Kurikulum Vitae Curriculum Vitae Url: http://myweb.utem.edu.my/myweb/mohdfadzli Short CV: http://www.mytribos.org/pdf/ShortCV_fadzli.pdf I. Maklumat Peribadi: Personal Particulars Nama: Name: Dr. Mohd Fadzli Bin Abdollah Tarikh Lahir: 14 June 1980 Date of Birth: Fakulti/Pusat: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty/Centre Jawatan : Manager of CoE/Senior Lecturer Current Position: Gred Kumpulan: Gred position DS52 Nombor Telefon : Telephone Number Tetap / Sementara/Kontrak: Permanent Permenant/temporary Tarikh Pertama Berkhidmat di UTeM : 1 September 2005 Date of First Appointment with UTeM 06-2346805 E-mel: E-mail [email protected] Tarikh Pengemaskinian CV : 05 November 2014 Date of CV updated II. A. C. Kelulusan Akademik dan Profesional (Sila senaraikan semua kelulusan akademik bermula daripada Ijazah Sarjana Muda mengikut susunan kronologi) Academic and Professional Qualifications (Please list all academic qualifications, from your first degree in chronological order) Tahun Year Kelulusan Degree Pengkhususan Discipline Universiti University 2004 Bachelor of Engineering with Honors (B.Eng. (Hons.) Mechanical Engineering Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) 2005 Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) Mechanical Engineering Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) 2011 Doctor of Engineering (Dr.Eng.) Mechanical Science and Engineering Nagoya University, Japan Tajuk tesis pascasiswazah (Sila senaraikan tajuk tesis bermula daripada peringkat Sarjana mengikut susunan kronologi) Titles of postgraduate thesis written (Please list all thesis written, from your Master Degree in chronological order) (a) Impact wear mechanisms of DLC coating, Dr.Eng., 2011 (b) Fabrication of Porous Alumina As a Synthetic Bone in Biomedical Applications, M.Eng., 2005 1 III. Anugerah akademik Academic award (a) Outstanding Service Award 2012 (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2012), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. (b) University Academic Award 2012 – Special Award (Anugerah Akademik Universiti 2012) – Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (c) Scholarship award under academic training scheme, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, 1 December 2008 ~ 10 November 2011. (d) Dean List Award 2004/2005, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. IV. Bidang Penyelidikan Utama Main Areas of Research Interest (a) (b) (c) (d) V. Wear of Materials Surface Engineering and Coatings Lubricants Automotive Tribology Projek Penyelidikan Yang dilaksanakan (Sila tulis tajuk, tajaan dan nombor rujukan projek sejak 2007) Completed/On-going research project since 2007 (Please write the title, funder and reference number) Duration Title Project Number/Source Role Amount Status 1.8.2007 – 28.2.2009 A study on the resolution heat treatment of an aluminum alloy. PJP/2007/FKM(6)/S00345 Project leader RM20,000 Completed 1.9.2006 – 30.4.2008 Design and development of a semi active damper for automotive suspension system. PJP/2006/FKM(12)/S00215 Coresearcher RM20,000 Completed 1.4.2009 – 31.10.2011 Impact wear mechanisms of DLC coating. Doctor of Engineering Thesis (Nagoya University; Denso Japan; UTeM) Project leader Perodua Coresearcher RM10,000 Completed Taiho Kogyo Tribology Research Foundation (TTRF) Project leader USD15,000 Completed Perodua Coresearcher RM15,000 Completed 1.5.2012 – 30.4.2014 Engine performance and emission characteristics of hydrogen enrichment in light duty diesel engine. FRGS/2012/FKM/TK08/02/1/F00140 Coresearcher RM92,300 Completed 1.6.2012 – 31.5.2014 Tribological investigation of nanobased engine oil diluted with biodiesel fuel. PJP/2012/FKM(40A)/S01044 Project leader RM18,060 Completed 1.10.2012 – 31.5.2014 Fuel specification and engine testing. MTUN/2012/UMP-FKM/1 M00005 Coresearcher RM25,000 Completed 2012 Perodua EcoChallenge 2012 2013 Taiho Kogyo Tribology Research Foundation for Symposium & Young Tribologist Grants. (Awarded to MITC2013) 2013 Perodua EcoChallenge 