Today’s Assembly newsletter Term 4: 12th November 2014 Our Principal’s News By Mark Creevey Dear Parents, No doubt you will probably be affected in some way by the planned public holiday for the G20 on Friday especially if you work in Brisbane. Since we are not in the Brisbane City Council region life, will continue as normal for us here at St. Benedict’s with the regular lessons and activities happening. Yesterday we reflected on our time of respect and silence to mark the significance of Remembrance Day. We held our minute of silence on the 11th day of the 11th month to pay our respect to those who have died and suffered in conflicts since the end of the first World War some 96 years ago. The red poppy has been a long time symbol of Remembrance days as it has links with the flowers which grew on the fields of Flanders in Belgium, and other sites in the many battles of World War 1. This Friday our Yr 3 students will be participating in our community Mass here at St. Benedict’s. Parents are always most welcome to attend even if it is not your class participating or leading the mass. Mass starts at 9am on Friday in the hall. Orientation for our new students coming into classes in 2015 (other than Prep) will be held on Thursday 20th November. This will be a relatively small intake as we have very few available positions for 2015. If you are aware of your circumstances changing and that you will be elsewhere in 2015 please advise the office. Many thanks for your thoughtfulness. A special thank you to the P&F Association for all of your wonderful support this year. At last week’s meeting some big projects were finalized and approval for some ongoing financial assistance associated with graduations and the acquisition of additional classroom resources which will benefit every student in the school. The P&F have made every effort to support the school in many ways and they are to be congratulated for their significant endeavours. It is most appreciated. Well Done! Last week I announced our teaching staff for 2015. Some parents have requested specific teachers for 2015. Parent preferences for particular teachers will NOT be considered as we have the best interests of 600 students to consider and it is not possible to meet every expectation. If a parent has a genuine educational reason for a particular class then that will be considered and only for that child. Genuine educational requests need to be put in writing and addressed to me. Thank you for your understanding. Wednesday, 12th November 2014 Page 1 Our Principal’s News continued By Mark Creevey If we have any parents who have a bus licence for a 34 seater bus and are able to help drive on a casual basis and only around local suburbs, could you please let the office know of your availability please. Many thanks! Café News Term 4 The last day of Café online/paper bag orders for the year will be Friday 28th November but Wednesday 3rd December will be a $1.00 day with only over the counter items sold. This will include hot items, chips, drinks and ice blocks. Order via St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal During the next 3 weeks our community is invited to bring in a non-perishable food item that will go towards making food hampers to be shared with families who are really struggling at this time. For more information see Mrs Hickey’s Pastoral Coordinator News on page 6. Thought for the week: “Evil multiplies when good people don’t champion what’s right.” Have a great week! Regards Mark awards This Weeks Principal’s Awards PB PR PW Hannah Aboghazaleh Joshua Bruzzano Warrington Claire Mancini 1B 1R 1W Gretel Davis Milli Watson Olivia Thomas 2B 2R 2W Chloe Witalik Alex Jurss & Alexandra Goodchild Sienna Randall 3B 3R 3W Brooke Stewart and Aislinn Trudgen Samuel Hocking & Curtis Slater Lilly Thistlethwaite & James Locke 4B 4R 4W Tom Breakspear Oscar Davies Bailey Cavanagh 5B 5R 5W Amity Smith Abby Hanson Jillian Nava Street 6B 6R 6W Leynelle D’Penha Chelsea Creed Jayden Lynch & Aimee Hastie 7B 7R Catherine Lee Taylah Hotham Next Tuesday 18th is the last banking day to redeem rewards before the end of the year. After School Sailing “After School Sailing at Redcliffe Sailing Club was amazing fun with us capsizing our boats, having a bailing competition on who could empty their boat full of water the fastest and having a water fight while practising how to control the jib, main sail, tiller and how to bail. The trainers were incredible at teaching us how to sail and keeping it fun for all of us. Sailing on Fridays was amazing fun.” By Lachlan Hill and Cameron Gargaro Wednesday, 12th November 2014 Page 2 APA News By Fran Burke Assistant Principal Administration Music News Reminder: No SENIOR or JUNIOR Band next Wednesday 19th November due to the combined Catholic Schools Band Workshop. Our Junior and Senior Bands and Junior Choir performed at our school assembly this morning. It was wonderful for the community to witness the talents of the students involved. Congratulations to all of our band and choir students for their hard work throughout the year. These students are not only talented, but also dedicated in their practices outside of school hours. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Anthony Nelson and Mr. Donald Smith for their leadership of our school bands and choirs this year. Our Junior Band will be performing for our Years 2 and 3 students in the Hall at 2pm this afternoon. We invite you to attend to learn about the Band Program at St. Benedict’s. Brenda Kinsella from Woods Wind & Brass will be at this performance to provide information about purchasing or renting instruments for those students who are interested in joining the Junior Band in 2015. Notes will be sent home to all of our Year 2 and 3 students, where parents and students are able to nominate an instrument they may like to learn next year. This note is due back to school by next Wednesday the 19th of November. Our Band coordinator Mr. Donald Smith will then be conducting instrumental music testing with these interested students on Wednesday the 26th of November. We look forward more students joining the Junior Band in 2015. dates Term Dates to Remember Wednesday 12 November - 1 to 1 Laptop Parent Information Evening for Yr 4 parents Wednesday 19 November - Catholic Schools Band Workshop Thursday 20 November - 2015 New Families Orientation STARTS 25 November - Scholastic Book Fair in the Library Wednesday 26 November - Yr 6 Graduation Thursday 27 November - Yr 7 Graduation Friday 28 November - Last Day Swimming Lessons, Last Ordering Café Day Monday 1 December - Prep Christmas Extravaganza Wednesday 3 December - Yr 1 Extravaganza, P&F Meeting, $1 Day at the Cafe Friday 5 December - LAST DAY SCHOOL Finishing at 12 noon See the School Calendar on our website. Next Wednesday the 19th of November our Senior Band students will be participating in a combined Catholic Schools Band Workshop at St. Joseph’s Primary School, Bracken Ridge. Our band students will have the opportunity to work with 4 other schools throughout the day, culminating in a concert at 1:15pm. Students will leave school by bus (promptly at 8:30am) and will need to be picked up from St. Joseph’s Primary School at 30 Eldorado Street, Bracken Ridge. It would be wonderful if you could attend the concert at 1:15pm, or alternatively pick your child up at 2:15pm. Students will need to bring their school bag with their lunch, water, hat, instrument and music on the day. We wish these students a wonderful day and know that they will represent our school beautifully. Wednesday, 12th November 2014 Page 3 APA News continued By Fran Burke Assistant Principal Administration 1 to 1 Laptop Parent Information Evening We are continuing with the 1 to 1 Laptop Program for all students entering year 5 at St Benedict’s in 2015. This program will operate over 2 years, giving the students a laptop each for Years 5 and 6. Our Year 4 parents are invited to attend a Parent Information Evening tonight, Wednesday 12th November at 6:30 pm in the School Hall. This evening will provide background information about our journey towards this decision as well as specifics about the program such as how laptops can enhance learning, cost, warranty, support, policy and so on. We look forward to sharing this information with our Year 4 parents this evening and to the continuation of our 1 to 1 laptop model in 2015. welldone Student Achievements Year 6 Leadership Shirts for 2015 In 2015 we will have Year 6 leadership shirts available for parents to purchase as a celebration of their child’s final year of primary school. Next week, our current Year 5 students will be able to try on samples of shirts for sizing. A note will then be sent home next Wednesday where students will have filled in a box with their chosen shirt size for parents to check and then return their order form next Friday. The cost of this shirt will be $35.00. Semester 2 Reports Semester 2 Reports with accompanying portfolios will go home via students on Friday 21st November. Optional parent/teacher interviews will be in Weeks 9 and 10 as per request. Bennies Bright Stars Over the past six weeks the Bennies Bright Stars have been meeting each Thursday afternoon to learn a new dance. There are many new faces, with some familiar members who have given up their time to practice a dance and improve their confidence and dance skills. We will be performing a piece that is inspired by everyday heroes and showcasing the individual differences that make us unique in our own way. The dance emphasises the importance of being proud of yourself and recognising your gifts that make you special. At assembly in Week 7 the Bennies Bright Stars will be taking to the stage to perform their dance which we all hope you enjoy. Well done Bennies Bright Stars! Miss Lonzar is very proud of you. Wednesday, 12th November 2014 Thank You Morning Tea To all in our community who volunteered during 2014. You