The Apostle’s Standard St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church November 2014 WALKING THE WAY Annual Meeting & Offering of Pledges ~ November 23 W hat was going on the first Sunday you came to St. Bartholomew’s? What do you remember? The place, the people, the worship, the music, or the smell of incense or bacon? And what was it or who was it that drew you back? This is our church home where we share our spirituality journey, are nurtured in our faith, and strengthened for the life we live and want to live in all the other places of our lives. I want to walk as a child of the light; I want to be like Jesus. On The Last Sunday after Pentecost, November 23, the last Sunday of the church year, we will offer our 2015 pledges in support of the community and ministry of St. Bartholomew’s at the Offertory during each of the three services – a symbol of the gift of our life and labor to God. Please make your pledge by that date or on that day if you have not already done so. As St. Paul said to the church at Corinth: “The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church 1790 LaVista Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30329 Tel: 404-634-3336 Fax: 404-634-0505 After the 10:30 a.m. service, a lunch will be provided in the Parish Hall. Following our shared meal, at the Annual Meeting we will celebrate our life together over this past year, give thanks for the leadership and ministries that have brought us through the year, and elect new vestry members for a three-year term. This we do in our mutual care and responsibility for one another. We are walking the way together. I invite you to come, take your part, participate in the council of the church, and celebrate the many blessings that surround us. Mission Statement: A nurturing, inclusive community centered in Jesus Christ, called to grow in our faith through worship, ministry, education, and service. Many blessings, The Very Rev. Wm McCord Thigpen Rector PRAYERS FOR ALL For Parishioners needing our prayers Taylor Lewis, chronic pain; Robert Andrews; Doris Maisel, Parkinson’s; Duncan Curl, home hospice; Danny Schieman; Pebbles King; John Powell, rehab; Fred Agel, rehab; Jim Curtis, rehab; Kristi Graves, For those unable to attend church Len Fabian; John Nowell; Beverly Patrick; June Henry; Doris Maisel; Graham Roberts; George Johnston; Elizabeth Wood; For a safe delivery for those who are pregnant Subha Hagnana Xavier For Thanksgiving The Members of St. Bartholomew’s; The marriage of Eric Still and Dan Treadaway; The marriage of Howison Hollenberg and Shannon Orr Family in the armed services Jonathan Courtright, son of Peggy and Paul Courtright, currently deployed Stephan Leong, cousin of Ron Peterson Victor Ellis, father of Jenna and Victoria Ellis Stephen Paul, brother of Susan Johnson, active duty military, Iraq Grant Robillard, son of Nora Robillard Eric Blittle, nephew of April Whitt Paul Charles Smith, godson of Marla Gearing Family and friends for whom prayer has been requested* Page Ware, daughter of Anne Greene; Jeanette Fox, friend of Bob Bennett, breast cancer; India Hopper, mother of Kathie Kulikowski, lung cancer; Bonnie Moore, mother of Susan Litton, Alzheimers; Bill Aughtry, brother of Marsha Aughtry, multiple sclerosis; Gordon & Claire May, parents of Anna Marie Soper-O’Rourke; Jeff & Jennifer; Irene Kelly, multiple strokes; George Sparrow, grandfather of Claire Hart, Leukemia; Salvatore Marsala, father of Vince Marsala, recurrence of cancer; Luke, grandson of Pamela Luca, friend of Jo Flick, cancer; Jill Ridley, daughter of David Carter, breast cancer; Ed Hague, friend of Susan Dugan; Annie Loring, friend of Linda Erhard, terminal cancer; Robbie Day, brother of Rick Day; Jane Pannill, relative of Knox Pannill, surgery; Steward Pineda, father of Mona Pineda; Sunday Joyner, at the request of Frances Calder; For those who have died and their families: Betty Steffens, stepmother of Jim Engstrom Randy Ellis, beloved companion of Polly Becton Devon Carlson, brother of Chelsea Payne Tracey Jones, sister of Bryan Jones Beryl Brown, mother of Suzy Sumrall Demeter Graves, loved one of Kristi Graves Hannah Copeland, beloved friend of Keith Harper *This prayer list is updated on the first of each month. In general the names are kept on for at least 2 months. When the names are removed the hope is that prayers for those named will continue. If at anytime you wish to have a name reinstated or give an update, please contact Fr. Mac, Madre Sharon, Madre Beverley, or Keith Harper in the church office. 2 St. B artholom ew ’s V estry D uties Background The Canons of the church give exclusive authority over the fiscal affairs of the parish to the Vestry. But Vestry members are also spiritual leaders who are committed to building up the body of Christ so that it can be an effective instrument of mission and ministry in the world. 1. Be a confirmed member of the Episcopal Church enrolled as a member of the parish, 18 years of age or older. 2. Have been regular in attendance at the services of the church in the years preceding election. 