2013 2 JPY1,000,000 Completed 1.10.2012 – 31.3.2014 Preliminary study of the availability of using lube oil based on local straight vegetable oil in automotives and other applications. PJP/2012/FTK(61A)/S01071 Coresearcher RM11,000 Completed 1.10.2012 – 31.7.2014 Influence of nanolubricant on tribological performance, emissions and fuel consumption of a diesel engine. PJP/2012/FKM(11A)/S01086 Coresearcher RM20,000 Completed 1.12.2012 – 30.11.2014 A new thermal management of HEVs/EVs battery modules with microPCM/CNT composites. RAGS/2012/UTEM/TK01/1 Project leader RM79,930 On-going 1.5.2013 – 30.4.2015 New strategies for energy saving: The future focus on energy efficient vehicles (EEVs) in Malaysia. TD-FRGS/1/2013/UTEM/02/1 Program leader RM443,280 On-going 1.6.2013 – 31.5.2015 A comparative study of tribological behaviour of new palm shell activated carbon reinforced aluminum matrix composite (PSAC-Al) in different environmental conditions. ERGS/2013/FKM/TK01/UTEM /02/04/E00016 Project leader RM100,000 On-going 1.6.2013 – 31.5.2015 Investigation on the mechanical properties of novel oil palm fibre reinforcedmetal laminate systems. ERGS/1/2013/TK01/UTEM/02/07 Coresearcher RM100,000 On-going 1.6.2013 – 31.12.2014 Green Technology and Business Performance among Malaysia SMEs in Manufacturing Industries PJP/2013/FPTT(2A)/S01144 Coresearcher RM8,100 On-going 7.6.2013 6.12.2014 Experimental investigation to the effect of nano-based engine oil on performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine. TWAS-COMSTECH Joint Research Grants (GLUAR/2013/FKM(2)/A00003) Project leader USD8,000 On-going 3 1.10.2013 30.9.2015 Wear characteristics study of a new ecolightweight friction material with palm oil fiber enrichment RAGS/2013/FKM/TK01/03/B00042 Coresearcher RM68,000 On-going 1.10.2013 30.9.2015 Tribological behavior of green carbon fibre waste reinforced thermoplastic composites prepared via melt mixing RAGS/2013/FKP/TK04/02/B00029 Coresearcher RM70,000 On-going 1.10.2013 30.9.2015 Feasibility study of palm oil as new insulation medium for power transformer RAGS/2013/FKE/TK02/01/B00024 Coresearcher RM61,500 On-going 17.12.2013 16.12.2014 Design for a new eco-lightweight friction material with palm oil fiber enrichment for wear characteristics study CG060-2013 Project leader 2 RM143,750 On-going 1.1.2013 31.12.2015 Proton Green Mobility Challenge GLUAR/2013/FKE(1)/I00001 Coresearcher RM41,000 On-going 1.7.2014 30.6.2016 A novel approach of carbon powders assisted conventional Coelectrical discharge FRGS/1/2014/TK01/FKP/02/1/F00220 researcher machining on low conductivity silicon carbide RM79,000 On-going 1.8.2014 31.1.2016 Effectiveness of leadfree bearing material with optimal surface texture-filled hBN nanoparticles for friction control PJP/2014/FKM(9A)/S01326 Coresearcher RM20,000 On-going 1.8.2014 31.1.2016 Development of a neoprene gasket with an interlock mechanism for portable hydrogen cell PJP/2014/FKM(13A)/S01344 Coresearcher RM14,990 On-going 1.8.2014 31.1.2016 Study of transformer oil dispersed with nanoparticles as alternative insulation liquid PJP/2014/FKE(16B)/S01363 Coresearcher RM24,000 On-going TOTAL FUNDING (PROJECT LEADER) TOTAL FUNDING 4 RM791,960 RM1,313,540 VI. Senarai Anugerah Penyelidikan yang diperolehi (Senarai perolehan anugerah penyelidikan sejak 2007) List of awards (Please list research awards received since 2007) Name/Event Award Malaysia Technology Expo 2014 (MTE2014) - Bronze Award for product “Emerging Lubrication Technology for Ball Bearings” (Principle Researcher) Perodua Eco-Challenge 2013 (Secretary/Advisor/Participant) - UTeM Research and Innovation Expo 2013 (UTeMEX 2013) - Gold Award “Nano-Oil as Effective Lubricants for Improving a Small Diesel Engine Performance” (Principle Researcher) - Silver Award for product “Emerging Lubrication Technology of Bearing Materials” (Principle Researcher) International Conference and Exposition on Invention of Institutions of Higher Learning 2013 (PECIPTA 2013) - Silver Award for product “Nano-oil