2014 CHAMBER MEMBERS ABC Heating & Air Conditioning Allmandinger Chiropractic Office American Schleswig-Holstein Heritage Arp Insurance Inc B & D Automotive Service Blue Grass American Legion & Auxiliary Post 711 Blue Grass Community Center Burt Clinic of Chiropractic Burt Storage Calvary United Methodist Church Casey’s Central Petroleum Company Cheyenne Camping Center City of Walcott Critter Cuts Pet Grooming Salon Courtyard Estates Dick-n-Sons Lumber & Flower Shop Eastern Iowa Physical Therapy Edward Jones-Dan Laubenthal First Baptist Church of Blue Grass Gramma’s Kitchen/The Checkered Flag Jenny’s Dance Academy Koehler Electric Lambda Phi Longaberger, Mary Golinghorst Melanie’s Flowers by Design MidAmerican Energy Company Midfield Pattern Corp Minuteman Press of Davenport Newell's Automotive Night Owl PCS North Scott Press Nu Zeta Sorority Ossian, Inc Photos By Nicole Precision Bend & Machine QC Simply Fit Sandy's Hair Fair Sam’s Club Scott County Library System Slaby’s Travels by Brenda Arp Voelkers Plumbing Inc Walcott American Legion Post 548 Walcott American Legion Auxiliary Walcott Athletics Board Walcott Coliseum Walcott Collision Walcott Community Club Walcott Day Walcott Family Pet Clinic Walcott Lions Club Walcott Manor Apartments Walcott Mutual Insurance Assn. Walcott Trust & Savings Bank Walcott Volunteer Firefighters Assn. Walcott Women CHAMBER t t o c l a W OF COMMERCE NEWSLETTER | Volume 15 | Issue 11 | November 2014 | Walcott Trust and Savings Bank has made several changes in the last 9 months! We hope most of you know that a decision was made to open up a branch location in Davenport to serve our customers who live and work outside of Walcott. The branch location is just that. Another location that is more convenient to get too when you are in “town”. Walcott Bank is committed to keeping the main bank in Walcott where we opened the doors over 80 years ago. The bank employees are very excited about the new location and much thought and energy has been spent getting the doors open which should be right around the corner. In addition to our new location, the bank has spent time developing a new website that we find more informative and user friendly. Our online banking now offers financial tools to help you manage your expenses and allows you to track where you money is spent each month. You may have also noticed that we updated our bank logo. The new logo represents a piece of our main location while joining the letters WTSB to represent our new move into Davenport. There are also several new faces at our bank. We have hired several new employees to help staff our new location and they have been in Walcott training. The bank’s mission says in part that our employees are our most important assets and we will commit to developing and maintaining highly trained and motivated staff to serve our valuable customers. The bank intends to maintain the small community banking philosophies it had had over the last 80 years moving forward. You will not call into the bank and get a machine answering your call. When you need financial advice, you can simply come into the bank and talk with a person you know and trust. Many of our customers have been with us for a very long time and we value their business. As we prepare to open the doors at our new location, we reflect back on the last successful 80 years with a smile. We are truly SAFE, SOLID and SECURE and we are so grateful that our roots are in the wonderful community of Walcott. www.WalcottBank.com FALL LEAF PICK-UP Every Tuesday and Friday Ends on November 21st Leaves should be curbside by 8 a.m., in bags and tied shut. Sticks, garden vegetation, or grass CANNOT be included with the leaves. Leaves, garden vegetation, grass, and brush may also be disposed of at the compost area. DO NOT LEAVE BAGS AT THE COMPOST AREA. DON’T FORGET TO November 4, 2014 Calvary United Methodist Church Polls Open – 