3. Made and maintained a financial commitment to the parish, known to the treasurer, in the year preceding election These are qualifications not only for election but for continued service on the Vestry. A Vestry member should lead the way in participation in the worship life and financial support of the parish. Term of Office: The term of a Vestry member is for three (3) years, and a Vestry member is not eligible for re-election in the year following the expiration of his/her term. A Vestry may have not less than three (3) nor more than twenty one (21) members. Congregation with more than six hundred (600) members may have up to thirty (30) members on the Vestry. Some very small congregations have the minimum number allowed by the canons. Since a Vestry is a working body, even large congregations should not have a Vestry so large as to be unwieldy. Twelve (12) is an ideal number, fifteen (15) are a bit awkward, and anything larger is difficult to form into a working body. Present D ay The Vestry is the "Board of Directors" for the parish corporation. The Vestry is the authoritative body of the Congregation and is subject only to the Diocesan and National Church Canons. The Vestry is responsible for determining the policies and goals of the congregation and is to communicate with the congregation about the goals, concerns, and functioning of the Church in the modern world. The Rector is a member of the Vestry, the President of the parish corporation, and presides over meetings of the Vestry and Congregation. St. Bartholomew’s Vestry has fifteen (15) members. Each of whom is elected by the Congregation and serves a 3-year term. Five (5) new Vestry members are elected by the parish at the parish Annual Meeting. The duties of the Vestry and its officers are prescribed in the Canons (bylaws) of the Diocese and in the charter and bylaws of the parish corporation. The Senior and Junior Wardens are Vice Presidents of the corporation. The Canon law of the Diocese requires that Vestries meet at least six (6) times a year, and sometimes take a month off during the summer. Except for a special meeting called by the Rector, our Vestry meets once a month, usually on the third Sunday at 12:15 p.m.. Our Vestry holds an annual retreat each January to build team skills and identify priorities for the coming year. The Senior Warden is appointed by the Rector from the Vestry members. The Junior Warden is elected by the Vestry from its members. The Senior Wardens may be requested by the Rector to preside in his/her place. The clerk (secretary) and treasure may be selected from among the Vestry members, or a clerk (secretary) and treasurer may be appointed by the Vestry. If appointed, they serve without vote although they may be inclined to speak up. Although all Vestry members discuss and make decisions about all areas of parish life, each one takes on one or two areas of primary responsibility and ministry. The D uties of a V estry The duties of the Vestry are to: 1. Take charge of the property of the Church. 2. To keep this property fully insured and to list this insurance in the annual Parochial report to the diocese. To be responsible for all financial matters of the parish, specifically to: Prepare an annual budget. The Vestry may authorize the Funds Stewardship Committee to prepare a budget. File the Annual Corporate Report with the Diocese and/or the State of Georgia. Maintain adequate accounting records in conformity with forms provided by the Diocesan Treasurer to record all funds received and expended. See that an annual audit is conducted and reported at required in the Canons (bylaws) of the Diocese . See that adequate stewardship education is undertaken in the congregation and that a regular every-member canvass is conducted. 3. To regulate all the congregation's temporal affairs. 4. To elect, with the approval of the Bishop, to call a Rector, and to provide for his/her maintenance. 5. To act as helpers to the Rector in whatever appropriate to lay persons for the furtherance of the welfare of the Church. 6. To maintain full record of minutes of meetings. To authorize all purchases made in the name of the parish. 3 VESTRY CANDIDATES TIMOTHY (“TIM”) ERIC HOLMES came to St. Bartholomew’s a few years ago from a Catholic upbringing. He reflects, “as soon as I opened my car door, someone said hello and welcomed me to the church. I walked in the door and the same thing happened again. After attending the newcomers class that morning and the service, I immediately felt in my heart that this is where I should be. I truly feel God brought me here to heal, grow, and belong.” Since joining, he has served on the Altar Guild and completed the Catechumenate to be received into the Episcopal Church. He seeks to join the vestry to contribute to parish for all that it has provided him. “I feel as if the community of St. Bart’s has brought true spiritual happiness to my life and though there is no means to repay this, I will do my best to serve where I can.” Tim has been a paralegal at King & Spalding on products liability litigation since graduating from UGA in 1996. In his spare time he likes to walk, listen to NPR, make Anglican rosaries/prayer beads, practice mindfulness, and spend time with his two pugs, Fancy (3 years) and Phoebe (11 months). RAZ SCHREIBER: Many people don't seem to know that I have actually not been on the Vestry for the last 2 years. I have asked to serve on the Vestry again because it fulfills for me a need to give back to my community of faith. I have heard that people say "Property? Oh, that is a terrible thing, I don't want to do that!" But I have found that my experience on the Vestry is directly linked to my attitude toward