Trinity Times FromtheInterimRector... November2014 Volume 10 — Issue 11 Inthisissue… F R I R S U C …….. 1, 2 ….………….. 2 F …….…………… 3 9:00 AM Family Liturgy — Facebook Group for Parents! —Episcopal Youth Community — Wed., 11/26, at 7:00 PM, Interfaith Thanksgiving Eve Service at Good Shepherd Lutheran F S ………… 4 Eclipsing Empire: Paul, Rome, and the Kingdom of God, Thursdays in Nov. — Bible & Books: Money & Faith: The Search for Enough M N ....…….…….. 5 Free noon concerts Fri., 11/7 & 21 — Special Events in Dec.! P L …….…..…….…..…..……… 6 Senior Breakfast 11/21 at 9:00 AM— Raising Your Voices D L .…………………………… 7 Ordina on of Deborah Kempson‐ Thompson Sun., 11/9, 3:00 PM — Dr. Dorothy Walrath! — Diocesan Conven on P L :C S …. 8 Men & Women’s Social Groups — Support Groups — Baby Bundles — Prayer Shawls P A ……………. 9 Vestry — Budget — 2015 Pledge Ingathering Sun., Nov. 30 W /C …..…….. 10 Guests — Birthdays — Anniversaries T E M A R C : P.O. B 2246 , NV 89505 Dear Parishioners, On the wall in my office is a reproduc on of T. Noyes Lewis’ pain ng “The Gate of Heaven” which, years ago at a previous interim assignment, I rescued from the back of the sacristy closet from beneath a pile of cleaning rags. It spoke to me and I hung it on my office wall. When I completed my me with that parish, they gave it to me as one of my farewell gi s, no doubt wondering why anyone would want such an odd representa on of an idea that doesn’t receive much a en on in our contemporary era. If you were to look at the pain ng, you would see the back of a priest at the altar, who has evidently just CÊÄã®Äç ÊÄ P¦ 2 TheAngelsare coming!The Angelsare coming! It may seem early, but Angel Tree is just around the corner! If you would like to help make this the best ever angel tree (25 years and coun ng) please talk with Dave or Lani Bennum at the 10:30 AM service or call 323‐4390. There are lots of opportuni es to be involved. The Angel Tree dinner is Nov. 21, with the tree in the church at all services for the following 3 weeks. Find the gi s that warm your heart and li the hearts of others! OurownDorothy Walrathreceives Honorary Doctoratefrom CDSP! S . 7... Thanksgiving hanksgiving Eve Eve Interfaith Interfaith Service Service at at T Good Shepherd Shepherd Lutheran Lutheran— — 7:00 7:00 PM PM (See (See p. p. 3) 3) Good Thanksgiving hanksgiving Day Day Worship Worship at at Trinity Trinity — — 10:30 10:30 AM AM T RememberYourLovedOnesonAllSaintsDay,November2 On Nov. 2 , we celebrate All Saints’ Day. You are invited to have your loved one commemorated by using the slips of paper for any names you wish remembered. We will be crea ng a "Chain of Lives Remembered" to be displayed in the Bp. Lewis chapel. PAGE 2 FromtheInterimRector CÊÄã®Äç ¥ÙÊà P¦ 1 completed celebra ng Mass, returning the ciborium to the tabernacle. What makes the pain ng unusual, and, therefore, thought provoking, is that instead of seeing a wall beyond the altar, superimposed on what would be the background is an uncountable host of saints and angels adoring the eucharis c elements: the ar st’s interpreta on of the heavenly faithful enjoying the nearer presence of our Lord. I think what the ar st is a emp ng to convey visually is the Communion of Saints. On the first Sunday in November [November 2nd] Trinity Church will observe one of the great fes vals of the liturgical year—All Saints’ Day. The ideas behind this day are some mes confusing due to the fact that words change connota ons over the course of many years. In the first century, one term used to describe those who claimed Jesus as their Lord was “saint”; they were people dedicated to God. As dedicated people, they strove to lead a holy life, and today we have many examples of holiness in par cular lives. Please remember, holiness is not a ma er of achievement, as in passing a test, but of character. Indeed, if you were to ask par cular saints what specifically made them holy, they would probably be embarrassed. Growth in holiness always increases personal humility. It is that character of holiness which we celebrate in the lives of the Communion of Saints on All Saints’ Day. Perhaps an illustra on will make clear the central point I’m trying to make. Every now and then we are privileged to meet an especially fine individual whose very