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. HOME / AUTO / LIFE CITY SNOW POLICIES Ready for winter weather? It will be here before we know it! It is easier for City staff to clear snow off streets when cars are not parked on them but if it is necessary to use street parking during a snowfall, staff encourages you to adhere to the following Snow Emergency Parking Regulations: • All vehicles and equipment shall be parked on the side with even addresses on even numbered calendar days and on the side with odd numbered addresses on odd numbered calendar days. • If a snow emergency is declared, vehicles and/or equipment may be towed if they are parked in violation of the snow emergency parking regulations. Residents are reminded that it is the property owners’ responsibility to remove snow and ice accumulations promptly from sidewalks. Also, corner lots are required to clear the snow from the access ramps to allow unimpeded passage for pedestrian traffic. Please make arrangements, including when you are away for a few days/weeks, to have your sidewalks maintained at all times. When shoveling or snow blowing your driveway and sidewalk, please DO NOT shovel or blow snow into the street. This could create road hazards and is a violation of City Code, subject to a civil penalty of up to $750. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated! The Walcott Auxiliary #548 is seeking names and addresses of area service people so they may be remembered with a Christmas gift. If you know someone who is serving our country, please notify Loretta Beitel, 284-6000, so we can send him/her a monetary gift for Christmas. We would appreciate receiving the names as soon as possible so they receive the gift in time for Christmas. Thank you. VETERANS DAY PORK CHOP SUPPER (((./0$(1'233(4$56"7(82// ),9(:"0;<(=0762;2(:;'$$; !"#$%&'())!"#$%&$'())*(+,)-()*+,,)-.)/+,,)01 >?0/;3@(A),(B67(2?#27C$D((A))(B2;(;<$(?""'D E<6/?'$7@(AFG,,((B),(27?(H7?$'D ))))@"78-)9&<<8#)%9&A74B)-.);#)C#8%D))!7>?#-$)&9#)EFD,,)&)G7#>#).9)H)<.9)EID,, 22)3##)&4')5"6787&9'):#:;#9)<.9)&%=&4>#)-7>?#-$22 Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 711 Blue Grass, Iowa WALCOTT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. September Calls: Follow us on Facebook MVC EMS Fire Other HazMat YTD INDOOR COMFORT SPECIALISTS ALLEN LONG (563) 388-0655 abcheatingairconditioning.com The Scott County Library System offers a new database of music called freegal music. Over 7 million MP3 songs, including today’s top hits, are available for free for iPads, iPhones, Android tablets and smartphones. Instructions of how to download this free app are available at any Scott County library station and on the library website, www.scottcountylibrary.org. Please remember that you can also check out e-books with Rivershare Overdrive and One-Click Digital, e-magazines with Zinio, and children’s stories on Tumble Books, all available with instructions on the website and in the library stations. There is no new news about the library moving to the old meat market building. There are several issues that need to be considered before Scott County is willing to purchase the building for a new Walcott station. These include roof leaking, mold, and an open stairway to the basement. Library Director Tricia Kane and the Scott Library Board are pursuing cost-analysis information, and the Scott County Board of Supervisors is aware of the need for a larger building for the Walcott station in the center of town. The winners of the Teen book drawing in September were Joey Castel and Isabella Castel. Joey won the book, Divergent and Isabella won The Fault in Our Stars. Preschool story hours will be on November 5, 12, and 19th from 2:05-2:30 p.m. The November story time for children, ages 3-12, will be on November 22, and the theme will be Turkeys. The adult author featured is 3 16 1 1 1 268 J.A. Jance, an American author of mysteries and horror