Directory St. Joseph Parish Business Center 4824 Highland 630 964-0216 630 964-0867 fax Religious Education Office: 630 971-1704 Youth Ministry: 630 964-0216 x1201 St. Joseph School: 630 969-4306 Weekend Masses: Saturday Evening: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, & 5:00 pm Weekday Masses: 7:00 am and 5:30 pm (Monday-Friday) 8:00 am (Saturday) Weekday Holy Days: Call for schedule Sacrament of Reconciliation: (Confession) St. Joseph Catholic Church ▪ 4801 Main Street, Downers Grove Monday and Tuesday: 6:00—7:00 pm Saturday: 3:30—4:30 pm God’s Call to Us Registration: We are happy to welcome new members to our community. Please contact Deacon Frank Kozar at 630 964-0216 x1107. Pastor: Rev. John Phan [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Rev. Marek Herbut [email protected] Deacons: Frank Kozar, Greg Ouska, Carl Schumacher & Robert (Pat) Sullivan Parish Service Coordinator: Frank Kozar [email protected] Music Director/Liturgist: Robert Valle [email protected] Liturgy Assistant: Helene Nogle [email protected] Adult Faith Formation Director: Barb Labotka [email protected] Director of Religious Education: Jacqueline Lackaff [email protected] (The St. Joseph Parish Mission Statement) St. Joseph Parish is a community chosen and called by God to be sent and directed by the Holy Spirit. It exists to provide the People of God the pastoral care and spiritual nourishment they need to proclaim the good news of Christ in their lives and to the world. Our Response to God’s Call (The St. Joseph Parish Vision Statement) St. Joseph Parish is a community of God’s People empowered by the Holy Spirit to promote God’s reign in the world. Nourished by Word and Sacrament, we will grow together in faith, hope, and in a passionate love of God and neighbor. In our families, we will teach and learn the love of Jesus Christ. In our various occupations we will make decisions and set priorities in accordance with the values of the Gospel. And in the world around us we will stand always for justice, compassion and peace. Religious Education/Youth Apostolate Assistant: Helen McAlpine [email protected] Sacraments Director of Youth Apostolate: Marta Spiezio [email protected] Baptisms: We celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism every Sunday. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal formation meeting. Baptisms are scheduled at this meeting. Please call the Parish Center for reservations and further information. Business Manager: Beth Harbauer [email protected] Parish Administrative Assistant: Gail Granby [email protected] School Principal: Rita Stasi [email protected] School Secretary: Julie Wojciechowski [email protected] Counseling Service: Joanna Avignone [email protected] Facilities Manager Joseph Geraghty [email protected] Marriages: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance to provide ample time for preparation of this sacrament. Please call the Parish Center for more information. Sick or Homebound: If you or a member of your family is hospitalized or homebound and would like a priest to visit, please notify the Parish Center. Parish Boundaries: North: Tollway; South: 59th St. East: Prospect Ave. & extensions north and south; West: Belmont Avenue P A S T O R’ S C O R NE R D ear Parishioners, As we continue to celebrate the liturgies of November which reflect on the end times and as we remember those who have died and gone to their rest, it may be an appropriate time to reflect on the time that each of us has been given while we are here on this beautiful earth. We receive many gifts from the Lord, but the gift of time may be one of the most precious since it allows us to build relationships, to care for others, to deepen our relationship with God both privately and as a community, and of course to exercise the practice of gratitude. How are we at making the best use of our time? Do we spend sufficient time in prayer so that we can remain on sure footing even when surrounded by stressful events and the hectic pace of our lives? Are we able to be grateful at least one moment each day for the gift of another person or event or a grace that has been given to us? Do we offer some of our time alleviating someone else’s pain or misfortune? Do we gather with our brothers and sisters to reclaim our identity as the People of God and offer the great prayer of thanksgiving, the Eucharist? It is always a good practice to do a bit of a review in these areas, not to impose a sense of guilt, but more importantly to re-identify with all that is good and holy and righteous in our life. I also would like to remind you about the diocesan initiative encouraging us to work for an increase in priestly vocations. An event for young men and their parents will be held on November 28 at the Cathedral. Extend an invitation to a young man