it. For me, being on the Vestry is not punishment; it is not dreadful; it is not a nightmare. For me, it is one of those things in my life that gives back to me much, much more than I put into it. For me, being on the Vestry gives me a chance to allow the unexpected to enrich my life, rather than wreck it. I hope some of you will choose to join me next year on that unexpected, enriching journey. ANNE SPENGLER was born and raised an Episcopalian and then took a bit of a detour for several decades. However, the St. Bart’s sense of community and inclusiveness brought her back and convinced her that it was a good place to continue her spiritual journey. She and her husband, Bruce, have been members for about 3 years. She is looking forward to participating on the Vestry and having an opportunity to serve the St. Bart’s community. 4 VESTRY CANDIDATES TODD MCCONNELL: I am honored that I have been asked to be a candidate for the Vestry at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church. Should you determine through the voting process to officially elect me as a member of the Vestry I willingly commit to further strengthening our community through my gifts, actions, and prayers. To further help you in your process of selection and understanding of my background I offer you the following short biography. I am hopeful that this provides you with further insight to who I am as a person and as a member in our community in Christ. My husband, Brent Bridges, and I were recently married at St. Bart’s. We joyfully serve together in our community and continue to grow in our chosen family at St. Bartholomew’s. I have been in the healthcare industry for over 15 years. I currently work for CVS Health as a health plan consultant for our pharmacy benefit management segment. My career in healthcare has brought so many fascinating experiences in business and life lessons. I look forward to many more years of being in this field. I was raised as a Catholic and participated fully in the Catholic Church from a young age. I attended and completed CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) as a young person and was confirmed into the Catholic Church. After my departure from the Catholic Church as a young adult, my spiritual journey was rich in many experiences, but not tied to any one particular faith community until my introduction to St. Bartholomew’s Church community. Brent and I first came to St. Bart’ s over 3 years ago looking for a diverse community that celebrates all of God’s people. With conscious intent I was received into the Episcopal Church at St. Bart’s on Easter Sunday 2013. As my relationship in our community grew my willingness and desire to contribute did as well. I joined the youth committee in fall of 2013. I am currently in my second year as a youth leader in our Journey to Adulthood program. I am pleasantly surprised on the abundance spiritual gifts I received by working with our teens and other youth leaders. My term with the Youth Committee comes to an end this summer after our Pilgrimage to Belize in June 2015. I am grateful for the experience and the deeper connection it has brought to my life with the family of St. Bart’s. CHIP REYNOLDS: I grew up in rural South Carolina and was baptized a Southern Baptist. I attained my Bachelor degree from Clemson University and my Master’s from the College of Charleston. After college, I moved to Albuquerque, NM, while there I was confirmed in the Episcopal Church. About 10 years ago, I moved to Atlanta to teach elementary school for Fulton County, which I still do. Eight years ago, I began attending St. Bart’s. Since joining this parish I have taught J2A Sunday School, and now I am a doorkeeper for Primary Sunday School. I live in the Edgewood neighborhood with my partner Jeffery and our two dogs. 5 Thanksgiving Day Schedule Thursday, November 27 10:30 a.m. Noon Holy Eucharist, Nave Thanksgiving Dinner (Sign-up Required), Meeting Room First Sunday of Advent Schedule Sunday, November 30 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Chapel Breakfast, Parish Hall Advent Event, Meeting Room & Parish Hall Holy Eucharist, Nave Holy Eucharist, Chapel Christmas & Epiphany Schedule Monday, December 15 6:00 p.m. Service of Comfort and Healing, Chapel Wednesday, December 24 4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve 7:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Thursday, December 25 10:30 a.m. Saturday, December 27 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. Sunday, December 28 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Sunday, January 4 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist with Children’s Christmas Pageant followed by Festive Reception in Parish Hal Childcare will be provided from 4:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Festal Eucharist (incense-free) Festal Eucharist followed by a Festive Reception in the Parish Hall Christmas Day Holy Eucharist No Childcare will be provided; No Children’s Chapel Rector’s Open House RSVP: 404-634-3336 First Sunday after Christmas Day No Christian Formation Classes Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Childcare will be provided; No Children’s Chapel Holy Eucharist, Chapel Eve of the Epiphany No Christian Formation Classes Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Childcare will be provided; No Children’s Chapel Holy Eucharist, Chapel PLEASE NOTE: 1) No Wednesday night program or Supper on Nov. 26, Dec. 24 or Dec. 31. 