November 16, 2014 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard Church 415 Tower Hill Road, North Kingstown, R. I. 02852 A Stewardship Parish The church is located at 275 Tower Hill Road. Rev. John E. Unsworth, Pastor Pastoral Assistant: Angelo Giacchi Sundays: Rev. Albino Barrera, OP Rev. Charles Maher Administrative Asst.: Jane Allen Mass Schedules Weekends: Saturday Vigil ~ 5:00 PM Sundays 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Weekdays: 8:00 AM Monday through Friday Parish Center: Phone #: Fax #: E-mail: 415 Tower Hill Road 295-0387 295-1713 [email protected] Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM Please visit us on the web: Baptism: Please call the Parish Center for information about scheduling and preparation. Communion to the Sick: Please notify us of those sick and in need of Communion at home. Marriage: Please call 10 months in advance. Holy Orders: Tel: 401-831-8011 Project Rachel: Post abortion counseling Tel: 401-421-7833, ext. 118 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 PM ~ 4:30 PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Following Tuesday’s 8:00 AM Mass until 12:00 Noon Music Ministry: Alison Shea, Director Family Faith Formation Program: This family based program provides parishioners of all ages opportunities for learning, growing and living our Faith through common experiences, age-specific learning and interactive sharing and is designed for families with children in grades 1 through 7. Our Confirmation Program accepts students in grades 8 and 9, but any high school student is welcome. For information contact [email protected] . Dawn Masterson, Director of Faith Formation Deborah Fortin, Faith Formation Office Manager Free to Worship Without Catching The Flu Our parish is blessed with a large number of people who work in the Health Care industry as doctors, nurses, technicians and other health care professionals. I rarely ever visit South County or Kent Hospital or a local Nursing Home without meeting a member of the staff who is from the parish, and I am always greeted like a long-lost relative. I am never at a loss to find parishioners who can guide me when I have questions about health care issues. As a result, I have not been surprised by the number of nurses and health care workers who have approached me about the danger of passing on germs during the Sign of Peace at Mass and from the cup during the distribution of Holy Communion. And, although we put fresh water in every Saturday, they also warn me about the family of germs living in the Holy Water Font. This year we are encouraging everyone to get their flu vaccine. In the meantime I would like to clarify for you what precautions should be taken by parishioners and ministers alike so that we can minimize the risk of infection among the people of our worshipping community. First of all the Sign of Peace is a part of the ritual of the Mass and, according to the Instruction in the Roman Missal it may not be dropped or eliminated from the Eucharistic Liturgy. However, it also states that a “… handshake or other suitable gesture may be used….”. Therefore, we are asking that you kindly refrain from shaking hands at the Sign of Peace if you, or someone in your family is infected with the flu, or even a bad cold. This also applies to those who hold hands during the Our Father, a custom which has become popular, but has never been a part of the Ritual of the Mass. If you prefer not to shake hands simply smile at your neighbor and wish them peace. If you fear they will not understand then simply say something like, “Peace be with you, I have a cold!” If the person who has been sitting next to you for many years (and Catholics tend to sit in the same pew each week) suddenly prefers not to shake your hand, do not presume that they are being a snob, or that you have some social disease. Rather than being offended, be grateful that they have decided not to share their germs with you. 2 The same rule should apply to receiving Communion from the cup. If you are not well, please refrain from doing so. This year we will discontinue the use of the cup at Mass beginning with the First Sunday of Advent (Nov. 30th ) and it will not resume until Spring. Our Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers are also being instructed to take extra precautions. They will now be washing and sanitizing their hands before Mass and they have also been instructed not to distribute Holy Communion if they have a cold. In the future it may be necessary to further review these policies, but for now we are asking that you be careful with your own health and to be sensitive to the health of others. Please be especially thoughtful of the many people whose health is at risk. My