QST A Newton County Radio Club, ARES, RACES, and Skywarn® Publication NOVEMBER 2014 Edition Monthly Meetings Newton County Radio Club / ARES / RACES / Skywarn® meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm. NOVEMBER 18 Meeting will be at Newton County Law Enforcement Center, 15151 Alcovy Road Ω Weekly Nets The Newton County Radio Club /ARES/RACES/Skywarn® Net meets every Thursday at 8:00 p.m. on 146.925 MHz (88.5 PL) and 444.800 MHz (88.5 PL). ῼ The FM Digital Net meets every Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. on 146.925 MHz (88.5 PL). The net starts out in MT-63-2KL Mode (1500 Hz Center), then sometimes switches to another mode. ῼ Newton County Radio Club Officers President: Gary Chambers K4MDC (404) 218-9538 <[email protected]> VP / Trustee: Jim Marston K4DOI (404) 376-5107 <[email protected]> Treasurer: Brian Fain KI4JIL (678) 439-6883 <[email protected]> Secretary/News: Delbert Davis W4DEL (404) 229-7555 <[email protected]> Ω http://ncrcga.org http://facebook.com/k4ncr <[email protected]> OCTOBER MEETING FEATURES MEMBER RECRUITMENT DISCUSSION, DIGITAL TUNE-UP Club President Gary Chambers K4MDC called the October 21 Meeting of the Newton County Radio Club, ARES & RACES to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held at Covington/Newton 911 Center. Eight members and four visitors were in attendance. The Club welcomed first-time visitor and new ham Bob Kimsey KM4BHK and XYL Andee; as well as their son, Rick Kimsey KK4VRM. A brief tour of the 911 facility preceded the meeting. Newton County EC Charles Davis WA4UJC gave a report on the October 4 SET (Simulated Emergency Test). Charles was very pleased with the participation and performance during the test. See Page 3 for a complete report as filed with the ARRL. Gary K4MDC announced that the Club is planning a special event station for sometime in May 2015 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the founding of Newton County Radio Club. Phil Call KD8TDJ has been doing some research and has received a blank application for the possibility of having the event take place on the Covington Square. Gary K4MDC also said another event that we might choose to celebrate is the upcoming Covington News' 150th anniversary. Jim Marston K4DOI reminded everyone of the upcoming annual Club Christmas Dinner on December 9 at 7:00 p.m. Jim K4DOI advised that RSVP is needed by November 18 (November Club meeting night) in order to make adequate reservations. The event will be held at Mama Maria's Italian Grill, 10205 Access Rd., Covington. The menu and other information is available at mamamariasitaliangrill.com. Jim K4DOI can be reached at (404) 376-5107 or <[email protected]>. Del Davis W4DEL advised that some members of the Club will be making a ham radio presentation to residents of Merryvale Senior Living Community on November 13 at 2:00 p.m. Expected to participate are Del W4DEL, Gary K4MDC and Neil Browder W4OVS, who resides at Merryvale. Gary K4MDC mentioned that more than 23,000 Scouts had participated in JOTA (Jamboree-On-The-Air) the past weekend. Del W4DEL suggested that the Scout organization would be fertile ground for the Club to "scout" (pardon the pun) for new amateurs. He thought that Explorer Scouts might be a good place to begin because of their age and likelihood of becoming involved. Mike Crowe AJ4GU suggested that prior to any recruiting we should probably schedule a Technician Class and VE Test Session in order to give recruitments a date on which to focus and a way to obtain their license. He mentioned that Dan Darsey W4DED would surely be willing to arrange the VE session. Mike AJ4GU said that he will probably not be able to schedule any time off to