Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 Evaluation of seismic stability for mud houses based on various existing and proposed layouts Mohamad Shahrukh S.*, Majumder Deepnath, Ramanathan Abhishek, Tangudu Sweeya and Bhattacharya S. P.* Department of Architecture and Regional Planning, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, INDIA * [email protected], spb @ arp.iitkgp.ernet.in A further revision was carried out after the occurrence of the Killari earthquake in the year 1993. In this case, some parts of Deccan and Peninsular India were included in Seismic Zone III (a zone of moderate hazard).2 Current research activities also claim that some more areas which were initially considered as low hazard zones may be redesignated to higher levels of seismic hazard. Abstract Midnapore, a district located in southern West Bengal, India, falls under a mild earthquake hazard zone. But during the recent earthquakes at Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Sikkim, this region experienced not so ‘mild’ shocks. The repercussions of such earthquakes in the urban areas are indisputable. But we cannot overlook the fact that rural areas still contain more than 60% of the population in India. 3 High levels of poverty and lack of resources and expertise to mitigate and respond to disasters render these denizens defenseless against such hazard events. Also the physical conditions of their housing are poor and hence are presently exposed to greater seismic risk. Earthquakes have origins in several areas of West Bengal. For example, there are several active faults in the vicinity of Siliguri. Also, the Garhmayna-Khanda-Ghosh fault runs in a north-south direction along the western part of the state and terminates near Sahibganj in the north.1 Majority of the earthquakes take place in the Himalayan ranges in North Bengal while some are deep earthquakes within the Bengal fan. The worst case recorded till date is the earthquake of 1897 which caused massive damage to the city of Kolkata. Recent evidences include the instances at the Bengal basin region, which falls under the seismic zone II of BIS: 2002 nomenclature. The first of those instances is a shallowdepth earthquake of magnitude 4.3 which took place on 6th February, 2008 whereas the second is one of magnitude 4.0, recorded on 13th December, 2005. This study presents a seismic evaluation of the rural built forms, predominantly mud houses and prescribes design provisions to mitigate the same. The rural buildings are modeled and seismic forces are evaluated based on a physical survey. Various planar building layouts are examined and a comparative analysis is made. Analysis has also been done to investigate various options for expansion and a comparison chart is prepared. In addition to this, economically viable methods of retrofitting have been suggested. “A mild earthquake, which recorded 4 on the Richter scale, took place in Burdwan, Bankura, West Midnapore and Birbhum on Wednesday morning. The tremor, lasting for about six seconds, started around 11.40 am. A number of mud houses have collapsed and several concrete houses cracked in the quake.”– The Times of India, Kolkata.8 Keywords: Rural mud houses, disaster mitigation, earthquake resistant design, seismic stability, seismic retrofit. The caving in of unreinforced structures due to ground motion is one of the major causes of human casualties during earthquake disasters around the world. This contributes to more than sixty percent of the structural damage of masonry structures.7 Introduction India consists of a large number of tectonic units such as the Himalayan collision zone in the north, the IndoBurmese arc in the north-east, the Andaman Sumatra trench in the south-east and failed rift zones in the interior areas of the country. In spite of these hardcore facts, the subcontinental regions away from the Himalayas and other inter-plate boundaries were always considered to be less prone to massive earthquakes. However, in recent times, even these areas have suffered from devastating earthquakes; though the magnitudes are much lower compared to the ones in the Himalayan regions. After the Koyna earthquake in 1967, the seismic zoning map (based on the probability of earthquake occurrence) was revised leading to the deletion of the non-seismic zones from it. The regions surrounding Koyna were also re-designated to Seismic Zone IV (a highly hazardous zone). Now, there are many sophisticated and expensive techniques to make structures earthquake resistant but taking into account the issues like economic viability, cultural adaptability, material and technological availability, this paper focuses on cost effective techniques to improve mud houses. It also