prayer is that we will all have a very healthy (and happy) winter and flu season; if not, then let’s not make things worse. Fr. Jack ADULT FAITH FORMATION: This year we are hosting a special 4-week Program for adults and young adults of the Parish. Our Theme will be “Family Life and the Church” and sessions will be held in the Church on 4 consecutive Tuesday evenings beginning on Tuesday, November 18th from 7 to 8:00 PM. Following the lead of Pope Francis and the Synod of Bishops recently held in Rome, we will spend this time studying the Church and her response to the issues, both moral and legal, facing families today. Our themes will be as follows: November 18 - “What the Scriptures & tradition say about families.” November 25 - “Being Family and Being Catholic.” December 2 - “Divorce, re-marriage and same-sex marriage.” December 9 - “What can the Church do to meet the challenge.” We invite the young and the elderly, the middle ages and the young at heart to come and join us. We welcome new parishioners to St. Bernard Parish. If you are new to the area and would like to register in the parish, please call the Parish office (295-0387). There is a lot to get involved in here and we would love to have you join us. Upcoming Meetings Family Faith Formation, Church Confirmation 1, Church Confirmation 2, Church 12:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:15 pm Mon. Family Faith Formation, Church Teen Choir, Church 5:30 pm 7:15 pm Tues. THURSDAY, November 20: 8:00 AM – Jacob Hansen by the Babat family Adult Faith Formation, Church Auction Committee, Parish Center 7:00 pm 6:30 pm Wed. Children’s Choir, Church 5:00 pm FRIDAY, November 21: 8:00 AM – Joseph Montecalvo by his family Thurs. Baptism Class, Parish Center Adult Choir, Church Sun. MONDAY, November 17: 8:00 AM – Daniel Murphy TUESDAY, November 18: 8:00 AM – Richard Tomlinson by Norma LaSalle WEDNESDAY, November 19: 8:00 AM – Joseph Lewis by the Dilick family Sat. Legion of Mary, Parish Center 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, November 22: 5:00 PM – Donald Barker, 6th Anniversary by his family SUNDAY, November 23: 7:00 AM – Bernard Casey by Bruce & Heather Quimby 8:30 AM – Anne Duffy by the Miccolis family 10:30 AM – Richard Neill by his family PARISH SUPPORT Actual Prev. Year Nov. 8/9 $8,326 Bldg. Maint. $2,352 Online Giving $8725 (Month of Sept.) Through 6/30/14 $547,054 $528,004 St. Bernard offers parishioners the opportunity to make their contributions through Online Giving. Visit Click on “Support your Parish” then click on the link for OSV Online Giving link and follow the prompts. Many companies offer matching funds for donations to non-profit organizations. Your company might match your donation to St. Bernard! Please find out if your company has this policy. CAMPAIGN for HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND – the Campaign for Human Development fights the root causes of poverty in the United States. For almost 40 years, CHD has been helping people help themselves – funding projects that create jobs, strengthen communities and empower families. Please be generous in your response. ANNUAL COLLECTION A copy of the Annual Parish Financial Report was mailed to all of our active parishioners along with an appeal for our Annual Collection. This is the single most important collection of the year because it helps us meet the many needs we have which are not funded by the regular Sunday Collections. Please be as generous as your means allow, and we ask in a special way that those who do not contribute regularly to the support of the parish might consider using this as an opportunity to make at least one annual gift to your parish and donations will be accepted until December 31st. A more detailed version of the Finance Report is available on the Parish Web Site and you are always welcome to call the office with any questions you might have. 3 Announcements THE GIVING TREE If your family, or any family you know, needs help with gifts this Christmas, please contact Jane at 295-0387 or [email protected]. ANNUAL COAT DRIVE Please drop off your GOOD, USED COATS at the Parish Center at 415 Tower Hill Road to be distributed to those in need. For more information or to help, contact us at 295-0387 or [email protected] . to Patricia Scalabrin, winner of the 2014 scholarship quilt. Thank you all who continue supporting the Scholarship Fund and a special thank you to ladies who made this year’s gorgeous quilt possible; Kathy Biron, Dyann Casala, Peg Fitzpatrick, Loretta Krebel, Pat Livernois , and Karen Walsh. THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE During the Month of November we will be collecting non-perishable food items to be donated to the North Kingstown Food Pantry so that