Mr Creevey’s Pilgrimage newsletter Term 4: 14th October 2014 Our Principal’s News By Fran Burke Acting Principal Dear Parents, Today our school celebrated “School Officer Day”; this is a very significant event as we take time to acknowledge and congratulate the incredible contributions these professionals make to our school community. We have twenty staff members who work in the role of school officer, administration support or maintenance of our grounds. Tasks are very diverse as they range from providing first aide to a child’s grazed knee, to reading individually with students, to covering books in our resource centre… These special people are very generous and ensure both the teachers and leadership positions are supported through their proactive efforts. We are very blessed in our community to have such incredibly giving and competent people. Mark returns back from Long Service Leave this coming Monday 20th October. He is having an amazing time and has shared some photos and news with us… welldone Student Achievements I would like to congratulate Tiffany Visser, who has been selected to play the lead female role in a touring musical presented by Fame. She will be performing in Brisbane and travelling to Bundaberg, Maryborough, Gympie, Nambour and Toowoomba to perform in late November and December of this year. We wish Tiff, all the very best on this incredible achievement. We also congratulate Lachlan Brown (4W). He entered a ‘Save the Bilby - Face the Challenge' crossword competition and won a book and CD for his efforts. Well done Lachlan. Hope things are going well at school. We are having a lovely time on our pilgrimage, it is such an amazing experience and we have celebrated mass in some very special places. Today we are in Paris and celebrated mass in the famous Sacre Coeur basilica early this morning. I have attached a few photos from some significant places where we have been. We will be arriving back at the end of this week and alas all good things come to an end eventually. Take care and best wishes. Mark Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 1 Our Principal’s News continued By Fran Burke Acting Principal This Monday 20th October is Consistency of Teacher Judgement Day and therefore a Pupil Free day. Our teachers will be joining staff from St Columba’s, Wilston and Our Lady of the Angels, Wavell Heights to engage in professional dialogue. This is time for our teachers to share their professional judgements on completed student assessment tasks. The conversation provides insight and critical feedback from peer teachers from other educational contexts. It is a very valuable day as teachers have opportunities of affirmation as they reflect on their teacher judgement. The focus areas will be the Religious Education Curriculum and Geography Curriculum. Mrs Shears, our extremely talented Visual Art specialist has entered into the 2014 Moreton Bay Region Youth Art Awards 39 students’ individual art pieces as well as a collaborative Year 4 artwork. This work was created by our students during their art classes in Term 3. This special event is hosted by the council celebrating young creative minds and provides a wonderful opportunity for children's artwork to be displayed in a professional gallery setting. The awards night which is open to all participants and their families is being held this Friday evening, 17 October, at 6.00pm in the Strathpine Community Centre, 199 Gympie Rd (cnr Mecklem St) Strathpine. It is open to the public from 18 - 26 October, week days 3 - 6pm and weekends 10 - 4pm. We would warmly invite our parents to come along to this event to see our talent students’ work. awards This Weeks Principal’s Awards PB PR PW Isabella Islin-Greenup & The Whole Class Will Tonga & The Whole Class Eamon Matthews & The Whole Class 1B 1R 1W Alyssa Bernardo Layla White Lucas Murphy 2R 2W Stella Shea Charlie Mulvihill & Olivia Ritchie 3B 3R 3W Ethan Aurisch Edward Tran Ossie Ngini & Marcus Guay 4B 4R 4W Erica Medina & Nathan Bing Jhenesis Sand & Jake Brandon Maddison McInnes & Ava Davis 5B 5R 5W Emily Murray Sophie Morris & The Whole Class Jacob Matchett 6B 6R 6W Chelsea White Holly Basiliou Frances Tran Our school mission and motto encourages our students 7B Lachlan Hill to constantly show behaviours through our daily words 7R Isabella Baptista and actions that are reflective of both our Benedictine spirituality as well as doing our WALK: We Respect, Act Responsibly, Learn Together and Keep Safe. As members of our school community, parents would lead by showing these positive behaviours to their children, in particular, whilst driving within our school ground and around the car park area. Please be respectful of each other as you role model to your children. We have 610 students who all finish at 2.45pm. In both afternoon areas, we have the Principal, APA, APRE as well as teaching staff to ensure the students are safe and supervised until they are collected by their parent. This supervision ends at 3.10pm and any remaining students are taken