6 Municipalities answering the call to help reduce recidivism - St. Bartholomew's members invited to make a difference and further justice. One in thirteen Georgians will have an encounter with the criminal justice system in their lifetime. Upon release, many are faced with unique challenges. Even people with records who did not spend time behind bars face similar challenges. The groundbreaking book “The Collateral Consequences of Arrests and Convictions: Policy and Law in Georgia highlights the impact of criminal records on individuals, families and communities. Lack of meaningful employment is directly linked to overall wellbeing and recidivism rates. The National Employment Law Project’s groundbreaking “65 Million Need Not Apply: The Case for Reforming Criminal Background Checks for Employment” identifies policy changes that will help people with records obtain employment, including “Banning the Box” which removes the question regarding criminal backgrounds from the initial application and moves it to the end of the hiring process. Currently there are over 53,000 people incarcerated in Georgia prisons. The City of Atlanta “Banned the Box” in 2013 and since making the change 13% of all hires have been people with criminal backgrounds. The City of Decatur, and Fulton and Dekalb Counties have followed suit. Governor Deal committed publicly to “Ban the Box” on most state employment applications in January 2014 but is still working out details of the executive order. Please sign the cards addressed to Governor Deal, available in the parish hall, that will help move him along in finalizing the end of boxes in Georgia. As a person with a criminal background so eloquently stated; “What kind of society are we that we have two cans for trash. One is for regular; the other for recyclable items. But we don’t believe in recycling lives of people have made a mistake.” Atlantans Building Leadership for Empowerment – ABLE – a faith based coalition - has been working with other organizations to expand “Ban the Box” and help people rebuild their lives. For more information on ABLE and its work, contact Rev. Beverley Elliott [email protected] or Rev. David Lewicki (North Decatur Presbyterian Church) [email protected]. Submitted by Beverley Elliot 7 Rite-13 Rehearsal, Dinner & Lock-in We are going to make casseroles for our fundraiser that Sunday!! SUNDAY—November 16 - Rite-13 Liturgy Casserole Fundraiser!!!! Selling casseroles after church Fundraiser for For More Information: The Rev. Sharon Hiers, Associate Rector [email protected] Office: 404404-634634-3336, ext 222 8 Donations for Christmas Flowers And Music Please support our wonderful Music Program and Flower Guild by making a holiday donation in memory or thanksgiving of a loved one. Simply cut-out the donation form below (you’ll have two—one for music, one for flowers!), complete and return to the office or place in the of- Donations for Christmas Flowers And Music Please complete the information below and mail or bring it to the church office with your check no later than December 15. Please credit my contribution to __Christmas Flowers $__________ or __Christmas Music $__________ In __Memory of / or In __Thanksgiving for: _____________________________________________________________ by _______________________________________ Please print your name RITE-13 CELEBRATION OF ADULTHOOD HONORING AUDREY PARTINGTON, COLIN HINZE, AND ROBERT PERSONS DINNER and CELEBRATION: This Friday, November 14, 6:30 p.m., Meeting Room LITURGY: Sunday, November 16, 10:30 a.m., Nave All members of our Parish Family are invited and encouraged to attend. Please RSVP to Sharon by Wednesday, November 12 [email protected] or (404)634-3336 ext. 222 9 Donations for Christmas Flowers And Music Please support our wonderful Music Program and Flower Guild by making a holiday donation in memory or thanksgiving of a loved one. Simply cut-out the donation form below (you’ll have two—one for music, one for flowers!), complete and return to the office or place in the of- Donations for Christmas Flowers And Music Please complete the information below and mail or bring it to the church office with your check no later than December 15. Please credit my contribution to __Christmas Flowers $__________ or __Christmas Music $__________ In __Memory of / or In __Thanksgiving for: _____________________________________________________________ by _______________________________________ THAT’S RIGHT, MOMS AND DADS AND GRANDPARENTS, AND ALL SORTS OF FAMILIES WHO HAVE CHILDREN AND LOVE THEM TAKE A DAY OFF!! WHETHER YOU NEED TO DO A LITTLE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING, OR CATCH A MATINEE, OR WRITE GREETING CARDS, OR READ A BOOK. IT’S YOUR TIME TO DO WHAT YOU WILL! SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 10AM—5PM DROP YOUR PRECIOUS ONE OFF AT THE CHURCH TO START THE DAY WITH THE ST. NICHOLAS FESTIVAL. THEN, FROM 12-5PM, OUR CAPABLE, HIGHLY SKILLED, TRAINED, AND MONEY POOR YOUTH WILL PLAY, FEED, SNACK AND ENTERTAIN! MINIMUM DONATIONS: 1 CHILD: $40 2 SIBLINGS: $60 3 OR MORE SIBLINGS: $75 RSVP NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 4! [email protected] OR CALL 404-634-3336 10 HAPPENINGS AROUND ST. BARTHOLMEW’S THE SPLENDOR OF THE CATHEDRAL: ITALIAN RENAISSANCE MUSIC FROM FLORENCE Friday, November 