ST. MICHAEL CATHOLILC CHURCH, RUSSELLVILLE, MO November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Pastoral Administrator: Sister Mary Rost SSND Parish House: 573-782-4503 Parish Center 573-782-3171 Cell: 573-368-1534 E-mail: [email protected]; mailing address: 13321 Railroad Ave…65074 Parish Website: Canonical Pastor: Father Greg Meystrik 573-636-8159 Sacramental Minister: Father Stephen Jones 573-619-4911 E-Mail: [email protected] Parish Council President: David Lepper 573-498-3324 Finance Council President: Lance Stegeman 573-782-8296 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sundays 8:20-8:50, Service during Advent & Lent Sacraments of Baptism & Marriage: see Sister Mary Mass Intention: 14 Amy Call 16 Living & Deceased members of Jim Verslues family 23 Bernard & Virginia Bruning 26 Dennie Zumwalt 30 Bill Brockman Ministries for November 16 Lectors: Leigh Lepper, Dan Lepper Servers: Rayni Hartman, Simon Hartman, Allison Schrimpf Eucharistic Ministers: Lance & Lynn Stegeman, Debbie Keller, Terry Zumwalt Ushers/Greeters: Jim & Karen Call, Clay Keller, Dave Keller nd 2 Collection * Russ Anderson Gift Bearers: Adam & Ginger Howard Collection Counters: Marge Goeller, Marilyn Davis, Daniel Voegeli Hall Cleaning: Nov. 9-15 Larry Thompson, Barb Campbell, Theresa Buhr Church Cleaning: Nov. 2-8 Galen Meller, Randy Schulte, David Lepper Collection for November 2, 2014 $ 2,369.00 $ 7,100.00 $ 2,369.00 - $ 4,741.00 Improvement Fund: $486.50 Budget for November Total for November Difference Human Development: $35.00 Remaining Debt: $117,819.42 What shall I return to the Lord for all that he has given me? Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ez 47:1-2, 8-9,12; 1 Cor. 3:9-11,16-17, John 2:13-22 Dying and Rising Jesus told the apostles that he would destroy the temple and rise again in three days. On the road to Emmaus, Jesus’ resurrected body was different, yet still a human body. Once they recognized Him in His transformed state, they thought back to the idea of the destruction of the temple. The experience confirmed and deepened their faith. With our bodies and souls we share in the love of the Trinity. At the resurrection of the dead we will be raised body and soul. The body and soul together for the glory of God is the person fully alive. Reflection: As disciples, how are we serving and honoring our God? How are we bringing others to God’s love? Vocation Prayer: Father, may our hearts be open to hear your call in our lives. We pray especially for Rev. Mark Smith, Joshua Duncan-Seminarian, Deacon Stan Buczko, & Sister Mary of the Angels Kleman OCD. Prayer for Our Families: We pray for our parish families, especially the family of Jeremy & Lori. Healing Mass, Friday, November 14 at 11:00. Potluck luncheon after Mass. The parish will provide the meat and drinks. Bring a side dish to share Meetings & Activities for the week of November 9 Sunday, Nov. 9 St. Joseph Cathedral Christmas Bazaar Nov. 9. Noon to 6:00 p.m. Mass 9:00; Collection for Military Service; Blessing of Veterans; Thank you Breakfast for a Successful Thursday, November 13, 2014. Immaculate Conception School will be Fall Festival; Welcome to all our new Parishioners; Shepherds of Christ 6-7 p.m.; PSR and hosting an informational meeting for parents in regards to Children and Confirmation 6-8 Monday, Nov. 10 Bears 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11 Quilting 1:00 Wednesday, Nov.12 RCIA 5:00; PSR class 6:15-7:30 Thursday, Nov. 13 Crafts 3:30 in the hall; Wolves 6:30, Webelos 2 6:30 Friday, Nov. 14 NO Communion Service; Healing Mass 11:00 a.m.; followed by a luncheon Sunday, Nov. 16 Mass 9:00; Collection for Cemetery Up-keep Join us and have fun making crafts on Thursday, Nov. 13 for the Christmas Bazaar. Bring your own crafts or work on the crafts that will be available. Other craft times will be added. Help for Families: The diocese has two resources for families: and Jim Kemna, Director of Religious Education Our Lady of the Snows Catholic School in Mary’s Home is in need of substitute teachers. OLOS School currently has an enrollment of 86 students, with grades ranging from Preschool through Eighth, with 1st -8th being in double-graded classrooms. Requirements are 60 college hours and a background check. Please call Mrs. Werdehausen at 573-498-3574 for information and an application. Thank you! Technology. Mr. Tom Durkin, Public Education Director, will be presenting on topics related to Internet Usage, Smart Phones, and popular social media sites. It is important to be aware of the dangers and pitfalls associated with the numerous forms of communication our children use and are exposed to. All are welcome to attend- please invite family, friends, neighbors, & co-workers. The presentation will begin at 7:00 pm in the school cafeteria (Kertz Hall). Please RSVP to Heather Schrimpf ([email protected]) if you plan to attend Jefferson City Diocesan Cursillo: Tuesday, November 18, Ed Strausser will be speaking on Humility and Service at the Diocesan Chancery Center from 7-9 p.m. All are welcome. 47th Annual Russellville FFA Turkey Supper, Saturday, Nov. 22nd 4-8 p.m. at the Middle School Cafeteria. Young Farmer/Young Farm Wives Silent Auction. A Christmas Concert you will never forget! Ernie Haase & The Signatures (Voted the best vocal group entertainers at the DOVE Awards) Friday, December 12th, 7:00pm Miller Performing Arts Center, Jeff City VIP tickets $25 (until supply lasts) General Admission $18 Donations being accepted to help with ticket costs for the elderly and patients undergoing chemo therapy. Contact Betty Nally at 573-230-2354 Please mark your calendars…………………………………… Christmas Bazaar and Luncheon after the Russellville Parade on December 13 Bring your relatives and friends…………. this is a great opportunity to enjoy the luncheon and then do Christmas shopping!!!! Can you help us by……………… **Donating a pie or two? **Providing a baked item or more? **Making some crafts? Helias Catholic High School is seeking individuals to join our custodial team. We are looking for full time day and evening, as well as part time. Send resume Att: Travis Reinsch to Helias Catholic High School, 1305 Swifts Hwy, Jefferson City, MO 65109 Or [email protected] The Catholic Stewardship Appeal supports the training of our future priests; training for teachers, catechists and those who form our young adults in the faith; and providing help to those in need. Each of us is called to respond in faith, knowing and trusting that God recognizes your willingness to live out the message of the Gospel. We thank all those who have generously given to the annual Catholic Stewardship Appeal and, we ask those who have not sent in your pledge to please join us in supporting the ministries of our Local Church. As of October 31st, 9 families or 7.4% of our parish families have donated $2,245 toward our parish’s Catholic Stewardship Appeal goal of $4,699. Virtus Training at the Chancery Thursday, November 13 @ 1:00pm at the Chancery, 2207 W. Main, Jefferson City Tuesday, December 16 @ 6:30pm at the Chancery, 2207 W. Main, Jefferson City The VIRTUS program is one component of the overall effort to protect God’s children and vulnerable adults. All employees and volunteers 18 years of age and over who have ongoing and unsupervised contact with children and youth are required to attend a VIRTUS session. All parents and other adults in the parish community are encouraged to attend. To register for the session or to view valuable resources regarding the protection of children and vulnerable adults, please go to
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