© 2015 H. Ågren & L. Wetterberg PX-nr År Namn Lärosäte Ämne Yrke 1 2 3 4 1965 1970 1970 1972 Sedvall, Göran Schalling, Daisy Patkai, Paula Engel, Jörgen KI SU SU GU Farmakologi Psykologi Psykologi Farmakologi Läkare Psykolog Psykolog Läkare 5 6 1972 Lundberg, Ulf 1972 Lindström, Leif H. SU UU Psykologi Farmakologi Psykolog Läkare 7 1973 Johansson, Gunn SU Psykologi Psykolog 8 9 10 1973 Niemelä, Pirkko 1974 Hård, Ernest 1974 Ahlenius, Sven SU GU GU Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog 11 12 1974 Frodi, Ann 1974 Södersten, Per GU GU Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1974 1975 1976 1976 1977 1977 1977 UU GU KI SU GU GU LU Idé- och lärdomshistoria Psykologi Fysiologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Beroende FD Psykolog Läkare Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Läkare 20 21 22 1978 Svensson, Erland 1978 Ben-Menachem, Michael 1978 Werlinder, Henry GU GU UU Psykologi Psykologi Pedagogik Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog 23 1978 Hetta, Jerker UU Farmakologi Läkare 24 25 26 27 1979 1979 1979 1980 GU GU SU GU Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog 28 1980 Lindberg, Dick GU Psykologi Psykolog 29 30 1981 Sjöberg, Hans 1982 Palmérus, Kerstin SU GU Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog 31 1982 Qvarsell, Roger UmU Idé- och lärdomshistoria Historiker 32 1983 Svensson, Jan Christoffer SU Psykologi Psykolog Johannisson, Karin Wallin, Torbjörn Mathé, Aleksander Andersson, Karin Salay, Ferenc Eriksson, Carl-Gunnar Berglund, Mats Berg, Stig Dahlöf, Lars-Gösta Fröberg, Lars E. Fasth, Bengt-Göran Titel Studier över skelettmuskulaturens vasokonstriktornerver: Med speciell hänsyn till upplagring och frisättning av transmittorsubstansen. Contributions to the validation of some personality concepts. Relations between catecholamine release and psychological functions. Neurochemistry and behaviour: A correlative study with special reference to central catecholamines. Psychological distance and emotional involvement. Cholinergic mechanisms and hormone-activated copulatory behavior in the female rat and hamster. Activation adjustment and sympathetic-adrenal medullary activity: Field and laboratory studies of adults and children. Coping processes in the anticipation of stress. Drickningsmönstret hos råtta och dess modulering genom smak och tidigare erfarenhet. Neurochemical control of behaviours. On the functional significance of drug-induced changes in central catecholomine receptor activation. On the elicitation and control of aggressive behavior. Studies on the hormonal regulation of masculine sexual behaviour patterns in female and male rats. Magnetisörernas tid: Den animala magnetismen i Sverige. Beteendemodifikation och studieaktivitet på låg- och mellanstadiet. Studies on actions of prostaglandins in the lung. Laboratory studies of tobacco smoking, arousal and mental efficiency. Measurements of cathectic energies in normal and neurotic personalities. On the psychophysiology of heart rhythms. Cerebral dysfunction in chronic alcoholism: Symptomatology and course related to regional cerebral blood flow and psychometric performance. Mood: its structure and measurements. Relaxation and its clinical application. Psychopathy: A history of the concepts – analysis of the origin and development of concepts in psychopathology. Sex-specific orientation in the male rat: A methodological study concerned with the behavioral effects of adult and neonatal endocrine manipulation. Psychological functioning in 70- and 75-year-old people. Sensory stimulation and masculine sexual behaviour of the male rat. Psychobiological 24-hour patterns: Theory, methods, and summary of empirical studies. En jämförelse mellan bromazepam och thioridazin i samband med terapeutisk behandling av neuroser. Psykofarmakologisk effektevaluering. Management of schizophrenia. Long-term clinical studies with special reference to the combination of psychotherapy with depot neuroleptics. Physical work, arousal and mental performance. Psychological aspects of infants with low rate of weight gain. Ordning och behandling: Psykiatri och sinnessjukvård i Sverige under 1800-talets första hälft. Early stages of essential hypertension in a psychosomatic perspective-epidemiological, clinical, psychophysiological and psychological studies of 18-year-old men. Kön Språk M K K M Svenska Engelska Engelska Engelska M M Engelska Engelska K Engelska K M K Engelska Svenska Engelska M M Engelska Engelska K M M M M M M Svenska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska M M M Engelska Engelska Engelska M Engelska M M M M Engelska Engelska Engelska Svenska M Engelska M K Engelska Engelska M Svenska M Engelska 33 1983 Forsman, Lennart SU Psykologi Psykolog M Engelska K K M Engelska Engelska Engelska K Svenska Psykolog Individual and group differences psychophysiological responses to stress-with emphasis on sympathetic-adrenal medullary and pituitary-adrenal cortical responses. Psychophysiological and neuropsychological studies in schizophrenic patients. Children of alcoholic mothers. Monoaminergic neurotransmission and behaviour. Serotonergic and dopaminergic mechanisms in the mediation of sexual behaviour and an acoustic startle response in the male rat as evaluated by means of ergot and ergotlike drugs. Personlighet och smärta. Psykologiska faktorers betydelse för arbetsåtergång hos patienter med kroniska ländryggsbesvär. Memory and memory measurement in old age. Memory structure, context and metamemory. 