The Neumann News St. John N. Neumann Assembly 1763 Bowie, Maryland Volume XX, Issue 5 In the Spirit of God’s Beloved Angels, We are Men for Others Faithful Associate Friar’s Report Deacon Andrew J. Nosacek I am the bread of life. If any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh. Jn 6:51 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless your eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you; he who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. Jn 6:53-56. The Journey Home, on The Eternal Word Television Network, brings renewed life into the world. It presents the stories of many men and women in their journey home into the Church of our Lord, the Catholic Faith. Among many wonderful tales of conversion, two things stand out as the pivotal points of the journey: the Eucharist, and the writings of the Fathers of the Church wrapped in the tale of our Lord's gift to us. What a gift! It is the Eucharist that brings these pilgrims home to the Lord. Let me begin with a story of a young man midway in his pilgrimage on earth. As a certain Lent approached he decided to do something positive for once: he would attend daily Mass. [The words of St. Ambrose remind us: today Christ is yours, yet each day He rises again for you.] At the end of that first Lent he decided to continue his daily pledge. A year passed by in the extreme joy of faithful resolution. On a trip to the Midwest he experienced great pain. On his return he was sent directly to the hospital for surgery on a cancer in his bladder. He was strangely prepared: his closeness to the Lord in their daily encounters made him calmly accept the inevitable. Acceptance led to gratitude: five years of treatment brought recovery. His daily Masses were times of great joy and love of our Lord, as our Lord in His love came to him every day, and continues over the years: continuous daily encounters with the living Jesus. There are volumes of words attesting to the great November 2014 promise of The Word in His living body and blood. The greatest modern revelation of the depth and breadth of this miracle is in one of the two last and greatest of the writings of St. John Paul II: Ecclesia de Eucharistia [A.D. 2003]. Together with his apostolic letter on the Rosary, Rosarium Virginis Mariae [A.D. 2002], this work constitutes his crowning gift to the Church. It is impossible to summarize or even briefly comment on this great work. The purpose of this piece is to urge your to read and study it. The opening phrase is the beginning of a great discovery: The Church draws her life from the Eucharist. This truth does not simply express a daily experience of faith, but recapitulates the 'heart and mystery of the Church.' He reminds us of the closing words in St. Matthew's gospel: lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age. Since we often ignore the saints around us, we must turn to the great mentor to learn from those saints we have come to know. St. Peter: Invisible communion, though by its nature growing, presupposes the life of grace, by which we become 'partakers of the divine nature'. [2 Pet 1:4]; St. John Chrysostom: I beseech, beg, and implore that not one draw near to this sacred table with a sullied and corrupt conscience. Let us then finally turn with our beloved Pope St. John II, to our Mother Mary: In the Eucharist the Church is completely united to Christ and His sacrifice, and makes her own the sprit of Mary. This truth can be understood more deeply by re-reading the Magnificat in Eucharistic key. The Eucharist, like the Canticle of Mary, is first and foremost praise and thanksgiving. When Mary exclaims: "My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior" she already bears Jesus in her womb. She praises God "through" Jesus, but she also praises Him "in" Jesus and "with" Jesus. This is itself the true "Eucharistic attitude." THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL YOUR GRACES AND BLESSING Newsletter Page 1 Faithful Navigator’s Report Tom Torrell Please Pray for Those Serving US Today Our next Assembly event will be this month; we will be holding our annual Patriotic Breakfast at Boswell Hall on Sunday, Nov 9th at 10AM. Our guest Speaker is Scott Mallory who will give us a presentation on his Wounded Warrior project called “Trucks for Troops.” We will have our 50/50 $1000 raffle winner drawn at this event. In last month’s column I mistakenly said the winner of the Wagon of Cheer would be drawn at this event, however, that will happen at the December meeting. You should have received your letter with 30 tickets to purchase or sell. The proceeds from this raffle will be split between the Gabriel Project and the Blankets of Hope. Veterans Day is on Nov 11th, and there will be a ceremony held at 11AM at the Veterans Park in Old Bowie across the street from Ascension Church. We hope to have a good Color Corps representation from our Assembly at this event. Did you know that Nov 10th, marks the date the US Marine Corps was established in 1775? This fraternal year’s exemplification will take place on the weekend of April 10-12, 2015 at the Colony South Hotel and Conference Center in Clinton, Md. Recruiting candidates for the 4th Degree is an ongoing mission. If you are interested in joining the 4th Degree, contact any Assembly officer for a Form 4 application. This year, as in last year, you will be able to register and pay online at and click on Exemplification and online registration. If you register online you will still need the Form 4 filled out and handed in for our records. If you have any questions you may call me at my listed number. Reminder: In the months of November and December we will be holding our 4th Degree meetings on the second Thursday