Our Lady of Providence Parish Schedule of Services Mass Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 5:30 PM Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 8:00AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM Rosary follows 7:30 AM Mass Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 PM or by appointment 8866 Pardee Rd. St. Louis, MO 63123 314.843.3570 www.olpstl.org November 16, 2014 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of Providence OLPSTL.ORG Rectory/Parish Office 314-843-3570 9:00 AM—3:00 PM Monday—Friday Fax: 314-843-8033 Rev. David Rauch-Pastor [email protected] Ext. 13 Marilyn Price, RNParish Nurse [email protected] Ext. 12 Margie Anderson Office Manager [email protected] Ext. 10 Stewardship “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much…”- Matthew 25:21 God expects us to nurture and develop the gifts He has given us and then generously give back with increase. He doesn’t want us to waste or hoard the gifts He has given us; He expects us to grow our gifts, use them wisely and be generous with them. John J. Mueller-Bookkeeper Ext. 11 [email protected] 651-9119 Parish Ministry Staff Rev. Mr. David Amelotti-Deacon [email protected] Rita Angeles-11 AM Choir Director [email protected] Eryn Krobath, Youth Music Director [email protected] René Zajner, Organist & Adult Choir Director [email protected] Peggy Krupp-PSR Coordinator [email protected] Tim Lucchesi, Youth Minister [email protected] Office: Seven Holy Founders Campus 314-631-8234 ______________________ Holy Cross Academy School Office 842-2073 Week Ending 11/9/14 Envelope Collection $ 9,531 Electronic Giving $ 5,057 Week Total $ 14,588 Month Total $ 29,928 % Monthly Budget Collected 55% Experience the convenience of Online Giving Visit our parish website OLPSTL.ORG and get started today! Liturgical Schedule Steve Doyle-Maintenance 591-3800 Rich Yates-Maintenance Offertory Collection Lectors SAT 11/22 5:00 PM SUN 11/23 8:30 AM 11:00 AM Langhorst Downey Carlin Eucharistic Ministers SAT 11/22 5:00 PM 3rd SAT Bush SUN 11/23 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 3rd SUN Neudecker 3rd SUN Druger Servers SAT 11/22 5:00 PM A. Koetting; A. Koetting SUN 11/23 8:30 AM G. Mills; H. Mills 11:00 AM S. Wheadon; C. Wheadon 5:30 PM J. Woodcock; G. Lancia Saints & Special Observances Sunday: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Elizabeth of Hungary Tuesday: Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Friday: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday: St. Cecilia 7:30 AM—3:30 PM Monday—Friday WWW.HOLYCROSS-STL.ORG Laura Clark-Principal [email protected] Coleta Schwartz- Secretary [email protected] Preschool 842-2073 Ext. 214 7:30 AM-6 PM Monday—Friday (on school schedule) Angie Langhauser, Director [email protected] PEACE & JUSTICE WEEKEND YOU ARE INVITED to pray with Catholics in the Ferguson area. Choose a Mass time from below. An opportunity to unite in fellowship will follow each Mass. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Our Lady of Guadalupe Sunday, Nov.16 Sunday, Nov. 16 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 a.m. 7:45, 10:30 a.m. Special collection for Human Development on November 23. November 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The parables were spoken by Jesus to people of his time, but were written in the gospels for us to hear. Today’s gospel is a call to action for all of us. Do we recognize our talents and abilities? Some of us do and many of us don’t. Having recognized them, have we taken responsibility for developing them? And, finally and most importantly, do we use our talents for others and not just ourselves? Do we use our unique gifts to help the poor and needy, the weak and the helpless? Our Savior speaks harsh words to all who are unwilling to share their abilities and help make the world a better place. What am I doing with my gifts? How do I make my parish and neighborhood and metropolis a happier and healthier place? THANKSGIVING DAY MASS On Thursday November 27th we celebrate Thanksgiving Day with a special Mass at 9:00 AM. I hope the church will be crowded as usual. We have so much for which to be thankful, even in troubling times. In fact, it is in times of tension and conflict that we can be most grateful for the gift of faith and for having a God who is so loving and generous. THANKSGIVING DAY CANNED GOODS COLLECTION We are holding our usual food collection drive on Thanksgiving Day. We ask that you carry your contributions up to the sanctuary during the offertory procession. The