Saint Paul’s Parish Connection November 2014 Volume 6, Number 11 From the Rector’s Desk We celebrated All Saints Sunday with three baptisms. How exciting it is to bring people into the Body of Christ. Welcome to the fold Melissa, Mikayla, and Isabella! We are all so very pleased that you have chosen to join with us in our journey with Christ. Mark your calendars for our annual Stewardship Dinner on Sunday, November 16, at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the party! This year we will have a New Orleans theme, with accompanying food provided by the vestry and music by Tony and the Merrymakers. During the evening’s fun, you will receive an envelope containing your 2015 pledge card for your to complete and turn in within the next couple of weeks. Please prayerfully consider the level of your anticipated giving for 2015. Part of your stewardship in the parish is the portion of your time, talent, and treasure that you will dedicate to doing the work of the Lord at St. Paul’s. Making the decision to pledge to St. Paul’s is affirming your commitment to this parish and to this community of the Body of Christ. Being a member of a worshiping community is essential in maintaining your journey with Christ. Living in fellowship and communion with other Christians provides us with the support we need to remain faithful, and it is by praying together, worshiping together, and sharing the Body and Blood of our Lord together that we build the community of love that reflects the communion that Jesus shared with his disciples. It is in community that we find the joy of being the beloved children of God. Our financial pledges to this parish are the tangible way in which we commit ourselves to the work of the Lord in this place. Making a financial commitment to the Lord’s work is an important way of showing God that we are serious about living our faith. It is especially appropriate that we celebrate Thanksgiving around the same time that we may our stewardship commitments. It is from God that we receive all that we have, including the precious gifts of life and salvation. It is in thanksgiving that we return to God a portion of that which we receive. When we gather together with family and loved ones for the Thanksgiving feast, let us say prayers for these and for the many other blessings that we enjoy by the grace of God. If you know someone for whom Thanksgiving Day is likely to be a lonely time, someone who has no one with whom to share the feast, consider issuing an invitation to join you at your table. Remembering to give thanks to God for all that we are and all that we have helps to remind us just whom we are to worship. There are many things in our lives that call to us, demanding our attention and our allegiance. It often takes a conscious effort on our part to avoid making those things the objects of our worship, relegating God to the back seat. The false idols that tempt us offer us a sense of security, but these false idols all eventually fail us. Real security can be found in God, who is the only appropriate object of our worship. God can be trusted. God will never fail us. It is by worshiping God and trusting in God’s providence that we can handle the worldly crises when they beset us. We find comfort in prayer and in our faith community. When we cleave together as the community of the disciples, God is present with us in a tangible way, providing peace and security that nothing can destroy. So on Thanksgiving Day, and every day, we give thanks to God for the creation, for this worshiping community, for the necessities of life, for our loved ones both living and dead, and most of all, for the great mercies and promises given to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rev. Nancy St. Paul’s Episcopal Church November 2014 SUMMARY – VESTRY MEETING, October 14, 2014 In attendance: Candy Amos, Cindy Walker, Mac Mendoza, Michael Romedy, Claire Humphrey, Rev. Nancy Brown, Walt Grabe, Jennifer Mann, Sandy Salser, Bobbin McCullough (clerk), Joann Wayland (treasurer). Absent: Pat Faux Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed, amended and approved. The treasurer reported that the church master insurance is due again. We made it through the summer’s higher electric bills and are hopeful for lower bills next summer with the installation of the new swamp cooler. Rector’s report. We have received the first payment for the cell tower of $2800 for September and October rent. Rev. Nancy is following up with Diocese about $1000 signing bonus and getting future payments directly deposited to church accounts. This money