focuses on seismically sound rural housing modules for the West Midnapore district of West Bengal. The research process involved an on-site study of rural mud houses in the West Midnapore district, following which some common layouts of houses were identified, evaluated and modified in terms of layout of walls and alteration of materials such that they do not fall apart due to differences 49 Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 in shear forces in the adjacent walls. At the end, a realistic comparative analysis among the different building shapes is adopted through a point rating system. The comparative analysis is established on the basis of the values of σb and the maximum shear stress in both X and Y directional walls. The shapes with higher values of σb, σx and σy are assigned lower rating points. In the final step, numerical scores are assigned for each grade and the best shape is determined as the one having the highest score among all. Physical survey and Description of Building Model The buildings considered for the study are typical rural constructions found in the villages of the West Midnapore district. They are single-family houses mainly occupied by the weaker economic sections. The construction is mainly carried out by the inhabitants and occasionally by unskilled local masons and hence, the workmanship is very poor. This type of building is classified as grade-A (most vulnerable to seismic forces) as per the IAEE building classification and IS Code 1893:1984. Some common features observed during the survey of the mud houses are listed below: The houses are mainly load-bearing structures consisting of mud walls (generally 250 mm thick), which carry the roof load and bamboo poles which act as supporting members. However, these are not structurally integrated. The houses have a built up area varying between 35sq.m and 50sq.m. They follow a wide variety of layouts, the common ones being the square, L, Z and U (figures 1 to 4). All the houses are single storied. Each house consists of a single door (1mX2.5m) and few small openings (0.3mX0.45m). The roofs are pitched roofs having local terracotta tiles supported over bamboo framework. The height of the door is the same as that of the walls. The roofing system has a typical span of 2.5 meters. Figure 1: Square Layout Based on the case studies and physical surveys, few cost effective techniques have been identified in order to increase the seismic resistance of these mud structures. They are divided into three major categories: (i) layout of building plan and future expansion possibilities, (ii) wall stiffness improvement strategies and (iii) use of various indigenous materials. Seismic Analysis Methodology of Building Layouts: A seismic response investigation has been attempted under the prescribed methods suggested by IS-1893:2002. Initially, the self-weight of the building, natural time period and spectral acceleration are computed. In the next stage, the direct and torsional shear forces are estimated based on typical governing equations of statics. The computation accounts for three different parametric variables: (i) layout of the buildings (ii) configuration of internal walls (iii) position of fenestrations. Finally, two observations are estimated as base shear per unit plan area of the building (σb ) and maximum total shear stress in the walls in both X and Y directions (σx and σy respectively). Figure 2: L shaped Layout Result and Discussion Initially, four basic layouts are examined to determine the best seismic planar stability. The calculations yield the result that σb is highest for the shape Z and lowest for the square shape [Fig.5]. The outcome of the analysis is well expected as the square is the most symmetrical shape whereas Z is the most asymmetrical one. Fig. 6 illustrates the values of maximum shear stress for the walls in X and Y directions. σx is maximum for the square layout and minimum for the U-shaped layout whereas in the case of 50 Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 σy, the situation is just the reverse. Since the total number of internal walls in a particular direction shares the total shear, the results are justified. arrangement of internal walls, distance of walls from the centre of rotation etc. However, analyzing those problems in detail requires higher levels of calculations which is beyond the scope of this paper and hence has been avoided. Base Shear per Plan Area (kN/sq.m) 1.5 1.30 1.40 1.28 1.11 1 0.5 0 Basic square Figure 3: Z shaped Layout L-Shape Z-Shape U-Shape Max. Shear Stress at X & YDirection Walls Figure 5: Comparison of σb for four basic layouts 125 100 108.89 82.45 75 50 45.84 35.13 28.18 41.76 30.01 24.84 L-Shape Z-Shape U-Shape 