St. Vincent de Paul Society will use the food and cash donations for the benefit of the needy of our area. COMINGS AND GOINGS Several years ago Mary Ann Prives and Pat Menning attended a workshop about parish bereavement committees. They were excited about what they heard and asked me if we could do this at OLP. Since then they have been meeting with families dealing with the death of a loved one and help them select the readings and various options allowed at the funeral liturgy. Both Pat and Mary Ann have decided that they no longer can perform this wonderful ministry. I thank them for their dedication in this ministry. Now Cathy Chilenski, Carol Davis, Mary Kappel and Carol Reiter have volunteered to help. If you are interested in this ministry, contact Margie at the parish office. EDITOR NEEDED FOR PARISH NEWSLETTER Joe Dunne is stepping down from editing the Spirit of Providence parish newsletter. The next issue is his last. So far no one has volunteered to replace him. The newsletter has been a valuable communication tool and Joe has done an excellent job over many years. When the newsletter began a whole committee of people were producing it. I would like to find a group of people to take responsibility for this communication tool. Are you gifted in the field of communication? Do you have some time and talent to share in this area? Don’t be shy. Give it a try. Let me know. IT IS TIME FOR THE GIVING TREE! Once again this year we will help the Rural Parish Workers of Christ the King in their ministry to the rural poor in the Old Mines area of Washington County, Missouri. The Giving Trees will be available for you to choose gift items on the weekend of November 22-23. All gifts need to be returned to church by Sunday evening, December 14. The process remains the same. Pick an ornament from one of the two trees and purchase and wrap the item. Put the contents of the gift on a card and affix it to the outside and then return the gift to church. Let’s all get involved in this wonderful OLP tradition. Fr. Dave Rauch Monday, November 17 7:30 am All Souls Tuesday, November 18 7:30 am Dr. Louis Kappel Wednesday, November 19 8:00 am Fern & Otto Vogts Thursday, November 20 7:30 am Robert & Louise Ebert Friday, November 21 7:30 am Loretta & Aldo Guidi Saturday, November 22 5:00 pm Edward L. Eberhardt Sunday, November 23 8:30 am People of the Parish 11:00 am Joseph Batsch 5:30 pm Maria Schonlau-Appelhoff This Week in Our Parish Boot Camp Women’s Prayer Group PSR Divine Mercy Chaplet Adult Volleyball Rosary Pro Life Committee Monday, November 17 6:00 AM 9:30 AM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Gym Duggan Cafeteria Church Gym Church Schneider Rm. Tuesday, November 18 Meetings Friendly Visitors—1st Monday 8 am Green Thumbs—2nd Saturday 9 am John 15 Youth—Thursday 7 pm and Sunday 12:30 pm at Seven Holy Founders Men’s Club—3rd Thursday 7 pm ProLife Committee—3rd Monday 7:30 pm St. Vincent DePaul—2nd & 4th Monday 7 pm Women’s League—2nd Tuesday 7 pm YAA—2nd Thursday 7:30 PM Sacrament of Baptism Scheduled on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 12:00 p.m. or at a Mass by request. No Baptisms are scheduled during Lent. Call the Rectory for arrangements and to schedule the preparation class. Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements are to be made through the pastor or a priest at least six months prior to your wedding date. A marriage preparation program is a requirement of the Archdiocese. Sick Calls & Anointing of the Sick Call the Rectory to request a hospital visit or for communion to the sick or homebound. If you are in the hospital and want a visit, or your name added to the prayer list, please notify the Rectory. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) For un-baptized or baptized persons interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and the process of becoming a full member of the Catholic Church. Please call 843-3570. The bulletin deadline is each Tuesday at noon. Please submit in writing: [email protected] Quilters Boy’s basketball Women’s ACTS Retreat 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Rectory Basement Gym Providence Rm. Wednesday, November 19 Boot Camp 6:00 AM Gym Children’s Choir Rehearsal 3:00 PM Church Adult Choir 7:00 PM Church Thursday, November 20 Preschool event Reconciliation retreat Men’s Club 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Providence Rm. Church Cafeteria Friday, November 21 Boot Camp Church Cleaning Karate Class 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 3:00 PM Gym Church