presence is a blessing. Wherever that individual goes, something good emanates from him or her. When she or he enters a group, discords cease, and a spirit of harmony, confidence and good will prevails. We say that we would always like to be in his or her company. Mul ply that indefinitely and you get a slight foretaste of what it means to “be with Christ.” That is what the saints enjoy. On the Mount of the Transfigura on, Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here.” That was a flee ng glimpse into the life‐to‐come. The saints enjoy that nearer presence of our Lord which is why I think the ar st painted them viewing the reserved sacrament. But the Communion of Saints includes more than those in paradise: we too, the living as bap zed members of the Body of Christ, are in the picture also. One of the Burial Office prayers summarizes our aspira ons perfectly: “…let thy Holy Spirit lead us in holiness and righteousness all our days; that when we shall have served thee in our genera on, we may be gathered unto our fathers, having the tes mony of a good conscience; in the communion of the Catholic Church; in confidence of a certain faith; in the comfort of a reasonable, religious and holy hope; in favor with thee our God; and in perfect charity with the world…” [BCP 489]. To that I can only add, Amen. RectorSearchUpdate Hello from the Rector Search Commi ee! All the ground work is now completed. The filing deadline for applica ons was October 24. Bishop Dan has collected all the applica ons and will turn them over to the search commi ee all at once. Please con nue to hold the Rector Search Commi ee in your daily prayers. Stay tuned. PAGE 3 Children&Families ChildrenandFamilyNews Join us at The Family Service, Sundays at 9:00 AM We open November 2 with a procession of Saints! Your kids are invited to dress as their favorite saints and join our procession (Go to our Facebook Group below for sugges ons!) Our second Sunday brunch and art will emphasize giving thanks. One of the things you will no ce that is different at the 9:00 AM is that in addi on to a children’s story, there will now always be a brief applica on every week, especially geared toward parents. See you there! Rick+ C F S N : Nov. 2 — All Saints Nov. 9 — Art and Brunch Nov.16 — Tabernacle Nov.23 — Temple Exile Prophets Nov. 30 — Advent 1 Join the “TRCFG “TRCFG —Trinity Reno Children & Families Group” Group” on Facebook! See latest announcements, and be able to share with other parents, and Rev. Rick! Episcopal Youth Community EYC meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, from 12:30 –2:30 PM, in the lower level of the church, for community, snacks, and growth. ALL youth in 6th–12th grade are invited to join us! Parents are invited to the first mee ng so we can jointly set the vision for our group this year! Get ready for a great year together of fun, spiritual growth, and reaching out to our community! November EYC Dates: Sun., Nov. 2 Sun., Nov. 16 TheTwenty‐NinthAnnual InterfaithThanksgivingEveService “T I T M O A ” Wed., Nov. 26, at 7:00 PM A Worship Service Of Prayers, Readings And Music From A Variety Of Faith Tradi ons Sponsored by the Nevada Clergy Associa on This Year’s Event Graciously Hosted By: Lutheran Church Of The Good Shepherd 357 Clay Street (Between Ridge And S. Arlington) Monetary And Food Dona ons Will Go To: Volunteers Of America Shelter Programs For Informa on Call 775‐786‐1800 or E‐mail GS J C O C . PAGE 4 Formation&Spirituality EclipsingEmpire:Paul,Rome,andthe KingdomofGod T , N . 13 Join preeminent New Testament scholars Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan on loca on in Turkey as they trace the Apostle Paul's footsteps throughout the Roman Empire. This 12‐session DVD and web‐ based study explores fresh insights into Paul's message of the Kingdom of God, its challenge to Roman imperial theology, and the apostle's radical relevance for today. Filmed in High‐ 4:00 PM — 1 S DVD D Defini on across Turkey, Greece, and Italy. Facilitated by Rev. Rick, you’re 5:30 PM — E P invited to a end all or part of the 6:00 PM — B B ‐ S evening. Come in the a ernoon or for DVD D 6:30 PM — 2 S the a er dinner showing, whichever works best with your schedule! Nov. 6 — Paul’s Theology / Paul’s Eschatology Nov. 13 — Icons / Eclipse