will be used to make us current with the Diocese on our Mission Share. It is time to start working on our 2015 budget and Rev. Nancy will meet with wardens. Holly & Rose Tea was a success. Final review meeting will be October 26th. Total tea income is not yet available. The Boy Scouts removed the wooden bridge from the Sunday School courtyard. Their next project is to clean up the playground. Steve and Julia Armitage have purchase the Baldwin piano and the money from the purchase has been placed in a restricted piano fund for care and tuning of the new piano. $150 has been donated to the $305 that has been spent for the tuning and cover. We have been able to get control of the old domain name for the website so now if anyone visits the old website they are directed to new one. Joann Wayland has finally received an ATM card for the church account. Parish Christmas party will be at the home of Chris and Paula Smith on Friday, December 19th. Rev. Nancy has asked to look at the possibility of installing a swamp cooler at the rectory. Committee Updates: Cindy Walker reported the Sunday School attendance is up and kids are excited about Christmas Pageant. Pat Faux was able to get three articles in the Valley Press about the Holly & Rose Tea. Claire Humphrey reported that Vestry Dinner is coming up. Jennifer Mann would 2 like to do another religious movie day to see Exodus God & Kings. She is looking at a Sunday matinee followed by refreshments and discussion at Fresco II. BKB will be invited to join us, and a flyer and sign up sheet will be posted. Next Mall Walk will be in January and we are having 3 baptisms on November 2nd. Candy Amos is excited that we are seeing new faces in church each week. Sandy Salser has completed the new LEM/Lector schedule and Walt Grabe is to be trained. We will be participating in an Advent Lessons and Carols at Father Serra Catholic Church in Quartz Hill. Diocesan Convention is December 5-6 in Ontario. Mac Mendoza and Walt Grabe reported the cross from rose garden is at Mac’s museum for repairs. Walt continues to pick up trash on the grounds. Contractor to repair St. Francis statue is out of town. Sacristy sink is leaking again, Dave Miklos to purchase new faucet. The calendar for November was reviewed, revised as needed and approved for publication. Warden Reports: Michael Romedy reported that the Men’s Group will be having a World Series Fundraiser and will designate a specific use for the funds, possible the rectory swamp cooler. The meeting was adjourned following a closing prayer. 2014 Vestry Senior Warden--Michael Romedy Junior Warden and Worship--Sandy Salser Parish Growth--Candy Amos Communications--Pat Faux Parish Life--Jennifer Mann Buildings and Grounds--Walt Grabe Buildings and Grounds--Mac Mendoza Christian Education--Cindy Walker Stewardship and Outreach--Claire Humphrey St. Paul’s Episcopal Church November 2014 11/09 11/19 11/23 11/25 11/27 Emma Montesdeoca Shelby Mann Jonathan Brown Pat Wordsworth Carole Brown 11/20 Steve & Julia Armitage (1971) David Brown, Theresa Young, Oscar Thompson, Jonathon Thompson, Dorothy Rawlings, Bill Rawlings, Liz Stingley, Dan Royster, Roger Ryan, Monica Hines, Allen Fremont, Marge Hulsizer, Jill Stegall, Beverly Brennan, Gillian Young, Terry Stanton, ChyChy Ekeochah, Sue Beall, Linda Prettyman, Joan Elton, Bishop Jon Bruno, Father Charles Threewit, Vivian Collier, Nancy Lukacs, Lauri Hickert, Dory Thompson, Mike Amos, Russell Amos, Richard Fry, Ken Warmboe, Rick Hernandez, Sara Roselli, Arlene Hill, Gary and Sue Crabtree, Martha Gordon, Cabrini Onyiuke, Gray Beirma, Ron Salser, Shirley Oliver, Bob Cathey, Larry Jobe, Russel Vader, Sandy Salser, Helen Downworth, Lauran Hunt, Doris Cruz, William Moore, Tom Moore, James Williams, Dick Elton, Sharon Beaupre, The Campbell Children, Brenda Campbell, Ann Phiel, Annie Lopez, Paul Blake, Robert and Patricia Mann, Lewis Shoemaker, Steve Armitage, Bill Crews, Clive Coe, Darren Shields, Judy Smith, Gabriel Lopez, Robin Geagan, Jennifer Faux, Flora Belle Reece, Kathleen West and Don Penn. Parish Christmas Party will be on Friday, December 19th at the home of Chris and Paula Smith. More info to follow. 