34 35 36 1983 Bartfai, Aniko 1984 Aronson, Marita 1984 Svensson, Lennart SU GU GU Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog 37 1984 Esbjörnsson, Eva GU Psykologi Psykolog 38 1985 Johansson, Boo GU Psykologi M Engelska 39 40 1985 Möller, Anders 1985 Collins, Aila GU SU Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Psykologiska aspekter på infertilitet. Sex differences in psychoneuroendocrine stress responses: Biological and social influences. M K Svenska Engelska 41 42 43 44 1985 1986 1987 1987 UU GU KI LU BUP Sociologi Farmakologi Farmakologi Läkare Sociolog Läkare Läkare M K M M Svenska Svenska Engelska Engelska 1988 Persson, Lars-Olof 1988 Olsson, Gudrun 1988 af Klintberg, Britt GU GU SU Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog M K M Engelska Engelska Engelska 48 49 1988 Luttenberger, Franz 1989 Dahlgren, Lena UU GU Idé- och lärdomshistoria Psykologi Historiker Psykolog M K Svenska Engelska 50 1989 Eriksson, Bengt Erik GU Sociologi Sociolog M Svenska 51 1990 Söderpalm, Bo GU Farmakologi Läkare M Engelska 52 53 54 1990 Erlandsson, Soly 1990 Andreasson, Sven 1990 Schalling, Martin GU KI KI Psykologi Folkhälsovetenskap Farmakologi Psykolog Läkare Läkare K M M Engelska Engelska Engelska 55 1990 Hallberg, Inga-Lill Rahm UmU Vårdvetenskap Sj-sköt K Engelska 56 57 58 59 1991 1991 1991 1992 GU SU UU GU Psykologi Psykologi Medicinsk kemi Vårdvetenskap Psykolog Psykolog Läkare Sj-sköt M K M K Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska 60 1992 Franck, Johan KI Fysiologi Läkare M Engelska 61 62 1992 Sjöström, Bengt 1992 Melin, Bo LU SU Sociologi Psykologi Sociolog Psykolog M M Svenska Engelska 63 64 65 66 1992 1993 1993 1994 UmU GU GU GU Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin i Sverige: Dess historia, problem och patienter. Freud och verkligheterna. Brain tachykinins and their interaction with dopaminergic transmission. Chronic portal-systemic encephalopathy: An experimental study with special reference to brain serotonin. Mood and expectation. The patient-therapist relation with emphasis on transference and counter-transference. Studies on sex-related psychological and biological indicators of psychosocial vulnerability: A developmental perspective. Freud i Sverige: Psykoanalysens mottagande i svensk medicin och idédebatt 1900-1924. Effects of perinatal alcohol exposure on reproductive behaviours and behavioral development in rats. Vägen till centralhospitalet: Två studier om den anstaltsbundna sinnessjukvårdens förhistoria i Sverige. On the neuropharmacology of conflict behaviour: Studies on noradrenergic, serotonergic and GABAergic mechanisms in experimental anxiety in the rat. Tinnitus: Tolerance or threat? Psychological and psychophysiological perspectives. Misuse of alcohol and cannabis among young men. In situ hybridization studies on regulatory molecules in neural and endocrine tissues with special reference to expression of coexisting peptides. Vocally disruptive behaviour in severely demented. patients in relation to institutional care provided. A dimensional model of family functioning and dysfunctioning. Studies on habituation of electrodermal orienting reactions. Studies on the role of platelet-derived growth factor in inflammation. The closure of a mental hospital in Sweden: Long-term care patients and nursing staff facing relocation. 5-Hydroxytryptamine and tachykinin cotransmission in the spinal cord: Storage, release and interaction of coexisting transmitters in bulbospinal nerve terminals. Kliniken tar över dårskapen: Om den svenska psykiatrins framväxt. Stress, health related behaviors and biological risk factors: Psychobiological studies of healthy men and women. Borderline psychopathology and the defense mechanism test. Obalans i makt. Fallstudier av barnmobbning. The differentiation of sexual behaviour and partner preferences of the male rat. Alcohol consumption in the rat: Modulation by adrenal steroids and mesotelencephalic dopamine. 45 46 47 K K K K Engelska Svenska Engelska Engelska Karlén, Karl-Henrik Kollind, Anna-Karin Lindefors, Nils Bengtsson, Finn G. Thorslund, Christer Edman, Gunnar Tingström, Anders Dencker, Karina Sundbom, Elisabet Fors, Zelma Matuszczyk, Josefa Vega Fahlke, Claudia 67 68 69 70 1994 1994 1995 1995 71 Börjesson, Mats Bergenheim, Åsa Innala, Sune Hummelvoll, Jan Kåre GU UmU GU NHH Sociologi Idé- och lärdomshistoria Psykologi Vårdvetenskap 1995 Eskin, Mehmet SU Psykologi 72 73 1995 Andersson, Gerhard 1996 Bergvall, Åsa H. UU GU Psykologi Psykologi 74 75 76 1996 Nilzon, Kjell R. 1996 Wickberg, Birgitta 1996 Eklund, Mona GU GU LU Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi 77 1996 Eggeby, Eva SU Ekonomisk historia 78 1996 Hultman, Christina M. UU Klinisk psykologi 79 1997 Almquist, Kjerstin GU Psykologi 80 1997 Larsson, Sam UU Psykologi 81 1998 Hassing, Linda GU Psykologi 82 1998 Degl’Innocenti, Alessio GU