Bible&BookseverySundayat9:30AM! Money&Faith:TheSearchforEnoughby Michael Schut If you've ever struggled with being sa sfied with what you have; if you've ever wondered whether you're ge ng ahead — this book is for you! Bible & Books meets Sun. mornings, through Nov. 23 at 9:30 AM in Conf. Rm. A, downstairs in the Parish Hall across the parking lot. Everyone is welcome! Paperback and Kindle versions are available on Here's the planned reading schedule: Oct. 26 — Chs. 1‐3 (pp. 22‐73) Nov. 2 — Chs. 4 (pp. 74‐103) Nov. 9 – Chs. 5, 6 (pp.104‐139) Nov. 16 — Chs. 7, 8 (pp. 140‐172) Nov. 23 – Chs. 9‐11 (pp. 173‐224) Coming Dec. 7‐21 — A Thrill of Hope: The Christmas Story in Word and Art! This DVD‐based study presents the familiar story of Christmas as told in the gospels of Ma hew and Luke. Each scripture passage is illustrated and interpreted in the stunning artwork of John August Swanson along with commentary by some of America’s premier Biblical scholars. PAGE 5 Music MusicNotesforNovember Children’s Choir It has been clear to me for some me we were more than ready to reintroduce a children’s choir program. The energy and excitement generated by the growing number of families and children at our 9:00 AM service provided all the proof I needed! Based on my experience in downtown churches, it was clear that a midweek rehearsal was probably less than ideal…BUT…how about a short rehearsal right a er the 9:00 service? Our wonderful co‐directors, Lucy Bouldin and Sally Turk, will meet the children right a er the service in the Library while I prepare the Saint Cecilia Choir for the 10:30 AM service. What could be be er than that? The goal this Fall is to prepare some special music for one of the early Christmas Eve Family Services. Hopefully, the children and their families will want to con nue a er Christmas to prepare special music for the Easter Day Family Service. NOW… I know that there are children in the parish who do not a end the 9:00 service on Sundays. If your children or grandchildren might enjoy par cipa ng, please think about bringing them. The more the merrier. Pipes on the River Recitals and Upcoming Special Concerts As I men oned in the October edi on, we have expanded our Pipes on the River Recitals to include both the first and third Fridays in October and November. This “experiment” was successful in October and we look forward to presen ng David Deffner (Davis, CA) on November 7 and Joan Chambers (Sacramento, CA) on November 21. On December 5, I will be joined by our own wonderful pianist Jim Heller for a Bach concert featuring the Concerto in C for two keyboard instruments. We are having fun pu ng this together and I know you will enjoy it. Three special choral concerts conclude our Fall Series: Carson Chamber Singers on December 5 at 7:30 (I will play the organ for the Christmas Oratorio by Camille Saint‐Saens.), the Nevada Gay Men’s Chorus on December 12 at 7:30, and Bella Voce Women’s Ensemble on December 14 at 4:00. Several of our parishioners will be singing in these concerts. What a great way to prepare for Christmas! Saint Cecilia Choir If you have been considering joining us for the holidays, now is the me. We begin prepara ons for Advent and Christmas in earnest at the beginning of November. I have chosen some lovely anthems for Christmas Eve and the pre‐service music before the two late services will be Bach’s Cantata # 142 For Unto Us a Child is Given for choir, soloists, organ and brass. By the me you read this, the choir will be close to deciding if it will be able to accept an invita on to par cipate in an Interna onal Choral Fes val in Tuscany in June. More informa on is forthcoming! Be sure to read my “Notes” in the December issue of the Trinity Times! —PhilipManwell PipesontheRiver ● NOVEMBER SCHEDULE ● Fri., Nov. 7 at Noon – David Deffner (Davis, CA) Fri., Nov. 21 at Noon – Joan Chambers (Sacramento, CA) — Special Events in December!— Fri., Dec. 5 at 7:30 PM —Carson Chamber Singers Fri., Dec. 12 at 7:30 PM — NV Gay Men’s Chorus Sun., Dec. 14 at 4:00 PM — Bella Voce Women’s Ensemble PAGE 6 ParishLife Secretary’sCorner With the Holidays fast approaching, I decided to base this month’s corner on Romans 12:6‐9: “We have gi s that differ according to the grace given to us… Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affec on.