MOUNT AUBURN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time NOVEMBER 9, 2014 11:00 a.m. Large print bulletins are available from the Ushers. A single asterisk (*) before the liturgy indicates that the congregation is to stand if able. People’s response in bold. Please turn off your cell phones before the service begins. The service begins with the prelude. This is a time for meditative prayer, silence, and centering. Please be mindful of your neighbor’s desire to prepare for worship. PRELUDE “Larghetto in F Major” INTROIT “Guide my Feet” D. Zipoli African American Spiritual WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A MOMENT FOR STEWARDSHIP – Pat Timm & Diane Smith Please sign the welcome register and pass it to your neighbor. When all have signed pass it back so you can see the names of those with whom you are worshiping. (Please remove the signed page and place it in the offering plate). Announcements are given by the liturgist. Those not printed in the bulletin must be handed to the liturgist before the service begins. GATHERING WORDS** (Responsively) Before there was any time, there was the Holy One. When we wandered through the wilderness, The Creator built the way for us. When we lived in exile, our homes were built by our Sustainer. When we are overwhelmed by stress and change, The Source unknots the tightness in our shoulders. When we seek to serve faithfully, The Holy One provides the opportunities. when tomorrow comes, we find the Giver of Life awake and waiting for us. When time ends, there will still be God. PRAYER OF PRAISE (Responsively) Loving Creator, you call us together again this day, we come seeking to hear your wisdom, hoping to feel your presence. Redeemer, you call us to learn about your way, we come seeking to be renewed in our choice to follow you, to have no other gods in our life. Sustainer, in this time together, move among us, strengthen our hearts, send us out refreshed. Rick Sowash *HYMN #401 “Here in This Place” Gather Us In CALL TO RECONCILIATION Confession (Responsively) Holy One, we try to be people of peace, but the world works against us and we are often unsure what peace might mean. We try to follow you alone, putting all idols and gods aside, but they are deceptive and innocuous and challenge our loyalties. For those times we step off the path of wisdom, forgive us we pray. Silence is Kept Assurance of Forgiveness (Responsively) The Holy One is merciful and loving. God does not condemn but offers us forgiveness and second chances. We are a forgiven people. Thanks be to God! We stand to sing our praises to this God of new beginnings. Amen. (The people stand to sing the response.) *Response #589 (1st “Aleluya” time choir, 2nd time ALL) Honduran Melody *PASSING THE PEACE SPECIAL MUSIC “Blessed Assurance” The Handbells MOMENT WITH YOUNGEST DISCIPLES PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE READING Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 p. 215 Psalm 78 (Tune #263) “Coronation” (Please remain seated for the singing of the Psalm printed below.) “Give ear, my people, to my law," thus did our God command; "my words, though cast in parable, your hearts can understand. To tell your children of my might is all that I demand!" Each passing generation sings the wonders of our God, that those who follow in their steps may be of one accord to keep God's Law above all else, and hold God yet adored. arr. L. Larson How marvelous did God preserve our kindred in distress; the sea a path did yield, and springs did feed the wilderness. No less are we today the heirs of truth and righteousness. ANTHEM GOSPEL READING SERMON Matthew 25:1-13 p. 28 “Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning” The Reverend Barb Tesorero MOMENT OF SILENCE WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Questions to the New Members Questions to the Congregation Will you, support and encourage Jeana, Sequoia, Susan, Sam, Joey, Quinn, Henry, Phil, Ashley and Claire in their Christian life? We will. Will you receive and encourage their gifts? We will. Will you welcome them as brothers and sisters in the faith and members of the household of God? We will. *Affirmation Of Faith (Unison) We believe in God, eternal yet ever-moving One, who creates and is creating, who keeps covenant with humankind, who sets before us the ways of life and death. We believe in Jesus, the servant-advocate, who lived the way of dying/rising, who embodied justice and reconciliation, who, with authority, calls us to share this way of embodying. we believe in the Holy Spirit, sustaining presence and transforming power, who dwells among us in clarity and in mystery, who inspires us individually and corporately, who challenges, prods, emboldens. We believe in the church, community of faith and caring, covenant and promise, which nurtures our pilgrimage and through which we are called to be witnesses to God’s truth, love and justice. We believe our believing affects our daily walking and talking, our doubting and struggling, our decisions and choice-making, our responses to persons and systems. We intend this community in these days to raise questions hopefully, to work for justice lovingly, to share a ministry faithfully, and, by God’s grace, passionately! Congregational Prayer With and For New Members Peace be with you. All: And also with you. PASTORAL PRAYER CALL FOR OFFERING Offertory “Walking Through the Valley of the Shadow” Rick Sowash, soloist words by Odell Shepard music by Rick Sowash *Doxology (Unison) O God, may we who bear your name by gentle love your grace proclaim, Christ’s gift of peace on earth declare and your anointing Spirit share. *Dedication *HYMN #365 “God Reigns! Let Earth Rejoice!” *CHARGE (Responsively) Go out to share what you have received. The Source will multiply the gifts that you give away. We will turn away from fears of scarcity. We will celebrate and share our abundance. The Holy One meets you amid the storms of life, The Everlasting goes with you through the terrors of the night. We are embraced by God’s steadfast love. We will look up and not be afraid. *BENEDICTION (Responsively) May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith. May the Holy Spirit strengthen your inner being. To God be glory in the church forever. May Christ be honored in all we say and do. Amen. Amen. Marion *Response “Keep Your Lamps” Keep your lamps trimmed and burning, Keep your lamps trimmed and burning, Keep your lamps trimmed and burning, the time is drawing nigh. POSTLUDE “Toccata in A Minor” Spiritual Jan Pieter Sweelinck The Handbells: Yana Keck, Margaret Champion, Lisa Foster, Janet Lowry, Bo Miller, Earl Apel, Patty Muhleman, Gordon DeVinney, Brian Anderson, Robin Pendery, Steven Zink, Special guest: Beth Troendly. ** Gathering Words written by the Reverend Thom M. Shuman, © 2005.
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