Also, an exhibition fee will be charged dependant on space requested for by the exhibitor (please see exhibition registration form details on our webpage). THE PROGRAMME The programme is scheduled for 2 days (3rd – 4th November, 2014) with field trips taking place during the two days. The Programme will encompass keynote speeches, plenary sessions, two parallel breakaway sessions, and exhibition. The detailed Programme can be downloaded from NWASCO website ( or WASAZA website (www. through the ZAWAFE icon. FIELD TRIPS 1. Lusaka Water’s Manchichi Sewage Treatment Plant 2. Lusaka Water & Sewerage Company, Chongwe Plant 3. Iloanda Water Works in Kafue 4. Sludge Management Project in Kanyama 6. Ms Isabel Miyanda, DPI, MMEWD-Member 7. Mr. Kasenga Hara: NWASCO – Member and Team Leader, Technical 8. Members from the Cooperating Partners 9. Mr. Douglas Singanga, DHID, MLGH - Member 10. Ms Rose Tembo: NWASCO – Member and Team Leader, Publicity 11. Mr. Kamfwa Mulenga: NWASCO – Member 12. Mr Misozi Chisenga: WASAZA – Member 13. Mr. Chrispin Lukwanda: NWASCO – Secretary 14. Mr. Victor Muyeba : DTF - Member 15. Mr. Wisdom Moyo: NWASCO - Intern 3rd - 4th November, 2014 Mulungushi International Conference Centre Lusaka, Zambia EXHIBITION ZAWAFE invites all firms and/ or individuals to exhibit their products and services at this Event in order to reach out to the Zambian populace on what they can offer in the sustainable management of water in Zambia. Registration forms can be downloaded from the web pages given above. ORGANIZERS 1. Prof. Imasiku A. Nyambe: UNZA IWRM Centre and Zambia Water Partnership - Chairperson 2. Mr. Jonathan Phiri: WASAZA – Team Leader, Logistics 3. Mrs Josephine Goma: NWASCO – Member and Team Leader, Finances 4. Ms Cynthia Chikonde - Lusaka Water & Sewerage Company – Member 5. Ms. Ingrid M. Kawesha: IWRM Centre, Member and Team Leader, Field Trips WEBSITE ZAWAFE webpage is linked to NWASCO ( and WASAZA ( websites. At these websites, look for the ZAWAFE Icon. FOR FURTHER DETAILS PLEASE CONTACT: Mr. Chrispin Lukwanda: Forum and Exhibition Secretary, C/o NWASCO, P.O. BOX 34358, Lusaka, Zambia EMAIL: [email protected] Phone (Cell): +260 971591498 Tel/Fax: +260-211-226904/226941-2 Mrs J. Goma: Cell: +260-0977438446 EMAIL: [email protected] Prof. I. Nyambe: [email protected] Theme Sustaining and improving the Zambian water sector: 50 years after independence ABOUT LOCATION OF THE FORUM AND EXHIBITION The Forum and Exhibition will take place in Lusaka, the Capital City of Zambia with daily international and regional flights connecting easily to the SADC region. WASAZA THE ZAMBIA WATER FORUM AND EXHIBITION WHAT IS ZAWAFE? FORUM THEMES The Water Forum and Exhibition will be held from 3rd – 4th November, 2014 at Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia ZAWAFE stands for ZAmbia WAter Forum and Exhibition whose main objective is to bring together various national and international stakeholders and experts, to discuss and share best practices on water management and mainstreaming water as a core component of social and economic development. The Forum hopes to ensure that water management mechanisms being implemented translate into relevancy and public benefit for sustainable social and economic development of the country. This year’s Forum themes are: INTRODUCTION Zambia is endowed with vast water resources in the form of rivers, streams, lakes and groundwater. It is actually known as the land of rivers, lakes and waterfalls. Water plays an important role in improving and sustaining the needs for different competing uses such as agriculture, hydropower, domestic consumption and chores, mining, manufacturing and ecosystem integrity. Realising the importance of water, the Government of the Republic of Zambia undertook the water sector reforms which have led to a number of achievements including the enactment of the Water Supply and Sanitation Act, 1997, the establishment of the National Water Supply and Sanitation Council, 2001, establishment of Eleven Commercial Utilities, promulgations of the National Water Policy 2010 and the Water Resources Management Act, 2011. Furthermore, economic and financial instruments have been put in place to champion the planning, development and management of the water resources in the country, notable ones include the Fifth and Sixth National Development Plans (20062015), the Integrated Water Resources and Management / Water Efficiency Implementation Plan of 2008, and the Vision 2030. In addition, the Water Sector has a Water Sector Advisory Group, which advices Government on policy and implementation of water plans in the country. Whereas, the development of all these initiatives involved many stakeholders, Zambia still faces a critical challenge of making its citizenry aware and to appreciate the importance of water to the economic and social development of the country. Notwithstanding this, public awareness is a continuous process, particularly in a young democracy like Zambia, where governments change hands. It was for these reasons that “Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition (ZAWAFE)” was born. OBJECTIVES The following are the specific objectives: 1. To bring together stakeholders in order to share information and build networks in the management and use of water through: 1. Wastewater treatment and water quality management; 2. Water resources management; 3. Water supply, sanitation and hygiene; and 4. Focused sessions e.g. Private Public Partnerships in water; Training sessions. 5. Sponsored topics for extensive discussions (related to the theme) SPONSORS Keynote speeches; and Session presentations covering the water sector and related socio-economic sectors of Zambia, including sessions on training and other topical issues such as water and climate change; 2. To exhibit and market various instruments including publications for assessment, exploration and exploitation of Zambia’s water resources as they contribute to economic development; 3. To catalyse the overall management of water in Zambia and develop an information support service for information focussing on national water policy (2010), Water Resources Management Act (2011), SNDP (20112015), Vision 2030 and the MDGs; 4. To promote the Water Sector Advisory Group activities and resolutions; and 5.To undertake visitations to areas of “good water management practices” during the Forum and Exhibition for appreciation by interested participants. There will be two breakaway sessions on each day with keynote speakers invited to open the sessions followed by presentations. Participants are free to attend a session of their choice or spend their time in the Exhibition Hall. WHO SHOULD ATTEND The Forum and Exhibition is open to all Stakeholders. A nominal registration fee will be charged to participants to cover costs for snacks and lunches during the Forum (please check registration form for amount and payment details on our webpage). Those participants interested in field trips should express their interest during registration.
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