Psykologi 83 1998 Grann, Martin KI Rättspsykiatri 84 1998 Gerdner, Arne LU Psykiatri 85 1998 Jacobson, Christer LU Psykologi 86 1998 Bergström, Marie LU Psykologi 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 Jönsson, Lars-Eric Fischer, Håkan Nyström, Maria Johansson, Per Magnus Långström, Niklas Wirsén Meurling, Ann Grossi, Georgio UmU UU GU GU KI LU SU Etnologi Psykologi Vårdpedagogik Idé- och lärdomshistoria Rättspsykiatri Psykologi Psykologi 94 95 96 97 98 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Nevonen, Lauri Söderpalm, Anna Carlsten, Anders Jensen, Jimmy Kristal-Andersson, Binnie GU GU KI LU LU Psykologi Psykologi Folkhälsovetenskap Psykologi Psykologi 99 2000 Hellzén, Ove UmU Geriatrik 100 101 2000 Andersson, Gerhard 2000 Furmark, Tomas UU UU ÖNH Psykologi Sociolog Historiker Psykolog Sj-sköt Sanningen om brottslingen: Rättspsykiatrin som kartläggning av livsöden. Barnet, libido och samhället: Om den svenska diskursen kring barns sexualitet 1930-1960. Structure and development of homophobia. Psykiatrisk sykepleie i et folkehelseperspektiv. En studie av hvordan en holistiskeksistensiell psykiatrisk sykepleiemodell bidrar til folkehelsearbeid. Psykolog Suicidal behavior in Swedish and Turkish adolescents: A cross-cultural investigation of prevalence and psychological factors. Psykolog Hearing as behaviour: Psychological aspects of acquired hearing impairment in the elderly. Psykolog Aggressive behaviour in the rat: Neuroendocrine determinants and relationship to voluntary alcohol consumption. Psykolog Childhood depressive disorders: Social withdrawal, anxiety and familiar aspects. Psykolog Postnatal depression. Prevalence, identification and treatment. Psykolog Occupational group therapy in a psychiatric day care unit for long-term mentally ill patients: Ward atmosphere, treatment process, and outcome. Ekon historiker Vandringsman, här ser du en avmålning av världen: Vårdade, vård och ekonomi på Danvikens dårhus 1750-1861. Psykolog Obstetric complications, electrodermal activity and psychosocial factors within a stressvulnerability model of schizophrenia. Psykolog Refugee children. Effects of organised violence and forced migration on young children’s psychological health and development. Psykolog Det andra jaget vid manlig transvestism: Ett jagteoretiskt och kognitionspsykologiskt perspektiv. Psykolog Episodic memory functioning in nonagenarians. Effects of demographic factors, vitamin status, depression and dementia. Psykolog Source memory and executive functioning. Influences of normal aging, depression and serotonergic activity. Psykolog Personality disorder and violent criminality: A follow-up study with special reference to psychopathy and risk assessment. Socionom Compulsory treatment for alcohol use disorders: clinical and methodological studies of treatment outcome. Psykolog Reading development and reading disability: Analyses of eye-movements and word recognition. Psykolog Three Realities. Women in different phases of drug abuse – a social psychological investigation. Etnolog Det terapeutiska rummet: Rum och kropp i svensk sinnessjukvård 1850-1970. Psykolog Imaging fear and anxiety in the human brain: Positron emission tomographic studies. Sj-sköt Allvarligt psykiskt störda människors vardagliga tillvaro. Psykolog Freuds psykoanalys. Läkare Young sex offenders: Individual characteristics, agency reactions and criminal recidivism. Psykolog ‘Personality in action.’ Strategy measurement in computerized neuropsychological tests. Psykolog The stress of employment-coping patterns, psychological and physiological responses and implications for health. Psykolog Emergence, assessment and treatment of eating disorders. Psykolog Taste hedonics and the intake of alcohol and food Apotekare Suicide and drugs – drug related suicide mortality and physicians’ prescription patterns. Psykolog Dyslexia among adults: Neuropsychology and personality. Psykolog Psychology of the refugee, the immigrant and their children: Development of a conceptual framework and application to psychotherapeutic and related support work. Sj-sköt The meaning of being a carer for people with mental illness and provoking actions: Carers' exposure in problematic care situations Psykolog Clinical aspects of tinnitus – course, cognition, PET, and the internet. Psykolog Social phobia. From epidemiology to brain function. M K M M Svenska Svenska Engelska Norska M Engelska M K Engelska Engelska M K K Engelska Engelska Engelska K Svenska K Engelska K Engelska M Svenska K Engelska M Engelska M Engelska M Engelska M Engelska K Engelska M M K M M K M Svenska Engelska Svenska Svenska Engelska Engelska Engelska K M M M K Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska M Engelska M M Engelska Engelska 102 2000 Marongiu Ivarsson, Sophia UU 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 Johansson, Åsa Hellner Gumpert, Clara Dalman, Christina Thundal, Kajsa-Lena Spak, Lena Petersén, Åsa Hansson, Oskar GU KI KI KI KI LU LU 110 111 112 113 2001 2001 2001 2001 Ohlsson, Thomas Åkerström, Bengt Mortazavi, Modjtaba Steensland, Pia LU UU UU UU 114 2001 Ghaderi, Ata UU 115 116 2001 Lindholm, Eva 2001 Balciuniene, Jorune UU UU 117 2001 Törnros, Jan