Cafeteria Saturday, November 22 Sunday, November 23 RCIA Group Eleven O’clock Music Rehearsal Children’s Liturgy of the Word Youth Musicians Rehearsal Basketball Drills 9:30 AM 10:15 AM 11:00 AM 3:30 PM 4:15 PM Providence Church Providence Church Gym Volunteering OpportuniƟes—The Notre Dame nuns that run the St. AugusƟne/ Wellston Center in Wellston could use help occasionally with the sorƟng of clothing and household items given to their thriŌ store. The days available are Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 12:00 to 2:30. Volunteering could even be just once a month or whenever you are available on those specific days. If you are interested, please call Mary Vieth (849-0489) or Maureen HamƟl (843-8191). “Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. And however undramaƟc the pursuit of peace, that pursuit must go on.” - John K. Kennedy Prayer Requests In your charity, please remember our brothers and sisters who are sick, receiving medical treatment, in rehab, hospital, or recuperating at home: Paul Berutti Claire Biangardi Kevin Bley Margaret Bogler Ed Bramman Monica Clapper Charles Hackett Rosemary Hoops Ed Heigl Nancy Higginbothan Phyllis Kolb David Larson Millie Loyet Bill May Don McSorley Gordon Neilson Bill Ondr Terry Repp David Rowan Wayne Patton John Sapienza Rosemary Schledorn Mary Schott Philip Schott Jack Seiler Pauline Serra Grace Spanevello Cynthia Van Sluys Michael Wendl Dan Whithaus Carol Winkler Please help us keep our Prayer Requests up-to-date. Contact the Rectory to be added to or removed from our prayer list. In Deepest Sympathy Dolores Smith Anthony Vierling Sr. husband of Pat Vierling Kaitlin Horne granddaughter of Bob Kolb Please pray that all our deceased loved ones may know the joy and peace of eternal life, and that their families may be comforted. OLP has been a member of Aŏon Food Pantries since its beginning. We conƟnue to send families within our parish boundaries to the pantry for food to feed their families. The Pantry is in need of volunteers to assist shoppers in the selecƟon of foods. Can you help one Saturday a month? Please call the Pantry at 314.508.3138. Blood Pressure checks this weekend, after Mass in the Schneider Room. From Marilyn Price, Parish Nurse Prebiotics and Probiotics: Hand- in Hand for Good Health To understand how prebiotics and probiotics work, it is helpful to start from the beginning with a few definitions. What is a biotic? Biotic describes a living or once living component of a community; for example organisms, such as plants and animals. Biotic means living organism. What are antibiotics? Antibiotics are agents that either kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. What are bacteria? Bacteria are single-celled organisms that live on, in and around most living and non-living things. With few exceptions, bacteria can be seen only with the aid of a microscope, and millions of them would fit on the head of a pin. Our first impression of bacteria is how deadly or infectious they are, but it is only a very small amount of them that are bad. For instance, out of 2500 strains of Salmonella, only two of them cause trouble. Some bacteria such as E Coli only cause havoc when ingested through the mouth. Although some bacteria are harmful, many bacterial species are beneficial. Bacteria that live in the intestines of humans are essential in digesting food. Other species of bacteria play a role in fermentation, a process that produces foods such as yogurt and cheese. What are probiotics? Probiotics are organisms such as bacteria or yeast that are believed to improve health. They are available in supplements and foods. The digestive system is home to more than 500 different types of bacteria. They help keep the intestines healthy and assist in digesting food. They are also believed to help the immune system. What foods are good sources of probiotics? One of the best sources of probiotics is yogurt. Look for “live or active cultures” on the label to be sure your favorite band of yogurt is a rich source of probiotics. Other good food sources are sauerkraut, miso soup fermented soft cheeses like Gouda, and even sourdough bread, the common feature of all these foods is fermentation, a process that produces probiotics. What are prebiotics? Prebiotics are non-digestible foods or food ingredients which enter our colons un-altered by the digestive process. They serve as food for probiotics. In other words, prebiotics are food for the friendly bacteria in your intestines. What foods are good sources of prebiotics? To help maintain