here - Caldew School

May 2015
Dear Parents
The main exam season is now under way for our Year 11 students. Students should be in the midst of
their revision programmes using their prepared revision timetable. Guidance and briefings about the
challenges ahead have been provided by individual class teachers and reminders have also been given on
how best to revise to gain the best results. It is important that, in each subject, the main problems have
been identified for extra attention and specific help sought from subject teachers to help overcome
Study Leave
As in recent years there is no official period of study leave for Year 11 students. All students are expected
to attend all of their lessons up to the point at which they have sat their last GCSE examination. As
students complete courses they will be receiving additional revision lessons in the later examined
subjects and revising in controlled conditions.
It is worth reminding students that certain expectations remain. All students must be in full school
uniform for exams and ensure that they are in their seats in good time. As part of the general equipment
needed for exams, candidates must use a black pen. They will be aware of specific equipment, such as
calculators, needed for particular exams and should not rely on spare equipment being available in the
exam room.
Revision sessions will happen in some subject areas prior to the start of exams. Please check with your
child that they are aware of when these are so that are in school in good time to participate fully in them.
Examination Results
Printouts of exam results will be available on Thursday 20 August. These may be collected in person from
Main Reception from 8.00am onwards. If you would like anyone other than your child to collect results,
please notify the school office in writing before results day. If you wish results to be posted home, a
stamped, addressed envelope should be handed in to the school office before the end of the summer
Textbook Returns
Students must return all textbooks to their subject teachers by Friday 19 June, using the return form that
has been provided to them (spare copies are available from Student Reception). Please can you remind
your child to do this as textbooks are needed for future students. Failure to return textbooks will result in
you being invoiced for the cost of the books.
Leavers’ Assembly
On Friday 19 June, in the morning, we will be holding a ‘Leavers Assembly’ for our Year 11 students. This
will involve a buffet provided by the school and the opportunity to take photographs. Students should
dress smartly, as they did for their Work Ready Day in January, so that we can take a year group
photograph. We hope to print this for all of them as a memento of their time together at Caldew School.
Students can bring shirts to be signed should they wish, along with their leavers’ books and an
opportunity will be provided to collect signatures. The ‘assembly’ will include looking back over their five
years at Caldew School and entertainment provided by the students themselves.
At the end of proceedings, arrangements will be made for buses to pick students up at lunchtime and
take them home. We anticipate this will be around 11.40am. In order to help us make arrangements with
the bus companies, please complete and return the attached reply slip to Student Reception by Friday 5
In previous years almost all students have enjoyed a very pleasant time and gone home with happy
memories. Unfortunately we need to mention the fact that there has sometimes been a small number of
students who have spoiled the day for everyone. We cannot, and will not, take responsibility for students
who are not in a fit state to take part. Anyone who brings alcohol into school, for example, will need to be
picked up by their parents and taken home immediately. Otherwise we will arrange for staff to take them
home or in the very worst case refer them to the police.
I would like parents and students to be clear that such misbehaviour will have significant consequences.
This will include being barred from attending the Prom as well as the long term consequence that it will
be mentioned in any references requested from the school, and may result in students being refused
admission to the 6th Form.
Year 11 Prom
The Prom for Year 11 students takes place on Friday 19 June at the Greenhill Hotel, Wigton from 6.00pm
onwards. Most students, I am sure, are already well advanced with their preparations and will be looking
forward to a glamorous evening.
Year 11 Work Experience
Many of Year 11 will be doing a week of work experience after their exams and I hope that they find this
useful. The time between finishing the last exam and starting their training or further education at 6th
Form or college is one of the longest breaks students will experience. Ensuring that during that time they
are evaluating their future options is something that their work experience will aid. With some exciting
placements arranged I am sure the students will have some very thought provoking experiences.
It only remains to say that I wish the best of luck to all our students at what is a very stressful time in a
young person’s life. It will soon be over and hopefully with very successful outcomes for the future. I wish
everyone well in their continued endeavours over the coming weeks and look forward to the GCSE results
in the summer.
Yours sincerely
Mr Chris McAree
[email protected]
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly (Friday 19 June)
Please return to Student Reception by Friday 5 June
Student Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Form: …………………….
Transport arrangements for Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly (Friday 19 June @ 11.40am)
(Please tick as appropriate):
Own transport
School transport
Bus company: ………………………………………………………………………………….......
Parent Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date: ………………………