14, 8:00 p.m., St. Bartholomew’s Nave Italian sculptor Luca della Robbia produced a set of marble panels for the Florence Cathedral’s cantoria in the 1430s. Lauda Musicam of Atlanta will perform Italian music that could have been heard in the cathedral for the two centuries following the installation of these panels. Recorders, viols, sackbuts, cornettos, flutes, shawms, and voices would have undoubtedly been used in these performances. Along with Uncommon Practice, an a cappella vocal ensemble, Lauda Musicam will recreate a musical performance to help Woodruff Arts Center celebrate the arrival of Robbia’s work. The concert is free, but donations are accepted and appreciated. FAMILY FUN NIGHT Who: Families with children seven years of age and younger When: Friday, November 14, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Where: Fellini's Pizza, 2820 LaVista Road, NE (East of Clairmont Rd., near Oak Grove Rd.) Families with children are invited to gather in community to share a meal, share stories, play and connect while the children do the same thing. Bring table top activities for your kids to share with their friends. Ms. Christen will also have some tricks up her sleeves as well. Please RSVP by Wed., Nov. 12. YOUTH CASSEROLE SALE - NOVEMBER 16 The St. Bartholomew’s Youth are hosting a casserole sale on Sunday, November 16, after both services to support next summer’s youth pilgrimage to Belize. Currently, we are seeking volunteers who would like to contribute a frozen casserole (or two or three) to the event. To help us standardize things a bit, this year we will provide empty casserole pans. The pans will be available for pickup at the church on Sunday, Nov. 2 and Sunday, Nov. 9. If you are interested in contributing, please contact Adam Brush, [email protected], (404) 488-6068, for more details. HUMANITARIAN CONCERT FOR AHLI HOSPITAL IN GAZA Monday, November 17, 7:00 p.m. St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church Nave Enjoy an evening of music with violinist Michael Dabroski performing Bach and an original suite for Gaza. Ahli Hospital is a haven of peace in one of the world’s most troubled places, serving all in need regardless of race, faith or social status. All contributions go to benefit Ahli Hospital in Gaza and are tax deductible. Suggested donation: $20 / Students: $10. Make your checks to “AFEDJ” (The American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem) and put in the memo line “Ahli Hospital-Gaza”. If you are unable to attend, your donations are still welcomed! You can donate online at This event is sponsored by Joining Hands for Justice in Israel/Palestine, a partnership of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta and the Peacemaking Partnership of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta and in partnership with the Tree of Life Education Fund. To RSVP or for more information, contact Rev. Fahed Abuakel at [email protected] 11 HAPPENINGS AROUND ST. BARTHOLMEW’S GRIEVING DURING THE HOLIDAYS: A WORKSHOP WITH REFLECTON AND PRAYER Saturday, November 22, 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. The Julian of Norwich Center, St. Bede’s Episcopal Church Join us for this workshop which will include Time for Reflection and Prayer, Eucharist with Candle Lighting and the Naming of our Loss, guided by pastoral counselor Doyle R. Hamilton, III, and Rev. Lynnsay A. Buehler. Cost is $40, with lunch provided. Please call (770) 938-9797 ext. 27 to register. Scholarships are available. INGATHERING SUNDAY & ANNUAL MEETING & LUNCHEON We will gather together on Sunday, November 23 to offer our pledges at the altar during the 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 6:00 p.m. services; and for our Annual Parish Meeting and election of our new Vestry members after the 10:30 a.m. service. There will be a luncheon with the Annual meeting, as well as breakfast after the 8:00 a.m. service and a reception following the 6:00 p.m. service, to provide opportunities for fellowship and celebration of our communal life. We look forward to a great gathering and are excited about what 2015 will bring. Please spread the word so no one misses this time together. Please be sure to RSVP for the no-cost luncheon after the 10:30 a.m. service by calling the church office, (404) 634-3336. THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE & FEAST AT ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S Join us for this year’s wonderful Thanksgiving Day Feast, Noon, Thursday, November 27, in the Meeting Room. The lunch follows the 10:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Eucharist. Please sign-up in the parish hall. Parishioners are invited to bring a favorite holiday dish or drink. The turkeys will be provided. Feel free to bring someone you know who is without family or friends for this holiday. Thanksgiving lunch at St. Bartholomew’s has become a cherished and enjoyed tradition for many – make it part of your tradition! Sponsored by the Pastoral Care Committee and Beverley Elliott, (404) 634-3336 or [email protected] 12 HAPPENINGS AROUND ST. BARTHOLMEW’S HAPPY LITURGICAL NEW YEAR! EVERYONE CELEBRATES THE FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT! The Advent Event! 