery 2. David’s Kindness 3. Prayer *Psalter # 77 *Doxology May the grace of Christ the Savior, And the Father’s boundless love, With the Holy Spirit’s favor Rest upon us from above Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord, And possess in sweet communion Joys which earth cannot afford. Amen *Benediction *Benediction Postlude Postlude * Congregation Standing Nursery this week: AM: Stephanie Vink, Jill Hop, Deb Baldwin, Abby/Brook Vink PM: Linda Young, Melinda Knott, Annaliese Knott Next Sunday: AM: Rachel Corson, Josie VanderKolk, Madelyn Monsma PM: Hannah Monsma, Andrea Monsma, Elizabeth Kortz Greeters: Next Week AM: Amos & Julia Herring AM: Labertha Bykerk, Joan Slopsema PM: Ben & Mary Kortz PM: Jeremy & Hannah Monsma Library this week: Lori Pastoor Next week: Ria Faber Ushers: AM- Amos Herring, Dave Monsma PM- Tom Flikkema, Philip Rainey Our Church Family We give thanks to God for the release of Jmos Herring from the Wayne County Correctional Facility this past Wednesday. He has returned home to his family. We rejoice with Jmos and his family in this answer to prayer and in God’s faithful care for him during his incarceration. We welcome him back to our fellowship. Let us continue to remember this brother in prayer; that he may persevere in his walk of obedience. First Church News We welcome Rev. Jon Mahtani to our pulpit and fellowship today. He will lead us in worship at both services. Prof. Engelsma is filling the pulpit of our Cornerstone congregation. This evening will be a preparatory service with a view to partaking of the Lord's Supper next Sunday morning. The REFORMED WITNESS HOUR COMMITTEE will meet Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 7:30 p.m., First PRC, Grand Rapids. The Adult Bible Study meets Tuesday, November 11 at 7:30 PM. We will study Genesis 26: Isaac Sojourns in the Land of the Philistines. Study material is in your church mailbox. The Reformed Doctrines Class meets this Wednesday evening at Faith PRC at 7:45PM. The topic will be the preaching of the word as the chief means of grace. With a practical concern, Prof. Engelsma will give instruction what preaching is, what good preaching should be, and what Reformed believers, especially the elders of the church, should expect and require of the preacher. All of all ages are welcome. The Council meets Thursday, November 13 at 7:00 PM. Censura morum will be conducted. Next Sunday evening offering: Covenant Christian, RWH From the transportation committee if anyone would like their name added or removed from the schedule please contact Rick Corson at (616) 581-8445 or Henry Westra at [email protected]. ADVANCE NOTICE: On Sunday, December 7, everyone is invited to stay after the evening service and celebrate Christ's birth by singing Christmas songs. Announcements The Georgetown Young People Societies invite you to their Soup Supper, to be held Thursday, November 13 from 5 - 7 PM at their church. On the menu this year are 4 different soups, chili, hot Announcements dogs, a salad bar and a baked potato bar. Proceeds are for the 2015 Convention. FALL LECTURE: What do you know about Satan and his power? Learn the truth about Satan and the God who sovereignly reigns over him. Join us to hear Prof. B. Gritters speak on: "THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS GRIM: The Reformed Teaching About Satan," on Friday, November 14, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at Kalamazoo PRC, 4515 Green Acres Dr., Kalamazoo, MI. Jets Pizza Night:: Order Jets Pizza either Tues Nov 18 or Wed. Nov 19 and support Trinity Young Peoples! Order for pick-up only at the Hudsonville Jets Pizza location (36th/Baldwin) on either of these two days from 11 AM to 10 PM and a percentage of your order goes directly to the Trinity Young Peoples 2015 convention fund! Please mention Trinity YP fundraiser when you order! On November 19 the young people of Hope PR Church invite you to dine at the Rainbow Grill. The Rainbow Grill has generously agreed to donate 10% of its sales from that day from both the Grandville and Hudsonville locations. See you there! Save the date! The Zeeland Civic Chorus presents their 75th anniversary performance of Handel's Messiah at 7 pm on Thursday, December 4th, and Tuesday, December 9th. Watch your bulletins or visit ZeelandCivicChorus.com for more information. Soli Deo Gloria! The 2014 Hope Heralds CD, “By Mercy Made Holy” is now available. CDs ($10 each) can be purchased at the Reformed Book Outlet in Hudsonville, at Heritage Christian School in Hudsonville, or by contacting Dan VanDyke or Karen Daling. School News Covenant Christian High School Band’s concert is TONIGHT at 8:15 pm at Covenant Chr. High School. Hope School Board will meet this week Wednesday, November 12, at 7:30 PM. Adam's 12th Annual Craft Show is Saturday, November 22 from 9-3 pm. Come and shop our biggest show ever and our last one to be held at Adams. Your support is greatly appreciated. Over 80 crafters will have their handmade items on display. A delicious lunch will be available for purchase, and scrumptious goodies at the bake sale. ALL those who are able, please park at Bethany United Reformed Church. Heritage Christian School Foundation is sponsoring an "Evening of Praise" which is being held at Grandville High School’s auditorium on Saturday, November 29 at 7:00 P.M. Sponsor packages or General Admission tickets ($15) can be purchased at the Heritage Christian School East (40th Ave.) office. General admission tickets include a dessert reception following the concert; therefore they need to be purchased in advance. Come and join us as God is praised through the gift of music. BASEBALL COACH: Covenant Christian is seeking applications for a Junior Varsity Baseball Coach for this Spring. Contact Travis Van Bemmel at [email protected] or 453-2427 with questions or to apply. Please apply by November 24. Eastside Christian School is conducting our 2014-15 Deficit Fund Drive. Our goal for this school year is $140,000. Please prayerfully consider the needs of Protestant Reformed Christian education. Contributions or pledges can be mailed to the school or put in your church collection plate. If you have questions regarding this Fund Drive or need more information, please call Tim Hop at (616) 446-8071 or email to [email protected]. The Heritage Christian Finance committee reminds all supporters to send in your Fall drive contributions as soon as possible. We still need to collect $20,000 in order to meet our goal. Thank you for your support! The Hope PR Christian School Board would like to thank all who have generously contributed to the Fall Financial Drive. As of October 30, we have collected $72,000 of our $125,000 goal. If you have not sent in your contribution, please send it to Hope PR Christian School before November 25. Covenant Christian High School is beginning its 2014-15 Annual Support Drive this week. The goal for this year's drive is $270,000. Please look for the information letter and the pledge form that were mailed out this week. Please prayerfully consider this need. Adams Christian School continues its deficit support drive for the 2014-2015 year. Information has been mailed out. If you did not receive a packet in the mail, you can get one by calling the school office. Please remember this need and send your gift or pledge to the school by Nov. 17, or put it in the collection plate in the envelope provided. We need your reply even if you cannot contribute at this time.
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