are invited to come along and enjoy morning tea together. When: Wednesday 19th November Where: School Hall Time: After assembly at 9.15am (approx.) It’s the many kind people who quietly volunteer who we wish to recognise on this occasion. You work through our Parents and Friends organisation, in classrooms, our Library Resource Centre, our Teaching and Learning Team Room, as class Pastoral Care Coordinators, as car pick up attendants and countless other ways that allows our community to live, love, learn and celebrate together. We thank you all most sincerely for the time and support you have given to our St. Benedict’s Community this year. If you are able, we’d love you to come and enjoy morning tea on Wednesday 19th November. Page 4 APRE Reflections By Brett Kitchener Assistant Principal Religious Education Dear Parents, St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal This week four weeks out from the conclusion of the school year marks the beginning of our annual St Vincent de Paul Christmas appeal. This appeal is conducted in all Catholic Schools within the Archdiocese of Brisbane. The SVDP Christmas appeal differs from other major appeals we commit to annually in that it supports people in our local community rather than communities abroad. Mrs Hickey will also address this important appeal in her piece in the newsletter across the remainder of the year. Money is not required for this appeal rather non-perishable food is required. Teachers will collect donations in their classrooms as they come in. At our final assembly in the last week of school, we will have all items stacked in Eco bags under our Christmas tree for presentation to a representative from St Vincent de Paul. Please give what you can including the Eco Bags which assist with storage and portability of the items at the conclusion of the appeal. In anticipation of the wonderful example you’ll provide the children, I thank you on behalf of the people SVDP will serve our donations to. Christmas Carols Over the last five years we have recognised the Christmas season through a number of different approaches to Christmas Carols from formal on stage concerts, Sunday afternoon events and in the last couple of years, a casual celebratory final assembly in the hall. On the eve of this year’s event, we are aware there are more outside of school hours events than is normally the case at this busy time of year. We have two graduation events for years six and seven, a year one celebration evening, prep nativity plays and other events. Aware of the demands this puts on some members of our community, we have elected to continue this year in the same format as last year with carols at our final assembly. Children will not perform as class groups rather will sit on the floor on rugs. Parents who are able to attend are encouraged to sit on rugs with your children and younger siblings who may wish to attend also. Our band, choir and mini singers will be our only performers at this event. More information about this event will be published in coming weeks. Thankyou Morning Tea Next Wednesday November 19th, we will hold a thank you morning tea after assembly for all parents who assisted in any way during the 2014 school year. Please see the invitation in this week’s School Newsletter. If you are able to attend, we’d love to see you there. Final Community Mass in School Time This Friday is our final community mass for the school year. The Mass will commence at 9am in the school hall. All members of the school and parish community are invited and welcome to attend. Our year three children will lead us at this celebration. Annual Catholic Campaign At the end of our term and school year we will be joining all schools and parishes in the Archdiocese to help support the Annual Catholic Campaign. At our Carols event on the final Wednesday of term, December 3rd, the children will be encouraged to come to school dressed in Christmas colours of red and green. In the past some of the students have put tinsel in their hair and other appropriate accessorising. On this day if a gold coin can be brought along for the privilege of dressing in this way, this money will support the ACC in their important work. The Annual Catholic Campaign gives us the opportunity to act together as one Church family to support ministries and services that no individual parish or school can offer. May peace be with you all. Brett Wednesday, 12th November 2014 Page 5 Pastoral Coordinator News By Helen Hickey Thank you to all in our community who volunteered during 2014. You are invited to come along and enjoy morning tea together. When: Wednesday 19th November Where: School Assembly Hall Time: After assembly at 9.15am (approx.) It’s the many people who quietly volunteer in classrooms, our learning centre, library, as class coordinators, with P&F initiatives, as car park attendants and countless other ways that allows our community to live, love, learn and celebrate together. We thank you all most sincerely for the time and support you have given to our St Benedict’s Community this year. If you are free we’d love you to come and enjoy morning tea on Wednesday 19th November. St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal During the next 3 weeks our community is invited to bring in a non-perishable food item that will go towards making food hampers to be shared with families who are really struggling at this time. