Yr 5 Healthy Breakfast newsletter Term 4: 19th November 2014 Our Principal’s News By Mark Creevey Dear Parents, Many events and activities are heralding the proximity of the end of the school year. We have the Graduation ceremonies for the Year 6 and 7 students scheduled for the 26th and 27th of November. We also have also a number of other activities being enjoyed by different classes so I invite you to join in with as many as possible. These are all listed on the school website for your convenience and advanced planning. Today we thanked our many volunteers with a morning tea and prayer. We are blessed with so many generous parents who contribute to the learning of the students in so many different ways. A special “Thank You” to all of our volunteers, even if you were not able to be present today. Your regular contributions of time and expertise are most appreciated by both staff and students. Our community are all the richer because of your presence within our school community. Well Done! One of the activities that we are currently embarking on is the Christmas Collection for St Vincent De Paul. Children are invited to bring an item along to school and we will present these to the SVDP society in the last week. It is interesting that in Matthew’s Gospel which will be shared at Sunday’s Mass the message is closely aligned with what we are doing here at St. Benedict’s. “Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me.” Then the virtuous will say to him in reply; “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you; or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome; naked and clothe you; sick or in prison and go to see you?” And the king will answer, “I tell you solemnly, in as far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.” This week I announced Mrs Burke’s news of her appointment as Principal at St. Joseph’s Bardon. We wish her well in her new challenge next year. I have currently invited Expressions of Interest for the vacant Acting APA position here at St. Benedict’s. This process will be conducted next week. Next year Mrs Lund will be going on Maternity Leave early in the New Year and Mrs Ruth Sharman has been engaged to fill the position. Mrs Sharman has been working at All Saints Catholic School and has been in the same role at previous schools. We congratulate and welcome Ruth to our team in 2015. Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 1 Our Principal’s News continued By Mark Creevey I had planned to have report cards out to parents this Friday but it is more likely to be Monday as I have 610 reports to read and sign. It is a very busy time of year as we wrap up the current school year as well as put in place staff, policies and changes for 2015. With Advent just around the corner, the thought for the week: “Love came down at Christmas, wrapped in the birth of the infant Jesus.” Have a great week! Regards Mark awards This Weeks Principal’s Awards PB PR PW Matthew Doyle Amaya Lauina Ashley Cavanagh 1B 1R 1W Blade Miller Chloe Barnes Georgie Reed 2B 2R 2W Jackson Nucifora & Matthew Ponce Ben McKay Jasmine Harvey 3B 3R Kailen Klaas & Cooper Reed Tadhg Leslie 4B 4R Dominic Cunynghame & Jemma Rogers Patrick Dowd 5B 5R Dominique Hayes Bailey Nikl & Jacob Convey 6B 6R 6W Charlotte Holmes Jack McInnes Jack Mulvihill & Emerson Gale 7B 7R Jessica Corkeron Isabella Baptista & Rebecca Iselin Café News Term 4 The last day of Café online/paper bag orders for the year will be Friday 28th November but Wednesday 3rd December will be a $1.00 day with only over the counter items sold. This will include hot items, chips, drinks and ice blocks. Order via flexischools.com.au Uniform Shop News Holiday Dates 15th, 16th and 27th January 2015. 8.30 till 2.00 all 3 days For any urgent enquiries please contact [email protected] Benny's Greenies (students from Year 4-6) are collecting all paper and cardboard waste from around the school so it can be recycled. Each morning bin buddies visit the classrooms collecting the paper. We now have a super size enclosed collection bin to allow for ease of collection. Stay tuned for more sustainable practices this year. Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 2 APA News By Fran Burke Assistant Principal Administration Dear St Benedict’s Community It is with great sadness that I say goodbye to this beautiful community at the end of this year. I have been truly blessed over the past 7 years working with you in partnership as together we have journeyed in your child’s education. There are many abundant blessings I take with me from my leadership experiences and incredible memories that will guide me in my future endeavours as a leader. I am very excited to be appointed Principal at St Joseph’s at Bardon. I really look forward to this new chapter in my leadership journey and look forward to creating many new memories with the Bardon community. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude and thanks to our students, staff and parents. On our weekly assembly I am constantly promoting how wonderful St Benedict’s is to be part of and I mean this with great sincerity, this community will always hold a very special place in my heart and I thank you for walking with me on my journey. Best wishes, Fran dates Term Dates to Remember Thursday 20 November - 2015 New Families Orientation STARTS 25 November - Scholastic Book Fair in the Library Wednesday 26 November - Testing for 2015 Jr Band, Yr 6 Graduation Thursday 27 November - Yr 7 Graduation Friday 28 November - Last Day Swimming Lessons, Last Ordering Café Day Monday 1 December - Prep Christmas Extravaganza Wednesday 3 December - Carols on Assembly, Yr 1 Extravaganza, P&F Meeting, $1 Day at the Cafe Friday 5 December - LAST DAY SCHOOL, Farewell & Litergy Celebration @ 11, Finishing at 12 noon See the School Calendar on our website. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Orientation for New Families On Thursday 20 November, we welcome 20 new students who will be joining St Benedict’s in 2015. These students will be coming for the afternoon session beginning at 1.30pm. As Mark and Brett address the parents of these new 2015 students, the students will join their cohort for the afternoon session to meet some friendly faces. Student Council This Friday 21 November at first break will be our “Break Up Pizza Party” for our Semester 1 and 2 Student Council. These students play an incredible part in our school. The student council committee are responsible for many Social Action and Justice initiatives as well as many student social events. This committee gives our students a voice to contribute further to the life at St Benedict’s. I would like to extend an enormous thank you to Mrs Helen Hickey and Mr Jason Lay for supporting the leadership of this committee. Our Junior Band performed for our Years 2 and 3 students in the hall last week. Notes were sent home to all of our Year 2 and 3 students, where parents and students were able to nominate an instrument they may like to learn next year. This note is due back to school by this Wednesday the 19th of November. Our Band coordinator Mr. Donald Smith will then be conducting instrumental music testing with these interested students on Wednesday the 26th of November. We look forward more students joining the Junior Band in 2015. Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 3 APA News continued By Fran Burke Assistant Principal Administration Year 6 Leadership Shirts for 2015 In 2015 we will have Year 6 leadership shirts available for parents to purchase as a celebration of their child’s final year of primary school. Next week, our current Year 5 students will be able to try on samples of shirts for sizing. A note will then be sent home next Wednesday where students will have filled in a box with their chosen shirt size for parents to check and then return their order form next Friday. The cost of this shirt will be $35.00. Bennies Bright Stars Many thanks to the Bennies Bright Stars and our wonderful Miss Lonzar for their fantastic presentation at assembly today. welldone Student Achievements Congratulations to Alyssa, Oscar, Mattheis and Zaiidyn who competed in the Brisbane International Tennis Schools challenge. They all played really well as a team against some strong schools including St Paul's and Clayfield College. What a great way to represent St Benedict’s. Well done to Maicey Lynch who is off to the Little Athletics State Relay Championships at the States Athletics Facility (old QEII Stadium) at Nathan on the 13th December. She has been selected to compete in the 4x100m Relay, 4x200m Relay, Long Jump and High Jump. Good luck Maicey! Congratulations also to Morgan Lynch who broke the Bracken Ridge Little Athletics Club record for the Under 6 Boys 200m. He is just a little bit proud of himself! Please note: Bennies Bright Stars has finished practising for the year. No more Thursday rehearsals. See you in 2015. Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Netball Congrats to Maddison Jones. Maddison was successful in being selected for the Pine Rivers Netball Association U12 Representative team for 2015. This was a fantastic accomplishment after having to progress through 3 phases of the selection process. Well done Maddison! Congrats to Georgie Reed (1W) who recently placed in the top 5 at the Queensland Junior State Finals for Physical Culture. Georgie will now compete at the Nationals in Sydney on Sunday . Page 4 APRE Reflections By Brett Kitchener Assistant Principal Religious Education Dear Parents, Compassion On assembly this morning Year 5B shared a wonderful prayer on the theme of Compassion and made the link to our annual St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. As I mentioned to the students we are not assisting people in our local community to purchase toys and electronic devices like many children receive, rather we are assisting children