who seems to have an energy for life in the Church and you briefly, but sincerely tell him: “You’d make a great priest!” And remember to take some time this month and reinvigorate your life with gratitude, love, service, and deep relationships! In Christ, Father John Phan “In Celebration of Sharing and Joyful Living” Heavenly Father, We give thanks for the inspiration of your Holy Spirit as we reflect on the Gospel call to exercise Christ’s stewardship on our journey of faith. We ask you to guide us, and show us how to be faithful in the plans we make, the actions we take, and the love we share as we build your Kingdom on earth. Give us the courage to find wisdom in our sacrifices, joy in our generosity, and hope in the compassion we show, especially to those most in need of your comfort and care. And create in us a more open heart and a greater awareness of our need to grow, to change, to be transformed, so that we may be better stewards of your gifts for the good of all. Amen. S T E W A RD S H I P Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has come to the aid of communities nationwide for over 40 years in an effort to eradicate poverty. During World Youth Day, July 25, 2013, Pope Francis told us to “never tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity.” CCHD puts these words into action by funding housing, education, and the development of job opportunities. Projects supported by CCHD move beyond providing for basic needs. They work to build healthy, sustainable futures for communities. Ten years ago, Boston’s Haley House began offering bakery training at the request of a few regular guests at the soup kitchen. Experiencing a tremendous demand, Haley House created a six-month course that includes customer relations and basic business principles. Haley House currently has 70 trainees who have completed the program and are now employed in the Boston area. Haley House also runs cooking classes for at-risk teens and a Transitional Employment Program that provides holistic, individual support to men and women re-entering the community after incarceration. Haley House creates a strong local economy by building human relationships; it carries on Christ’s mission “to bring glad tidings to the poor . . . liberty to captives . . . sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free” (Lk 4:18). This Collection is the primary source of funding for CCHD’s anti-poverty grants and education programs. Collection funds offer new hope each year to those living in poverty throughout the United States. And remember, 25 percent of the Collection’s proceeds stays here in our diocese to fight poverty in our communities and defend the dignity of our neighbors. Help us defend human dignity and show Christ’s charity to those in need. For more information about the Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and the groups it funds, please visit God bless you, Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon Bishop of Joliet CCW will host its Fourth Annual Christmas Cookie Sale after Masses the weekend of December 13-14. A variety of homemade cookies will be sold by the pound. Proceeds from the sale will benefit our own St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry as well as other charities associated with St. Joseph Parish. If you would like to donate homemade cookies or volunteer for this committee, please contact Susie Fahey at [email protected]. Order a Christmas treat for the people served by the food pantry. Fill out this form and place it in an envelope with cash or check, made out to Market Day. You can place the envelope in the collection basket or drop off at the Parish Center by December 15. The Market Day Program will deliver your donation to the food pantry. Fannie May Pixies ________ $ 7.00 each Chocolate Toffee Pretzels ________ $ 7.50 each Holiday Cookie Shapes Kit ________ $16.00 each Gingerbread Boys ________ $14.00 each Fannie May Mint Meltaways ________ $ 7.00 each Candy Cane Pie _________ $15.00 each Name: _______________________________________ Email: ______________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ THANK YOU to all parishioners who have completed and submi ed your Commitment Card to the church. As a reminder, all commitments need to be submi ed to the church no later than November 23 in order to be accounted for in the final Summary Report. Please complete your card or detach this form and submit to the church even if you are unable to make a change to your current level of giving. For those registered parishioners not currently suppor ng the church with regular offertory gi s, please consider a monthly gi to support the needs of our parish. (Please complete one of the below.) I understand this is not a legally binding contract. $ ________ Current Wkly. Gi + $______ Addl. Wkly. Gi = $ ________ New Total Wkly. Gi $ ________ Current Mthly. Gi + $______ Addl. Mthly. Gi = $ ________ New Total Mthly. Gi $ ________ Current Yearly Gi + $______ Addl. Yearly Gi = $ ________ New Total Yearly Gi Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________________ Envelope #: _________________________________ Date: __________________________ (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) E-Mail: _____________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization I authorize the monthly electronic withdrawal of $___________ for a total annual pledge of $____________ _________ Checking (must enclose a voided check) _________ Savings (must enclose a voided savings deposit slip) Name (Please print) _______________________________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________________________________ S T E W A RD S H I P A Call to Stewardship Fiscal Year Stewardship Information Sunday, November 9 Year-to-Date Goal $ 530,100.00 Actual Year-to-Date Gifts: $ 465,215.43 Amount Short of Needed Goal: $ 64,884.57 Weekly Sunday Goal: $ Gifts from November 9 $ 2014 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal Pledge Report Monthly pledge payments for the CMAA pledges should be made in the next few days. It is very important that these pledges be paid so that our parish will reach our goal. Once we have reached our goal in paid pledges, 60% of the additional funds received will be returned to the parish for our use. Parish Goal: $ 109,275.00 27,900.00 Amount Pledged: $ 127,659.00 21,957.50 Amount Paid: $ 110,350.00 Amount Due: $ Thanks for Giving First Fruits and Taking a Step! 17,309.00 Donor Count: 524 People of the Parish, Plan to attend the Parish Post-Mayhem Christmas Party on January 10, 2015! Father John ST. JOSEPH PARISH EVENTS • Week of November 16 Sunday, November 16 7:00 am SVDP Clothing Drive Parking Lot 8:00 am RE Classes Sch/Sh 9:00 am Liturgy of the Word Chapel 10:00 am RCIA PC Library 12:30 pm Baptisms Chu Monday, November 17 9:00 am Physical Fitness Group Ch 10:00 am Prayer Shawl Ministry Ministry Rm 4:00 pm RE Classes Ch 6:00 pm Confession Chapel 6:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration Chapel 7:00 pm CCW Dining Rm 7:00 pm Evening Bible Study Ch 7:00 pm Charismatic Prayer Grp PC Chapel 7:30 pm Cantor Rehearsal Music Rm Tuesday, November 18 9:30 am Bible Study Ministry Rm 4:15 pm Children’s Choir Chu 6:00 pm Confession Chapel 7:00 pm Theology for Beginners–AFF Ch 7:30 pm Choir Music Rm Wednesday, November 19 9:00 am Physical Fitness Group 4:00 pm RE Classes 6:30 pm Jr Hi Confirmation Class 6:30 pm Legion of Mary 7:00 pm SAFE 7:00 pm Handbell Choir 7:00 pm Singers & Musicians 8:30 pm YA Rosary Thursday, November 20 4:00 pm RE Classes Friday, November 21 7:30 am Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 am Physical Fitness Group 9:00 am Fair Trade Event 3:30 pm RE Classes 7:30 pm Baptism Preparation Saturday, November 22 11:00 am Fair Trade Event 3:30 pm Confession 7:00 pm Prayer Study Group-AFF Abbreviations: Ch-Church Hall Chu-Church PC-Parish Center Sch-School AFF-Adult Faith Formation YA-Youth Apostolate RE-Religious Education Ch Chu/Sch Sch/Sh PC Library Ministry Rm HB Choir Rm Music Rm YM Rm Chu/Sch/Sh Chapel Ch Ch Sh Ch Ch Chapel PC Library Sh-School Hall Make your reserva on now for a special event in Downers Grove! St. Nick and the Christ Child will be visi ng St. Joseph Parish SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2014 IN THE CHURCH HALL—following the 5:00 PM Mass ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 6:00 PM—Check in and sea ng 6:15 PM—A prayer service especially planned for li le children Visit the “ac vity table” while you are wai ng to see Santa View and take pictures with the “live na vity” Visit St. Nick (Santa Claus!) and his lollipop and candy cane Christmas tree. Enjoy a pizza dinner Don’t forget to bring your camera! Cost is $5.00 per person ~ no charge for one year old and under. A total of 120 seats are available for this event. ReservaƟons will be accepted in the order they are received. We will have a wai ng list a er we reach 120. REGISTER TODAY! **We are in search of an infant 0-3 months to be “Baby Jesus” for our live na vity. Please contact Marta Spiezio in the Parish Center Office (630-964-0216 ext. 1201) if you would like your baby to be in our li le live na vity scene. Fee waived for immediate family of Baby Jesus! cut here and return to the Parish Center with payment - RESERVATION DEADLINE is Monday, December 1st—remember though— it’s first come first serve! PLEASE RESERVE A TABLE FOR PIZZA WITH ST. NICK and THE CHRIST CHILD FOR: Family Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ Phone # __________________ Email Address: ________________________________________ TOTAL number a ending: ______ number under 1 year old: ______ Amount Paid: _____________ (checks payable to St. Joseph Church) Hosted by St. Joseph Youth Apostolate Program -Some of the elves will be there too! Celebrating Advent as a Parish Community Beginning Sunday, November 30th Upon entering the narthex, look up and see the banner proclaiming: Maranatha! (Come, Lord!). During Advent, we remember Christ’s first coming as we celebrate his continuing presence among us today, and wait in joyful hope for his final coming in glory. The Church’s prayers and scriptures evoke this sense of remembering, celebration, and waiting. While we celebrate his first coming among us, we long to remember his powerful presence among us today in our hearts, in the Eucharist, in those around us. And we prepare ourselves for Jesus’ coming in glory, when all will be reconciled, healed, and made whole. If we take the time to quietly wait, to surrender to this “luxury of longing,” we will come to recognize the Lord’s presence! In addition to your household preparation for Christmas, take time to remind yourself and your loved ones of these four weeks. Create a simple Advent wreath with four candles. Place it on your dining table or some other place where you can be still. Before a meal or at another convenient time, light the appropriate number of candles and recall the spirit of the season in prayer. Join also with the great household of God, the Church, to pray together and prepare for the great celebration of Christmas. DAILY (MONDAY - FRIDAY) WEEKLY 6:45 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. Mondays: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays: 8:45 p.m. Rosary with St. Joseph Youth Ministry Fridays: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Morning Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) Mass Rosary Mass Mass THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Prepare the way for the Lord! Make straight his paths! Individual Reconciliation Communal Reconciliation Mondays & Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Saturdays 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Jr. High Advent Reconciliation Service December 10, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Parish Reconciliation Service December 11, 7:00 p.m. Masses for the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) Monday, December 8, 6:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. (No Eucharistic Adoration, Confession or 5:30 p.m. Mass) Please Note: Sunday 5:00 p.m. Mass on December 7 does not fulfill the obligation for Immaculate Conception. Pizza with St. Nick Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass & Dinner Saturday, December 6, following 5:00 p.m. Mass. Friday, December 12, 5:00 p.m. Mass followed by dinner. Children of all ages are invited to attend the annual “Pizza with St. Nick” hosted by the St. Joseph Youth Ministry. Registration is required. Simbang Gabi (Night Mass) Sunday, December 14, 5:00 p.m. followed by dinner. Our parish welcomes the Filipino community of Western DuPage County for one of the Novena Masses in the Filipino tradition known as Simbang Gabi (Sim-bahng’-Gah-bee’). The Mass will be followed by a light Filipino meal, desserts, and music. FEED YOUR SPIRIT "Pray constantly . . . always and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father." St. Paul adds, "Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance making supplication for all the saints." For "we have not been commanded to work, to keep watch and to fast constantly, but it has been laid down that we are to pray without ceasing." This tireless fervor can come only from love. Against our dullness and laziness, the battle of prayer is that of humble, trusting, and persevering love. This love opens our hearts to three enlightening and life-giving facts of faith about prayer. It is always possible to pray: the time of the Christian is that of the risen Christ who is with us always, no matter what tempests may arise. Our time is in the hands of God: It is possible to offer fervent prayer even while walking in public or strolling alone, or seated in your shop, . . . while buying or selling, . . . or even while cooking. Prayer is a vital necessity. Proof from the contrary is no less convincing: if we do not allow the Spirit to lead us, we fall back into the slavery of sin. How can the Holy Spirit be our life if our heart is far from him? Nothing is equal to prayer; for what is impossible it makes possible, what is difficult, easy.... For it is impossible, utterly impossible, for the man who prays eagerly and invokes God ceaselessly ever to sin. Those who pray are certainly saved; those who do not pray are certainly damned. Prayer and Christian life are inseparable, for they concern the same love and the same renunciation, proceeding from love; the same filial and loving conformity