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to share a small act of kindness as we move closer to Christmas. Such life lessons are invaluable for our children. Items will be collected in your child’s classroom from next week on. Please check use by dates. I have included a suggested list of items. Chocolate won’t be suitable with the warmer temperatures creeping in. Thank you for your support at this time. ‘Only kindness matters in the end.’ Christmas Appeal items: Christmas puddings Tinned fruit – peaches, pineapple, apricots Baked beans, spaghetti Jatz biscuits, rice crackers Cashews, mixed nuts Fruit & nut mix Muesli bars Packet lollies, marshmallows (no chocolate) Pringles, pretzels Milo, Drinking chocolate Pancake shaker mix Breakfast cereal Rice, pasta Come to the LAST St Benedict’s Playgroup of the year. The last St Benedict’s Playgroup of 2014 will take place on Thursday 20th November at the OSHC (Outside School Hours Care) building from 8.45am – 10.15am. All are most welcome. Please bring a plate to share for our end of year celebration. Oops, that’s not my hat? You may have accidently taken home someone else's school gear. Please check your gear at home and return any ‘lost property’ to the school office. Thank You! Parents are welcome to check through our orange ‘lost property’ baskets in the office any time. Wednesday, 12th November 2014 Page 6 Resource Centre & Curriculum News By Amanda Bradford Curriculum & Resource Support Teacher Library News BORROWING UPDATE This is the LAST WEEK of borrowing for the year. The next 2 weeks will be returns as it takes some time to get everything back on the shelves and stock-take books. CHRISTMAS BORROWING This week students will receive a note about the option of borrowing books over the Christmas period. To be eligible for Christmas borrowing students must not have any overdue books. READING UNDER THE STARS – THE SOUTHERN CROSS READING CHALLENGE Did you know that when students don’t read over the long summer break they are likely to fall behind when they return to school in the New Year? We call this the ‘Summer Slide’. Make it a priority to keep your child’s mind sharp and active. Encourage them to read for at least 10 minutes everyday during the break to avoid the ‘Summer Slide’. What better way to beat the ‘Summer Slide’ than visiting our St. Benedict’s Scholastic Book Fair and purchasing some new books for the holidays! SUMMER READING CLUB Another great reading opportunity is from the State Library of Queensland, who is hosting a ‘Summer Reading Club’. Visit to find out more. PLEASE READ - SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR - UPDATED INFORMATION Wish Lists: On Friday 21st November and Monday 24th November, students will visit the Book Fair with their buddy classes and have the opportunity to create a wish list of books that they like. Payment Options: Preferred payment is via online details on the back of the wish list (see below). Alternatively, there will be cash sales and EFTPOS facilities. Online Payments: You have the option of completing the back of the wish list form. Once the back of this form is completed, it is essentially like a gift card. Your child can bring this back to school, choose the books they like and use this form to purchase the items. If you are unable to make it to the book fair, this is our preferred method of payment, as it is safer than your child carrying money to and from school. Updated Fair Times: Monday 24th November - Afternoon 2.45-3.30pm. The Book Fair will be available for VIEWING ONLY. No purchasing will be done on this afternoon. But it allows all families the opportunity to come and view the books on offer. Tuesday 25th November - Morning 7.45-8.20am Afternoon 2.45-3.30pm Wednesday 26th November- Morning 7.45-8.20am Afternoon 2.45-3.30pm Thursday 27th November- Morning 7.45-8.20am Afternoon 2.45-3.30pm Friday 28th November- Morning 7.45-8.20am Afternoon 2.45-3.30pm Monday 1st December – Pending on sales Tuesday 2nd December – Pending on sales Prizes: For each purchase at the Book Fair, you will receive a raffle ticket to go into the draw to win a $50 Book Fair prize. Colouring Competition: There will be a colouring competition beginning this week. The student from P-2 and 3-7 that completes the best colouring will win a $20 voucher for the Book Fair. Entries close Friday 21st November. Colouring competition can be collected from the library. Wednesday, 12th November 2014 Page 7 Resource Centre & Curriculum cont By Amanda Bradford Curriculum & Resource