Van T. Cyr Olin 361 Department of Mathematics Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837, USA [email protected] Citizenship United States of America Research Interests Dynamical systems, ergodic theory, combinatorics. My work is in symbolic dynamics and has focused in three areas: thermodynamic formalism for countable state Markov shifts, algebraic properties of the automorphism group of zero entropy subshifts, and Nivat’s conjecture on Z2 symbolic systems. Employment Assistant Professor, Bucknell University Ralph Boas Assistant Professor, Northwestern University Education The Pennsylvania State University Ph.D., Mathematics, August 2010; Advisor: Omri Sarig 2013-Present 2010-2013 University at Buffalo, The State University of New York B.S., Mathematics, summa cum laude, May 2005 Professional Experience Grants Publications Graduate School Advisor - Department of Mathematics (Bucknell) 2014-2015 Organizer of Dynamical Systems seminar (Northwestern) 2010-2013 Copy Editor for “Electronic Research Announcements” 2008-2010 AMS-Simons Travel grant 2011-2013 1. V. Cyr and O. Sarig: Spectral Gap and Transience for Ruelle Operators on Countable Markov Shifts, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 292 637666 (2009). 2. V. Cyr: Countable Markov Shifts with Transient Potentials. Proc. London Math. Soc. 103 (6) 923-949, (2011). 3. V. Cyr: A Number Theoretic Question Arising in the Geometry of Plane Curves and in Billiard Dynamics, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc, 140, 3035-3040 (2012). 4. I. Benjamini, V. Cyr, E. Procaccia, R. Tessler: Harmonic Labelings of Graphs. Discr. Math., 313, 1726-1745 (2013). 5. V. Cyr and B. Kra: Nonexpansive Z2 -subdynamics and Nivat’s conjecture. To appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (2014). 6. V. Cyr and B. Kra: Complexity of short rectangles and periodicity. submitted (2013) 7. V. Cyr and B. Kra: The automorphism group of a shift of subquadratic growth. submitted (2014) 8. R. Broderick, V. Cyr, and B. Kra: Complexity and directional entropy in two dimensions. submitted (2014) 9. V. Cyr and B. Kra: The automorphism group of a shift of linear growth: beyond transitivity. submitted (2014) Honors and Awards Excellence in Teaching Award (Northwestern) 2012 Pritchard Dissertation Fellowship (Penn State) 2010 Distinguished Honors Scholar (Full Academic Scholarship - U. at Buffalo) 2001-2005 Phi Beta Kappa (University at Buffalo) 2005 Teaching Experience Bucknell University (as the primary instructor) Calculus I (Math 201) Calculus II (Math 202) Calculus III (Math 211) Real Analysis I (Math 308) Number Theory (Math 311) Northwestern University (as the primary instructor) Calculus II (Math 224) Linear Algebra (Math 290-1) Differential Multivariable Calculus (Math 290-2) Integral Multivariable Calculus (Math 290-3) Independent Study in Dynamical Systems (Math 399) Topics in Dynamical Systems (Math 513) Penn State University (as the primary instructor) Finite Mathematics (Math 17) College Algebra II (Math 22) Plane Trigonometry (Math 26) Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry (Math 41) Calculus II (Math 141) Differential Equations (Math 250) Fa 2013, Fa Sp Sp Sp Fa 2014 2015 2014 2014 2014 Fa Fa 2010, Fa 2011, Fa Wi 2011, Wi 2012, Wi Sp 2011, Sp Wi Wi 2010 2012 2013 2012 2012 2013 Sp 2006, Su Sp Fa Fa Su 2007, Su 2009, Su Sp 2008 2008 2007 2007 2010 2007 Penn State University (as a teaching assistant) Finite Fields and their Applications Elliptic Curves and Applications Course Coordinator for Math 290 at Northwestern University • Coordinated instruction and exams across five course sections Service Fa 2006 Fa 2008 2012-13 Member of Penn State’s Graduate Teaching Assistant Training Team • Helped conduct weekly training sessions for first-year teaching assistants in the Penn State math department. Fall 2008 Graduate Assistant for Penn State Mathematics REU • Served as research advisor for four undergraduate students and acted as a teaching assistant for two mini-courses. Summer 2006 Department of Mathematics Talk Committee Department of Mathematics Computer Committee Department of Mathematics Assessment Committee RAMP Up! Program (led College Math Skills session) Phi Beta Kappa Awards Committee Have refereed for • Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems • Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems • Stochastics and Dynamics 2014-15 2013-14 2013-15 August 2014 April 2014 Conference Talks AMS Special Session (Dalhousie University), 20 min October 2014 Pingree Park Dynamics Workshop (U. of Denver), 30 min July Mathematical Congress of the Americas (Guanajuato, Mexico), 30 min August Ergodic Theory with Connections to Arithmetic (Heraklion, Greece) June SubTile 2013 (Marseille, France), 20 min January Semi-Annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems (Penn State), 50 min October Modern Dynamics and its Interactions (Bedlewo, Poland), 30 min July Midwest Dynamical Systems (Northwestern), 50 min October Workshop on Infinite Ergodic Theory (Weizmann Inst., Israel), 45 min June Bicentennial Workshop on Dyn. Sys. (San Pedro, Chile), 50 min June Conformal Structures and Dynamics (Bedlewo, Poland), 25 min September Dynamical Systems II (U. of North Texas), 40 min May Workshop on Dynamics and Related Topics (U. of Maryland), 25 min April Semi-Annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems (Penn State), 25 min October 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 Seminar Talks 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 Physics Department Seminar (Bucknell), 1 hour April Mathematics Department Student Colloquium (Bucknell), 1 hour March Dynamical Systems Seminar (U. of Maryland), 2 hours March Dynamical Systems Seminar (Northwestern Univ.), 1 hour January Ergodic Theory Seminar (U. Paris - Jussieu), 90 min May Automata Seminar (Paris 7), 1 hour May Dynamical Systems Seminar (U. Houston), 1 hour November Ergodic Theory Seminar (U. Illinois), 1 hour November Dynamical Systems Seminar (Northwestern Univ.), 1 hour April Dynamical Systems Seminar (U. Chicago), 1 hour February Geometry, Topology, and Dynamics Seminar (U. Ill - Chicago), 1 hour November Geometric Functional Analysis Seminar (Weizmann), 1 hour November Dynamics Systems Seminar (Hebrew University), 1 hour November Horowitz Seminar (Tel Aviv U.), 1 hour October Ergodic Theory and Probability Seminar (Ohio State), 1 hour May Rainwater Seminar (U. of Washington), 1 hour April Dynamical Systems Seminar (U. of Maryland), 2 hours February Center for Dynamics and Geometry Seminar (Penn State), 1 hour November Last update: 11/4/2014
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