2 November 2014 : Fourth Sunday before Advent
WELCOME TO OUR SERVICES TODAY. If you are a visitor and usually
take communion in your own church, we hope you will share the sacrament
with us. If you are not a communicant, please still come to the altar, but
carry a book, and you will receive a blessing. Do join us for Fairtrade
refreshments in Church House after the 8:00 am and 9:00 am services and
at the back of church after the 10:45 am service.
A Crèche is available in the North Room during the 10:45 am service. All
children attending the 10.45 am service are welcome to meet in school year
groups during term time as follows:
Bubbles - Pre-school & Reception: North Room
JC Club - Years 1 - 5: Church House
Bell Tower - Years 6 - 9: Bell Tower
Please take this sheet home with you as a reminder of events in the coming
week which you might want to join in with, or pray over.
Almighty and eternal God,
you have kindled the flame of love
in the hearts of the saints:
grant to us the same faith and power of love,
that, as we rejoice in their triumphs,
we may be sustained by their example and fellowship;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Post Communion Collect:
Lord of heaven,
in this eucharist you have brought us near
to an innumerable company of angels
and to the spirits of the saints made perfect:
as in this food of our earthly pilgrimage
we have shared their fellowship,
so may we come to share their joy in heaven;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Church Notices: please send to [email protected]
Today's readings with their pew bible page numbers are:
Old Testament Reading:
Micah 3: 5-12 (page 932)
Human nature always wants to know what will happen in the future. Both
Micah and Jesus are scathing about professional forecasters, some of
whom even claim to speak in the Lord's name. There is, says Micah, no
future for those who condition their prophecy to what their employers want
to hear.
New Testament Reading:
1 Thessalonians 2: 9-13 (page 1186)
On these Sundays before Advent we hear from this early letter of Paul. He
had not asked payment for his teaching ministry, but brought the Gospel
message freely, honestly and diligently. He urges the new Christians in
Thessalonica to live in ways worthy of God.
Gospel Reading:
Matthew 23: 1-12 (page 991)
In this section of his Gospel, Matthew collects together several of the
powerful criticisms by Jesus of the Pharisees. They do not even follow their
own teaching; they love public honour; they forget there is always much
more to learn about God.
8:00 am Holy Communion (Said) (BCP page 237)
9:00 am Holy Communion (Sung) (Common Worship)
10:45 am All Age Family Service and Holy Baptism
of Annabel MacKeown
12 noon – 3:30 pm Winter Warmers (Church House)
4:00 pm Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving
6:00 pm Evensong (Sung) (BCP) (No sermon)
Psalms 111 & 117 (Oxford Psalter pages 219 & 226)
Daniel 7: 1-18 (page 892)
Hymn 150
Luke 6: 17-31 (page 1034)
Hymns 408 & 241
In our prayers this week we remember Joan Gibson, Stella
Blake, Joan Sweet, Annie Coles, Avis Clinch, Ann Way,
Rudi Gelsey, Jim and Anne Long, Florence Pinfield, and all
who care for and about them.
Jean Godfrey is remembering, with much love, her dear
husband Roy on 7 November, which would have been his
Morning Prayer is said on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at
7:30 am and on Tuesday and Thursday at 7:45 am. Do join us.
MONDAY 3 November
10:15 am Ladies' Daytime Fellowship & Bible Study. A warm welcome to all.
Further details - Judith Camplisson (565108) or Ann Long (564009)
TUESDAY 4 November
1:45 pm Art Fellowship Group: Church House
7:30 pm Mothers’ Union: Church House. The speaker is our own Mike
Dean on the subject ‘Don’t do it my way’. Everyone welcome.
WEDNESDAY 5 November
7:30 pm Alpha Course: Church House
THURSDAY 6 November
9:30 am Hughenden Toddlers: Church House
Next Sunday:
9 November : Third Sunday before Advent – Remembrance Sunday
8:00 am Holy Communion (Said) (Common Worship)
9:00 am Matins (Sung) (BCP)
10:20 am Act of Remembrance
10:45 am Family Communion
6:00 pm Evensong (Sung) (BCP)
13 November – 24/7 Prayer for Wycombe from 8:00 am to 8:00 am Friday
at home or in the North Room, where the prayer space will be set up. You
will find the sign-up sheet and the Prayer Points on the table at the back of
the Church. Prayerfully consider signing up for an hour, or part of an hour,
in prayer for the ministries taking place in High Wycombe.
14 November – “Loitering with Intent – Police Chaplaincy in Action” is
the subject of a talk to be given by Canon David Wilbraham, Force Chaplain
to the Thames Valley Police on Friday, November 14 at Holy Trinity Church
Prestwood. Tickets are £5 from 01494 862156 or at the door.
20 November – Concert at 6:00 pm (with tea & cake served from 5.30) of
music by Mendelssohn, Holst and Mozart played by Nicky Fairbairn (oboe)
and The Keats Quartet. Music for the ‘Season of mists and mellow
fruitfulness’. Contact Arthur Johnson (01494 521471) for tickets: £11
(student/child £6).
22 November – The Cry - Requiem for the Lost Child A powerful and
moving choral work which uses the Requiem liturgy interwoven with the
words of children who have been effected by war and conflict. At All Saints
Church, High Wycombe at 7:30 pm. Tickets from Helen Byrne (07881
781695) - £12, £10 concession, Children under 12 free but must have a
Advance Notice Filming will take place at the Manor on 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th
and 13th November. The car park will have equipment vans in it; but the
film company have been requested that a good amount of space be
available for church business.
Mothers’ Union would like to thank everyone who came, helped and
supported our Coffee morning and bring and buy. We made £200 grand
total and this has been sent to Iraq the Church in Baghdad where Andrew
White is Chaplain to St Georges Church, Baghdad. Life there is fearful.
Many Thanks.
The Dorcas Project This Christmas Dorcas will be providing small new
Christmas presents for children including a book, colouring pencils,
colouring books and puzzles. They envisage each present costing
approximately £5. Last year they received 265 referrals for this small
project and they expect to receive something in the region of the same this
year. Donations would be very much appreciated towards the cost of this
project, new books etc. as aforementioned (for children 0-12 years) and,
most importantly, prayer for the children who will be receiving the presents.
If you can help in any way you may leave gifts at Holy Trinity Church office,
Amersham Road, mornings only, or with Yvonne Cook who will be happy to
take them for you. More information from the Dorcas Project in the Dec/Jan
November Outlook Apologies for the layout this month. This is due solely
to printers’ error. George and Keith.