to the school office until collection. Therefore, I would encourage parents to stagger their pick up time to help with the traffic congestion. We also desperately need parents to assist with the “Look Out” Program. At present, we have very few or no volunteers coming on days. This lack of support does mean it is much slower to put students into the vehicles, as we have to rely on our staff, and this leads to a backup of traffic. This can be easily solved by helpers who can give up 15 minutes from 2.45pm to 3.00pm to help keep our children safe. If you are able to help out please see Brett or Ellen at the drive through or let our office know. I was speaking with Claire McLaren, the Principal of St Benedict’s Secondary College about this exciting time as they prepare for the State change of Year 7 moving across to Secondary in 2015. The College’s new buildings are close to completion and will be high quality, contemporary learning facilities. I would encourage our parents, if you have any questions please direct these to the Secondary College office on 3385 8888. Yours in education, Fran Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 2 APA News By Ellen Ramsay Acting Assistant Principal Administration School Officer Day Today is School Officer Day where we recognise the important contribution our School Officers make to the quality education of our students. Our School Officer colleagues truly make a difference in our school community and we take the opportunity today to show our gratitude through a special staff morning tea. We presented each of our School Officers with a certificate and small gift at today’s assembly. Digital Citizenship Workshops This week we have welcomed Kate O’Neill, a Brisbane Catholic Education Officer Curriculum, to our Year 4 and 5 classes to facilitate Digital Citizenship workshops. Students have revisited the concept of digital citizenship, they have learnt what it means to be a good digital citizen, discussed finding a balance in their lives between using digital devices and other activities, examined their digital footprints and the characteristics of cyberbullying. These workshops have been engaging and enlightening for our students as they continue to work towards being good digital citizens. These presentations further support the ICT capability in the Australian Curriculum as students build on their skills in communicating, investigating and creating with ICTs. Band Excursion Our Senior Band students will be participating in the St Columban’s College Concert Band Spectacular this Friday 17th of October. This is a new competition that has been established to provide both Primary and Secondary schools with the opportunity to showcase their concert bands and ensembles and share in the performances of other schools in the Greater South-East Region. Each student receives a certificate of participation and prize money will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in all sections. Our Senior Band will be performing around 11am, students will be transported by bus and will leave school prior to first break and return in time for lunch. If you would like to attend this event, tickets are available at the door for $5 each or $10 for a family. We wish our Senior Band students a wonderful performance on Friday and are confident that they will represent our school with pride. Youth Art Awards The individual artworks of 39 students and a Year 4 collaborative artwork all created during art classes during Term 3, have been selected by Mrs Shears to be entered into the 2014 Moreton Bay Region Youth Art Awards. It is a special event hosted by the council celebrating young creative minds and provides a wonderful opportunity for children's artwork to be displayed in a professional gallery setting. The awards night which is open to all participants and their families is being held this Friday evening, 17 October, at 6.00pm in the Strathpine Community Centre, 199 Gympie Rd (cnr Mecklem St) Strathpine. It is open to the public from 18 - 26 October, week days 3 - 6pm and weekends 10 4pm. Enjoy the experience! Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 3 APA News continued By Ellen Ramsay Acting Assistant Principal Administration Pupil Free Day Next Monday the 20th of October is a Pupil Free Day. On this day our teachers will join with staff from St Columba’s at Wilston and Our Lady of the Angels at Wavell Heights to engage in Consistency of Teacher Judgement (CTJ) strategies. Teachers engage in conversations with a focus on achieving consistency, comparability and consensus about the standard of student work. Teachers also engage in professional development allowing them to build capacity in engaging with the curriculum and understanding its intent. Our School Officers will also participate in professional development facilitated by Brisbane Catholic Education Officers in the area of Gifted Education on this day. dates Term Dates to Remember Friday 17 October - SWIMMING LESSONS BEGIN Prep to Yr 2 and Yr 7 Monday 20 October - Pupil Free Day NO SCHOOL Wednesday 26 November - Yr 6 Graduation Thursday 27 November - Yr 7 Graduation Look Out Program Parents, we are in great need of assistance with our Look Out Program at our school Drive Through Zone in the afternoons. Recently we have had to ask school staff and teachers to assist in this area as we have had no parent helpers on many occasions. Thank you to those parents who have stepped in at the last minute to assist. Volunteer look out monitors are needed to assist students into their cars as this helps manage the flow of traffic in our 2 minute pick up zone, in an orderly, safe way. If you can spare 15 to 20 minutes on any afternoon of the week from 2:45pm to assist in this area, it would be greatly appreciated. Please let the office know if you plan on offering your time. Enrolments for 2015 It may seem early to talk about next year’s enrolments, but our school staffing, budgeting and resourcing all depend on how closely we estimate our enrolment numbers for the following year. We have students on waiting lists and we need to order laptops for our Year 5 classes in 2015. So, please let us know as soon as possible if your children may not be returning to St Benedict’s Primary School in 2015. See the School Calendar on our website. lookout Look Out Volunteers are needed! In our Drive Through, St Benedicts operates a highly efficient, effective and safe, after school pick-up program (2:45—3.05pm), developed by the QLD Government, called Look Out. Out Volunteers are essential to the program. Please contact the School Office if you can spare 20 minutes of your time to support our school. Thank you to those parents who donate their time to support our Look Out pick-up program! Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 4 APRE Reflections By Brett Kitchener Assistant Principal Religious Education Dear Parents, Holy Cross Parish Youth Launch Today on assembly it was my pleasure to introduce our parish seminarian, Dominic. Dominic is currently promoting a youth launch in our parish. The youth group is to be known as Connect Youth and information about this launch can be found on my newsletter page, on the poster in our undercover area and by contacting the Holy Cross Parish. The launch will take place at the Holy Cross Catholic Church, cnr of Anzac Avenue and Chelsea St, Kippa Ring. Depending on the age of your children you might wish to access part or all of the day’s events. I’m certain the fun activities on the oval field between 2pm and 4.30pm which are free of charge will be a wonderful hit with the kids of all ages. The opportunity to attend mass with the Archbishop at 5pm is also a highlight of the day. I encourage as many St Benedict’s families as possible to support this launch and to rsvp through the parish office 3293 0800 or [email protected]. Catholic Mission One of our and all Catholic schools annual outreach initiatives is Catholic Missions’ Socktober campaign. This week is Anti -Poverty Week as Helen Hickey mentions on her Pastoral Coordinator newsletter page. It is an appropriate time to highlight next Wednesday’s Crazy Sock Day as we “sock it to poverty” once again. Mrs Fryer and 1B will lead us in prayer on assembly next week with Socktober being the focus. As always it will be wonderful to view all the colour of the odd and creatively designed socks. We would appreciate a gold coin donation from each student if possible please. Families with more than one child can make their own family decision in regard to their donation. Thanks, as always, for your kindness. Your example is a living lesson to the children of the Catholic Church’s tradition of alms giving. Prep Prayer Assembly It was an absolute pleasure to share with our magnificent Prep students as they lead us in prayer at this morning’s assembly. These children have come so far under the excellent guidance of their teachers and school officers. Their prayer about appreciation of our world was a valuable lesson in gratitude which we all need to be reminded of as we battle with daily troubles and concerns. Our world truly is a wonderful place as our Preps so vividly demonstrated. Enjoy the rest of your week. Peace, Brett. Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 5 Pastoral Coordinator News By Helen Hickey Anti-Poverty Week Anti-Poverty Week 12th – 18th October is a week where all Australians are encouraged to organise or take part in an activity aiming to highlight or overcome issues of Poverty in Australia and overseas. Recent statistics tell us that, sadly, 1 in 7 Queenslanders are living in poverty. Our St Benedict’s community has opted to stand in solidarity with the poor with some of our outreach initiatives this year. During Term 2 our community generously donated many personal items that contributed to the making of 100 care packs for Rosies to deliver to many of their friends living on the street. Next week our community will “sock it to poverty” as we support Catholic Missions, who support and stand with the poorest of the poor in Third