9:30 a.m., Sunday, November 30, Parish Hall All Sunday School classes participate in this event. Nursery provided. Make an Advent Wreath: Bring your wreath and some greens to share. Pins provided. Forms and candles available for purchase. Card Making: Make and address a card for someone unable to attend church. Supplies provided. Journey to Bethlehem Banner: Help create an Advent banner that can be used in the Christmas Pageant. Make your own Advent Story: Supplies for making your own Godly Play Advent Story will be available. One kit per family, please. Cathedral Bookstore Sale: Advent calendars, books, ornaments and other gifts for sale. Proceeds benefit St. Bartholomew’s Children Formation. Meeting Room Labyrinth Walk: Walk the outdoor labyrinth or take off your shoes and walk the indoor labyrinth in Wardens’ Hall. Mediations available. THCA Collection: Bring needed items to be shared with our neighbors in need. Items needed include canned meats (chicken, ham, tuna), canned fruit and vegetables, spaghetti sauce and pasta. ST. NICHOLAS CELEBRATION! Come celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas on Saturday, December 6, at 11:00 a.m. Let’s overfill Toco Hills Community Alliance panty as our service project this year. Admission for the St. Nicholas Festival is nonperishable food items. Our celebration of Nicholas, Bishop of Myra will included a scavenger hunt for all ages, games and ornament making, singing and a potluck lunch. A–E: main courses to serve 8-12 F–L: salad or punch to serve 8-12 M–R: breads or side dish to serve 8-12 S-Z: desserts to serve 8-12 All hopeful “children” will place their shoes in Wardens’ Hall prior to the scavenger hunt. I hope Nicholas finds them! Children of all ages and their families are invited to this well-loved St. Bartholomew’s tradition. Our youth will offer a fun afternoon of childcare as a pilgrimage fundraiser. Parents enjoy your afternoon after lunch! Please RSVP so we can plan appropriately for our meal and activities. 13 HAPPENINGS AROUND ST. BARTHOLMEW’S ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S HOLIDAY ARTISTS' MARKET: CALLING ALL ARTISTS AND SHOPPERS! St. Bart's Holiday Artists' Market, Parish Hall Sunday, December 7, 12:00—4:00 p.m. The Guild of Ten Talents is recruiting makers of all manner of creative work: painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, jewelry, knitting, crochet, quilting, wood turning, gourmet foods and crafts of all types. Registration is now open to all artists within the parish and those outside the parish. All artists will be responsible for the pricing and sale of their work and are asked to return 20% of total sales (less a $25 nonrefundable deposit at registration) to support the arts at St. Bart's via the Guild of Ten Talents. To register, contact Michelle Hiskey [email protected]. Interested in joining the Guild of Ten Talents? Contact Mary Kimberly [email protected] GREAT ‘0’ ANTIPHONS On Sunday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m., the Evensong Choir of St. Bartholomew’s will present our annual service of Advent Lessons and Carols using the Great ‘O’ Antiphons. Through Scripture, prayer, and music, we prepare ourselves for the coming of the Christ Child – this service is not the event itself (that unfortunate tendency so common in today’s culture to prematurely celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord!), but serves as a metaphorical gasp of watchful expectation, as we teach ourselves to “cast aside the works of darkness”. Advent is when, as a community, we experience the world awaiting the savior. Using the ancient and storied ‘O’ Antiphons (which each begin with the exclamation ‘O’) as a framework for scripture, prayer and music, this service is a journey through a darkened, winter world, with different visions of the Messiah: as ‘Wisdom’ (Sapientia), ‘Radix Jesse’ (Root of Jesse), ‘Clavis David’ (Key of David), and so on. Wreathed in ceremony and moving music, this service has been a long-standing tradition at St. Bartholomew’s. Please join us for this unique and meaningful offering. ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S DECEMBER ADULT DAY OUTING The Pastoral Care Committee invites all adults to join us on a visit to the new CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS CENTER, located in downtown Atlanta, on Thursday, December 11. We will gather at St. Bart’s at 11:30 for a simple lunch provided by the committee before departing for the Center. This time together will provide us with an excellent opportunity to reflect on the history of the civil rights movement in America and the meaning of Bishop Wright’s sermon to the diocese about the continuing work we are called to do in a “post racial” society. Please be sure to read the weekly green sheets for further information about transportation. If there are at least 10 people going, the admission to the Center will be $10. Questions can be addressed to Marsha Bond at [email protected]. 