instruct until a few months into the new year. So, tentatively, the Club will proceed to schedule a Technician Class and VE Testing Session for sometime in March 2015. Del W4DEL agreed to coordinate the plan between likely participants with a view Page 1 of 5 QRX toward arranging a recruitment presentation to local Scout troops. Phil KD8TDJ discussed having a Simplex test at least once per month after the Thursday night net. Mike AJ4GU pointed out that Net Control Operators have done this in the past, but that nobody has done it for several months. Phil KD8TDJ was invited to coordinate the test at his convenience. The meeting was concluded with a Digital Tune-Up program headed-up by Mike AJ4GU and Jim K4DOI. Charles Davis WA4UJC demonstrated the sending and receiving of message forms, using FLDigi, to our first-time visitors. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Ω Upcoming Events & meeting CALENDAR NOVEMBER 1-2 Stone Mountain Hamfest (stonemountainhamfest.com) 18 *NCRC MEETING — Newton County Law Enforcement Center, 15151 Alcovy Road, Covington PROGRAM: "Introduction to D-Star" pr esented by Rick KK4VRM and Bob Kimsey KM4BHK DECEMBER 9 *NCRC CHRISTMAS DINNER — Mama Maria’s Italian Grill — 7:00 p.m. 10205 Access Rd., Covington (678) 342-2200 — (mamamariasitaliangrill.com) RSVP by November 18 (K4DOI—Jim Marston) <[email protected]> (404) 376-5107 11 Georgia Geritol Net Luncheon — Blue Willow Inn JANUARY — 2015 10 Techfest — Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society (gars.org) 20 *NCRC MEETING — Covington/Newton 911 Center, 8146 Carlton Trail, Covington 24 State ARES Meeting — Georgia Public Safety Training Center ALWAYS . . . 1000 Indian Springs Dr., Forsyth FEBRUARY — 2015 REMEMBERING 17 *NCRC MEETING — Newton County Law Enforcement Center Club MEMBERS And Amateur For Meeting Program Scheduling — Contact Gary Chambers K4MDC <[email protected]> ῼ Radio friends and family Newton county radio club meetings * 3rd Tuesday Each Month — 7:00 p.m. * EXPERIENCING DIFFICULT times RECENT GEORGIA GERITOL NET LUNCHEON HELD IN FAYETTEVILLE On Tuesday, October 21 the several members of the Georgia Geritol Net met at City Café in Fayetteville for a scheduled luncheon. The Georgia Geritol Net is a group of retired amateur radio operators who meet to ragchew on 3995 kHz at 9:00 a.m., Georgia time, Monday thru Saturday. Charles Pennington K4GK usually maintains some degree of order as net control station. Joe Coleman K4APT normally stands in as net control station in Charles' absence. Joe is also net control station for Sunday mornings' Friendly Southern Neighbor Net on 3990 kHz at 9:00 a.m., Georgia time. Standing (left to right): Neal Browder W4OVS (Oxford), Russ Snyder KK4SGX (Stockbridge), Joe Coleman K4APT (Marietta), Dave Reynolds KE7QF (Acworth), Dana Persells WJ4Z (Dadeville, AL), Jim Reeves KD4BO (Valley, AL), Jennette Mosier (KK4QJR's XYL), Melvin Mosier KK4QJR (Jackson), Del Davis W4DEL (Covington), Penny Davis (W4DEL's XYL). Sitting (left to right): Walt Maxwell KR4HV (Newnan), Pat Sheedy W2DHB/4 (Painted Post, NY / North Augusta, SC), Gary Chambers K4MDC (Covington), Mark McCampbell (WA4ENC's grandson), Marilyn Sheedy KA2NNK/4 (also W2DHB's XYL), Les McCampbell WA4ENC (Covington), and Mildred McCampbell (WA4ENC's XYL). Missing the luncheon due to an abrupt illness were Charles K4GK (Sandersville) and XYL Barbara. Missing from the photo is Gerry Chambers, K4MDC's XYL who is behind the camera. Thank you, Gerry! The next Georgia Geritol Net Luncheon is planned for December 11 at the Blue Willow Inn in Social Circle. Ω Page 2 of 5 QRX 2014 EC SET Report (From Form A) Filed by Charles Davis WA4UJC ARRL Section: GEORGIA Area of Jurisdiction: EC NEWTON COUNTY DEC’s or EC’s Call sign: WA4UJC E-mail address: [email protected] Date of local SET: 10/04/14 Computation of score: Points Number of amateurs who participated in the test: 15 X 2 = 30 Number of new amateurs (licensed since 2009) participating: 5 X 3 = 15 Number of formal 3rd party written traffic messages originated or delivered during the SET on behalf of served agencies: 4 X 1 = 4 Were TACTICAL communications conducted on behalf of served agencies? (1 hour or more, score 20 points; 1/2 hour to 1 hour, score 10; less than 1/2 hour, score 5.): = 20 Number of stations on emergency power during the test: 3 X 2 = 6 Number of emergency-powered repeaters used during the test: 2 X 10 = 20 Give call signs of repeaters: WA4ASI Is dual membership in ARES and RACES actively encouraged? If YES, score 10 points. YES = 10 Was liaison maintained during the SET with an NTS section or local net? If YES, score 10 points. YES = 10 Were digital modes utilized at any time during the exercise? If YES, score 10 points. YES = 10 Name the digital modes utilized: MT63-2KL/1000 - WINLINK 2K - EASYPAL Number of different agencies for which communications were handled: 3 X 5 = 15 Number of communities in which agencies were contacted. (If none, score MINUS 10): 3 X 10 = 30 Name the community(ies) served:COVINGTON,GA/ATLANTA,GA./CONYERS, GA. TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS: 170 Ω 2014 NM SET Report (From Form B) Filed by Charles Davis WA4UJC ARRL Section: GEORGIA Net Name: NEWTON COUNTY ARES/RACES Coverage Area: 50 MILE RADIUS FROM COVINGTON,GA. NM’s Call sign: WA4UJC E-mail address: wa4ujc@arrl;.net Date of SET activity: OCTOBER 4, 2014 Is the net associated with ARES? YES Is the net associated with RACES? YES Is the net part of the National Traffic System? NO Liaison was maintained with which NTS nets? YES Traffic totals: Emergency: 0 Priority : 4 Welfare: 0 Routine = TOTAL: 4 Total time of operation: 2_Hours 0 Minutes Computation of score Points TOTAL number of messages handled: 4 X 1 = 4 Number of different stations participating: 15 X 2 = 30 Number of different stations checking-in on emergency power: 3 X 2 = 6 Number of new amateurs (licensed since 2009) participating: 5 X 3 = 15 Number of different net control stations: 1 X 5 = 5 Number of different stations performing NTS liaison : 3 X 5 = 15 TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS FOR NET SET OPERATION: 75 Ω Page 3 of 5 QRX LEFT: Del Davis W4DEL, Monica Ladson KK4KUF and Dan Darsey W4DED maintain amateur radio communications and proudly display the NCRC banner at the Centennial Baptist Church Rest Stop in Morgan County during the annual Spin-For-Kids bicycle ride on October 19. Other NCRC participants were Gary Chambers K4MDC and Mike Crowe AJ4GU. Ω 2014 SPIN-FOR-KIDS IS GREAT SUCCESS NEWTON COUNTY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS OFFICERS AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICE® (ARES) Emergency Coordinator (EC) Charles Davis, WA4UJC (770) 786-6546 [email protected] Assistant EC (AEC) — Administration Bob Carter, W4NNN (770) 785-7318 [email protected] AEC — Net Operations Jim Marston, K4DOI (404) 376-5107 [email protected] AEC — Digital Operations Brian Fain, KI4JIL (678) 439-6883 [email protected] AEC — Law Enforcement Donna Reeves, KJ4CAU (770) 780-9758 [email protected] RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE (RACES) RADIO OFFICER Charles Davis, WA4UJC SKYWARN® EVENT COORDINATOR (EC) Charles Davis, WA4UJC Assistant EC (AEC) — SKYWARN® Greg Davis, KI4NWD (404) 483-6312 [email protected] Ω "TO ALL: Great job… This was the best year yet!!! Talked with the CTL Director, Merrick, Allison, Lora, et al… and they are