for a Greener Future” (Principle Researcher) BioMalaysia & Bioeconomy Asia Pacific 2013 Conference & Exhibition - Silver Award for product “Nano-oil for a Greener Future” (Principle Researcher) Proton Green Mobility Challenge 2012 (Head of Thermal Management/Participant): - Perodua Eco-Challenge 2012 (Secretary/Advisor/Participant) - Overall number 7 Quadrant Award 2012 (Ph.D Thesis) - Nomination Overall 1st Runner-Up Champion for Engineering Challenge 1st Runner-Up for Longest Distance Challenge 2nd Runner-Up for Time Attack Challenge 2nd Runner-Up for Marketing Challenge Overall 2nd Runner-Up Winner for V-Max Winner for Best R&D Winner for Best Sponsorship & Marketing/website VII. Bilangan dan no. pendaftaran Harta Intelek yang dihasilkan Quantity and registration number of Intellectual Property LY2014000258 (Copyright) – Emerging Lubrication Technology for Ball Bearings (filed) LY2014000259 (Copyright) – Nano-oil for a Greener Future (filed) VIII. Bilangan sitasi dan nama jurnal Number of citation and name of journals Journal Number of Citation Surface and Coatings Technology 8 Wear 8 Mechanics & Industry 1 Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and engineering) 4 Tribology Online 11 Procedia Engineering 10 Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 2 IX. Bilangan penerbitan dalam Jurnal Berimpak Number of publication in high index journals Journal Number of Publication Surface and Coatings Technology (ISI Indexed) 1 Wear (ISI Indexed) 1 Materials & Design (ISI Indexed) 1 Mechanics & Industry (ISI Indexed) 1 5 X. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A (Scopus Indexed) 1 Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and engineering) (Scopus Indexed) 2 Procedia Engineering (Scopus Indexed) 7 Applied Mechanics and Materials (Scopus Indexed) 4 Tribology Online (Scopus Indexed) 2 Journal of Mechanical Engineering (Scopus Indexed) 1 Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (MyCite Indexed) 1 Jurnal Tribologi (Google Scholar Indexed) 1 SENARAI UTAMA PENERBITAN (penerbitan jurnal/prosiding/buku sejak 2007 nyatakan impak faktor) List of Major Publication (Please list publication since 2007- state the impact factor) – Please use Font Arial 9 Journal (Current H-index = 4) [1] A. Mustafa, M.F.B. Abdollah, N. Ismail, H. Amiruddin, N. Umehara, Selection and verification of kenaf fibres as an alternative friction material using weighted decision matrix method, Materials & Design, (2014). Accepted for publication. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2014.10.091 (ISI indexed). [2] Y. Humairak, N. Tamaldin, M.F.B. Abdollah, A. Khalid, Evaluation of the storage effect on the fuel properties for variety biodiesel blends, Applied Mechanics and Materials, (2014). Accepted for publication. (Scopus indexed). [3] N. Mohamad, A.A. Latiff, M.A. Drahman, S.R. Shamsuri, J.A. Razak, I.S. Othman, K. Juffrizal, M.F.B. Abdollah, H.E.A. Maulod, Tensile Behavior of Thermoplastic Reinforced out of Condition Aerospace Grade Carbon Fiber Prepreg Waste via Melt Compounding Process, Applied Mechanics and Materials, (2014). Accepted for publication. (Scopus indexed). [4] K. Juffrizal, M.Y. Nidzamuddin, C.F. Tan, M.F.B. Abdollah, Z.M. Zulfattah, N. Mohamad, N. M. Maslan, The Implementation of Product Architecture in Developing Conceptual Design for Passive Grease Trap, Applied Mechanics and Materials, (2014). Accepted for publication. (Scopus indexed). [5] N. Mohamad, N.S. Zainol, F.F. Rahim, M.K.M. Salleh, M.A. Azam, M.Y. Yaakub, M.E.A. Manaf, H.E.A. Maulod, M.F.B. Abdollah, Interaction of Mixing Factors with Mechanical Properties of PP/ENR Blend via Response Surface Methodology, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 11:1 (2014). pp. 1-14 (Scopus indexed). [6] K.W. Chua, M.F.B. Abdollah, N.A. Mat Tahir, H. Amiruddin, Potential of palm kernel activated carbon epoxy (PKAC-E) composite as solid lubricant: Effect of load on friction and wear properties, Jurnal Tribologi, 2 (2014), pp. 31-38. (Google Scholar indexed). [7] A. Mustafa, M.F.B. Abdollah, N. Ismail, H. Amiruddin, N. Umehara, Materials Selection for Eco-Aware Lightweight Friction Material, Mechanics & Industry, 15:4 (2014), pp. 279-285. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/meca/2014039 (ISI indexed). [8] M.I.H.C. Abdullah, M.F.B. Abdollah, H. Amiruddin, N.R. Mat Nuri, N. Tamaldin, M. Hassan, S.A. Rafeq, Effect of hBN/Al2O3 Nanoparticles on Engine Oil Properties, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A, 32:5 (2014), pp. 3261-3268. (Scopus indexed). [9] M.I.H.C. Abdullah, M.F.B. Abdollah, H. Amiruddin, N. Tamaldin, N.R. Mat Nuri, M. Hassan, S.A. Rafeq, Improving Engine Oil Properties by Dispersion of hBN/Al2O3 Nanoparticles, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 607 (2014), pp. 70-73. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.607.70 (Scopus indexed). [10] M.F.B. Abdollah, M.A.A. Mazlan, H. Amiruddin, N. Tamaldin, Experimental Study on Friction and Wear Behaviors of Bearing Material under Gas Lubricated Conditions, Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 66:3 (2014), pp. 43-49. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11113/jt.v66.2693. (Scopus indexed). [11] M.I.H.C. Abdullah, M.F.B. Abdollah, H. Amiruddin, N. Tamaldin, N.R. Mat Nuri, Effect of hBN/Al2O3 Nanoparticle Additives on the Tribological Performance of Engine Oil, Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 66:3 (2014), pp. 1-6. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11113/jt.v66.2685 (Scopus indexed). [12] M.F.B. Abdollah, M.A.A. Mazlan, H. Amiruddin, N. Tamaldin, Friction Behaviour of Bearing Material under Gas Lubricated Conditions, Procedia Engineering, 68 (2013), pp. 688-693. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2013.12.240. (Scopus indexed). [13] M.I.H.C. Abdullah, M.F.B. Abdollah, H. Amiruddin, N. Tamaldin, N.R. Mat Nuri, Optimization of Tribological Performance of HbN/Al2O3 Nanoparticles as Engine Oil Additives, Procedia Engineering, 68 (2013), pp. 313-319. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2013.12.185. (Scopus indexed). [14] Z.H. Nazri, M.Z.M. Rody, M.F.B Abdollah, S.A. Rafeq, H. Amiruddin, N.Tamaldin, N.A.B Masripan, Elastohydrodynamics Lubrication For Bio-Based Lubricants in Elliptical Conjunction, Procedia Engineering, 68 (2013), pp. 123-129. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2013.12.157. (Scopus indexed). [15] N. Tamaldin, A.K. Mat Yamin, M.F.B Abdollah, H. Amiruddin, M.A. Abdullah, Design Optimization of Thermal Management System for Electric Vehicle Utilizing CFD Analysis, DFMEA and CES, Procedia Engineering, 68 (2013), pp. 305-312. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2013.12.184. (Scopus indexed). 6 [16] M.H.M. Hanafi, W.M.F. Wan Mahmood, M.F.B. Abdollah, S.A. Rafeq, N.F.M. Nor, Z. M. Zulfattah, S.A. Shamsudin, A. Ibrahim, Comparison of Soot Particle Movement Based on Crank Angle, Procedia Engineering, 68 (2013), pp. 245-250. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2013.12.175. (Scopus indexed). [17] N. Mohamad, N.S. Zainol, F.F. Rahim, Hairul Effendy Ab Maulod, Toibah Abd Rahim, Siti Rahmah Shamsuri, M.A. Azam, M.Y. Yaakub, M.F.B. Abdollah, Mohd Edeerozey Abd Manaf, Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Polypropylene/Epoxidized Natural Rubber Blends at Various Mixing Ratio, Procedia Engineering, 68 (2013), pp. 439-445. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2013.12.204. (Scopus indexed). [18] S.A. Rafeq, Z.M. Zulfattah, A.M. Najib, M.Z.M. Rody, S. Fadhli, M.F.B. Abdollah, M.H.M. Hafidzal, Preliminary Study of CST in Malaysia Based on Field Optical Efficiency, Procedia Engineering, 68 (2013), pp. 238-244. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2013.12.174. (Scopus indexed). [19] M.F.B. Abdollah, R.B. Hassan, Preliminary design of side door impact beam for passenger cars using aluminium alloy, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 5:1 (2013), pp. 11-18. (MyCite indexed). [20] M.F.B. Abdollah, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Akao, N. Inayoshi, N. Miyamoto, T. Tokoroyama, N. Umehara, Future Developments of a Deformation-Wear Transition Map of DLC Coating, Tribology Online, 7:3 (2012), pp. 107-111. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2474/trol.7.107. (Scopus indexed). [21] M.F.B. Abdollah, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Akao, N. Inayoshi, N. Miyamoto, T. Tokoroyama, N. Umehara, DeformationWear Transition Map of DLC Coating Under Cyclic Impact Loading, Wear, 274-275 (2012), pp. 435-441. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2011.11.007. (ISI indexed). [22] M.F.B. Abdollah, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Akao, N. Inayoshi, T. Tokoroyama and N. Umehara, The Effect of Maximum Normal Impact Load, Absorbed Energy, and Contact Impulse, on the Impact Crater Volume/Depth o DLC Coating, Tribology online, 6:6 (2011), pp. 257–264. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2474/trol.6.257. (Scopus indexed). [23] M.F.B. Abdollah, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Akao, N. Inayoshi, N. Umehara and T. Tokoroyama, Phase Transformation Studies on the a-C Coating under Repetitive Impacts, Surface and Coatings Technology, 205 (2010), pp. 625-631. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.07.062. (ISI indexed). Conference/Symposium/Workshop [1] M.F.B. Abdollah, M.I.H.C. Abdullah, H. Amiruddin, N. Tamaldin, N.R. Mat Nuri, The hBN nanoparticles as an effective additive in engine oil to enhance the durability and performance of a small diesel engine, Proceedings of 41th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology 2014, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2~5 September 2014. [2] H. Amiruddin, M.F.B. Abdollah, M.A.A. Mazlan, N. Tamaldin, Effect of lubrication environments on wear performance of ball bearing materials, Proceedings of 41th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology 2014, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2~5 September 2014. [3] M.F.B. Abdollah, M.I.H.C. Abdullah, H. Amiruddin, N. Tamaldin, N.R. Mat Nuri, Drive to Greener Future: Tribological and Engine Performances of Nano-oil, Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference 2014 (International Forum on Front-line of Tribology in Asian Region), Tokyo, 19~21 May 2014. - Invited Speaker. [4] A. Mustafa, M.F.B. Abdollah, N. Ismail, H. Amiruddin, Pre-Materials Selection for Eco-Aware Lightweight Friction Material, Proceedings of 9th International Materials Technology Conference and Exhibition (IMTCE2014), Kuala Lumpur, 13~16 May 2014. [5] M.I.H.C. Abdullah, M.F.B. Abdollah, H. Amiruddin, N.R. Mat Nuri, Optimized Nanolubricant for Friction Reduction, Proceedings of 40th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology & Tribochemistry Forum 2013, Lyon, France, 4~6 September 2013. [6] M.F. Abdollah, N. Tamaldin, H. Amiruddin, M.M. Zamberi, M.R.M. Zin, S.E.M. Kamal, Tribology-related researches at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Proceedings of Malaysia-Japan Tribology Meeting 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27~28 August 2012. [7] N. Tamaldin, M.F. Abdollah, Proposal for hybrid passive cooling system of batteries in electric vehicle, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT 2012 (ICEI2012), Melaka, Malaysia, 4~6 April 2012. [8] M.F.B. Abdollah, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Akao, N. Inayoshi, N. Miyamoto, T. Tokoroyama, N. Umehara, Deformation and wear transition map of DLC coating under cyclic impacts, Proceedings of International Tribology Conference 2011, Hiroshima, Japan, 30 October~3 November 2011. [9] Y. Yamaguchi, M.F.B. Abdollah, T. Tokoroyama, N. Umehara, N. Inayoshi, T.Akao, N. Miyamoto, Observation of cross-sectional images impacted DLC films, Proceedings of JAST Conference 2011, Tokyo, Japan, 11~14 September 2011. (In Japanese). [10] Y. Yamaguchi, M.F.B. Abdollah, T. Tokoroyama, N. Umehara, N. Inayoshi, T.Akao, N. Miyamoto, Impact wear mechanisms of