with the Father's plan of love; the same transforming union in the Holy Spirit who conforms us more and more to Christ Jesus; the same love for all men, the love with which Jesus has loved us. "Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he [will] give it to you. This I command you, to love one another." He "prays without ceasing" who unites prayer to works and good works to prayer. Only in this way can we consider as realizable the principle of praying without ceasing. The Catechism of the Catholic Church St. Joseph Religious Education and The Children’s Theater of Our Lady Presents FEED YOUR SPIRIT WHO WILL FILL THESE SHOES? November 28 11:00 am—3:00 pm Who: What: When: All young men ages 16-40 and their parents A day to learn more about the priesthood Friday, November 28, 2014 from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm Mass Lunch Breakout sessions with seminarians & seminarian parents Holy Hour for Vocations (open to everyone in the diocese) Dismissal Where: Cathedral of St. Raymond, 604 N. Raynor St., Joliet, IL 60435 Many of our priests in the Diocese of Joliet have retired or are near retirement age. The question is: Who will fill their shoes? Who will bring the Eucharist and the other Sacraments to future generations? Maybe God is calling you. The day will begin with Mass at 11:00 am, followed by lunch. Then the young men will break up into small groups with our current seminarians to hear their vocation stories and what life is like in the seminary. Parents will be able to speak to our current seminarian parents about their experiences. We will finish with a Holy Hour for Vocations in the Cathedral to which all people in the diocese are invited. To register, or for more information, please visit You can also call the Vocation Office at 815.221.6171. There will be a breakout group in Spanish as well. The Blessed Sacrament is the LIVING FOUNTAIN OF LIFE where we drink in the love of Christ Who alone quenches our thirst. Thus, time spent with our Beloved Savior in Adoration, can become the most profound, meaningful, joyful, peaceful and healing experience we could ever encounter! Adoration takes place in the church chapel following the 5:30 pm Mass every Monday from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, and every Friday from 7:30 am until 5:30 pm. Adorers are needed! Please sign-up in the narthex. P A R I S H C O U NC I L Volunteering at St. Joseph—The Living Gospel Note: Today’s profile in the Parish Council’s ongoing series on parishioner volunteers features Steve Gaydos and the stewardship of resources at St. Joseph. It was written by Greg Gocek. “All is a gift from God, with us being stewards of all He has given” In describing his parish involvements, Steve Gaydos noted the motivating effect of the parable of the rich young man (Matthew 19:16-26) with its lesson on ultimate happiness. Steve thankfully has not reacted like that passage’s seeker to become the latest “eye of the needle” example. All of us parishioners are the better for it. Steve, a financial professional who chairs the parish Finance Committee, has been part of the St. Joseph community with his family for the past two decades. His path to volunteering here began with our adult education programs. They increased his understanding of church teachings and inspired him to more fully express his reinforced faith. Drawing on his other key personal talent, as a skilled musician who can read music and play wind instruments, Steve decided to follow St. Augustine’s advice that “those who sing are praying twice.” Never having sung publicly, he has done so in our choir each Sunday since about 2001. To guide the development of his four children, all of whom enrolled for their primary education at St. Joseph School, Steve became an instructor in the confirmation program of our Youth Ministry. Steve notes that a willingness to help kids, as opposed to great theological sophistication, is the true requirement for doing well in that role and he feels virtually any interested parishioner could find its tasks to be rewarding. Steve is also a member of our Knight of Columbus Council and has attained 4th degree status within it. With expanded familiarity of various parish activities, Steve next applied his related experience to serve as a member of our Parish Council. His term coincided with a particularly challenging time for our school’s future and the need to establish a sustainable resource base for its continued operation. Along with fellow leaders of our school board and his Council peers, Steve helped to gain the consensus for approving a restructuring plan that has increased enrollment and created the Second Century Fund for the school’s long-term financial viability. In conjunction with that effort, he was appointed to the Finance Committee by Father Paul