14 HAPPENINGS AROUND ST. BARTHOLMEW’S A SERVICE OF COMFORT AND HEALING Monday, December 15, 6:00 p.m. Shalom Chapel. St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church The Christmas season can be difficult for those who are reminded of what they have lost, or perhaps hoped for but never had. The loss of relationships, loved ones, employment, health, beloved pets, can contribute to a feeling of being alone in the midst of the “happy” society around us. It can be important to step back and take time to acknowledge the sadness and concerns we are experiencing, even as we recover good memories and hope. This service will be a time of remembering, lighting a candle, and anointing for healing, in the context of a Eucharist written for the service. Please invite others you would like to gather with you. Light refreshments will follow the service. WINTER SOLSTICE AND ADVENT COME TOGETHER: AN ADVENT QUIET EVENING AND MINI RETREAT Sunday, December 21, 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Amerson House. Suggested Donation: $20 ($5 for St. Bart’s Members). Come enjoy an Advent Quiet Night this year on the theme of Holy Darkness guided by Kimberly Broerman at Amerson House Spirituality Center. In this Advent mini-retreat, on the Winter Solstice, or longest night of the year, we'll explore the spiritual value of darkness, letting it be our spiritual director for the evening. Come away from the holiday rush and noise, and join us for a nourishing meal, followed by a time of contemplative worship, sacred readings, quiet reflection and group sharing around how God comes to us in holy darkness. Please register at [email protected] or call Lisa Persons (404)218-5527. Kimberly Broerman is the Spiritual Director for the Deep Waters Center for Spiritual Exploration. HANGING OF THE GREENS Join us for the hanging of the greens after the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, December 21. We will serve snacks and apple cider and listen to Christmas music as we put up the three trees, drape the lights and hang greenery above the doors into the Inner Narthex. If we have enough time, we can also decorate the angel tree. Please contact Sharon Campolucci or Eleanor Buckholdt if you can come. UPCOMING LISTENING STUDIES: A Part of St. Bartholomew's Sunflower Connections Ministry Wednesdays, January 7, 14, 21, 28 and February 4 and 11. 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Saturday February 14, 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Sunflower Connections is a relatively new branch of Saint Bartholomew's Pastoral Care Committee. Named for our Patron Saint's symbolic flower, this ministry has a double function. First, it offers an eight week study of listening skills. Secondly, it matches parishioners who have completed this training (and feel called to become listening companions) with other parishioners who have life experiences they wish to share. Interested in building your listening skills? Interested in preparing to hear the stories of your fellow parishioners? Looking for a relaxed and supportive learning experience? Join clergy and lay facilitators as we study techniques such as: reflective and supportive listening, paraphrasing, perception checks, forming helpful questions, keeping counter stories at bay, adaptive leadership, and story listening. Contact the Rev. Beverly Elliott (404)634 3336 or Kaaren Nowicki, (404)606-0990 for more information or to register for the series. 15 MEMORIALS & GIFT UPDATES St. Bartholomew’s has received the following memorials and gifts during the past month. If you have given a gift to St. Bartholomew’s this month that is not indicated here, or that has not been acknowledged personally, please call the church office so that we can correct the oversight. Thank you to all who support the Parish through your gifts. MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF RANDY ELLIS ENDOWMENT FUND IN MEMORY OF CANDLER LASSETER MEMBERSHIP UPDATES Please note these additions and changes in your membership directory. WELCOME NEW MEMBER Kathryn Kendrick & Eva Walton 2147 Delano Drive, NE Atlanta, GA 30317 (205) 577-1948 CONTACT INFORMATION UPDATES FOR MEMBERS: Gary & Suzanne Chawk 1020 Yates Way, #205 San Mateo, CA 94403-1596 Cheryl Southern 1573 Van Epps Street Atlanta, GA 30316 Gail DeCosta and Kanyisile 76 Darlington Avenue Charleston, SC 29403 Josh Thomas 4105 Neal Road, Unit B Durham, NC 27705 David Hesla 1800 Clairmont Lake, #219 Decatur, GA 30033 Nancy Tourk 641 North Avenue, NE, #1411 Atlanta, GA 30308 Evan Lee 4113 Barr Circle Tucker, GA 30080 Alex Smith 699 Ponce de Leon Avenue, NE, #212 Atlanta, GA 30308 Martha Robert 4343 Warm Springs Road, #1812 Columbus, GA 31909 DEATHS: TRANSFERS OUT: Please log on to St.BartsConnects at to update your address or other contact information or send the new information to Babs Douglas [email protected]. 16 Happy Birthday in November to.... 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 Julie Louise Nancy Ann Aaron Lucas Joan Mark Courtney Frances Sophia Paul Thomas Evan Andrew Rick Duncan Ann Maggie John Alex Wendy Alison Will Mary Beth Shirley Suzy Alex Cal Kevin Pete Ken Tina Walter Beverly Hassell Floyd Fajman Ford Abkemeier Machargo Midgley Vetterling Bryant-Molyneaux Abercrombie Fisher Nix Robbins Smith-Rooks Economou Amerson Curl Deal Johnson Chesnut Escobar Harrah Harris Rece Brush Lee Sumrall Watford Johnson Koporec Mitchell Herrmann Hutto Bishop Harris W A S G Y W B ! O God, our mes are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants listed here as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Book of Common Prayer, Page 830 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 26 26 26 26 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 Chip Howison Fred Roberta Sarah Nate Ed Audrey Jamie Serena Nat Sarah Sandie Sally Graham Sharon Megan Robert Camille Hank Heath Cliff Elizabeth Pat Richard Jan Jason Carter Carolyn Declan Owen Jenny Ott Dick Gail Thalea Dukes Hollenberg Agel Bondi Curl Harmon Willingham Smith Wright Courtright Ledden Ward Webb Williams Barron Campolucci McCoy Rogers Annan Culbertson Dunlop Schane Lane Laney Bondi Crofford Jarvis Rutland Acker Culbertson Culbertson Fortnam Miidla Wade Pruitt Hall Soltau 17 Happy Birthday in December to.... 