“ I really believe that is what Jesus calls us to do. We must serve others in order to be good disciples. Let us to con nue to show others our love for Christ during these hec c Holiday weeks! — Gayla GameDayreturnsinFeb.! Our very popular Senior Game Day is taking a break for the holidays and will return in February. See you then! RaisingYourVoices! B R . P You raised your voices! Here are the responses you gave to us about social jus ce issues that are of concern to you personally or to someone you know and love from the service on the weekend of Sept. 27,28. The Nevada Legislature will convene for the bi‐annual session in February 2015, and we have an important part to play. It’s an opportunity wai ng to happen for all of God’s children to raise your voice in unison. Seniors’BreakfastattheGold& Silver(790W.4thSt.),Fri.,Nov. 21,at9:00AM!Order breakfast or just a cup of coffee, and hang out with friends new and old! Many Seniors have men oned they wanted more events where they could just socialize. If we get good response, we might consider making this a monthly ou ng. Although this is a no‐host event, please RSVP by signing up at the back a er Church so we can make a reserva on for the group. PAGE 7 DiocesanLife Thompson OrdinationofDeborahKempson OrdinationofDeborahKempson‐‐Thompson By the Grace of God and with the People consen By the Grace of God and with the People consen ng, the Right ng, the Right Reverend Dan Edwards, Bishop of Nevada, will ordain Deborah Reverend Dan Edwards, Bishop of Nevada, will ordain Deborah Kempson Kempson‐‐Thompson to the Sacred Order of Deacons Thompson to the Sacred Order of Deacons Sun., Sun., Nov. 9, 2014 at 3:00 PM PM, at Trinity , at Trinity Episcopal Church, Reno, Nevada. Your prayers and presence are requested. Clergy: Red Stoles. If you are unable to a end, messages of collegial support can be sent to: Deborah at 4959 Talbot Lane 4959 Talbot Lane –– 230, Reno, NV 89509, or 230, Reno, NV 89509, or K K T Y . . . DorothyWalrathreceivesHonoraryDoctoratefromCDSP Vestry member, Bonnie Strader, writes, “On Oct. 9, our own Dorothy Walwrath was honored by the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, and received her Doctor of Humane Le ers! Dorothy has worked relessly for the church over the last 52 years. On behalf of the Vestry, Congrega on, and Staff, we are honored to have such a dedicated, faithful servant of the Lord at Trinity! Congratula ons, Dr. Dorothy!” Dorothy writes, “My recent trip to Berkeley, California was literally a step back in me — 53 years to be exact! Kathy Hopner had submi ed my name to the Board. I graduated from St. Margaret's House, a graduate school for Chris an Educa on associated with the seminary for women in 1961 with a MA in Chris an Educa on. Now women and men go to the seminary! It was refreshing to walk around the seminary campus and remember wonderful mes. But I was sure everything — streets, buildings, and landscaping — has all shrunk since I had le ! Thursday evening was the Eucharist with the presenta on of the honorary degrees to the four of us, and Stefani Schatz was there for the occasion! So many nice surprises and mee ng of new and old friends. It truly was a experience "out of me" and I will treasure it for some me to come.” The44thAnnualNevadaEpiscopalDiocesanConvention The 44th Conven on of the Episcopal Diocese of Nevada was held Oct. 9–11 in Ely. There were 128 delegates from 26 parishes in a endance. Bishop Dan reported that although diocesan income is down, through though ul alloca on of designated funds, the Standing Commi ee was able to support a new diocesan posi on, Canon for Congrega onal Vitality. The Rev. Dr. Catherine Gregg described the parishes in the diocese as a variety of vineyards, all owned by God. Each parish needs to ar culate what kind of vineyard it is so that she can assist us in increasing our harvest of living wine to be poured out into the world. Trinity con nues to be the largest parish in the diocese. It is a challenge to determine how we can best demonstrate a life of faith, moving beyond our fears. Contact any one of us to learn about the conven on experience. — Peg McCall PAGE 8 ParishLife:Caring&Sharing DivinelyFineWomen We will meet Sat., Nov. 8 at the Old Granite Street