healthy levels of prebiotics, you can feed them with the foods you eat. Foods rich in prebiotics include asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, bananas, oatmeal and legumes. How do prebiotics and probiotics work hand-in-hand? Prebiotics help nourish the probiotics in your intestines to help keep your digestive system in balance. If you don’t eat foods rich in prebiotics, the level of probiotics may fall. Sources: WebMD and Mayo Clinic REACH OUT AND THANKSGIVING Our Thanksgiving dinner collection for the needy this year will again be for St. Pius V parish on South Grand. This will be the eighth year we have directed funds to St. Pius. Their Ministry for the Sick and Elderly feeds over 100 people on Thanksgiving Day. Surplus amounts are used for the Christmas and Easter dinners. St. Pius parishioners prepare and deliver the dinners to the elderly in their homes. Donation boxes will be in the back of church the weekends of November 15/16 and 22/23. Please make checks payable to St. Pius V Ministry for the Elderly. For information contact Mary Vieth, 849-0489 or Maureen Hamtil, 843-8191. Thank you! The Men’s Club will meet Thursday, November 20 at 7:30 in the school cafeteria. New members welcome! The ProLife Committee will meet in the Providence Room at 7:30 PM this Tuesday evening. Guide Book and Directory Update—Does the rectory have your family membership record correct? It is time to update our records with any changes, additions, or deletions that may have occurred over the past year. Also, any organization or leadership changes? Please notify the rectory. Changes may also be dropped in the in the collection basket. Are you registered? If you are not registered in our parish, please consider doing so. Stop by or call the Rectory at 314.843.3570, or email [email protected]. NAME/ ORGANIZATION:_______________________ CHANGE/DELETION: _________________________ Pictorial Directory help needed! The parish office is looking for volunteers to coordinate the process of the photography sessions. In addition, help is needed to compile parish pictures and stories, and page layouts for our 60th Anniversary pictorial directory. The photography company will provide resources to make the job easy! Do you have talent in scrapbooking, graphic design or picture organizing? Please consider offering your skills for this historical parish keepsake! Contact the Rectory at 843-3570. CHRISTMAS TOY COLLECTION OLP’s collection for needy children will take place on Reach Out weekend of Dec. 6-7. Our toys will be given to Sts. Teresa & Bridget and they will offer these toys at greatly reduced prices for the people in their service area. New and gently used toys (unwrapped) will be accepted. Toys for school age children are preferred, especially cars, trucks, dolls, games for teenagers, and sports items. Black dolls are preferred but white dolls are always welcome. No stuffed animals, toy weapons or battery operated toys. Basketballs and footballs are welcome but not soccer balls. There is also always a need for warm hats, gloves and socks for both children and adults. Any you can donate will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for always being so generous! CHRISTMAS COOKIE SALE The OLP Women’s League will be selling delicious boxed homemade cookies the weekend of Dec. 6-7. Cost is $5.00 for a 1 lb. box. If you would like to donate cookies, you may drop them off at the Providence Room on Sat., Dec. 6, between 1012 a.m. or call Lesley Nebuloni at 849-6254 for pickup. Thank you. WAY OF LIGHTS Christmas Celebration! The Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows will be hosting the Way of Lights from Nov. 21 -Jan. 2 from 5-9 PM. This is a fun family event with many activities. Come and See Weekend at Kenrick Fall Retreat: November 21-23, 2014 This weekend is a free retreat offered for young men in high school who may have a desire to learn more about the priesthood and seminary life. Contact Fr. Chris Martin, Director of Vocations at [email protected]. All high school teens are invited to join the youth group Thursday from 7-9 pm and Sundays from 12:30-2:30 pm in the youth room on Seven Holy Founders campus. High school Juniors and Seniors! Please join John 15 for this year’s Junior/Senior retreat. The retreat will be held at St. Michael the Archangel November 14-16. Registration forms and the $35 fee are due October 31st. JOHN 15 GOES TO WASHINGTON – It’s time for high school teens to register for the annual March for Life pilgrimage to Washington D.C. (January 21st-25th, 2015). Limited