Support Teacher Curriculum News ATTENTION YEAR 4 PARENTS 1:1 Devices – 2015 A note was sent home a few weeks ago regarding our upcoming 1:1 Device Night. St. Benedict’s are continuing with the laptop program for all students entering Year 5 in 2015. This program will operate over 2 years, giving the students a laptop each for Year 5 and 6. We invite you to attend a parent information evening on Wednesday 12th November, 6.30pm in the School Hall. This evening will provide you with all the background information about our journey towards this decision as well as specifics about the program such as cost, warranty, support, policy and so on. We look forward to meeting with you on this evening and are very excited to be offering a 1:1 Laptop program for our Grade 5 students in 2015. NATIONAL RECYCLING WEEK - Monday 10 November 2014 - Saturday 16 November 2014 Are you a good recycler? With the technological advancements in recyclable sorting, more recyclable food and beverage packaging can be put into your humble household recycling bin. Although we have been recycling for many years, items are being placed into recycling bins that will contaminate the recyclable products already inside the collection truck, and create problems for the staff and processing at the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). Contamination - never place these items into recycling bins: Food and liquid Plastic bags, film and wrappers Drinking glass Ceramic and cookware Polystyrene Mattresses & pillows Nappies Needles and medical waste Hoses Greenwaste Demolition material Clothing Household appliances Donatable items Wednesday, 12th November 2014 online Worldbook Online Login St Benedict’s has a whole school subscription to WorldBook Online. Everyone in our school community can access this fantastic site! Our subscription allows us to access the three areas within the site – Early World of Learning, Kids and Students. They now have available a mobile version of the website, too! The website content is updated daily and has topics on almost anything and everything you can think of. It is a fabulous resource and I encourage families to use this as regularly as possible. It is particularly handy for homework, assignments or research. It could also be used just for enjoyment and a bit of fun. Jump on today and have a look. Our School User Name: stbh Password: st4509 Thank You Morning Tea To all in our community who volunteered during 2014. You are invited to come along and enjoy morning tea together. When: Wednesday 19th November Where: School Hall Time: After assembly at 9.15am (approx.) For more information visit id=98241&libID=104172 - recycling Page 8 Teaching & Learning News By Michele Lund, Christina Mitchell & Pam Sweeney Pam Sweeney Guidance & Counselling [email protected] Protecting Your Kids Online With Windows Live Family Safety Keeping your kids safe online can be complicated, but Windows Live Family Safety helps make it easier for you. Family Safety provides a website and a free program that you install on the computers your children use, so you can give them some independence but still keep tabs on their computer activities. Family Safety can also help keep your kids off websites you don’t want them looking at, and only let them talk to the people you're okay with them talking to. How Family Safety Works Just like on a sports team, the different players in Family Safety and Windows make up a team that works together. The players are: The Family Safety Filter. Software you install and set up on each computer your kids use. It monitors your kids using safety settings you select. The Family Safety website. Where you choose and manage all the settings for each family member and view their activity reports. You can create settings on the website once and then they'll apply to every computer you’ve installed the Family Safety Filter on. Windows Parental Controls. A feature in Windows that’s turned on when you use Family Safety. You can use Windows Parental Controls to set up more safety settings for your kids' computers. For more information on setting up Windows Parental Controls and Family Safety, watch the video about using Parental Controls. This program can be downloaded at or google: “Windows Live Family Safety ” Going On Holiday? Sick Kids? If you know your children will be away from school for longer periods of time please let your teacher know in person, via note or email. Please remember to call the St Benedict’s absentee line 3481 4688 to report absent or sick children to the school. Wednesday, 12th November 2014 Page 9 OSHC News By Nikki Sawatzki Coordinator The Summer Vacation Care program is now ready for viewing! Please complete the attached booking form and return to OSHC via the red message bag or directly to the OSHC office by no later than Friday the 28th November. T: 07 3293 4507 F: 07 3481 4699 M: 0409 474 001 E: [email protected] Wednesday, 12th November 2014 Page 10 School Related News shop the