3 November 2014 1 -- ECW Meeting 6 -- Shelter Meal 8 -- St. Paul's Men 9 -- EAFB In-Gathering 11 -- Vestry Meeting 16 -- Stewardship Dinner 16 -- DOK Meeting 23 -- ECW Bake Sale December 2014 3 -- Advent Soup Supper 6 -- ECW Meeting 9 -- Vestry Meeting 10 -- Advent Soup Supper 13 -- St. Paul's Men 17 -- Advent Soup Supper 21 -- DOK Meeting 24 -- Christmas Eve 25 -- Christmas Day Mark your calendars for the November 16th Stewardship Dinner hosted by St. Paul’s Vestry. It will be a New Orleans themed party. Please sign up in the Guild Hall if you plan to attend. All mail coming to the church needs to come to our post office box. The address is: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church PO Box 8836 Lancaster, California 93539 John Burke, Mary Campbell-Hadlich, Kristen Castonguay, Tré Dobson, Jose Figueroa, Ryan Fisbeck, David Jimenez, Phil Johnson, Forrest Lampela, Patrick Spears, Jared Tellez, Dare Weihs and Ashleigh Westall 4 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church November 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, So what do you do if you hate going to church but, still love the Lord? As quick as you are old enough to drive, go to the church of your choosing. That is what I did. I began attending Grace Lutheran Church it seemed much more like home. It was worship I was comfortable with. But, silly me, this was just the tip of the iceberg of a plan that God had in store for me. Within a month of my regular attendance at Grace Lutheran, the Choir Director, Rhoda Kellerman, called me at home to ask if I would be interested in joining the choir. I said, “Yes,” but I have no idea why. I had never sung a day in my life before that. I remember that at about the 3rd grade level I joined the school band as a snare drummer. But, I remember the band director, Mr. Brandt, was so frustrated with me because I had no rhythm. I felt like a white man performing in a blues bar; I just didn’t fit in because I had nowhere near the skill level of my peers. So why did Rhoda Kellerman call ME to join the choir? She had me audition, which was scary in itself but, more so, because I had never sung in my life and, at the time, did not know how to read music. I did learn to sing and I enjoyed it. But, the most devastating part of being in the choir was that, from where I sat, I could watch the organist. I was enthralled! I did not know that a true church organist plays with both hands and both feet. It was mesmerizing for me! Go to and search for Richard Elliot or “Crazy Organ Solo”, if you are intrigued. You WILL be amazed! I love his musical skill. What is more, I got to the point that I had to try playing the organ myself. I did and, eventually, was asked to make a commitment to play for church one Sunday soon. I can still remember that first Sunday. I knew my music well but my hands were trembling so severely I could not keep them over the right notes. Nonetheless, from this point onward, church music would always be a part of my soul and without it I am incomplete. I believe that God was working through every one of those circumstances described above. I believe He wanted me to enter ministry through music that He, with His Son, and the Spirit may be praised. For this reason, one of my most favorite hymns is #427, “When Morning Gilds the Skies.” “This rousing hymn, with its spirited refrain in every third line, attracts us by its unusualness. It is a translation from an old hymn, and is probably very similar to the hymns that were used by the early Christians. We have no way of knowing just what the very first Christian hymns were like. At that time the Christian Church had many enemies who did not understand about Jesus' life and teaching. The Christians were not allowed to meet to hold services, but they gathered in little groups in caverns and secret passages under the ground, outside the cities. These caverns, or catacombs, are still in existence, and upon the walls there are drawings and writings still preserved for us. For a long time they were safe in these places, but they dared not write their songs, for fear of detection. And yet we know that they sang. Pliny, the Roman historian, tells us that the Christians used to meet in the morning and evening, and sing praise to Christ as God. And what greater message is there than "May Jesus Christ be praised!" when we praise Him, not only with our lips, but with our lives?” 1 Moreover, how blessed are we that we can sing this hymn today from the top of our lungs with full organ and not fear for our safety. In His Service, Dan ______________________________ 1 Bonsall, E. H. (1923). Famous Hymns: With Stories and Pictures. Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union Press. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church November 2014 Episcopal Church Women of St. Paul's The December meeting of the Episcopal Church Women will be held on Saturday, December 13th rather than the usual first Saturday of the month. The Diocesan Convention is held the first weekend of the month and precludes some of our women attending ECW meeting. This will be an offsite meeting/Christmas luncheon. Details will follow. 