of each month i.e. 13th and Dec 11th. PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR DEPARTED BROTHERS AND FAMILY MEMBERS OF SIR KNIGHTS, ESPECIALLY, FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK AND RECOVERING, • SK Ferris George • Eva Poiani, wife of SK Claudio Poiani, PGK, PFN If you know of a SK or SK’s family member who is ill, has died, or is in need of our prayers, please contact Faithful Pilot Bill Sapero 410-721-9163. M/SGT Robert K. Burkhardt, USAF Son of Bob & Jeanne Burkhardt Stationed in Washington State SGT Scott A. Cecilio, US Army Son of Alan & Linda Cecilio National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency CAPT Colin Green, USN Seal Son of Leo & Alhen Green Commander of Seals in Iraq et al. MAJ John Marshall, US Army Son-in-Law of Angelo Troisi Stationed in Afghanistan LCpl Eric McMullen, USMC Son of Jeff & Lorna McMullen Stationed in Camp Lejeune, NC PFC Brian McMullen, USMC Son of Jeff & Lorna McMullen Stationed in Twentynine Palms, CA CMSG Steve Poiani, USAF Son of Claudio & Eva Poiani Stationed in Spokane, Washington Col Greg Scheidhauer, US Army Son of Jerry Scheidhauer Assigned to U.S. Capitol from Pentagon LtCol Michael Sierco, USAF Son of Mike & Mary Jo Sierco Air Staff for Air Force Issues Pentagon LtCol Ross Vincent, USAF Nephew of George & Rosemary Vincent Stationed in San Antonio, Texas Lt Dawn Weaver, USN Grandchild of Bruno & Martha Seppi Stationed in Afghanistan “The Nation Which Forgets Its Defenders Will Be Itself Forgotten.” - Calvin Coolidge Newsletter Page 2 ASSEMBLY OFFICERS The Fourth Degree Color Corps Faithful Friar Rev. John Barry 301-249-9199 The Fourth Degree Color Corps are the Visible Knights of Columbus and frequently are seen at Religious, Patriotic, and Civic Functions. For most men who follow Jesus, there comes a time when duty extends beyond our own lives, beyond how we lead our families, and into how we serve our fellow man. That's what the Knights of Columbus is all about. The Patriotic Degree allows K of C members to take this one step further. "Sir Knight" is more than a title — it’s an honor. Faithful Associate Friar Deacon Andy Nosacek 301-262-5755 Faithful Navigator Tom Torrell, PGK 301-262-8062 Faithful Captain Joe Massimini, PGK, FDD 301- 464-4656 Faithful Admiral Ray DeVous, PFN 301-731-0073 Caring Items for the Troops Our Assembly is going forward with the idea of supporting our troops; we are requesting monetary donations for the purchase of coffee, laundry soap, dryer sheets and snacks. These will be sent to the troops in Iraq. They are also requesting timely magazine regarding sports, trucks, hunting, fishing, and news. These will be collected at Council and Assembly meetings by me and I will send them via parcel post. Write the check payable to St. John Neumann Assembly #1763 and mail it to FC Frank Italiano, 2111 Wintergreen Avenue, District Heights, MD 20747-2433. Veterans Day Celebration Hospice of the Chesapeake is partnering with Sacred Heart Council of the K of C on a Veterans Day Celebration honoring our Patients, Family Members and Community Members who have served our Country. The Celebration will be on Veteran’s Day, Tuesday, 11 November from 10:00 to 12:00 at the K of C Boswell Hall, 6111 Columbian Way, Bowie. The keynote speaker will be RADM Robert Shumaker who was a POW for 8 years in Vietnam. Admission is free and light refreshments will be served. We are reaching out to recognize our Community’s veterans and to make this a memorable experience for all. Active Duty personnel will be joining our Veterans and Naval Academy Midshipmen in saluting our veterans. Please join us. Please direct your questions to Paul Mullenhoff at 301-262-3963. Faithful Pilot Bill Sapero 410-721-9163 Faithful Comptroller Frank Italiano, PGK, PFN, FDD 301-336-6113 Faithful Purser Ed Fox 410-451-4382 Faithful Scribe Donahue Aitcheson, PGK 301-352-0947 Faithful Sentinels Romeo Paternoster, PGK, DD 301-509-0236 Luther Holley, PGK, PFN 301-249-3539 Faithful Trustees Paul Mendez, PFN Jonathan Tallmadge PFN Fred Raggazone, PGK, PFN, FDW Color Corps Commander Alex Simpson (443) 745-6727 Vice Commander Jeff McMullen, GK 240-353-6021 Newsletter Editor and Website Author George Vincent 301-249-6399 Newsletter Page 3 St. John N. Neumann Assembly #1763 Bowie, Maryland White Freedom Shirt Quantity Size Right side embroidery: NOTE: Add $3.00 for right side embroidery YOUR NAME & ADDRESS: PHONE: Make check payable and mail to: Jovic Embroidery, LLC 9517 Chipping Drive North Chesterfield, VA 23237-3842 804-748-2598 Amount “A familiar face for all your real estate needs” Four Legs Animal Hospital Don Aitcheson Realtor® Office 301‐352‐4065 Cell 240‐481‐0622 4201 Mitchellville Rd. #101 Bowie, MD 20715 [email protected] Visit my website: Dr. Ivan J. Nosacek, P.A. Family Foot Care North Oak Professional Park 3006 Mitchellville Road Bowie, MD 20716 301-390-3338 Dr. Natalia Nosacek Bassford 1329 W. Central Avenue Davidsonville, MD 21035 410-798-5222 Dennis Doyle DOYLE PRINTING & OFFSET COMPANY, Inc. 6911 Old Landover Road Landover, Maryland 20785 301-322-4800 301-322-4801 Fax 301-322-2860 The Catholic Standard The Archdiocese of Washington and Your Family’s Catholic Newspaper 202-281-2410 The St. John N. Neumann Assembly of Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus was established on August 12, 1978. It serves two Bowie Councils: Sacred Heart #2577 and Fr. Peter C. Boyle #12254. The Neumann News is the Assembly’s monthly newsletter, which is distributed on or about the first of each month. Send any correspondence to the Faithful Navigator, Boswell Hall, 6111 Columbian Way, Bowie, MD 20715. Visit our website Newsletter Page 4
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