Creamery at 10:00 AM. The Creamery does not take reservations. It is important to RSVP Anne Towner in order to have seating for all of us. . All women of the parish are welcome to any or all of these gatherings. Ask to be put on the DFW E‐mail list! For more information, please write or call Anne Towner at A T A . (827‐3784) or Karen Henke at H H C . ALotofGood Menmeets Tuesday, Nov. 11, for an early dinner at 4:30 PM, at the Texas Roadhouse. It is located on Damonte Ranch Parkway. Near Walmart and Kohl's.. Please RSVP to John, Clyde or Tom. Contact John Hill at JAH 06 C . or Clyde Ikehara at C P_R Y . with any questions or to make sure you’re on the ALGM E‐mail list! As always, all Trinity men are welcome. This is your group. Naomi&Ruth For anyone making a life transition. The first Wednesday of every month 5:00 to 6:00 PM in Conference Room A of the Parish Hall. CatchingOurBreath:A Faith‐basedSupport CircleforCaregivers The first Wednesday of every month at 4:00 PM Church Library (lower level), led by Rev. Rick Millsap. PrayerShawlMinistry Thursdays, 2:00–3:30 PM in Conf. Rm. A of the Parish Hall to share ideas and to knit or crochet together. We train! New shawls are blessed each month and are available after worship in the Bishop. Lewis Chapel. BabyBundles“SharingOurBlessingsWithOthers” Baby Bundles is composed of and supported by members of Trinity and St. Catherine's Episcopal churches. With items donated by both congrega ons we assemble “Bundles” of laye e items for St. Mary’s and Renown hospitals. They are then distributed by hospital staff to disadvantaged new parents who have li le or nothing for their newborn. Needs: New newborn laye e items (size 0‐3 months) are appreciated. We are in need of sleepers for both boys and girls and gender neutral colored clothing. We always need newborn diapers and wipes. The diapers should be size N. Monetary dona ons are always welcome. We’ll shop for you! If you have any ques ons please feel free to contact Susan Lombardi at 329‐2044 or Ann Crase at 356‐1155. God Bless! PAGE 9 ParishAdministration VestryNotes K F Your Vestry will meet next on Wednesday, November 19, at 6:00 PM in Conference Room A of the Parish Hall. All general business mee ngs of the parish are open to members. The proposed agenda is generally posted in the church on the Sunday preceding the mee ng. Contact your Vestry: We want to hear from you! We can usually be found at these liturgies on Sunday: 7:45 AM: Whitney Brown (Sr. Warden), Paul Hewen 9:00 AM: Mimi Butler, Rayann Brown, Kait Flocchini, Aimee Giller 10:30 AM: Will Aldrich, Lindsay Campbell (Clerk), Julie Demler (Jr. Warden), Peg McCall, Dave Neidert, Bonnie Strader For September 2014: BUDGET ACTUAL Income $331,443 $317,690 Expenses $363,091 $347,373 Deficit ($31,657) ($29,682) Thank you for your ongoing financial support of Trinity. Just as the chill is se ng in, we are happy to report that the new boilers and radiators are fully installed. We are very happy to have this new addi on to our old Church and we thank Sco Callahan and the Property Commi ee for their hard work in ge ng it done. As you read this, we are working diligently so that we are ready for our part in the discernment process for calling our new Rector. The applica ons have all been received and we will be ready when the me comes for us to interview candidates. We want to make sure that everyone makes it to the Elec on Polls on November 4th. The only way our government works is if we all par cipate. If you do not know where to go to cast your vote, then go to the website h ps:// You enter your informa on and it tells you your Poll loca on. The Polls are open un l 7:00 PM. On a related note, a way that many Parishioners par cipate in the func oning of Trinity is to pledge a certain financial contribu on for a given year. Our 2015 Pledge Season is coming up soon, so please look for details about it at services and in the Trinity Times II. If you pledged and/or donated in the last year, please also look for your statements of dona ons. If you pick your statement up it helps Trinity save on postage! Finally, we want to thank all of the people that generally gave to the United Thank Offering. Your generosity is inspiring and the Vestry is making a matching contribu on to UTO. 