25 0 Basic square σx (kN/sq.m) σy (kN/sq.m) Figure 6: Comparison of σx and σy for four basic layouts Expansion Scope of Building Layout: One of the major problems faced by the people dwelling in the mud houses of Midnapore is the dearth of space, combined with large family sizes. Hence, expansion of the house becomes a foreseen necessity. Some of the possible layouts that may be obtained by the expansion of the basic layouts (i.e. L, U and Z) are also studied and a comparison is carried out to determine which layout performs best from the seismic point of view. As shown in table 2, the two layouts possible from L are T and Cross. T is obtained by the addition of one extra space to the left side of L whereas the Cross is obtained by further addition of one space to T on the upper side. The space between the left and the right arms of U is used to form the modified Rectangular layout. In another case, a separate space is added to the top of U to get a layout in the form of a Tuning Fork. Finally, in the case of Z, two separate spaces are added, one on either side, to get a rectangular plan similar to the one obtained by modifying the U-shaped layout. Figure 4: U shaped Layout On the basis of numerical values, the different layouts are graded depending on their stability and rating points are assigned for each of them. The best stable layout to the worst one is rated as 1.00, 0.66, 0.33 and 0.00. The best shape of the building is determined by this comparative rating analysis. The tabulated data for the four basic layouts is given in table 1. From the overall analysis, it may be concluded that the square is the best layout from the seismic point of view followed by U and L whereas Z is the worst. The main purpose of the argument is to develop an idea as to which type of layout may be suitable for a mud house from the seismic point of view. In some cases, the results may be a little biased due to certain problems such as location and 51 Disaster Advances Variable σb (kN/sq.m) σx (kN/sq.m) σy (kN/sq.m) Total Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 Basic square 1 0 1 2 BEST Table 1 Rating Analysis of Four Basic Layouts L-Shape Z-Shape 0.33 0 0.66 0.33 0.33 0.66 1.32 0.99 U-Shape 0.66 1 0 1.66 Table 2 Values of σb, σx and σy for Modified Shapes- T, Cross, Rectangle, Tuning Fork Present Layout Modified Layout σb (kN/sq.m) σx (kN/sq.m) σy (kN/sq.m) L T-Shape 1.4056 34.4706 44.3161 Cross 1.4306 123.2235 63.0668 Rectangle 1.0817 39.2845 126.2828 Tuning Fork 1.3162 69.9137 34.704 Rectangle 1.0817 39.2845 126.2828 U Z The modified layouts are analyzed on the similar parametric basis of σb, σx and σy. They are also individually compared with the original layouts by using a similar type of grading system. From tables 2 and 3, it can be observed that the original basic layout „L‟ is the most seismically stable one in comparison to its modifications. Out of the two modifications, „T‟ is quite stable whereas the cross type layout is highly unstable. Hence, it should not be preferred. practiced by the beneficiaries themselves for their own house, to upgrade the houses of others and to avail a source of income generation. In many rehabilitation projects in Gujarat as well as in Uttarakhand, this approach has been successfully implemented. Stiffeners can be utilized for strengthening both new and existing constructions. The suggested provisions are not complex and can be completed easily by local masons. A schematic diagram for structural strengthening of mud houses using different techniques is shown below. The original U-shaped layout is better than its modifications as per the calculations. Among the corresponding modifications, the rectangular layout performs much better than the Tuning Fork type during earthquakes due to its planar symmetry. Hence, for future extension in case of U-shaped layout, augmenting it into a rectangular layout would be advisable. Regarding the layout Z and its rectangular transformation, it can be inferred that both are quite stable. It is distinct that the basic layouts i.e. L, U and Z are more stable than the modified ones in all the cases. Despite that, some layouts like the Rectangle, T, etc. exhibit reasonably good performance in case of earthquakes and hence, may be used in case of future expansion whereas some like the Cross, Tuning Fork etc. perform very poorly and should be avoided. Seismic Performance Improvement Strategies Stiffeners: Stiffeners may be plates, sections or members which help in stiffening beams, walls etc. in order to minimize deformations. Stiffeners can prolong the life of a present temporary rural hut at a cost, 60 to 70 % less than new construction. If a 30 - 35 sq. m house with economic specifications is to cost