tales. Characters in her books include Joanna Brady, J.P. Beaumont, and Ali Reynolds. On Monday, November 3 and Monday, November 17th, our Bookmobile is at Courtyard Estates from 3:00-3:30, and on Thursday, November 6th and Thursday, November 20th, we are at the Walcott McDonalds from 5:45-6:15. We are open for anyone to stop in and check out items. The library will be open on Veteran’s Day, Tuesday, November 11, from 1-5 p.m., if children need something to do. We have board games, Legos, coloring books, computers, and of course, books and DVDs. It will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, but open the day after. ANNUAL SPAGHETTI DINNER Friday, November 7th, 2014 4:30 to 7 p.m. Lydia Ladies of Calvary UMC will be serving their Annual Spaghetti Dinner. This will include spaghetti, salad, vegetable, garlic toast and dessert. Free Will Offering. Preschool will be performing. BLUE GRASS COMMUNITY CLUB Trivia Night - November15th Theme - Las Vegas Doors open at 6:00pm Trivia starts at 7:00pm Teams of 8 - $10 per person Bring snacks - bar will be open To reserve a table call John at (563) 343-7893 ASHHS ANNUAL MEETING 563-529-2196 Tim Koehler www.jwkoehler.com Residential & Commercial Industrial & Communications WALCOTT SCHOOL NEWS November 16, 2014 The American/Schleswig-Holstein Heritage Society (ASHHS) annual meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m., on Sunday, November 16, 2014, at the Walcott American Legion, 121 W. Bryant St., Walcott, Iowa Our speaker will be Hannah Puderbaugh from Peru, Iowa, a college student at Buena Vista College. Hannah is very interested in the German heritage. She speaks high German and is working on low German. She has interviewed many of the ASHHS members that speak low German. This summer she did research at Auswander Museum in Bremerhaven, Germany. Light refreshments will be provided. The public is invited. The American Legion Hall is handicap accessible. For more information, call Mary Ann Muller 563-284-6640, or e-mail [email protected]. November is a great month for remembering to give thanks for all that we have been given. Why not take the time to thank someone who has encouraged you and let them know how much of a blessing they are to you! There will be no school November 11th in observance of Veterans Day and no school on 26th – 28th for Thanksgiving break. Please take a look at some of the important dates listed on the calendar which also can be found on the back of this newsletter. Take a look at the school district web site 6020 New Liberty Road • Walcott, IA 52773 for our activities and athletic events. 563-843-3443 www.davenportschools.org Click on “Our Schools” Go to School Web Sites THANK YOU Click on Walcott Interm. or Walcott Walcott PTA would like to thank all those who contributed to our scrap metal drive October 13th & 14th. Elemen. With your help, we raised $517! We appreciate your willOn the homepage click on the Intermediate ingness to help our school. Thank you also to Rich or Elementary box, then go to the “Quick Metals, Blue Grass, for supplying the container and hauling the scrap for us. It is much appreciated! Links” section to find the school calendar. You will see the Walcott events listed there. Don’t forget – Every Wednesday is a one LOOKING FOR A FUN EXPERIENCE THIS SUMMER? hour early dismissal at 2:35 p.m. The Walcott Auxiliary #548 is looking for appliSubmitted by: cants to go to Girl’ s State. Please call the American Rockin’ Robyn Stender Legion at 284-6133 and leave a message so we can get Walcott School Secretary you the application. Deadline is March 1st, so call today! TRAVELS BY BRENDA ARP Cruises • Tours • Disney 563-284-5111 563-210-3386 Cell 252 W. Cedar Lane Walcott, IA 52773 [email protected] ! ! !!" "#$!%##&'(! !%##&'(! )*+ )*+*,'#-.!/'0!1'(4!! *,'#-.!/'0!1'(4!! 5 5!678*9:*,!";<=! !678*9:*,!";<=! %9*,>?'#!@*A>7#!B7-+!C<<D!<;E!!F!G&#>'+'!F+,**+D!H(&*!I,'--!J%!K"C"E! %9 *,>?'