UU 118 119 120 121 122 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 Miranda-Linné, Fredrika Tillfors, Maria Tidefors Andersson, Inga Västfjäll, Daniel Skärsäter, Ingela UU UU GU GU GU 123 124 125 126 127 128 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 Westerlund, Tommy Montgomery, Edward Johansson, Mikael Persson, Roger Dåderman, Anna Maria Lindfors, Petra KI LU LU LU SU SU 129 130 131 132 133 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 Marhold, Charlotta Nyberg, Lilianne Lundblad, Suzanna Lundgren, Jesper Nilsson, Sverker UU UU GU GU KI 134 2003 Ramberg, Inga-Lill KI 135 136 137 2003 Lindell, Lisbeth 2003 Persson, Bengt 2003 Lundqvist, Anita LU LU LU 138 139 140 2003 Sorjonen, Kimmo 2003 Hellström, Birgitta 2003 Gruber, Michael SU SU UmU Psykologi Psykolog The meaning of gender in management: Investigating factors influencing women's and men's entry into management from social-psychological perspective. Psykologi Psykolog Neuropsychological studies on alcohol consumption, effective behavior and impulsivity. BUP Läkare Alleged child sexual abuse: The expert witness and the court. Folkhälsovetenskap Läkare Early life risk factors for schizophrenia – studies of foetal and perinatal complications. Folkhälsovetenskap Arbetsterapeut Social conditions and lifestyle among women with alcohol related problems. Folkhälsovetenskap Läkare Women and alcohol – early background factors and aspects of comorbidity. Neurovetenskap Läkare Effects of dopamine and excitotoxicity in experimental models of Huntington's disease. Neurobiologi Läkare Neuronal cell death and restoration in the basal ganglia. Implications for Huntington's and Parkinson's diseases Psykologi Psykolog TA i missbruksarbete – transaktionsanalytisk psykoterapi som behandlingsmetod för drogmissbrukare i miljöterapeutisk vård. A life-span perspective. Psykologi Psykolog Adults with autism and mental retardation. Psykologi Psykolog Alexithymia: A psychological analysis based on clinical and healthy individuals. Farmaci Farmaceut Anabolic androgenic steroids and the brain: Studies of neurochemical and behavioural changes using an animal model. Psykologi Psykolog Eating disorders: Prevalence, incidence, and prospective risk factors for eating disorders among young adult women in the general population. Genetik och patologi FK Genetic studies of schizophrenia. Genetik och patologi Biolog Genetic studies of two inherited human phenotypes: Hearing loss and monoamine oxidase activity. Psykologi Psykolog Hangover effects of alcohol and carry-over effects of certain benzodiazepine hypnotics on driving performance. Psykologi Psykolog Individuals with autism spectrum disorders: teaching, language, and screening. Psykologi Psykolog Social phobia: The family and the brain. Psykologi Psykolog Från barndom till brott. Om 20 män dömda för sexuella övergrepp mot 38 barn. Psykologi Psykolog Mood and preference for anticipated emotions. Vårdvetenskap och hälsa Sj-sköt The importance of social support for men and women, suffering from major depression: A comparative anc explorative study. Folkhälsovetenskap Apotekare Drug related problems – identification, characteristics and pharmacy interventions. Psykologi Psykolog Drogval, kön och personlighet. En perceptgenetisk undersökning av narkomaner. Psykologi Psykolog Memory illusions and memory attributions – behavioural and electrophysiological data. Psykologi Psykolog Trait anxiety as a determinant of psychological test results. Psykologi Psykolog Personality traits and psychopathy (PCL-R) in male juvenile delinquents. Psykologi Psykolog Psychophysiological aspects of stress, health and well being in teleworking women and men. Psykologi Psykolog Musculoskeletal pain and return to work: A cognitive-behavioral perspective. Psykologi Psykolog Type A behavior and hyperactivity/ADHD: Are they related? Psykologi Psykolog Aspects of psychotherapy emotional experiences and personal development. Psykologi Psykolog Dental fear. Psychophysiology, cognition and behavior. Folkhälsovetenskap Läkare Misuse of anabolic steroids in youth,trends attitudes and evaluation of an intervention programme. NASP Samhällsvetare Promoting suicide prevention – an evaluation of a programme for training trainers in psychiatric clinical work. Psykologi Psykolog Mellan frisk och sjuk – en studie av psykiatrisk öppenvård. Psykologi Psykolog Treatment evaluation and screening of autism. Psykologi Psykolog When birth turns to loss and grief – experiences, views and care in neonatal end-of-life practice. Psykologi Psykolog For whom is suicide accepted? Psykologi Psykolog On pain and workload in women: A psychobiological approach. Psykologi Psykolog Dyslexics' phonological processing in relation to speech perception. K Engelska K K K K K K M Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska M M K K Svenska Engelska Engelska Engelska K Engelska K K Engelska Engelska M Engelska K K M K K Engelska Engelska Svenska Engelska Engelska M M M M K K Engelska Svenska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska K K M K M Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska K Engelska K M K Svenska Engelska Engelska K K M Engelska Engelska Engelska 141 2003 