Rs. 100,000/-, a retrofitted house can be around Rs. 30,000/- Besides many of these construction methods are relatively simple and can be Figure 7: T shaped Layout 52 Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 Figure 8: Cross shaped Layout Figure 11: Schematic diagram for structural strengthening of mud houses (Plan view) Figure 9: Rectangle shaped Layout Figure 12: Schematic diagram for structural strengthening of mud houses (Sectional view) Materials Non-erodible mud plaster:4 Dry soil (clay – 20 to 25%, sand – 40 to 45%, 6 to 20 plasticity index), free from inorganic material, is taken and wheat straw is added to it and thoroughly mixed. The mixture is kept wet and well kneaded. Finally, a mixture of about 53kg of bitumen and 10.5kg of dry soil is added per cu.m of dry soil to get the desired product. Fire retardant thatch 5: Pressed thatch panels are prepared by laying thatch between two bamboo mats held together by binding wires. After the panels are laid on the roof, they are treated with ordinary mud plaster in the first layer (mud Figure 10: Tuning Fork shape 53 Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 Bamboo 6: Bamboo, the fastest-growing, renewable natural resource known to us can be used in various building components such as foundations, framing, scaffolding, flooring, walls, roof and trusses. Researches prove that it is possible to use bamboo splints as reinforcements for masonry structures. Though the tensile strength of bamboo is about one-third of that of steel, it is sufficient for masonry structures and provides a more economical and environment-friendly alternative that is readily available to the society. and straw) and by non-erodible mud plaster in the second. Cracks in the dried roof are filled with mud plaster and then two coats of cow dung slurry with water repellent are applied. Adobe/mud stabilized with hay, jute fibers: This material can be used for stabilizing the parts above the hip or lintel level, which pose major damage to life and property with high reserve of potential energy when it falls apart during an earthquake. Table 3 Rating Analysis of Modified Layouts Variable L-Shape T-Shape Cross σb (kN/sq.m) σx (kN/sq.m) σy (kN/sq.m) Total 1 1 0.5 2.5 BEST 0.5 0.5 1 2 GOOD 0 0 0 0 Not Preferred Variable U-Shape Tuning Fork σb (kN/sq.m) σx (kN/sq.m) σy (kN/sq.m) Total 0.5 1 0.5 2 BEST Modified Rectangle 1 0.5 0 1.5 GOOD Variable Z-Shape σb (kN/sq.m) σx (kN/sq.m) σy (kN/sq.m) Total 0.5 1 1 2.5 BEST 0 0 1 1 Not Preferred Modified Rectangle 1 0.5 0.5 2 GOOD Table 4 Strengthening of existing construction A. Strengthening of existing construction Seismic Deficiency Description Of Seismic Strengthening Provisions Used No Connection Between Adjacent Walls Poor Connection Between Roofing Elements Opening - Provision of wooden bracings at regular intervals in the walls Wall - Filling of cracks with good fiber-reinforced mortar - Bamboo support at corners of walls where cracks develop. - Wood seismic bands at plinth, lintel and roof levels Building - Strengthening of roofing elements through bracings; securely tying rafters to roof truss after removal of all tiles and purlins at the roof level - Provide additional strength to openings by means of frames 54 Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 Table 5 Strengthening new construction B. Strengthening new construction Seismic Deficiency Description Of Seismic Strengthening Provisions Used Wall Span - Provide a wooden cross bracing if span exceeds 5 m. Planning - Place roof truss and rafters in a symmetric or regular arrangement. Wall - Reduce height of wall to ensure height/thickness ratio less than 8. Need for strengthening of Eaves level - Continuous concrete band may be provided to strengthen the eaves not only against seismic activity but also for anchorage against wind force Table 6 Materials being worked with around the world to make rural houses seismically sound Pakistan Haiti Peru Indonesia Most Destructive Earthquake October 8, 2005 January 12, 2010 May 31, 1970 December 26, 2004 Location Port-au-Prince area Chimbote Sumatra Magnitude Northern Pakistan/ Kashmir 7.6 7.0 7.9 9.1 Fatalities 75,000 222,500 70,000 Earthquake resistant measures - Light walls and gables. - Light sheet metal and wooden roofs instead of heavy concrete roofs. - Eucalyptus or bamboo reinforced walls. 227,900 (Including global tsunami deaths.) - Corner column and crown beam of concrete. - Tires fitted with stone used as shock absorbers between floor and foundation. - Use of compressed straw bales held by nylon netting and sandwiched by plaster - Few small windows to reduce weak spots. - Adobe walls retrofitted with plastic mesh. 2. 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