DLC, Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, Gamagori, Aichi, Japan, 24~27 April 2011. [11] M.F.B. Abdollah, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Akao, N. Inayoshi, N. Umehara and T. Tokoroyama, Raman spectroscopy study of impacted DLC coatings, Proceedings of The International Tribology Congress, ASIATRIB 2010 “Frontiers in tribology - knowledge & friendship”, Perth, Western Australia, 5~9 December 2010. [12] M.F.B. Abdollah, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Akao, N. Inayoshi, T. Tokoroyama & N. Umehara, The effect of maximum normal impact load, absorbed energy and contact impulse on the impact craters volume/depth of DLC coating under 7 repetitive impacts, Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference 2010, Fukui, Japan, 14-17 September 2010, pp. 471472. [13] M.F.B. Abdollah and N. Umehara, Preliminary study of impact wears behavior under large impact cycles, Proceedings of The 4th Nagoya University – UCLA International Symposium, Kona, Hawaii, 6-7 September 2009, p. 20. [14] M.A.Salim, M.F. Abdollah, F.R. Ramli and S.H.S.M. Fadzullah, Integrated design and selection for weight reduction of a car side door impact beam, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference and Workshops on Basic and Applied Sciences and Regional Annual Fundamental Science Seminar 2009, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia, 2~4 June 2009. [15] M.F. Abdollah, F.R. Ramli, R. Hasan, R. Ismail and R. Mamat, Design of an aluminum alloy side door impact beam for passenger cars, Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2008, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia, 21~23 May 2008. [16] M.N. Sudin, A.T. Din, M.F. Abdollah and S.A. Shamsudin, Conceptual design of automotive bumper beam, Proceedings of Conference on Design, Simulation, Product Development and Optimization (PRODUCT & DESIGN 2007), Batu Ferringhi, Penang, Malaysia, 10~11 December 2007. XI. Keahlian Dalam Pertubuhan/Badan Profesional Membership in The Association/Professional Body (a) (b) (c) (d) Member, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, USA, (Membership ID = 60913) : 2014 ~ to date Member, Malaysian Tribology Society, MALAYSIA (Membership ID = L0213): 2011 ~ to date Graduate member, The Institution of Engineers, MALAYSIA (Membership ID = 34309): 2008 ~ to date Graduate member, Board of Engineers Malaysia, MALAYSIA (Membership ID = GE49335A) : 2006 ~ to date Informasi Tambahan Other Information Administrative Positions Duration Position 1 November 2013 - present Manager of CoE, Centre for Advanced Research on Energy, UTeM. 18 November 2013 - present Vice Secretary, Malaysian Tribology Society (MYTRIBOS). 1 April 2012 – 30 October 2013 Head of Department (Diploma Studies), Faculty of Mechnical Engineering, UTeM. Lectures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tribology Automotive Technology Vehicle Structure Analysis CES Edupack Software Mechanic of Machines 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Automotive Component Design Materials Science Experimental Methods Engineering Graphics (AutoCAD, BrisCAD) Automotive Laboratory Graduated Postgraduate Student 1. 2014 - Mohd Hafidz Bin Zakaria, MSc. (Co-supervisor) Current Student Supervision Student Role (quantity) Total Ph.D Supervisor (2) 2 Master Supervisor (5) 5 Undergraduate More than 30 students 8 Expertise Contributions Expertise Contribution Thesis Examiner Speaker Editor Paper Review Information Details 1. MSc. UTeM – Mohd Syakir Bin Ahmad : Development of hybrid fillers in graphite/polypropylene composite bipolar plate for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. 2. MSc. UTeM - Abdurahman Dwijotomo : Development automatic lane following steering assist in vehicles with the use of vision system. 1. Invited speaker - JAST Tribology Conference, Spring 2014, Tokyo, 19-21 May 2014. 2. Invited speaker - Short course “Materials selection for engineering eco-design using CES”, UTeM, 12 February 2014. 1. Associate Editor-in-Chief - Jurnal Tribologi (Google Scholar Indexed; ISSN: 22897232). 