Eivergård, Mikael UmU Etnologi Etnolog 142 143 2003 Pissiota, Anna 2003 Castensson, Anja UU UU Psykologi Evolutionsbiologi 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 UU UU UU UU UU UU UU GU Kirurgi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog FM (biologi, kemi) Läkare Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog 152 153 154 2004 Lindqvist, Ann-Sophie 2004 Olsson, Malin B. 2004 Wigren, Margareta GU GU GU Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog 155 2004 Persson, Gun LU Psykologi Psykolog 156 157 158 2004 Berman, Anne H. 2004 Lindwall, Magnus 2004 Mellner, Christin SU SU SU Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog 159 160 161 162 163 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 UU UU UU UU GU Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog 164 165 166 2005 Goulding, Anneli 2005 Ekeroth, Kerstin 2005 Ovuga, Emilio GU GU KI Psykologi Psykologi NASP Psykolog Psykolog Läkare 167 168 169 170 2005 2005 2005 2005 KI KI SU UU Epidemiologi Neurologi Socialt arbete Evolutionsbiologi Epidemiolog Läkare Socionom FK 171 172 173 2005 Åberg, Karolina 2005 Claesson, Katja 2006 Larsman, Pernilla UU UU GU Evolutionsbiologi Psykologi Psykologi Biolog Psykolog Psykolog 174 175 2006 Ray, Jeremy 2006 Kim, Bao Giang GU KI Psykologi Folkhälsovetenskap Psykolog Läkare 176 177 2006 Tran, Thi Thanh Huong 2006 Nilsson, Emma KI KI NASP Epidemiologi Läkare Epidemiolog 178 2006 Holmberg, Johan LU Psykologi Psykolog 179 2006 Westin, Jenny LU Psykologi Psykolog Kildal, Morten Frans, Örjan Hammarberg, Annie Ström, Lars Ström, Lars Araya, Tadesse Berlin, Lisa Arvidsson, Hans Alm, Jan Fridner, Ann Carlbring, Per Lundström, Lars Marmendal, Maarit Mittendorfer Rutz, Ellenor Gonzalez, Henrik Piuva, Katarina Emilsson, Lina Frihetens milda disciplin: Normalisering och social styrning i svensk sinnessjukvård 18501970. Fear, startle, and fear-potentiated startle: Probing emotion in the human brain. High-resolution studies of mRNA expression in brain: A search for genes differently expressed in schizophrenia. Perceived physical and psychological outcome after severe burn injury. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the general population. Pre-school teachers’ perceived control and behaviour problems in children. Self-help via the Internet: A new approach to psychological treatment. Self-help via the Internet. A new approach to psychological treatment . Stereotypes: Suppression, forgetting, and false memory. The role of inhibitory control and executive functioning in hyperactivity/ADHD. After the 1995 Swedish Mental Health Care Reform – a follow-up study of a group of severely mentally ill. Nandrolone decanoate, behaviour and brain: Animal experimental studies. Parents of children with intellectual disabilities. Psychiatric problems in Prader-Willi syndrome: Symptom development and clinical management. Preschoolers' peer competence: Developmental perspectives on prosocial behavior, aggression, and social cognition. Enhancing health among drug users in prison. Exercising the self: On the role of exercise, gender and culture in physical self-perceptions. Womens subjective and objective health over time: The role of psychosocial conditions and physiological stress responses. Dyslexia: Relevance of concepts, validity of measurements, and cognitive functions. Karriärvägar och karriärmönster bland disputerade läkare och medicinare. Panic! Its prevalence, diagnosis and treatment via the Internet. Reading difficulties and the twofold character of language: How to understand dyslexia. Maternal separation in the rat. Long-term effects of early life events on emotionality, drug response and neurobiology. Mental health aspects of paranormal and Psi related experiences. Psychological problems in adolescents an young women with eating disturbances. Depression and suicidal behavior in Uganda – validating the Response Inventory for Stressful Life Events (RISLE). Perinatal and familial risk factors of youth suicidal behaviour. The post-polio syndrome: Studies of immunology and immunomodulatory intervention. Normalitetens gränser: En studie om 1900-talets mentalhygieniska diskurser. Detection of differentially expressed genes in Alzheimer's disease: Regulator of G-protein Signalling 4: A novel mediator of APP processing. Finding genes for schizophrenia. Shame: Mechanisms of activation and consequences for social perception and self-image. On the relation between psychosocial work environment and musculoskeletal symptoms: A structural equation modeling approach. Temperament – a psychobiological approach to Harm Avoidance and Novelty Seeking. Assessing health problem: Self-reported illness, mental distress and alcohol problems in a rural district in Vietnam. Attempted suicide in Vietnam. Genetic epidemiological studies of adverse pregnancy outcomes and the role of schizophrenia. Dizziness and fear of falling: A behavioural and physiological approach to phobic postural vertigo. Intracellular signaling and cellular plasticity in a rat model of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia. M Svenska K K Engelska Engelska M M K M M M K M Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska K K K