TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 25 6:30 AM Barnabas Factor Men’s Bible Study 2:30 PM Clothes Closet Open W EDNESDAY, NOVEM BER 26 No Evening Activities M ONDAY, NOVEM BER 17 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 10:30 AM MADD Hatters 7:00 PM Hannah’s One Wish Bible Study 7:00 PM Handbells TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 18 6:30 AM Barnabas Factor Men’s Bible Study 12 NOON LAFF Thanksgiving Luncheon 6:00 PM W orld Craft Party at Sand Hill WEDNESDAY, NOVEM BER 19 5:00 PM Children’s Choir and Youth Ensemble 5:30 PM Family Night Supper 6:15 PM Mission Friends, Children in Action & Youth On Mission 6:15 PM Prayer Meeting 7:15 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal SUNDAY, NOVEM BER 23 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Sunday School Morning W orship Bible Study M ONDAY, NOVEM BER 24 9:00 AM Clothes Closet W ork Day 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 10:30 AM MADD Hatters 7:00 PM Hannah’s One Wish Bible Study 7:00 PM Handbells WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, HAMPTON, S.C. 29924 Volume 56 November 12, 2014 No. 44 THURSDAY, NOVEM BER 27 The church office will be closed for the Holiday. Nursery Workers November 16. . . . Loretta Jacobson and Jessie Ohl November 23. . . . . . Carolyn Clapp and Jessie Ohl November 30 . . . . . . . Annette Mole and Jessie Ohl website: FirstBaptistHampton.org The First Baptist Herald (USPS 193-640) is published weekly by the First Baptist Church, 305 Oak Street, East, Ham pton, SC 29924. Periodicals paid at Hampton, S.C. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to First Baptist Herald, 305 Oak Street, East, Hampton, SC 29924. SUNDAY, NOVEM BER 16 Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection Day 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Morning W orship Vote on Proposed Budget 6:00 PM Bible Study FIRST BAPTIST HERALD Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Ministry Collection Date: This Sunday, November 16 Deacon Election Ladies Shopping Trip to Downtown Charleston Saturday, November 15 All ladies are invited to join us for a day of “Retail Therapy” in downtown Charleston on Saturday, November 15. Departure time is 9 a.m. from the church. W e will enjoy lunch at Bocci’s. Please let Donna Ellenburg know if you’re interested in going. The LAFF (Life After Fifty Five) group is going to have a Thanksgiving luncheon on Tuesday, November 18, at 12 noon in the social hall. A country fall meal of pork roast and Southern sides is planned. No need to bring anything! Just make your reservation by signing up in your Sunday School class or by calling Kathryn Denmark at 943-3565. Tomorrow’s Leaders Today January 9-10, 2015 White Oak Conference Center This is a leadership training for W omen in Ministry with a special emphasis on reaching and mentoring the younger generation. Registration is $65 per person or $40 per person if we have 10 or more sign up. This fee includes dinner, breakfast, lunch, lodging, and the conference itself. You will get to enjoy hearing from a worship leader/speaker, collegiate women’s ministry interns, and a high school student who started the Healing H earts Ministry for foster children. (New pillows will be collected for the Healing Hearts Ministry.) For more details regarding the conference and guests, go to www.scengage.org/next. Please contact Donna Ellenburg if you are interested in attending. Christopher Padgett Sandra Sease Prison Packets (Due in the Church Library by Sunday, November 23) U Travel Sized Toothbrush and Toothpaste (pick up in library) U One 4 - 6 ounce Bar of Soap (no travel size) WORLDCRAFTS PARTY Sand Hill Baptist Church Tuesday, November 18 at 6 p.m. Shaping and Molding November 19 November 21 Buy Christmas presents with a special touch all for a wonderful cause— supporting the impoverished artisans. You will find one of a kind art/handcrafted pieces, made from Indigenous materials. Join us where compassion meets art. Come explore authentic, handcrafted items from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Contact Patricia Terry at the Association Office for any questions 943-2105. Family Night Supper Adults: Children: Pizza Salad Tea and Water Fruit and Cookies Pizza Tator Tots Tea and Water Fruit and Cookies U One 50-100 page junior legal tablet (not larger than 5 ½ x 8; no wire biding or hard cardboard) U Five First Class #10 Stamp-Embossed Envelopes (from the US Post Office–no metered envelopes) U Two Rolls of candy (Lifesavers, Mentos, Breath Savers) U One Gallon-Size Ziploc Bag (for above items) L Do not add anything to the packets not listed. The Purpose Driven Life will be added to each packet before it goes to the inmate. There will be a Deacon Election on Sunday morning, November 23. This election is for one person to fill the unexpired term of James Sease who has recently resigned. The following is a list of those who are eligible: Active Members: Boyles, Charlie (Tina) Boyles, Charles, Jr. (Marcia) Chassereau, Carl Crews, A. C. Cummings, J. F. Denmark, James Drawdy, Charlie Drawdy, Charlie Jr. Harvey, Buck Jacobson, Val Miley, Frank Mixson, Pete Parker, Bill Parker, Don Sanders, Bill Terry, Ed Winn, Ronald Inactive Members: Beach, Ira Boyles, Jason Brown, Wayne Brunson, Rabi Bunton, Scott Jr. Chassereau, Bart Chassereau, Don DeLoach, Michael Gray, Fred, Jr. Holstein, Billy McKenzie, John Christian McKenzie, Johnny Miles, James "Bill" Miles, Jay Mills, Eric Murdaugh, Lawrence Nevius, Nick O'Quinn, Buddy Padgett, Mark Parker, Chuck Parker, Johnny Poston, Robbie Rivers, Leslie Sanderlin, Jim Stanfield, Kevin Stanley, Michael Taylor, Kevin Thomas, Jim Williams, Marion Wingler, Roy Winn, David Winn, Richard Wooten, Ray Zeigler, William M. Please put your name/organization and the number of bags you are leaving with Sheila and turn them in no later than Sunday, November 23. Sunday School Attendance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 W eekly Budget Requirements. . . . . . . . . $5,962.00 Last W eek’s Budget Receipts.. . . . . . . . . $4,662.00 Budget Requirements To Date. . . . . . . $268,290.00 Budget Receipts To Date. . . . . . . . . . . $259,802.00 W MU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200.00 W e extend sincere Christian sympathy to the friends and family of Elizabeth W oods. Memorial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 Bereavement Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00
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