I t KEERTHI INDt,'STRIES LIMITED Regd.Ofiice: Mettacheruvu Vi age 8 Mafldal. Nalgondr District,Tetangana{08246. 515818 b Other Operaiing tncome 2. Total (a+b) Expenditure a (increase)/Decrease in stock n tlade and \dork in prog.ess b Consurnption of law maieials c Employees cost d. DepreciaUon i other Expenditur€ Totat 3. Profit{+)/ Lossc) trom Operations before Other tncome, finance cost and exceptionat items (1_2) 5. Profit(+y Loss(-) before finance cost & Exceptionat ttems (3+4) 7. Profit(+y Lossc) afrertinahce cost but before Exceptionat ttems (5.6) 8 Excepnonalitems Profit (+)/ Loss (.) fron Oridtnary Activilies before hx (z+8) - Current - Defiered Tax 1. t{et profit (+)/ Loss G) trom '12 Exlrcordinary tiems (net oi iax expenses) 14 Paid-up equity 2558.85 5158.,18 5065.48 (173.49) 3S2 00 242 5A 216 30 1528 44 (317.8s) 386 37 261.68 (105 00) Q42.51) 331 01 2536.76 2501.47 47s.7a 16.09 495.87 {3ss.83) 266.71 0.00 264.74 0.00 Ordinary Activities after tax (9-lO) Net Profiq+)/ Lossc) 3016.54 forthe period (lr-12) share capitat (Face vatue of RS.j0/- each) 15. ReseNes excluding Revaluaiion Reserves as per balance sheet ol previous account ng year '16 a) Earnings per share Basic and dituied EpS betore fxlraord'ray teis (1or a^,rualiseot Rs .0 eacr.r b) farni' gs oe. snare Basic a'rd ditLreo EDS aner Extraordinay items (not annuatised) Rs .10 each 000 266.74 246.74 801 67 1488 96 454 72 2611.6A 695.30 47674 432.36 2840 20 698.63 5038.23 751.93 515.49 678 52 2849 66 868 11 5461.20 10682.14 64 45 16'15.19 1008 91 '1352.73 5749 73 1911.49 11702.s0 119.95 44 35 't64.30 45S 79 31 13 (354.s9) 423.81 0.00 19.10 (295.49) (807.50) 0.00 000 000 0.00 (2es.49) {807.s0) (807.50) 109.77 (s30.s9) 497 47 (1804.{5) 801.67 515 05 (23.51) (23.51) l- z- Corresponding 3 months 30.09.2013 I 1. Public shareholding - Number ofshares - Percentage of shareholdjng 2.Promoters and promoter group Shareholding a) Pledged/Encumbered - Number ofshares - Percentage of shares ( as a % ofthe total share holding of p,omoter and promoter g.oup) - Percentage ofshares ( as a % ofthe totalshare capitral of the company) b) Non-encumbered - Numberofshares - Percentage of shares ( as a % ofthe total share holding of promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of shares ( as a % of the tohl share capital 2007586 25.O4 2405100 2007586 25.O4 2405100 2007586 25.O4 2405100 2007586 25.O4 2405100 2007586 25.04 2007586 25.04 2405100 2405100 40.o2 40.o2 40.o2 40.o2 40.o? 40.42 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 3604052 36040s2 3604052 3604052 59.98 59.98 3604052 AA 96 3 months B.INVESTOR COMPLAINTS ended 30 0s 2014 Pendihg atthe beginning ofthe quarter Nit Received during the quarter Disposed ofduring the quarter Remaining unresolved at the end ofthe ouarter Nit 1 1 Notes:1.The above results were subject to a limited review by the statutoryauditoB of the company and were reviewed and recommended by the Audit committee and approved by the Board of Directors at their meeting herd on 8th November 2o14. 2.Efiective-from April 01,2014 the company has revised its estimates of usetul lites of ib fixed assets as prescribed in part,C, of second schedule to the companies Act 2013.carrying amount less residual value of the assets whose remaining us;ful life has became 'Nll'at the beginning ofthe period has been added to the debit balance in statemenl of profit & Loss.Co;sequent to the the adoption of estimates useful lives given in Schedule ll,the Profit for the Quarter ended 3oth September,2ol4 is hibher by Rs.j03.97 lakhs. 3 Prevjous yealperiod figurcs have been regrouped whereevet necessary to conform to the current period classificationi. Place : Hyderabad Date :08.11.2014 For Keerthi lndustries Limited 59.98 ,/z /., SEGMENT-WSE REPORTING UNDER CLAUSE,tl OF THE LtSTtNG AGREEMENT Year to Dal€ Year lo Dale ,lguresfor figures for Particulars Corresponding 3 monlhs Preceding 3 monlhs ended 30.06.2014 ended in the period o1.o4.2014 30.09.2013 30_09.2014 2784.86 47.17 1933.57 21.91 2323.14 46.96 184.51 186.16 3016.54 3016.54 3 monlhs ended 30.09.2014 11. Segment Revenue l(Net Sales/ lncome from operations) (a) Cemenl 1t) rn.,sy I | I i t"r et."tl.o"i"" sub rotat ll3l""1 rnt", s"qm"nt n"u.nr" 31.03.2014 '188.75 4719.43 69.08 370.67 4s80.49 76.34 408.65 9831.84 115.58 714.72 2141.64 2558.85 5158_18 5065.48 10662.14 2558.85 0.00 2558 85 5158.18 0.00 3016.54 2141.64 0.00 2141.64 5065.48 0.00 5065.48 10662.14 0.00 10662.14 408.66 (38s.46) (71.42) 19.20 (4ss.84) (386.s1) 22A 14 205 7a (277.201 18 55 154 97 414 a7 (874.71) Q2', 0.00 Sales/lncome From Operations period 01.04.2013 to 30.09.2013 {Unaudited) 5158_18 lNet 12. Segment Resulls (Profit(+ylossG) ] | before tax and finance cost) (a) cem€nr (1) (b) Enerqv (61 I (2\ 46.71 48.53 4.20 230 (3) (d) Un allocated Expenditure Total Total Profit(+ylossc) Before Tax (1+2+3+4) .24 318 46.01 1.O2 0.52 0.00 266.74 (562.23) (2s7.s3) 266.74 (s62.23) (2s7.s3) 642.95 491.51 390.46 354.47 503.48 400.24 1524 92 '125819 6.71 (435. 