World Countries. In November, our St Benedict’s Community will have the opportunity of donating non-perishable food items that St. Vincent de Paul will collect and share with families in crisis at this time, bringing a little comfort and joy to their lives before Xmas. When we, as individuals and communities, stretch our hearts and share a little of what we have with the poor, we become a vital part of the dream to create an Australia free of poverty. Please take time to talk to your child/ren this Anti – Poverty Week about how we all can make a difference in changing poverty. I have heard it said that each of us are only 24 hours away from experiencing homelessness ourselves, if a sudden change were to happen unexpectedly in our lives. What a sobering thought! May each of us be mindful of the blessings that surround us and be ever ready to share our blessings with those living in poverty. St Benedict’s Playgroup St Benedict’s Playgroup takes place on Thursday mornings at the OSHC (Outside School Hours Care) building from 8.45am – 10.15am. It is supervised by Sandra Price one of the wonderful OSHC staff. All are most welcome. A gold coin donation would be appreciated to help cover craft costs. Morning Tea every Wednesday after Assembly in the Hall with Helen. All are welcome! Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 6 Resource Centre & Curriculum News online By Amanda Bradford Curriculum & Resource Support Teacher Library News Date Claimers – Term 4 Monday 24th November – Wednesday 26th November Scholastic Book Fair will be here in our library. This is a fantastic opportunity to purchase a few little books and stocking stuffers before Christmas. Not only is the Book Fair a fantastic literacy event, but also a percentage of our Book Fair proceeds goes towards earning Scholastic Rewards for resources for our school Resource Centre. Worldbook Online Login St Benedict’s has a whole school subscription to WorldBook Online. Everyone in our school community can access this fantastic site! Our subscription allows us to access the three areas within the site – Early World of Learning, Kids and Students. They now have available a mobile version of the website, too! The website content is updated daily and has topics on almost anything and everything you can think of. It is a fabulous resource and I encourage families to use this as regularly as possible. Particularly handy for homework, assignments or research It could also be used just for enjoyment and a bit of fun. Jump on today and have a look. Curriculum News Cybersafety and Digital Citizenship – Year 4 and 5 Workshops Our School User Name: stbh Password: st4509 As part of our ongoing measures to stay informed with Digital Technologies at St. Benedict’s, our Year 4 students have had the opportunity to workshop with Kate O’Neill (Education Officer, Brisbane Catholic Education) about Digital Citizenship. Tomorrow, our Year 5 students will have the opportunity to share this experience too. Kate provided students with very practical ways to stay safe on the internet, as well as what to do if they encounter cyberbullying. We thank Kate for her time in working with our students. If you would like more information on digital citizenship or cyber safety, please visit Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Weekly Class Library Borrowing Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5W, 1B 4W, 5R, 5B, 3R, 3W 7R, 6W, 1W, 1R, , PB, PR, PW 2B, 2R, 2W, 4B, 3B, 4R, 7B, 6R, 6B Page 7 Resource Centre & Curriculum News By Amanda Bradford Curriculum & Resource Support Teacher Energex Safety Talks Today we had Anthony Sullivan and Simon Spencer visit from Energex, they are both members of their field staff. They spoke with our students about electrical safety. They covered concepts such as - safety in the home, how electricity is made, how it is delivered to the home, what happens to the electricity network when we have animal visitors and storms and very importantly, how to stay safe during and after storms. It was a very interactive display – as you may be able to see from the pictures. Students were given a little package of posters to take home with them they include information about: electrical safety, fallen power lines, safety around water, looking up and being safe, storm safety and an electrical word search. I encourage you to speak with your child/ren tonight about the concepts spoken about, particularly in the lead up to storm season. For more information please visit Oops, that’s not my hat? You may have accidently taken home someone else's school gear. Please check your gear at home and return any ‘lost property’ to the school office. Thank You! Parents are welcome to check through our orange ‘lost property’ baskets in the office any time. Lost Property? Please be mindful: With a school consisting of over 600 students, property is bound to get mixed up or lost sometimes. If you label your child's property clearly, it is quickly returned to students when it is found. Unclaimed ‘lost property’ is donated at the end of each term. Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 8 Teaching & Learning News By Michele Lund, Christina Mitchell & Pam Sweeney Pam Sweeney Guidance & Counselling [email protected] Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Grandparents/Parent/Carers Support Group We would like to offer Grandparents/Parents/Carers of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students the opportunity to come together for a yarning session on a regular basis. It will be really informal where you will have the chance to yarn with other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families over a cuppa about shared experiences while supporting each other. Interested families please make contact with your Participation Officer’s Danita Martin and Renee Parter. Date: Friday 24th October at 10.30am – 12pm Where: St Eugene’s College, Burpengary 138 Station Road/ Springfield Drive BURPENGARY RSVP by Thursday 16th October, 2014. Contact: Danita Martin Participation Officer [email protected] Renee Parter Participation Officer [email protected] or Phone (07) 3490 1769 Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 9 School Related News F&f Finance and Fees Term 4 School Fees were emailed on Thursday 2nd October and are due on Monday 20th October. If you are on a Direct Debit, disregard this reminder. If you have not received a Term Fee Statement please contact Nerrida on 3481 4600. [email protected]. shop the Uniform Shop News NEW HAT STOCK HAS ARRIVED! Some of your children’s hats may be turning a red colour, this is not normal. Mountcastle will be replacing all the hats that are turning red. We would like to remove all the hats that have turned red from the system. If your child’s hat has turned red please come into the uniform shop for a free replacement. We would like to have this problem fixed by the end of this year . If anyone has a red message folder (new this year) and the Velcro has come unstuck please come in for a replacement. For any urgent enquiries please contact [email protected] St Benedict’s College 21 St Benedict’s Close, Mango Hill Term 4 Sport Our final term of Thursday afternoon sport has commenced and is a wonderful success, with students rotating through formal dancing, lawn bowls, box-ercising and volleyball activities. These activities have been well received and engaged in by the Year 8 and 9 students. Free Dress Day On Friday 24 October the College will be conducting a special fundraising day for Catholic Mission Australia. The students are invited to donate a gold coin for the privilege of wearing Free Dress to school for the day. On the day, Year 9 students will run stalls to raise additional funds for this worthwhile cause. Enrolments Places are still available in Years 7-10 for 2015, with applications also being invited for 2016 and 2017. Please contact our office for further information – 3385 8888 or [email protected] Opening Hours Mondays 2:30pm to 4:00pm and Fridays 8:00am to 9:30am mass Holy Cross Parish Mass Times 6.00pm Saturday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring 7.30am Sunday at Mary Queen of Peace, Woody Point 9.00am Sunday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring 9.30am Sunday at St Benedict's, Mango Hill. Childrens' Liturgy is held the first and third Sunday of each month. 5.00pm Sunday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring Confessions 5.00pm Saturday at Holy Cross Holy Cross Parish 3293 0800 Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 10 School Related News lookout Look Out Volunteers are needed! In our Drive Through, St Benedicts operates a highly efficient, effective and safe, after school pick-up program (2:45—3.05pm), developed by the QLD Government, called Look Out. Out Volunteers are essential to the program. Please contact the School Office if you can spare 20 minutes of your time to support our school. Thank you to those parents who donate their time to support our Look Out pick-up program! Café Open Wednesdays & Fridays We are very excited to add Wednesday back to our Cafe trading days this term. We are offering a special menu to celebrate with over the counter specials each week as well. The new Wednesday menu will rotate over a three week period on Flexischools and is as follows: Week 1: Sausage Roll or Ham & Cheese Sandwich or Chicken & Cheese Sandwich Week 2: Ham & Pine Pizzas, Ham & Cheese Sandwich or Chicken & Cheese Sandwich Week 3: Hot Dogs or Ham & Cheese Sandwich or Chicken & Cheese Sandwich Order via Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 11 OSHC News By Nikki Sawatzki - Coordinator [email protected] OSHC WILL be open next Monday OSHC WILL be open next Monday, 20th October, the Pupil Free Day from 6.30-6.00. Please visit the OSHC building to place your booking or phone 3293 4507. By Michelle Kramer - Kindergarten Teacher 3204 8452 or 0498 393 334 [email protected] Expression of Interest for Vacation Care Please also find attached an expression of interest survey for the upcoming December/January Vacation care period. Parents, could you please complete this survey and return to OSHC at your earliest convenience so that the service has a better understanding of families care requirements during this long break. Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 10 P&F News Parents & Friends of St Benedicts [email protected] P&F Meeting P&F Electronic Mail We look forward to seeing new faces at our next P&F meeting in November. If you would like to receive all P&F correspondence directly into your Inbox, please join our Mailing List. No more digging through school bags for P&F notes! Join our Mailing List. Halloween Disco 2014 | 2015 Entertainment Books are here! When: Where: Session 1: Session 2: Friday 31 October 2014 School Hall Prep to Year 2 5pm to 6.30pm Year 3 to Year 7 7pm to 8.30pm The 2013 | 2014 Brisbane Entertainment™ Book has just expired. If you haven't already purchased a new 2014 | 2015 Entertainment™ Membership, now is the time to do so. Choose from the traditional Entertainment™ Book or the NEW Entertainment™ Digital Membership, which puts the value of the Book into your iPhone or Android Smartphone! IT’S FANCY DRESS – SO COME DRESSED IN YOUR SPOOKIEST COSTUME!!! Tickets can be purchased by either: returning $5.00 in an envelope labelled school disco together with the completed return slip from the bottom of this note for each child attending the disco. Please include your childs/childrens name/s and class/ es on the outside of the envelope. Tickets can be purchased on the night at a cost of $6.00. Tickets will NOT be sent home this time – we will have a list of names & will mark you off at the door on the night. Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie You can view a copy of the book online here: To purchase your books now click on the link: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact DANIELLE CORNFORD – 0417 258 736 The Coffee Van is Back! Yummy! We are having a Cookie Dough Drive. All monies raised will go to helping the School AND for every tub sold the children win a prize. With the weather getting a little cooler we have organised for a Coffee Van to be in the school car park from 8am every Wednesday morning before Assembly. Pop past and see Linda from Coffee with James. Enjoy! Money and Order forms are due back by Friday 17th October. Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 13 Community News Events Eventsof ofinterest interestin inour ourcommunity. community. Golden Jubilee Celebrations Our Lady of the Way Parish active be Clubs in our community. Tennis News Sunday 9th November 2014 Mass at 9.00am (Followed by our Golden Jubilee Carnival) Most Rev Mark Coleridge DD Presiding I hope every one had a relaxing holiday. Already we are into the second week of Term 4 Tennis Coaching. Every participant will receive a free Hotshot shirt. Please speak to your coach if you haven't received one. Saturday 15th November 2014 Dinner - 7.30pm (Adults 18 years and over) A new tennis racket will be raffled soon. Your name will be included in the raffle when you have registered and paid the term 4 Tennis fees. The raffle will be drawn on Friday 31st October. North’s Leagues and Services Club Anzac Ave Kallangur Cost $40 per head 3 Course Meal (Please advise of any dietary requirements) To book please contact the parish office on 3285 6759 or email [email protected] A great way to enjoy and improve your tennis is by signing up for tennis fixtures on a Sunday. For further details please talk to your coach or contact Wayne on 0438195723. Wayne Hampson Tennis Coaching 0438 195 723 [email protected] Worldwide Marriage Encounter A weekend away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday living. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset… your Marriage! This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over again! Weekend date: 31st Oct – 2nd Nov 2014 Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside) For bookings/details contact: Tamara and Scott Menteith, ph (07) 4634 3559, [email protected] Information website: Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 14 Community News Events Eventsof ofinterest interestin inour ourcommunity. community. active be Clubs in our community. TAE KWON DO CLASSES Held at St Benedicts on Saturdays from 10.30am to 11.30am. All ages are welcome. Please phone Daisy or Damian on 3886 0967 or 0438 860 967. Sign up for two months and receive a free uniform. All classes are supervised by an instructor with a Blue Card. The Pine Rivers Cricket Club need more players both girls and boys for Under 8’s, Under 9’s and Under 10’s for this summer season from 11th October 2014 until 6th December 2014. The second season goes from 31st January 2015 to 21st March 2015. The Club House and grounds are at Bob Brock Park, 243 –253 Marsden Rd, Dakabin. Email [email protected] Contact Richard Clay 0428 040 213 [email protected] or Michael Osborn 0434 061 322 Wednesday, 14th October 2014 Page 15
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