Engelska Engelska Engelska K Engelska K M K Engelska Engelska Engelska M K M M K Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska K K M Engelska Engelska Engelska K M K K Engelska Engelska Svenska Engelska K K K Engelska Engelska Engelska M K Engelska Engelska K K Engelska Engelska M Engelska K Engelska 180 181 2006 Frielingsdorf, Helena 2006 Eklund, Jenny M. LU SU 182 2006 Rissén, Dag SU 183 2006 Marklund, Petter UmU 184 185 2006 Johansson, Linda 2006 Henricsson, Lisbeth UU UU 186 187 2007 Axberg, Ulf 2007 Strid, Karin GU GU 188 189 2007 Leander, Lina 2007 Tufvesson, Catrin GU LU 190 191 192 193 2007 2007 2007 2007 LU LU LU LU 194 2007 Hansson, Helena LU 195 196 2007 Larsson, Magnus R. 2007 Stafström, Martin LU LU 197 198 2007 Busch, Hillevi 2007 Söderberg, Per SU UmU 199 2007 Tungström, Stefan UmU 200 201 202 203 2007 2007 2007 2008 UU UU UU GU 204 205 2008 Olausson, Solveig 2008 Berg, Anne Ingeborg GU GU 206 207 KTH LU 208 209 2008 Dussauge, Isabelle 2008 Lundkvist Ståhlbrandt, Henrietta 2008 van der Burg, Jorien 2008 Riving, Cecilia 210 2008 Wallin, Åsa LU 211 2008 Hübel, Marie LU 212 2008 Gavazzeni, Joachim SU Benderix, Ylva Ingesson, Gunnel Svedberg, Petra Gustle, Lars-Henry Brocki, Karin Cecilia Lindberg, Julia Low, Aili Thorvaldsson, Valgeir LU LU Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Neurogenesis in the adult brain from ballyhoo to sobriety. Adolescents at risk of persistent antisocial behavior and alcohol problems: The role of behavior, personality and biological factors. Psykologi Psykolog Repetitive and monotonous work among women. Psychophysiological and subjective stress reactions, muscle activity and neck and shoulder pain. Psykologi Psykolog Cross-functional brain imaging of attention, memory, and executive functions: Unity and diversity of neurocognitive component processes. Psykologi Psykolog The role of cognitive processes in eating pathology. Psykologi Psykolog Warriors and worriers: Development, protective and exacerbating factors in children with behavior problems. A study across the first six years of school. Psykologi Psykolog Assessing and treating three to twelve-year- olds displaying disruptive behavior problems. Psykologi Psykolog Memory, attention and interaction in early development. Exploring individual differences among typical children and children with autism. Psykologi Psykolog What sexually abused children remember and report: Minding the gap. Psykologi Psykolog Concentration difficulties in the school environment – with focus on children with ADHD, autism and Down’s syndrome. Vårdvetenskap Sj-sköt Familjers och vårdpersonals erfarenheter av barn och vuxna med autism. Psykologi Psykolog Growing up with dyslexia: Cognitive and psychosocial impact, and salutogenic factors. Vårdvetenskap Sj-sköt Health promotion intervention in mental health services. Psykologi Psykolog Implementering och korttidsuppföljning av multisystematisk terapi: En svensk randomiserad multicenterstudie angående multisystemisk terapi. Psykiatri, Socionom Interventions in adult children and spouses of alcoholics. Randomized controlled trials of behandlingsforskning mental health and drinking patterns. Psykologi Psykolog Perspectives of anxiety in stressful environments. Prospective studies in real-life settings. Folkhälsovetenskap Socionom Preventing adolescent alcohol use processes and outcomes of a community-based intervention in Trelleborg. Psykologi Psykolog When pain remains: Appraisals and adoption. Psykologi Psykolog Outcome in psychiatric outpatient services: reliability, validity and outcome based on routine assessments with the GAF scale. Psykologi Psykolog Outcome in psychiatric outpatient services: reliability, validity and outcome based on routine assessments with the GAF scale. Psykologi Psykolog Executive control processes: Dimensions, development and ADHD. Evolutionsbiologi Biolog Exploring brain gene expression in animal models of behaviour. Kirurgi Läkare It’s not just a burn: Physical and psychological problems after burns. Psykologi Psykolog Change in variability in cognitive performance in old age. Effects of retest, terminal decline, and pre-clinical dementia Psykologi Psykolog Kvinnor med substansmissbruk och psykisk ohälsa. Psykologi Psykolog Life satisfaction in late life. Markers and predictors of level and change among 80+ year olds. Vetenskapshistoria Civ-ing Technomedical visions. Magnetic resonance imaging in 1980's Sweden. Klinisk medicin, psykiatri Läkare Alcohol use in Swedish halls of residence. Cluster randomized interventions, drinking trajectories, social climate and cross-cultural influence. Biomedicin Biomedicinare Beyond the basal ganglia. Widespread pathology in Huntington's disease. Historia Historiker Icke som en annan människa: Psykisk sjukdom i mötet mellan psykiatrin och lokalsamhället under 1800-talets andra hälft. Klinisk medicin, klinisk Läkare Long-term treatment response, predictors and biochemical markers in Alzheimer’s disease. neurovetenskap Vårdvetenskap, Sj-sköt Psycho-pedagogical work among individuals with autism spectrum disorders in communityomvårdnad based accommodation. Development and psychometric testing of the environmental rating scale