spots remain!!! Please go to John15ym.com for a registration form or contact Tim Lucchesi for more information at [email protected]. Our Lady of Providence Parish November 16, 2014 SHOPPING LIST Reach Out Weekend December 6 & 7 Vendor Night at Women’s League Meeting—December 9. We are looking for a few parishioners that would like to sell their crafts or goods at our December meeting—Tuesday, Dec. 9th. We are hoping to have between 5-10 vendors at this meeting. The meeting would run a few hours on that night. Anyone interested, please contact Judy Uxa at 842-4202 or [email protected] ALZHEIMER’S 101 Free—Alzheimer’s Association educational program: Monday, December 1 7—8 PM in church Seven Holy Founders 6741 Rock Hill Rd., Affton In addition to their usual food supplies, Sts. Teresa and Bridget Food Pantry is now serving 40-50 homeless clients, and is in need of the following items: Granola Bars Fruit in pull-top containers Individual packs of cheese or peanut butter crackers Bottled water Vienna sausage Potted meat Crackers Usual items: Tuna Peanut butter 16 oz Jelly 16 oz Potted meat Box Cereal Crackers Pasta Advertising here helps your parish www.jspaluch.com & your business. Canned products: Corn Green beans Chili Ravioli Tomato sauce Little Lambs playgroup for children aged 3 or younger, and their caregiver will gather on Wednesday, Nov 19 at 9:30 a.m., St. Michael’s gym. Contact Maggie Mueller 314.395.0787 or [email protected] Exceptional Care for Exceptional People ✹ SHORT-TERM REHAB ✹ LONG-TERM CARE email: [email protected] Call Dan Brady 800.945.6629 TONY ALTOBELLA, Administrator OLP Parishioner 401 CORPORATE PARK DRIVE ✹ CLAYTON, MO 63105 ✹ (314) 725-7447 What We Can Offer You and Your Business: • Many ad size options to meet your budget in color or black and white • One-on-one customer service to help build and design your ad • The ability to change your ad up to 12 times per year J.S. Paluch Company 1.800.945.6629 The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-945-6629 711850 Our Lady of Providence Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Home of the Frozen Fishbowl™ Voted AOL Best Italian Mark & Joan Aiazzi Rooms for Private Parties! On the Hill ◆ Since 1957 4945 Daggert Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63110 314-772-4900 FAX 314-772-4902 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers R.A. GUINNER PLUMBING CO. (314) 752-9850 Licensed Bonded Insured Kitchens • Baths • Additions Insurance Repairs • Painting Call for FREE estimate Joseph S. Grimaud, D.D.S. Kitchen/Bath Remodeling and Repair • Sewer Service 8537 Watson Rd. St. Louis, MO 63119 Free Estimates 314-427-3331 314.963.2000 John & Mary Ann Richmond • OLP Since 1982 LUBELEY’S BAKERY & DELI Personal Counseling and Psychiatry Open Tues-Sat 7am-7pm Sun. 8am-1pm 7815 Watson Road Robert J. Lubeley Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling TREE & LAWN CARE EXPERTS SINCE 1880 $20 OFF Tree Pruning/Removal (314) 961-5440 www.davey.com 9200 Watson Rd., G-101, St. Louis, MO 63126 961-7160 314-544-3800 / www.cfsstl.org TERRY KRAUSE FRED & BRAD WOLFF MIKE VANOST Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! REPUBLIC ROOFING CO. Residential, Commercial and Institutional IN BUSINESS SINCE 1967 – 314-965-5504 – MEMBER OF: Roofing and Siding Contractors Alliance Inc. RSCA SINAK PLUMBING CO. NEW-REPAIR-REMODEL 1300 SOUTH LACLEDE STATION ROAD (314) 968-1340 Est. 1929 Lic. # p8960 – FIELDER – ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED 100, 200 & 400 AMP Service Upgrades • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Stand By Generator Systems $20OFF Any Electrical Work of $100 or more 314-966-3388 OPEN THE DOOR TO LIFE MORE BRILLIANT Real Estate Consultant 314.359.0576 OLP Parishioner Our New Apartment Homes and Villas Are Selling Fast. Call Today! 314-842-6840 HAPPY PRO HANDYMAN www.MaryRandant.com Since 1993 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... 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Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA FUNERAL HOME 2906 GRAVOIS 772-3000 10151 GRAVOIS 842-4458 5255 LEMAY FERRY 894-4500 Expert Care for your Entire Wardrobe YORKSHIRE CLEANERS 8080 Watson Rd. 843-1881 We offer pick-up and delivery Mark Bartnett Customers, get a quote and mention this ad, Dane will donate $10.00 314-849-6887 www.afftonheating.com to Our Lady of Providence Covenant Network 1460 AM Supporter 711850 Our Lady of Providence Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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