many needy families can have a bountiful Thanksgiving Holiday. If you haven’t done so as yet please bring your food donations back to Church this weekend, November 15/16. We cannot accept fresh or frozen food items, but they could be given directly to the Food Pantry. Let’s make this a very joyful holiday season for the unemployed and struggling families of our community. Congratulations Keep the Heat On Concert: On Sunday, December 14th at 3PM the Gregorian Concert Choir and Festival Orchestra will present a Concert entitled “The Sounds of the Season” in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Providence. The Concert which will feature the music of Advent and Christmas will benefit Bishop Tobin’s “Keep the Heat On” campaign, which assists poor and low income families with utility expenses. Tickets for the Concert are $10 per person and may be purchased by calling the Cathedral office at (401) 331-2434. (Tickets will also be available at the door on the day of the Concert). You’re Invited! OLM 2014 Christmas Shopping Night Thursday, December 4th from 5:00pm – 9:00pm at Our Lady of Mercy School. Please join us for a fun, festive evening filled with beautiful handmade items and artwork from local crafters and artisans! Wine tasting, hor d'oeuvres, raffle prizes, etc. For more information please contact Kathy Royce at 465-4208 or [email protected]. The Sunday Community Dinners will be held at the 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH OF WICKFORD, 44 Main Street. Dinners are served at 1 p.m. and are open to all, FREE. St. Bernard’s will be providing the meal today, November 16 and December 14. If you would like to help, call Chris Kosak at 2942885 or the Parish Center at 295-0387. Emmanuel House Homeless Shelter is always in need of new socks, bath towels, and backpacks. Now thanks to new beds and laundry facilities they are also in need of twin sized bedding. Please drop larger items at the Parish Center. Contact Jane at [email protected] or 295-0387 for more information. Please take a moment to reflect on the men and women who are pictured on the board in the meditation area. Please keep them and their families in your prayers. MARK 4 YOUR CALENDAR for the 5th annual Gala Auction on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at 6pm at the Quonset 'O' Club. Please come spend "a night by the bay" filled with a nautical atmosphere, dinner, a silent auction, live auction pieces and great company. Sunday Community Dinners Bulletin Submission E-mail [email protected] with bulletin materials The deadline for submission is Monday by 5:00 pm. FAITH FORMATION PAGE FAMILY FAITH FORMATION SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Theme: Gentle-Option for the Poor & Stewardship Luke 18:15-17—Jesus Blesses the Children Bee-Gentle" " Important Dates: Confirmation 1 & 2 Students: Today, November 16th Next Class November 23rd Sacramental Preparation Classes at the Church Conf. 1: 5-6 pm PLEASE NOTE - SESSIONS WILL BE HELD AT THE CHURCH This Weekend: Sunday, November 16th 12-1:30 pm Monday, November 17th -5:30-7 pm Please come to class with a donated item for “BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK” Our goal is 120 items. This will fill 30 backpacks over the entire school year. “Blessings in a Backpack” provides food to local elementary school-aged children in the NK school district, who might otherwise have little to eat on the weekend. Individualized microwavable meals from Campbell's, Chef Boyardee, Kraft Mac & Cheese, and Dinty Moore. This is a great opportunity to Bee Gentle! Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children between the ages of 4 and 11 are welcome to join us each week for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 10:30 Mass. Children are dismissed to the Gathering Space for the readings and a “child friendly” homily. They return to their families at the collection. Conf. 2: 6:15-7:15 pm Reminder: Confirmation Candidates are required to sign in to record their attendance at weekly Mass in the book located in the gathering space. If you attend Mass at a different church, please return a signed bulletin to the Parish Center on a regular basis. First Eucharist 1 & 2: Next Class November 23rd Sacramental Preparation Classes at the Parish Center 9-10:00 am Please remember to bring a photo ID for the dismissal process. Knights Corner 1265 Tower Hill Road, North Kingstown, RI The Knights of Columbus Hall is available to rent at very reasonable rates for various functions such as graduation/ birthday parties, weddings, baby showers, anniversaries and funeral collations. Room for up to 130 with plenty of parking. Call 295-0507 for rates and details. 5
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