questionnaire (ERS-Q) for assessment of residential programmes. Psykologi Psykolog Age differences in arousal, perception of affective pictures, and emotional memory enhancement. K K Engelska Engelska M Engelska M Engelska K K Engelska Engelska M K Engelska Engelska K K Engelska Engelska K K K M Svenska Engelska Engelska Svenska K Engelska M M Engelska Engelska K M Engelska Engelska M Engelska K K K K Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska K K Engelska Engelska K K Engelska Engelska K K Engelska Svenska K Engelska K Engelska M Engelska 213 214 215 216 217 218 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 219 220 Rydén-Lodi, Birgitta Ohlsson, Anna Väfors Fritz, Maria Gustavsson, Klas Kaldo, Viktor Linnman, Clas SU SU SU SU UU UU Psykologi Idéhistoria Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Historiker Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog 2008 Tillman, Carin 2009 Berglund, Kristina UU GU Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog 221 2009 Lunde, Carolina GU Psykologi Psykolog 222 223 2009 Svensson, Anna 2009 Rasoal, Chato KI LiU Epidemiologi Psykologi Epidemiolog Psykolog 224 2009 Boström, Fredrik LU Läkare 225 2009 Stomrud, Erik LU 226 2009 Hedlund, Mathilde UU Klinisk medicin, klinisk neurovetenskap Klinisk medicin, klinisk neurovetenskap Folkhälsovetenskap 227 2009 Volgsten, Helena UU Kvinnors och barns hälsa Sj-sköt 228 2009 Wåhlstedt, Cecilia UU Psykologi Psykolog 229 230 231 2009 Åhs, Fredrik 2009 Alenius, Malin 2009 Rastad, Cecilia UU UU UU Psykologi Farmaci Folkhälsovetenskap Psykolog Apotekare Sjukgymnast 232 2010 Larsson, Billy GU Psykologi Psykolog 233 234 2010 Nguyen, Van Tuan 2010 Wicks, Susanne KI KI Folkhälsovetenskap Folkhälsovetenskap Läkare Statistiker 235 236 237 238 2010 2010 2010 2010 LU LU UU UU Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog 239 2010 Bergh Johannesson, Kerstin UU Klinisk psykologi Psykolog 240 241 2010 Forster, Martin 2011 Garcia, Danilo UU GU Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog 242 2011 Dewrang, Petra GU Psykologi Psykolog 243 244 245 2011 Karilampi, Ulla 2011 Nakasujja, Noeline 2011 Bangirana, Paul GU KI KI Psykologi Folkhälsovetenskap Folkhälsovetenskap Psykolog Läkare Läkare Jansson, Irene Carlsson, Roger Andréasson, Per Olsson, Erik Läkare Sj-sköt Lyckas mot alla odds: Protektiva faktorer i upphörandeprocessen vid brottslig verksamhet. Myt och manipulation: Radikal psykiatrikritik i svensk offentlig idédeatt 1968-1973. Psychosocial adjustment problems: Individual and cultural differences. Working conditions, compensatory strategies, and recovery. Cognitive behavioural therapy as guided self-help to reduce tinnitus distress. Imaging chronic pain and inflammation: Positron Emission Tomography studies of whiplash associated disorder. Working memory and higher-order cognition in children. Socially stable alcoholics: What characterizes them? Drinking patterns, personality and health aspects of psychosocial and clinical importance What people tell you gets to you. Body satisfaction and peer victimization in early adolescence. Family studies of schizophrenia and pregnancy outcomes. Ethnocultural empathy. Measurement, psychometric properties, and differences between students in health care education programmes. Dementia with Lewy bodies – an investigation of cause and consequence. K K K M M M Svenska Svenska Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska K K Engelska Engelska K Engelska K M Engelska Engelska M Engelska Neurodegenerative biomarkers in healthy elderly – with special reference to the preclinical pattern of biological and cognitive markers for Alzheimer’s disease. Coping, psychiatric morbidity and perceived care in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. Mood disorders, personality and grief in women and men undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment. Specifying the heterogeneity in children with ADHD: Symptom domains, neuropsychological processes, and comorbidity. The amygdala, arousal and memory: From lesions to neuroimaging. Treatment response in psychotic patients in a naturalistic setting. Winter fatigue and winter depression: Prevalence and treatment with bright light. M Engelska K Engelska K Engelska K Engelska M K K Engelska Engelska Engelska Therapists and their patients: Similarities and differences in attitudes between four psychotherapy orientations in Sweden. Mental disorder and attempted suicide in Vietnam. Socioeconomic disadvantage in childhood and later risk of schizophrenia and other psychoses – national register-based studies. Femårsuppföljning för tvångsvårdade kvinnor. Inverkan av psykiska problem på utfallet. Neuropsychological aspects of first-episode psychosis – diagnosis, course and outcome. Emotional empathy, facial reactions, and facial feedback. Heart rate variability in stress-related fatigue, adolescent anxiety and depression and its connection to lifestyle. Traumatic exposure, bereavement and recovery among survivors and close relatives after disasters. When cheap is good: Cost-effective parent and teacher interventions for children with externalizing behavior problems. Adolescents’ happiness: The role of affective temperament