5 All men of St. Paul’s are invited to attend the monthly St. Paul’s Men Meetings which are on the 2nd Saturday of each month. The November 8th meeting will be at Camille’s Restaurant on 20th Street West. Join us for fellowship and spiritual nourishment starting at 8am. Steve Armitage will be leading a discussion over the next several months about the liturgical year and how that affects our spiritual lives. Edwards EFB In-Gathering: It’s not too early to start your Christmas shopping! On November 9th, St. Paul’s will sponsor the Holiday Ingathering for enlisted personnel at Edwards AFB. We’ve held this event for the past several years and it is really appreciated by our neighbors at Edwards. Some of the personnel may be deployed to overseas assignments and others may just need a hand up to provide gifts for their children at Christmas. On November 9th, we will have a special coffee hour to gather gifts for youngsters at the base. Toys, games, sporting equipment, books, and school supplies are welcome. Also, clothing for infants through young teens is needed. It can be new or “gently used” as long as items are clean, pressed and in good condition. For older children, gift cards are always popular (iTunes, Walmart, Amazon, etc.) We’ll begin collecting items later in October and you’ll be able to leave your contributions in the library or on tables in the Guild Hall. Calling all bakers!! The St. Paul’s ECW is hosting their Fall Bake Sale on Sunday, November 23rd following both services. Please sign up on the sheet in the Guild Hall with what you will be making. This is an important outreach effort to our community and to the military personnel who are serving their country. More information will be available soon. “WISH LIST” Toys for ages infant through elementary school age Dolls and doll clothes Stuffed animals (new or very clean) Jigsaw puzzles Games Scooters Wagons VCR/DVD Movies for children CD’s/DVD’s for children Coloring Books and Crayons Bicycles and tricycles; safety equipment to accompany them School Supplies (notebooks, notebook paper, pens, pencils, etc.) Clothing for newborn thru elementary school age Electronic or computer games suitable for the age group Gift certificates for “fast food” restaurants or movie theaters Gift wrapping supplies (paper, boxes, ribbon) Please do not gift-wrap the items. Providing our monthly meal to the homeless shelter is a huge part of our ministry here at St. Paul’s. James and Jackie Westbrook provide the main dish and a side but we ask the parishioners of St. Paul’s for donations of the salad fixings, bread and butter and dessert. We also need help with the serving and clean up of this meal. We provide this meal each month on the first Thursday and if you are called to help with this ministry or would like more information, please contact Dana Haycock. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church November 2014 6 Have you noticed the black and white squares filled with squiggly lines that have shown up in many places, especially on products that you buy? It’s called a QR code (meaning Quick Response Code). If you scan a QR code on your smart phone, you will be taken to a website for which the QR code was created. Scanning St. Paul’s QR code will show you our website, where you can check the calendar, see what’s happening in the parish, read the newsletter, check the serving schedule, or donate to the church. Try it out! Please join us on Saturday, December 13th at 7 pm at Father Serra Catholic Church in Quartz Hill for Advent Lessons and Carols. This will be an Ecumenical service of the churches in the Antelope Valley. The evening will consist of Advent Lessons and Advent Carols and we are invited to join the choir. It is an opportunity to enjoy the Advent carols that we often don’t get to hear. The service will conclude with a party in the Parish Hall. Everyone is invited to attend. Just a reminder that the church office will be closed November 27 and 28 for Thanksgiving. Bulletin deadline will be Wednesday, November 26th at noon. Pictures Wanted: If you attend an event for St. Paul’s and take pictures, please send them ASAP to the church office via email so we can include them in our monthly newsletters. Our redesigned website offers new giving options. We already have several parishioners who have their pledge payments made automatically by their bank. We now have available the option to donate using PayPal, an easy and secure way to