#!@*A>7#!B7-+!C<<D!<;E!!F!G&#>'+'!F+,**+D!H(&*!I,'--!J%!K"C"E! KL!1&#! KL!1&#! 1' ? * ! + ' ,+-!'+!5M;;'9 1'?*!-+',+-!'+!5M;;'9! M;;'9! ! B*(&''&'(!$'9!*'9&'(!$#! B*!(&''&'(!$'9!*'9&'(!$#! +,*%&-$'!.*(&/'!! ! +,*%&-$'!.*(&/'!! `$]&,8,!/7!MX,&'1!@&55! `$! ]&,8,!/7!MX,&'1!@&55! <*!$55/@*9!7/%!%$-*!98*! <*!!$55/@*9!7/%!%$-*!98*! #/!7/55/@!/'!*6*'#1! #/!7/55/@!/'!*6*'#1! ! ! L>$-!1&#! L>$-!1&#! 1'?*!-+',+-!'+!TMU;'9! TMU;'9! 1' ?*!-+',+-!'+!TMU; ! B*(&''&'(!$'9!*'9&'(!$#! 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Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Consent Agenda. Latimer moved and Koehler seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices and minutes from October 6, 2014. Jackie Puck abstained due to absence from meeting. Motion carried. Audience. Kevin Toft, Gene Meyer, Janice Dawson, and Joe Hahn. Kevin Toft – Swap Meet on City-Owned Property. Kevin Toft, Scott County Sno-Seekers, stated they are looking for a fixed location for their annual swap meet, held on the first Sunday in November each year. He stated they are no longer able to use their past location and they have a temporary site for this year but would like to utilize a location in Walcott, preferably Victory Park, for following years. He stated set-up would start around 7:30 a.m. and they are done by 1:00 p.m. They provide toilet facilities, garbage cans, clean-up, and their own food trailer. Brockmann expressed concerns about vehicles driving on park due to the condition of the grounds. It was discussed that Council could approve closing sections of the side streets around the park, allowing for the truck and trailers to park around the park instead of on the grass. Toft stated they have approximately 200 – 250 people throughout the meet and 30 – 50 vendors. No objections to the request were expressed. Rickertsen will place this on the next Park Board agenda and on the November 17th council agenda. W. Bryant Street Project Paving Improvements Project. · Payment #4. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the revised payment #4 to N.J. Miller, Inc, in the amount of $162,797.49, as recommended by the City Engineer & Public Works Director. Motion carried. Realtor Contract. Koehler moved and Mengler seconded to approve the contract (listing agreement) with Mel Foster Real Estate Services (Agent Nick Bert) with a condition that excludes the brokerage fee for the potential buyer that contacted City Hall prior to the council interview with Nick Bert. Motion carried. TIF Rebate Payments. Jackie Puck moved and Latimer seconded to approve semi-annual TIF rebates in the amount of $27,882.01 to Iowa 80 Truckstop Inc. ($1,249.47), Ossian Walcott Investments LC ($7,261.71), JDW Holdings LLC ($4,196.55), T & C Storage ($359.60) and Sterling Partners I LLC ($14,814.68). Motion carried. Police Department Report. Chief Blake presented a project worksheet for a squad car camera. He stated a grant from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau will pay $4,500 for the new Explorer. Discussion was held on the next steps regarding the residence at the Mobile Home Park that allegedly has more than four dogs, which is prohibited by City Code. Blake reported on the results of the average speed limit following the traffic study he did on Walcott Road (old Hwy 6). Public Works Department Report. Brockmann reported on recent issues with the storm sewer blockage on W. Bryant Street and sewer backup on Durant Street. Mayor Kostichek questioned the status of the E. James Street water main replacement project. Brockmann stated the remaining block of watermain may not get replaced until next spring and he plans on seeding the project area next spring, allowing time for the dirt to compact. City Clerk Report. Rickertsen reported requests for proposals were submitted to the three architects, Downing Architects, Gere-Dismer Architects, and SGGM Architects, as discussed