model on memory and apprehension of events, subjective well-being, and psychological well-being. Asperger syndrome: Social functioning in relation to behavioural and cognitive traits from infancy to young adulthood. Neurocognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorders Cognitive function in HIV related psychotic disorders in Uganda. Computerized rehabilitation for cognitive deficits after central nervous system malaria in Ugandan children. M Engelska M K Engelska Engelska K M M M Svenska Engelska Engelska Engelska K Engelska M M Engelska Engelska K Engelska K K M Engelska Engelska Engelska 246 247 248 249 2011 2011 2011 2011 Sarkohi, Ali Zetterqvist, Vendela Waldhauser, Gerd Maddux, Rachel 250 2011 Plank, Katarina LU 251 2011 Ohlin, Elisabet LU 252 2011 Larsson Lindahl, Marianne LU 253 2011 Buchhave, Peder LU 254 255 2011 Reinius, Björn 2011 Johnsson, Roland LU LU 256 2011 Börjesson, Josefine UmU 257 258 259 260 2011 2011 2012 2012 UU UU GU Karlstad 261 2012 Ben-Efraim, Yair Jacob 262 263 2012 Bursztein Lipsicas, Cendrine KI 2012 Högström, Ebba KTH 264 265 2012 Lech, Börje 2012 Bjärehed, Jonas LiU LU 266 2012 Tjörnstrand, Carina LU 267 2012 Argentzell, Elisabeth LU 268 269 270 2012 Dennhag, Inga 2012 Sylvén, Sara 2012 Ågren, Thomas UmU UU UU 271 272 273 274 2012 2012 2012 2012 UU UU UU UU Parling, Thomas Björk, Maria Gunnarsson, Mattias Edebol, Hanna Buhrman, Monica Garpenhag, Lars Arnberg, Filip Faria, Vanda LiU LiU LU LU KI Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykologi Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Psykolog Future thinking and depression. Tinnitus – an acceptance-based approach. Behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of inhibition in episodic memory. Depressive personality disorder: Construct, measurement, clinical correlates, and treatment outcome. Psykologi Psykolog Insikt och närvaro: Akademiska kontemplationer kring buddhism, meditation och mindfulness. Biomedicin, neurobiologi Biomedicinare Microvascular plasticity and neurovascular coupling in the pharmacotherapy of Parkinson’s disease. Psykiatri, Läkare Patients in court-ordered substance abuse treatment. Studies in the involuntary process by behandlingsforskning interview, assessment and randomised trial. Klinisk medicin, klinisk Läkare Prediction of Alzheimer’s disease in subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment using neurovetenskap biomarkers. Evolutionsbiologi Biolog Sexually dimorphic gene expression in the mammalian brain. Psykologi Psykolog Transactional analysis psychotherapy – three methods describing a transactional analysis group therapy. Psykologi Psykolog Psychometric studies of the Swedish version of the Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis (ADAD) instrument. Psykologi Psykolog Anorexia nervosa: Emotion, cognition, and treatment. Idé- och lärdomshistoria Historiker Problemet utan namn? Neuroser, stress och kön i Sverige från 1950 till 1980. Psykologi Psykolog Psychological factors associated with substance use in adolescents. Medicinsk psykologi Psykolog Global assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Examining objective measures of hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention in adults. NASP Kemist Gene–environment interactions between HPA axis regulatory genes and stressful life events in suicide attempts. NASP Psykolog Suicide attempts among immigrants in Europe. Samhällsplanering och Arkitekt Kalejdoskopiska rum: Diskurs, materialitet och praktik i den decentraliserade psykiatriska miljö vården. Psykologi Psykolog Consciousness about own and others’ affect. Psykologi Psykolog Characteristics of self-injury in young adolescents: Findings from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in Swedish schools. Vårdvetenskap, Arbetsterapeut Engagement in community-based day centres for people with psychiatric disabilities. arbetsterapi Vårdvetenskap, Arbetsterapeut Experiences of everyday occupation among people with psychiatric disabilities – arbetsterapi relationships to social interaction, the worker role and day centre attendance. Psykologi Psykolog Learning psychotherapy: An effectiveness study of clients and therapists. Kvinnors och barns hälsa Läkare Biological and psychosocial aspects of postpartum depression. Psykologi Psykolog Erasing fear: Effect of disrupting fear memory reconsolidation on central and peripheral nervous system activity. Psykologi Psykolog Guided Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic pain. Historia Historiker Kriminaldårar: Sinnessjuka brottslingar och straffrihet i Sverige, ca 1850-1930. Medicinsk vetenskap Psykolog Long-term posttraumatic stress in survivors from disasters and major accidents. Psykologi Psykolog Mind really does matter: The neurobiology of placebo-induced anxiety relief in social anxiety disorder. M K K K Engelska Engelska Engelska Engelska K Svenska K Engelska K Engelska M Engelska M M Engelska Engelska K Engelska M K M K Engelska Svenska Engelska Engelska M Engelska K K Engelska Svenska M M Engelska Engelska K Engelska K Engelska K K M Engelska Engelska Engelska K M M K Engelska Svenska Engelska Engelska
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