make payments using the internet. Check it out! In order to keep our kitchen neat and clean, we have a few requests: (1) If you host coffee hour, please take all leftovers home. (2) If you are helping with another event and have purchased hot dogs, cheese, sausages, pancake mix/syrup, etc., please take leftovers home or give them to someone else to take home. (3) Ice that has been removed from bags or ice trays also needs to be thrown away. (4) Please do not save iced tea/coffee in the refrigerator. Leftover cookies can be placed in plastic ziploc bags and frozen for future use. No other leftovers (including such things as juice, fruit, cream cheese) will get used by anyone, so please take them home or throw them away. If large amounts of food are left over, please deliver it to the Lancaster Community Shelter on Yucca Avenue. They are always glad to receive food donations. Thanks so much for your cooperation and help in keeping our kitchen clean and healthy! St. Paul’s Episcopal Church November 2014 7 Blessing of the Animals October 11, 2014 2014 Softball Rev. Nancy visiting with Helen Downworth October 29, 2014 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church November 2014 Circle The circle is a symbol for God, as well as for eternity, due to its lack of a beginning or an end. It also reminds us of how the church year (not unlike the secular calendar) flows from season to season and moves smoothly from Christ the King Sunday (the culmination of the liturgical calendar) to the First Sunday of Advent (a new beginning). Indeed, the One who rules all is the same One whose first and final comings we anticipate anew during Advent. 8 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church November 2014 9 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church PO Box 8836 Lancaster, California 93539 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED The Episcopal Church Welcomes You Saint Paul’s Connection Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2014 Worship Services Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 10:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I Child Care Holy Eucharist, Rite II Sunday School Upcoming Events 11/8 11/9 11/9 11/11 11/16 St. Paul’s Men Discretionary Sunday EAFB In-Gathering Vestry Meeting Stewardship Dinner Email: [email protected] The Monthly Newsletter of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Clergy & Staff Church Office Phone Church Office FAX The Very Rev. Nancy E. Brown, Rector Sandra Salser, Verger Dan Royster, Music Director Leslie Montesdeoca, Secretary (661) 945-6704 (661) 948-4584 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Office Hours: Tuesday—Thursday 9:00am—2:00pm; Friday 9:00am—1:30pm; Closed Monday Saint Paul’s, a parish of the Diocese of Los Angeles, has served the Antelope Valley since 1924. Our mission is to share Christ’s unconditional love with the world. St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sunday Monday Tuesday November Wednesday Thursday 2014 Friday Saturday 1 10 am ECW Meeting 10am Women's NA 8pm NA Meeting 4 5 6 7 8 8am H.E. Rite I 2 3 7pm Knitting Guild 10-2 Pins & Needles 5:45pm Shelter Meal 6 pm NA Meeting 8am St. Paul's Men 9am Child Care 10:30am H.E. Rite II 7:30pm NA Meeting Knitting Group 7:30pm NA Meeting 7pm Boy Scouts 7 pm Dual Recovery 7 pm NA Meeting 10am Women's NA 8pm NA Meeting 10:30am Sunday School 9 Anonymous Meeting 11 12 13 14 15 9am Child Care 10:30am H.E. Rite II 7pm Vestry Meeting 7pm Knitting Guild 10-2 Pins & Needles Knitting Group 7pm Boy Scouts 7 pm Dual Recovery 6 pm NA Meeting 7 pm NA Meeting 10am Women's NA 8pm NA Meeting 10:30am Sunday School 7:30pm NA Meeting 7pm Boy Scouts/Greenbar Anonymous Meeting 8am H.E. Rite I 10 7:30pm NA Meeting Discretionary Sunday EAFB In-Gathering 16 8am H.E. Rite I 17 9am Child Care 10:30am H.E. Rite II 18 19 20 21 22 7pm Knitting Guild 7:30pm NA Meeting 10-2 Pins & Needles Knitting Group 7pm Boy Scouts 7 pm Dual Recovery 6 pm NA Meeting 7 pm NA Meeting 10am Women's NA 8pm NA Meeting 7:30pm NA Meeting Anonymous Meeting 10:30am Sunday School 12pm DOK Meeting Stewardship Dinner 23 24 8am H.E. Rite I 9am Child Care 10:30am H.E. Rite II 25 26 27 28 29 7pm Knitting Guild 7:30pm NA Meeting 10-2 Pins & Needles Knitting Group 7pm Boy Scouts 7 pm Dual Recovery 6 pm NA Meeting 7 pm NA Meeting 10am Women's NA 8pm NA Meeting 7:30pm NA Meeting Anonymous Meeting 10:30am Sunday School ECW Bake Sale 30 8am H.E. Rite I 9am Child Care 10:30am H.E. Rite II 10:30am Sunday School Office Closed Office Closed
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