2015PledgeIngatheringSun.,Nov.30! November is the month of thanksgiving! We take time to review the treasure God has given us and pledge to share it in this parish, in the Diocese of Nevada, and in the Episcopal Church throughout the world. A pledge is statement of intention that helps both the giver and the parish with financial planning. Since Biblical times a tithe (10%) of our income has been suggested as a guideline for proportional giving. We trust God as we joyfully call our new Rector and plan for Trinity’s future as a spiritual beacon in the heart of Reno. Your financial pledge provides the vestry with a foundation for planning the budget for 2015. A pledge is statement of intention that helps both the giver and the parish with financial planning. Let us give thanks to God and to each other as we join together in sharing our time, talents, and treasure. — The Vestry PAGE 10 Welcome&Celebrations Welcome! Newfolksfromlastmonth! Jim Spiller, Ikeen Adolphus, and Darla Sue Hatcher of Reno Jason & Jennie Stallcop of Sparks If you are a regular parishioner at Trinity and have a chance to meet visitors at a weekend worship, please greet them warmly! Remember! Jacob Clore Tom Conn Wecelebrateall Craig Cunningham birthdays, Shiela Danley anniversaries,and Be y Dannenfelser otherimportantdates Donna Davis onthe Dennis Davis SecondSundayofthe Alexandra de Peyster Monthateachofthe Beth Diflo weekendliturgies. Kathy Doyle NovemberBirthdays Mya Dunlap Maria Duran Barbara Alm Danica Ferro Stephen Ball Michael Flaherty Sophia Bedell Glenn Fruehan Lani Bennum Darla Garey‐Sage Ryan Bernard Patricia Gehr Bri any Block Aaron Giller Nathan Block Robert Gorder Nick Bortolin Kate Grey Shirley Bremenour George Gur’Kovic Jackson Bryan Dinahrie Gutual Julie Callahan Aleksander Hall Harold Campbell Erica Hamilton Jean Carbon Linda Hanson Alec Clark David Harris November Anniversaries Jordan Haygood Carole Hess Emma Hess Timothy Hickman Adelma Hie Carolyn Hoffmann Charles Karstens Abigail Kent Paul Kent Peter Kirby Vonnie Kirk Mark Lardner Cameron Lewis TomiJo Lynch Richard McCauley Lise McGillivray Sara Millsap Theodore Moore Nicholas Morehouse Robert Morgan‐Beesley Sarudzai Muskwe Laura Neidert Allen Nelson Joseph Novello Jocelyn Ostomel Drew Ramirez Kenneth & Sandra Dillon Stephen & Sheila Lester Dan & Patricia Dunham Kerry & Leigh Mueller William & Heather Eaton Kresh & Tracey Rogina Gene & Sherri Furr David & Elizabeth Souza Marye Read William Roche Arianna Romain Robert Roscher A. Rovig Paula Rueckl Thelma Rusk Joseph Salter John Seddon Jr. Ma hew Snow Dylan Stephinson Lisa Stone Jewell Talkington Peggy Tune Joseph Walsh Barbara Weiss Ka e Whitsi Carol Wilson Bernice Winap PAGE 11 NON‐PROFITORG. T E C U.S.POSTAGE PAID M A : P.O. B 2246 R , NV 89505 PermitNo.32 Reno,Nevada TrinityTimes—November2014 RETURNSERVICEREQUESTED Pleaseplace addresslabelhere Phone: (775) 329–4279 Fax: (775) 329–3135 E‐mail: O T R Website: T R . . WORSHIPATTRINITY…allarewelcomeatGod’sTable! OnSundays: 7:45AM—QuietHolyEucharist 9:00AM—FamilyServiceHolyCommunionwithMusic 10:30AM—FestiveHolyEucharistwithOrgan&Choir Thursdays:12:10PM—HolyEucharist(withHealingPrayers),Spoken Saturdays:5:10PM—HolyEucharist,Spoken Ministers:AllthePeopleofTrinity Bishop of Nevada: The Rt. Rev. Dan Edwards Interim Rector: The Rev. John Seville E‐Mail: R J T R . Associate, Children & Family: In transi on Vestry: Senior Warden: Whitney Brown Junior Warden: Julie Demler Clerk: Flocchini, Aimee Giller, Paul Hewen, Peg McCall, Dave Associate, Parish Life: The Rev. Rick Millsap E‐Mail: R R T R . Interim Director of Music: Philip Manwell E‐Mail: M . 2 T Parish Secretary: E‐Mail: O Gayla Gianche a T Sexton/Custodian: R R . Lisa O erson Lindsay Campbell At large: Will Aldrich, Rayann Brown, Mimi Butler, Kait Neidert, Bonnie Strader Treasurer: Earl Tarble Chancellor: Ann Morgan Assis ng on Sundays: The Revs. Julius Rogina and John Steinfeld Deacon: The Rev. Patsy Pumphrey Rector Emeritus: The Rev. V. James Jeffery NEWSLETTER GUIDELINES If you are submi ng an ar cle for publica on in our next newsle er, please submit on or before the 10th of each month. Ar cles may be submi ed via e‐mail to: O T R . or le in the parish office. We reserve the right to edit all ar cles.
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