and families to have sufficient food to eat over the Christmas season. This is very hard for our children to grasp as they very much take having sufficient food for granted and thankfully so. On Monday I talked to the children on assembly about doing a task for you at home prior to being given an item of food from your pantry to bring along. In this way the alms giving we are committing to is accompanied by generational learning in our children. Please continue to support this important appeal next week with food items and donations of Eco storage bags if you are able. Carols at Assembly Last week I also mentioned that at our Carols event on the final Wednesday of term, December 3rd, the children will be encouraged to come to school dressed in Christmas colours of red and green. In the past some of the students have put tinsel in their hair and other appropriate accessorising. On this day, if a gold coin can be brought along for the privilege of dressing in this way, this money will support the Annual Catholic Campaign in their important work. The Annual Catholic Campaign gives us the opportunity to act together as one Church family to support ministries and services that no individual parish or school can offer. Farewell and Liturgy Celebration On Friday December 5th the final school day for the year it is most important as a Catholic school community that we finish the year in a prayerful way. We will be having a liturgy and celebration starting in the hall at 11am. This annual occasion provides us with the opportunity of farewelling students, family and staff leaving our community of which there are many this year and recognising their contribution to our community. Parents are most welcome to join us at this important time. Christmas Eve Mass In addition to our school Carols Assembly, our Parish will have carols at 5.30pm on Christmas Eve in the hall here. There will also be a nativity re-enactment and most importantly a Mass from 6pm. If you are at home at this time of year, the parish community would love to have you involved in this wonderful expression of community. Thanks This morning we recognised parents and grandparents who have generously assisted our school community this year in many varied ways. We recognise that some parents who work full time are unable to be at school as regularly as they would like and thank these parents also for their support of what we do. We hope those who were able to attend the morning tea this morning realised our appreciation for your kind and generous efforts this year. We extend once again our sincere thanks. Prayers On behalf of the St Benedict’s community we would like to offer prayers, support and congratulations for Dominic our seminarian in the Holy Cross Parish. This week Dom will celebrate his ordination to the diaconate. Dominic is a wonderful man who brings the joy of the Holy Spirit to all he meets. We wish Dom well. Congratulations I wanted to acknowledge finally the achievement of my colleague Fran Burke for her appointment to Principal in 2015. Fran is excited at the prospect of leading a new community. I wish her every success and happiness. Peace be with you and your families at this busy and often emotional time. Brett Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 5 Pastoral Coordinator News By Helen Hickey St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal Playgroup Our final Playgroup and Christmas break up will be tomorrow 20th November 8.45am – 10.15am. Come and join in the fun. Please bring a plate of goodies to share. We thank Sandra Price (OSHC) for providing the opportunity on a Thursday morning for our little ones to have some fun and our parents time to chat and relax for a little while. Play group will continue in 2015 on a Thursday morning from Week 3 – 12th February. All pre-school age children are most welcome. It’s a great opportunity for our little ones to meet new friends that they might then share school days with. Come to the LAST St Benedict’s Playgroup of the year. Please continue to give generously to our St Vincent de Paul Christmas appeal. Non-perishable items are being collected in all classrooms. Our appeal will close on Tuesday 2nd December. Non-perishable food items include: Christmas puddings Tinned fruit – peaches, pineapple, apricots Baked beans, spaghetti Jatz biscuits, rice crackers Cashews, mixed nuts Fruit & nut mix Muesli bars Packet lollies, marshmallows (no chocolate) Pringles, pretzels Milo, Drinking chocolate Pancake shaker mix Breakfast cereal Rice, pasta Please do not send any chocolate items along as they won’t cope with our present heat wave! Many thanks. The last St Benedict’s Playgroup of 2014 will take place on Thursday 20th November at the OSHC (Outside School Hours Care) building from 8.45am – 10.15am. All are most welcome. Please bring a plate to share for our end of year celebration. Lost Property? Please be mindful: With a school consisting of over 600 students, property is bound to get mixed up or lost sometimes. If you label your child's property clearly, it is quickly returned to students when it is found. Unclaimed ‘lost property’ is donated at the end of each term. Oops, that’s not my hat? You may have accidently taken home someone else's school gear. Please check your gear at home and return any ‘lost property’ to the school office. Thank You! Parents are welcome to check through our orange ‘lost property’ baskets in the office any time. Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 6 Resource Centre & Curriculum News By Amanda Bradford Curriculum & Resource Support Teacher Library News RETURNS WEEK Just a reminder that this week is RETURNS ONLY to the library. The end of year is a very busy time for all, but particularly in the library where returns are in the thousands! We would appreciate the quick return of items to the library to help this process. Overdue notices will be issued shortly. Please check for all outstanding library books and home reading books. Unfortunately books that are not found, will need to be paid for. CHRISTMAS BORROWING Last week students received a note about the option of borrowing books over the Christmas period. To be eligible for Christmas borrowing students must not have any overdue books. Students have the option of borrowing up to 10 books for the holidays. Please return these notices ASAP. Holiday borrowing will happen in the last week of school. READING UNDER THE STARS – THE SOUTHERN CROSS READING CHALLENGE Did you know that when students don’t read over the long summer break they are likely to fall behind when they return to school in the New Year? We call this the ‘Summer Slide’. Make it a priority to keep your child’s mind sharp and active. Encourage them to read for at least 10 minutes everyday during the break to avoid the ‘Summer Slide’. What better way to beat the ‘Summer Slide’ than visiting our St. Benedict’s Scholastic Book Fair and purchasing some new books for the holidays! SUMMER READING CLUB Another great reading opportunity is from the State Library of Queensland, who is hosting a ‘Summer Reading Club’. Visit http://www.summerreadingclub.org.au to find out more. PLEASE READ SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Wish Lists: By now you should have all received the note that was distributed last week about Book Fair, as well as a brochure showing you some of the items that will be available for purchase. On Friday 21st November and Monday 24th November, students will visit the Book Fair with their buddy classes and have the opportunity to create a wish list of books that they like. Payment Options: Preferred payment is via online details on the back of the wish list (see below). Alternatively, there will be cash sales and EFTPOS facilities. Online Payments: You have the option of completing the back of the wish list form. Once the back of this form is completed, it is essentially like a gift card. Your child can bring this back to school, choose the books they like and use this form to purchase the items. If you are unable to make it to the book fair, this is our preferred method of payment, as it is safer than your child carrying money to and from school. Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 7 Resource Centre & Curriculum cont online By Amanda Bradford Curriculum & Resource Support Teacher SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR continued Updated Fair Times: Monday 24th November - Afternoon 2.45-3.30pm. The Book Fair will be available for VIEWING ONLY. No purchasing will be done on this afternoon. But it allows all families the opportunity to come and view the books on offer. Tuesday 25th November Morning 7.45-8.20am Afternoon 2.45-3.30pm Wednesday 26th NovemberMorning 7.45-8.20am Afternoon 2.45-3.30pm Thursday 27th NovemberMorning 7.45-8.20am Afternoon 2.45-3.30pm Friday 28th NovemberMorning 7.45-8.20am Afternoon 2.45-3.30pm Monday 1st December – Pending on sales Tuesday 2nd December – Pending on sales Prizes: For each purchase at the Book Fair (over $10), you will receive a raffle ticket to go into the draw to win a $50 Book Fair prize. Colouring Competition: There is a colouring competition this week. The student from P-2 and 3-7 that completes the best colouring will win a $20 voucher for the Book Fair. Entries close Friday 21st November. Colouring competition can be collected from the library. Curriculum News ATTENTION YEAR 4 PARENTS 1:1 Devices – 2015 Many thanks to all the current Year 4 parents that attended last weeks 1:1 device night. The information made available on this night will be distributed to you shortly via e-mail. Worldbook Online Login St Benedict’s has a whole school subscription to WorldBook Online. Everyone in our school community can access this fantastic site! Our subscription allows us to access the three areas within the site – Early World of Learning, Kids and Students. They now have available a