F&f Finance and Fees Term 4 School Fees are now past due. Please pay your fees unless you are on an existing payment plan. If you have not received a Term Fee Statement please contact Nerrida on 3481 4600. [email protected]. Uniform Shop News NEW HAT STOCK HAS ARRIVED! Some of your children’s hats may be turning a red colour, this is not normal. Mountcastle will be replacing all the hats that are turning red. We would like to remove all the hats that have turned red from the system. If your child’s hat has turned red please come into the uniform shop for a free replacement. We would like to have this problem fixed by the end of this year . If anyone has a red message folder (new this year) and the Velcro has come unstuck please come in for a replacement. For any urgent enquiries please contact [email protected] St Benedict’s College 21 St Benedict’s Close, Mango Hill Athlete Development Excellence Program We have just finalized the enrolment of 17 students into the Athlete Development program for 2015. Their sports excellence fields cover sports from AFL, Rugby Union, Swimming, Netball, Figure Skating, Soccer and Tae Kwon Do. The program covers areas such as biomechanics, sports nutrition, fitness and coaching plans. There are some spaces left for 2015 enrolments. For an enrolment package and for more information contact the College office. Robotics and Engineering Program Twelve students have been part of the Robotics and Engineering Excellence program this year, where students have become skilled at solving automation problems using robots, coding and sequencing. Enrolments into the 2015 Robotics and Engineering Program will commence in January 2015 for existing and new enrolments. Enrolments Places are still available in Years 7-10 for 2015, with applications also being invited for 2016 and 2017. Please contact our office for further information – 3385 8888 or [email protected] Opening Hours Mondays 2:30pm to 4:00pm and Fridays 8:00am to 9:30am mass Holy Cross Parish Mass Times 6.00pm Saturday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring 7.30am Sunday at Mary Queen of Peace, Woody Point 9.00am Sunday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring 9.30am Sunday at St Benedict's, Mango Hill. Childrens' Liturgy is held the first and third Sunday of each month. 5.00pm Sunday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring Confessions 5.00pm Saturday at Holy Cross Holy Cross Parish 3293 0800 Wednesday, 5th November 2014 Page 11 School Related News P&F Parents & Friends of St Benedict’s P&F Electronic Mail If you would like to receive all P&F correspondence directly into your Inbox, please join our Mailing List. No more digging through school bags for P&F notes! Join our Mailing List. lookout Look Out Volunteers are needed! In our Drive Through, St Benedicts operates a highly efficient, effective and safe, after school pick-up program (2:45—3.05pm), developed by the QLD Government, called Look Out. Out Volunteers are essential to the program. Please contact the School Office if you can spare 20 minutes of your time to support our school. [email protected] Thank you to those parents who donate their time to support our Look Out pick-up program! By Michelle Kramer - Kindergarten Teacher 3204 8452 or 0498 393 334 [email protected] Next Tuesday 18th is the last banking day to redeem rewards before the end of the year. Wednesday, 12th November 2014 Page 12 Community News Events Eventsof ofinterest interestin inour ourcommunity. community. active be Clubs in our community. Tennis News We are already half way through the tennis for Term 4. The winner of the Tennis raffle for Term 4 is Nick Samuel from St Paul's School. Nick is 5 and only joined this term to learn tennis. A new tennis racquet will certainly bring a smile to his face. Tennis clinic forms for the Christmas School holidays will be handed out soon. I hope you can attend as they are a lot of fun. I will be conducting Cardio Tennis Classes for adults at the tennis courts on Monday mornings (8.45am-9.45am). This is a music filled way to have fun, get a lot fitter and meet new friends. All standards are welcome. No Tennis experience is necessary. This Monday is an introductory offer for $5.00 only. Wayne Hampson Tennis Coaching 0438 195 723 [email protected] TAE KWON DO CLASSES Held at St Benedicts on Saturdays from 10.30am to 11.30am. All ages are welcome. Please phone Daisy or Damian on 3886 0967 or 0438 860 967. Sign up for two months and receive a free uniform. All classes are supervised by an instructor with a Blue Card. Wednesday, 12th November 2014 Page 13 Community News Events Eventsof ofinterest interestin inour ourcommunity. community. active be Clubs in our community. Our children are precious! Please be mindful of our school entry and parking lot speed zones. Do not be a danger to our school community. DRIVE SLOWLY AND SAFELY. Wednesday, 29th October 2014 Page 14
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