2. Editor - CARe: Introduction to Researchers Profiles (ISBN: 9789670257440), October 2014. 3. Editor - Handbook of Plain Bearing (Japan/English/Malay Translation) – expected to publish in October 2014. 4. Chief Guest Editor - Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) (Scopus Indexed; ISSN: 1877-7058): Special Issue on Recent Advances and Challenges in Energy Research for Greener Future – expected to publish in September 2016. 5. Guest Editor - International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering (ISI indexed; ISSN: 1749-7868): Special Issue on Tribo-surfaces for Sustainable Development - expected to publish in February 2016. 6. Guest Editor – Advances in Tribology (Scopus indexed; ISSN: 1687-5915): Special Issue on Recent Advances and Challenges in Tribology Research for Sustainable Development - expected to publish in February 2016. 7. Chief Guest Editor - Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) (Scopus Indexed; ISSN: 1877-7058): Special Issue on Recent Research in Tribology – Vol. 66, No. 3, 2014. 8. Editor - Procedia Engineering (Scopus Indexed; ISSN: 1877-7058): Special Issue on Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2013 (MITC2013) – Vol. 68, 2013. 1. Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET2014). 2. Applied Mechanics and Materials (Scopus Indexed; ISSN: 1660-9336): Special Issue on International Conference on Applied Physics and Engineering 2014 (ICAPE2014). 3. Jurnal Tribologi (Google Scholar Indexed; ISSN: 2289-7232). 4. Applied Mechanics and Materials (Scopus Indexed; ISSN: 1660-9336): Special Issue on International Conference on Applied Physics and Engineering 2014 (ICAPE2014). 5. Journal of Mechanical Engineering (Scopus Indexed; ISSN: 1823-5514). 6. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) (Scopus Indexed; ISSN: 1877-7058). 7. International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering (ISI Indexed; ISSN: 17497868). 8. Materials Research Innovations (ISI Indexed; Online ISSN: 1433-075X): Special Issue on 2nd Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE 2013). 9. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (MyCite Indexed; ISSN: 2180-1053). 2014 10. Procedia Engineering (Scopus Indexed; ISSN: 1877-7058): Special Issue on Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2013 (MITC2013). 11. Applied Mechanics and Materials (Scopus Indexed; ISSN: 1660-9336): Special Issue on 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Material (ICE-SEAM 2013). 12. International Conference on Applied Physics and Engineering 2014 (ICAPE2014) 13. 4th International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Sciences and Humanities (IGCESH2013). 14. 2013 IEEE Student Conference on Research & Development (SCOReD). 9 Organized Workshops, Meetings, Seminars and Conferences 1. Chairman - Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2015 (MITC2015): 16 - 17 November 2015, Penang, Malaysia. 2. International Advisory Board – International Tribology Conference 2015: 16 - 20 Spetember 2015, Tokyo, Japan. 3. Secretariat - International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2015 (ICAME2015): 26 – 27 August 2015, Bali, Indonesia. 4. Program Director – Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2015 (MERD’15): 31 March 2015, Melaka, Malaysia 5. Secretariat - 8th Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET2014): 10 – 11 November 2014, Melaka, Malaysia. 6. Program Director – Workshop on Writing of High Impact Journal: 13 August 2014, Melaka, Malaysia. 7. Secretariat - Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2013 (MITC2013): 18 - 20 November 2013, Sabah, Malaysia. 8. Secretariat - 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Material (ICESEAM 2013): 30 - 31 October 2013, Melaka, Malaysia. Public services 1. Committee of “Program Khidmat Masyarakat Latihan Solidworks 2012 - MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba 10
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