mobile version of the website, too! The website content is updated daily and has topics on almost anything and everything you can think of. It is a fabulous resource and I encourage families to use this as regularly as possible. It is particularly handy for homework, assignments or research. It could also be used just for enjoyment and a bit of fun. Jump on today and have a look. http://worldbookonline.com/wb/Login?ed=wb Our School User Name: stbh Password: st4509 Do’s and Don’ts for Library Lovers: I am a library book Treat me with care So I can be passed on To others and share My contents can be read From cover to cover Please turn my pages gently So I can recover Don’t leave me open Just in case I am broken Please use a thin bookmark As a reminder token If by chance Should I need repair No sticky tape please Pass me to a Librarian for care I trust in you To care for me So I can be read Eternally – Jeanette Moore Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 8 Teaching & Learning News By Michele Lund, Christina Mitchell & Pam Sweeney Pam Sweeney Guidance & Counselling [email protected] Offensive or Illegal Content on the Internet Children and young people may not deliberately seek out inappropriate content. Children can inadvertently access disturbing or illegal content while undertaking online searches or by clicking on unknown links. Offensive or illegal content may include topics, images or other information that are prohibited in Australia or could be damaging to young people online. This is content that may: Include footage of real or simulated violence, criminal activity or accidents, promote extreme political or religious views or be sexually explicit and can include illegal images of child sexual abuse. Promote hate towards individuals or groups on the basis of race, religion, sexual preference or other social/ cultural factors, promote crime, violence or unsafe behaviour, like bomb or weapon making, anorexia, drug use, gaining unauthorised access to computers, fraud or terrorist activities. What Parents Can Do Be aware of how your child uses the internet and explore it with them. Discuss the kinds of sites that are ok to explore and those that are not. Consider using parental controls such as filters to help manage your child’s online access. Remind your child not to open spam email or click on pop ups, prize offers or unfamiliar hyperlinks in websites. Help your child use search engines to locate websites. Consider developing a list of favourites for younger children. Enable safe search options. Reassure your child that access to the internet will not be denied if they report seeing inappropriate content to you. Remind them not to respond if they are sent something inappropriate and that they should leave a website immediately if they feel uncomfortable or worried. Report content that you think maybe prohibited to ACMA’s online hotline: acma.gov.au/hotline www.cybersmart.gov.au Going On Holiday? Sick Kids? If you know your children will be away from school for longer periods of time please let your teacher know in person, via note or email. Please remember to call the St Benedict’s absentee line 3481 4688 to report absent or sick children to the school. Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 9 OSHC News By Nikki Sawatzki Coordinator Last Day of School As school finishes at 12pm on Friday the 5th December, could you please indicate via email or phone call whether your child/ren will need care on the last day of the school term. The cost for the afternoon will be $22 and children will need to supply their own lunch, however as normal, afternoon tea will be supplied as the service will remain open until 6pm. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au The Summer Vacation Care program is now ready for viewing! Please complete the booking form (http:// www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au/documents/forms.html) and return to OSHC via the red message bag or directly to the OSHC office by no later than Friday the 28th November. Should the service not receive an adequate amount of enrolments for the afternoon the service will CLOSE, therefore it is imperative that bookings are made ASAP to avoid disappointment. Email [email protected] or phone 3293 4507 for bookings and further information. Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 10 School Related News shop the St Benedict’s College 21 St Benedict’s Close, Mango Hill Food Technology Visit for St Benedict’s Primary Students Uniform Shop News Holiday Dates 15th, 16th and 27th January 2015. 