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 18 John Robert Ben Ken Chip Guy Beth Margaret Tamara Jeane Austin Jade Audrey Heather Joseph Kate Nancy Ethan Clayton Colin Mary Martha Ken Joey Bill Mark Sharon Kate Gavin Bryan Susan Bill Deb Jim Agel Maller Voorhies Anderson Reynolds Burge Reichle Masters Nix Torrence Clark Phillips Partington Almond Lawson Williams Chase Rolle-Johnson Powell Hinze Riviere Wiltsee, Jr. Smith Atkinson Ledden Hiers Curl MacDonald Jones Wells Gould Bourgeois Curtis W A S G Y W B ! O God, our mes are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants listed here as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Book of Common Prayer, Page 830 16 17 17 18 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 31 31 31 31 Gary Lilly Annalaura Susan Barbara Ana Lynn Anderson Ellie Susan Laura Kearstyn Delaney Kay Tom Doris Eric Dan Ruth Jessica Jack Rusty Jon Paula Robert Lily Cindi Dixie Bev Charlie Debra Lalor Leonie Olivia Waid DeBacher Musholt Pannill Casey Harrah Tesh England DeBacher Litton Weidig Folsom Anderson Kephart Hooks Maisel Still Treadaway Symington Turner Almond Barber Abercrombie Curl Andrews Annan Knighton Wade Elliott Gearing Aring Cadley Meaux Brantley Dunlop FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Treasurer's Report November 2014 Our pledge income for October was significantly under budget ($43,258 vs. $60,735 budgeted per month). Although our income from other sources was over budget, our total income for October was $53,883, markedly below our budgeted monthly income of $69,083. Our expenses for October were $68,950 – right in line with our budgeted expenses of $69,084. This brings our year-todate income and expenses to $676,639 and $695,384, respectively, for a net deficit of $18,745. At the end of October, there was $82,337 in our operating account, plus approximately $23,500 in reserve and investment accounts. Our total pledge deficit is now $55,551 – close to one month’s worth of our annual budgeted pledge income. Please check your third quarter statement carefully. If you have gotten behind, please make plans to catch up on your pledge so that we can end 2014 and go into 2015 on sound financial footing. If you will not be able to fulfill your pledge, please notify a clergy member. 2014 BUDGET REPORT BUDGET INCOME Pledges October TO-DATE ACTUAL October TO-DATE BUDGET 728,824 551,803 607,353 Loose Offering Undesignated Special Offerings 9,500 30,500 45,497 7,002 46,202 46,824 7,917 25,417 37,914 Building Use Reimbursement Investment Income 11,000 75 21,102 18 9,167 62 10 3,600 689 3000 8 3000 829,006 676,640 690.838 538,680 77,949 19,060 452,743 65,122 15,883 448,900 64,958 15,883 Administration Children's Christian Education Adult Christian Education 97,727 6,500 500 94,635 4,764 327 81,439 5,417 417 Continuing Education Evangelism Finance 10,300 450 6,250 7,100 0 5,761 8,583 375 5,208 Outreach Guild of Ten Talents Parish Life 12,805 200 800 11,285 151 312 9,838 167 667 Pastoral Care Property 942 27,775 1,420 25,067 785 23,146 Stewardship Youth Ministry Worship 2,500 4,150 2,800 1,518 2,667 2,020 2,083 3,458 2,333 9,500 10,118 829,006 4,612 0 695,387 7,917 8,431 690,005 Lenten Alms Kitchen Revenue TOTAL EXPENSES Personnel Diocese of Atlanta Debt Service Music Program Reserves TOTAL VESTRY HIGHLIGHTS—October • Respectfully submitted, Marla Gearing Treasurer ANNUAL • The renovations to the Meeting Room have been completed. On Sunday, November 9, we will have a special coffee hour in the Meeting Room to showcase the work and celebrate the completion. As of November 3, 58 pledges for next year had been received. You can pledge on-line by following this link: • The annual fundraising effort for the Honduras Medical Mission on the four Sundays in Advent with pill-packing on January 4. This year's trip will be January 12-19. Lynn Tesh and Nancy Faijman are going from St. Bart's. 19 November 2104 Edition The Apostle’s Standard St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church 1790 LaVista Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30329 Worship at St. Bartholomew’s Holy Eucharist Sundays 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Compline 2nd & 4th Sundays, 8:00 p.m. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Taizé Service 2nd Mondays, 8:00 p.m. Wednesdays 12:10 p.m. Healing & Holy Eucharist Choral Evensong 1st Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. Morning Prayer Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Sunday, November 23, Noon On The Last Sunday after Pentecost, November 23, the last Sunday of the church year, we will offer our 2015 pledges in support of the community and ministry of St. Bartholomew’s at the Offertory during each of the three services – a symbol of the gift of our life and labor to God. Please make your pledge by that date or on that day if you have not already done so. Pledge cards are available in the church office and around the church. You can also pledge on-line by following this link: 20
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