42. 8aa aR 19.91 52.24 24.43 494 47.30 '15_84 0.00 198.52 (29s.4s) (807.s0) (2063.04) (29s.49) (807.s0) (2063.04) 90.42 3. CapitalEmployed (Segment assels-Segment Liabilities) (a) Cement (b) Enersy (c) Electronics Total Place : Hyderabad Dat€ 2156.O2 642.9s 2156.O2 549.25 496.86 491.51 390.46 549.25 496.86 1524 92 3202 13 For Keerl$j'lndushies Limited : 08.11.2014 E.'1 'M J.s:FAb) 1346.73 502.91 2205.17 / STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES .tn Particulars 6 months ended Corresponding 12 months ended in the previous year 30.09.2014 31.03.2014 (Unaudited) (Audited) Equity and Liabilities 1. Shareholders' Funds (a) Capital (b) Reserves and Surplus 1690.1 I (165.19) 't524.92 Shareholders' Funds 1690.1 1 515.06 2205.'t7 2. Non-current Liabilities (a) Long Term Borrowings (b) Deferred Tax Liabiliiy - Net (c) Long Term Provisions 5488.18 1093.30 230.68 6812.16 Non-current Liabilities 3. Current Liabilities (a) Short Term Borrowings (b) Trade Payables (c) Other Cunent Liabilities (d) Short Term Provisions Current Liabilities Total Equity and Liabilities 5858.22 1093.30 217.11 7'168.63 1897.68 1042.09 1755.64 3308.21 91.01 6338.99 14675.07 2979.29 69.24 5935.68 15309.48 10802.81 I'1617 .32 0.06 1351.03 12153.90 't368.81 12986.1 1150.86 212.92 286.97 638.00 233.42 2522.17 14676.07 970.56 337.96 271.22 644.07 99.48 2323.29 15309.48 1 131 .51 Assets 1 . Non-current Assets (a) Fixed Assets (b) Non-current lnvestments (c) Long Term Loans and Advances Non-current Assets 2. Current Liabilities (a) lnventories (b) Trade Receivables (c) Cash and Bank Balances (d) Short Term Loans and Advances (e) Other Cunent Assets Current Assets Total Assets For Keerthi lndustries Limited Place : Hyderabad Date :08.11.20'14 ,/) sO /-Y \v.'-'l ( Er.J.s.RAo) Managing Director 0.06 I CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS KEERTHI INDUSTRIES LIMITED HYDERABAD REVIEW REPORT ON FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF KEERTHI INDUSTRIES LIMITED FOR THE QUARTER / HALF YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER 2014TO EC SUEMITiTO TO STOCK EXCHANGES we have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of prot.No KEERTHI INDUSTRIES LTMITED, 40, rDA, Baran?gar, Hyderabad 500 037,T;r;ngana ("tne company") for the euarter/Harf year ended 30rh-september, 2014 oeing suomitt"J oy tre company pursuant to the requirements of clause 41 of the Listing Agreeilent witn the stoct< Exchanges except for the disclosures regarding 'pubiic sharehording,and ,promoter croup shareholding'which have been traced from th6 discrosures made b-y the management and have not been reviewed by us. Management is responsibre for iu pr"parutizn and fair presentation of this interim financial infor:mation in accorJance with the terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement entered into by the said Entity with Stock Exchangei our re-sjonsiolrity is to express a concrusion on this interim financiar information based on o-ur review. - Scope of Review we conducted our review in accordance with standard on Review Engagement (sRE) "Review of Interim Financial lnformation performed by the lndependen"t ,{uditor o'ii11e' 2410, entity', issued by the lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of tndia. This siandard requires tnat we ptan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. A review of interrm financial information consists oi maring inquirres, primariry of persons responsibre for financiar and accounting matters, ani apprying analytical .and other review procedures. A review is substantially less-in scope'than a| auoit conducted in accordance with. standards on Auditing and consequenfly does not enabre us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of alisignificant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opi-nion. Conclusion Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepareJ in ,..oi0"n"" with applicable accounting standards specified under the companies nii, i oso deemed to be applicable as per section 133 of the companies Act 20.13 read witr z"r" ot companies (Accounts) Rures. 2014) and other recognized accounting jrr.ti"". fori"i", has not disclosed the information required to be disc-losed in terms -ciause g,"-t_i.t,ng of +t oi"ni' Agreement, including the manner in which jt is to be drscrosed, or that it lontains any-materiat misstatement ffi"n irt" For K.S.RAO & CO. Chartered Accountants Firm Regn No.0031O9S D- .I -l Place: Hyderabad DaIe: 08.11 ..2014 (P.GOVARDHANA REDDY) Partner Membership No.029193 # 403 & 404, Golden Green Apartments, lrrum Manzil Colony, Hyderabad-500 082. Phones:(040) - 2337 000214. Fax:(040) -2337 0005, e-mail : ksraoandco @ sily.com
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