8.30 till 2.00 all 3 days For any urgent enquiries please contact [email protected] On Wednesday 12 November the Food Technology Department opened its doors and welcomed St Benedict’s Primary School in to share our fabulous kitchen facilities. Year 5R with their teachers Mrs Kris Clancy and Miss Sophie Morris and four parent helpers came along at 7.20am to prepare a healthy breakfast for the class. They have been studying a unit titled “Breakfast is cool”. While studying this unit students have learnt all about the human body, healthy food options and why breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. When it came to put all their theory into practice the students were so very excited. They had an opportunity to come and visit the Food Technology room on the Tuesday before their cooking lesson to learn about hygiene and safety and how to work in a high school classroom. The following morning they all arrived ready to prepare their healthy breakfast. Amazing smells came from the kitchen as the class prepared breakfast muffins with bacon, eggs, tomato and cheese and chilled fruit smoothies. Not only did the class have the opportunity to eat their healthy breakfast but they also learnt new skills from using a range of different types of kitchen equipment. Year 5 certainly had a fun morning and we hope to see them again before the end of the term as we organise a Christmas surprise for them to prepare in our kitchen. Opening Hours Mondays 2:30pm to 4:00pm and Fridays 8:00am to 9:30am We do receive regular updates regarding the Moreton Bay Rail project mainly because of it’s general proximity to St Benedict’s and our community. You can find regular updates at www.moretonbayrail.qld.gov.au Drive slowly and safely in our car park PLEASE. Enrolments Places are still available in Years 7-10 for 2015, with applications also being invited for 2016 and 2017. Please contact our office for further information – 3385 8888 or [email protected] Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 11 School Related News F&f mass parish Holy Cross Parish Mass Times Finance and Fees Term 4 School Fees accounts need to be finalised immediately - unless alternative payment arrangements have been put in place. If you did not received your account statement or would like an up-to-date statement emailed please contact Nerrida on 3481 4600. [email protected]. Christmas Eve Mass at St Benedict’s Catholic Primary school hall December 24. Mass starts at 6pm Carols from 5:30pm 6.00pm Saturday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring 7.30am Sunday at Mary Queen of Peace, Woody Point 9.00am Sunday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring 9.30am Sunday at St Benedict's, Mango Hill. Childrens' Liturgy is held the first and third Sunday of each month. 5.00pm Sunday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring Confessions 5.00pm Saturday at Holy Cross Holy Cross Parish 3293 0800 www.redcliffecatholicparish.com If you have any questions regarding the SEQ Bus Network Review please contact TransLink External Affairs by email at [email protected]. au or phone 07 3338 4438. Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 12 School Related News P&F Parents & Friends of St Benedict’s There will be NO P&F meeting in December. See you in 2015. P&F Electronic Mail If you would like to receive all P&F correspondence directly into your Inbox, please join our Mailing List. No more digging through school bags for P&F notes! Join our Mailing List. http://eepurl.com/CbuDr lookout Look Out Volunteers are needed! In our Drive Through, St Benedicts operates a highly efficient, effective and safe, after school pick-up program (2:45—3.05pm), developed by the QLD Government, called Look Out. Out Volunteers are essential to the program. Please contact the School Office if you can spare 20 minutes of your time to support our school. [email protected] Thank you to those parents who donate their time to support our Look Out pick-up program! By Michelle Kramer - Kindergarten Teacher 3204 8452 or 0498 393 334 [email protected] Wednesday, 19th November 2014 Page 13 Community News Events Eventsof ofinterest interestin inour ourcommunity. community. Tennis News active be Clubs in our community. Term 4 Tennis Coaching will finish on Monday 1st December, Thursday 27th November & Friday 28th November. Term 1 , 2015 Tennis Coaching will commence during the week of 2nd February. I hope you have all enjoyed your Tennis lessons and we will see you back again next year. All new Tennis enrolment forms will be distributed when school resumes in 2015. Wayne Hampson Tennis Coaching 0438 195 723 [email protected] Wednesday, 19th November 2014 TAE KWON DO CLASSES Held at St Benedicts on Saturdays from 10.30am to 11.30am. All ages are welcome. Please phone Daisy or Damian on 3886 0967 or 0438 860 967. Sign up for two months and receive a free uniform. All classes are supervised by an instructor with a Blue Card. Page 13 Community News Events Eventsof ofinterest interestin inour ourcommunity. community. active be Clubs in our community. Our children are precious! Please be mindful of our school entry and parking lot speed zones. Do not be a danger to our school community. DRIVE SLOWLY AND SAFELY. Wednesday, 29th October 2014 Page 15
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