at the last meeting, and the proposals will be reviewed during the November 17th council meeting. City Attorney Report. Attorney Schirman reported on his memo and proposed Resolution prohibiting firearms or other dangerous weapons on or in city-owned property. Chief Blake stated it is in the best interest for the City to have a policy. The policy will be placed on the November 3rd agenda and staff will obtain costs for signs. Mayor Report. Mayor Kostichek questioned the status of the wastewater treatment plant staffing. Brockmann stated he is working on it. Questions/Concerns. Mengler questioned the status of the request from Andy Willey, Night Owl Wireless, to place his equipment on the city water towers. It was reported that no contact has been received from Willey following the September15th meeting when he was asked to return with a proposal regarding the financial benefits/value to the City. Jackie Puck questioned what constitutes a “front yard” and requested the definition be reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission during their next meeting. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to adjourn at 7:07 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted. Plan on attending at City Hall Monday, November 10th at 12:30pm DP&RPPXQLW\&RIIHH# &RXUW\DUG SP*%%#:RRG SP6KHHSVKHDG# &RXUW\DUG -SP37$)XQGUDLVHU SLFNXSLQ&DIHWHULD SP-37$0WLQJLQ,0& SP:5#6PDUW SP$6++6 0HHWLQJ#/HJLRQ SPWKWK*UDGH 2UFKHVWUD&RQFHUW-/DUJH *\P SP*%%#%HWWHQGRUI *%%#:DOFRWW SP:5#%HWWHQGRUI SP&LW\&RXQFLO0HHWLQJ PRELOH#&RXUW\DUG SP-:5#:DOFRWW -SP%RRN SP37$6NDWH3DUW\# (OGULGJH6NDWH3DUN /LRQ¶V0HHWLQJ# &ROLVHXP SP*%%#:DOFRWW SP*%%#&OLQWRQ 9HWHUDQ V'D\ SP'RPLQRHV# &RXUW\DUG /LRQ¶V0HHWLQJ# &ROLVHXP SP*%%#:DOFRWW SP*%%#:DOFRWW SP-*%%#1RUWK6FRWW SP&RPPXQLW\&OXE# /HJLRQ -SP%RRNPRELOH #0F'RQDOGV SP%LQJR# &RXUW\DUG #0F'RQDOGV SP/\OH7XUNH\7URWW# -SP%RRNPRELOH &ROLVHXP 126&+22/ SP#&RXUW \DUG -SP6SDJKHWWL )UL 126&+22/ SP/RVW&RXQWU\ 'DQFHUV#&ROLVHXP SP-%HDXFKDPS# &ROLVHXP *UDGH2SHQ *\P1LJKW²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hamber members may submit articles by the 15th of each month to be included in the next chamber newsletter. Articles written may be edited or reduced as space provides. Contact Kris Burt at 284-9028 or email at [email protected]. Walcott Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 388 Walcott, IA 52773 Ads for members cost: business card - $20, 1/4 page - $35, and 1/2 page - $70. Ads for non-members cost: business card - $40, 1/4 page $70 and 1/2 page - $140. Please contact Wendy Minnick at 386-4566. CHAMBER DIRECTORS Wendy Minnick, Chairperson Karla Burt, Vice Chairperson Secretary, Open Kris Burt, Treasurer Happy Thanksgiving CALVARY PRESCHOOL FAMILY FUN DAY 2014 SPONSORS WALCOTT LIONS CLUB • ARP INSURANCE, INC. BRUCE ENTERPRISES • LYDIA LADIES WALCOTT AMERICAN LEGION POST #548 QUEST LINER • ALTER METAL RECYCLING MCDONALD’S OF WALCOTT • NIEMANN FARMS, INC. SUPERIOR METALS SERVICES • KOEHLER ELECTRIC CALVARY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH COMFORT INN, WALCOTT • BETA SIGMA PHI SORORITY TNT TUCK POINTING & BLDG. RESTORATION LLC CHEYENNE CAMPING CENTER • PRECISION BEND & MACHINE LANETTE PAPER DESIGN & PRINTING WALCOTT MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSN. EVERGREEN HEIGHTS LLAMAS • ELDRIDGE LUMBERYARD, INC. WALCOTT TRUST & SAVINGS • WALCOTT DAY BURT CLINIC OF CHIROPRACTIC P.C. NU ZETA SIGMAPHI SORORITY HAWKEYE MOVERS OF DAVENPORT ANIMAL FAMILY VETERINARY CARE CENTER MARY GOLINGHORST – LONGABERGER CONSULTANT A special thank you to our area businesses and organizations for their support of Calvary's Family Fun Day. The list above are the 'sponsors' who gave generously to our early childhood program to help area families with scholarships. We are so grateful for a community that has provided encouragement for over thirty years! The Preschool Board
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