Hottinger and ever since has provided our pastors with his administrative counsel. Steve’s financial skills have also extended to other religious organizations within our diocese. Several years ago he joined the Finance Committee of Catholic Charities in Joliet, which at the time was struggling with its own institutional challenges. Taking a leave of absence from the consulting firm where he was a principal, he devised a suitable turnaround plan, which evolved first into a part-time job there as the project manager entrusted with implementing the plan and ultimately his career transition to the nonprofit world full-time by becoming the Fiscal Director of Catholic Charities. Steve’s personal path has been set by his belief that all work done well is holy, with that best conducted in service of his faith. Just as by donating financial resources to dedicated and well-managed philanthropies can so effectively leverage individual resources, Steve has found his personal commitments of time, talent and treasure to be most energizing. From the outside looking in, while the observation of “the more you give, the more you receive” may seem paradoxical. Nonetheless as someone who strives to keep making that journey to internal truth, he can happily confirm the reality of such transformations. PRAYING FROM SUNDAY TO SUNDAY TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31). Psalm — Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalm 128). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, you are children of the light (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6). Gospel — Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities (Matthew 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Monday: Tuesday: SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Elizabeth of Hungary Tuesday: Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Friday: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday: St. Cecilia Gospel of Matthew 25:31-46 Sunday, November 23 Jesus said to his disciples: "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’ Then they will answer and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’ He will answer them, 'Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." Hot Line to Heaven! Don’t forget...if you need extra prayers said for your special intention, St. Joseph’s Prayer “Hot Line” can help. Call Bernie Borgard at 630/969-3467 or e-mail her at [email protected] with your prayer intention, or if you’d like to join the Prayer Hot Line! Pray for the Sick Kristen Bruni, Don Daly, Chris Ellis, Lucille Engelsman, Peter Eschenbach, Derek Hall, David Karraker, Ester Kolaczkowski, Gertrude McGarry, Dorothy Opferman, Baby Holden Ottersen, Bill Paradise, Tom Ryan, Peggy Schrader, Suzy Voss, Emily Woodruff, and Bob Zielke St. Joseph Parish Community recognizes and remembers in prayer, the men and women serving our country in war-torn lands: Sgt. Hannah Kobit Justin T. Lewandowski Please inform the Parish Center when your soldier returns home. Thank you! Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Blessed are you who fear the Lord. - Psalm 128:1a N OV E M B E R M A S S S C H E D U L E & I N T E N T I O N S 11-16 SUNDAY 7:00 AM Dena & Adam Mini 9:00 AM Teresita Limson 11:00 AM People of the Parish 5:00 PM Peter Matthew Ushela 11-17 MONDAY 7:00 AM Teresita Limson 5:30 PM John Gammuto 11-18 TUESDAY 7:00 AM Jack Hughes 8:15 AM Mary Kuper 5:30 PM Joan Cilik 11-19 WEDNESDAY 7:00 AM Gene Murphy (L) 5:30 PM Philip Pawelczyk 11-20 THURSDAY 7:00 AM Erica Hammerschmidt (L) 5:30 PM Ludmila Cernochova 11-21 FRIDAY 7:00 AM Susan Goetz 5:30 PM John Gammuto 11-22 SATURDAY 8:00 AM Margaret Chmielewski 5:00 PM Millie & Ollie Lisauskas 11-23 SUNDAY 7:00 AM Mike & Tillie Nawara 9:00 AM Leonard M. Tandaric 11:00 AM John Fitzgerald 5:00 PM People of the Parish Ministry Schedule for Saturday, November 22 and Sunday, November 23 Mass Times Lectors Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Altar Servers Greeters SATURDAY 5:00 PM Deacon D. Naponiello N. Naponiello S. Fahey, J. Holcer, J. Overmann, R. Raike, T. Rapach, L. Rovens W. Paveleck J. Paveleck J. Norgle J. Rorke M. Rorke SUNDAY 7:00 AM C.C. Bertram C. Bertram J. Bigane, C. Cavanaugh, M. Kennedy, S. Kennedy, M. Raines, B. Wimp, G. Wrobleski O. Geraghty M. Bertram E. Gesior P. Malek SUNDAY 9:00 AM M. Crane J. Lenzo V. Barrett, K. Collins, D. Dryer, T. Dryer, K. Kosowski, B. Newton, V. Riordan S. Buxton J. Severin A. Scheg C. Mejdrich K. Conness SUNDAY 11:00 AM D. Dlouhly B. Ciesko M. Borgard, G. Francisco, P. Lord, M. Pacis, M. Taylor, A. Zleczewski, T. Zleczewski L. Zleczewski D. Canty T. Spratt D. Arcaro SUNDAY 5:00 PM J. Frank L. Frank S. Becker, A. Chandler, D. Ferrigan, S. Jessee, M. McDowell, P. Nielsen, S. Poetzel
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