just gushing with praise. This was the largest turnout to date… and the fundraising met and exceeded its goals by an impressive margin. Each of the four Rest Stops had their hands full at one time or another during the day and the end result was SUCCESS. Suggestions and unavoidable situations were noted and look for the positive results to be implemented for 2015. The way y'all promoted ARES and the Emergency Communications element of Ham Radio was most impressive. Would like to see more of this next year. Several riders mentioned to me how this was a great thing to see in operation and to see the equipment,. etc. We did miss our two Rover guys… and, hopefully, they will return next year. However, the three ham-equipped Motorcycle Marshals really took up the 'slack'. The displays at each rest area… and if not displays, the professionalism which each and every participating ham projected to the riders and SFK staff/management will be remembered positively going forward. Again, thanks to ALL. And for those who were not with us this year… looking forward to your being there in another 363 days! - - . . . . . . - - Bill KM4LS, EC Morgan County ARES, W4RMC" Ω ESTATE SALE Joann Coker, XYL of Silent Key James R. Hodges WAOWL, still has the following items for sale. Please contact Joann directly at (770) 710-2347. Yaesu FT-101-E HF Transceiver w/ Hand Mic (operational condition unknown) PS14K 12A 13.8V Power Supply (14A Surge) (appears to be in good condition) Stack of Amateur Radio Magazines & Callbooks (circa 1962-85) The Following items appear to be aged and in questionable condition: Azden PCS-5000 VHF FM Transceiver w/Hand Mic Sears 41238800700 VHF FM Transceiver w/Hand Mic TAC Code Oscillator (2) Mobile 2M Antennas Realistic Desk Mic (2-Pin) Icom HT Mic Ω On October 22, EC Charles Davis WA4UJC received a request from the Covington Police Department for help during the upcoming Covington United Methodist Church Steeple Chase — a 1-Mile Fun Run and 5K Race to be held on Saturday, October 25. Receiving the request on such short notice, and being scheduled to work on that Saturday, Charles WA4UJC turned to Club officers and AEC Jim Marston K4DOI for assistance in arranging for the assistance. Answering the call were (see photo, left) NCRC Vice-President Jim K4DOI, NCRC President Gary Chambers K4MDC, Phil Call KD8TDJ (sitting), Treasurer Brian Fain KI4JIL, John Nix N5EEO and Secretary Del Davis W4DEL. Ω Page 4 of 5 QRX DAILY GEORGIA NETS — HF [7 am] Georgia Cracker Net 3995 kHz (Daily Except Sunday) [8 am-1pm] SouthCars Net 7251 kHz *South Coast Amateur Radio Service [9 am] Georgia Geritol Net 3995 kHz (Daily Except Sunday) [1 pm] GA Traffic Net - Cycle 2 - 3987. 5 kHz (or 7287.5) (Daily Ex. Sunday) [7 pm] GA SSB Association Net 3975 kHz [7:15 pm] 3982.5 kHz GA Traffic & Emergency Net [9 pm] GA CW Training Net 3549 kHz [10 pm] GA State CW Traffic Net 3549 kHz ῼ ALL TIMES ARE EASTERN ------------DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS NOVEMBER 2ND Ω MONTHLY NETS — HOSPITAL & ARES — HF, VHF 1st Sunday [3 pm] GA Hospital Net 7188 kHz (LSB) (Alternate: 5.3305 MHz (USB) (Digital Tests TBA) GA Hospital Net Manager / NCS: Ken Reid KG4USN, ASEC—Public Health GA ARES: Barry Kanne W4TGA * There'll be NO Hospital Net on Sunday, November 2 (to be rescheduled later in month due to Stone Mountain Hamfest on 1st/2nd * 1st Sunday [4 pm] Metro ARES FM Net 145.430 Mhz (107.2 PL) Also on Echolink at WB4NWS-R (Node: 593209) ῼ VE TESTING VE TESTING VE TESTING ===================================== ===================================== ===================================== Spalding County ARC Next Session November 8 — 9:00 a.m. 2nd Saturday — EVERY Month Charles Clark NQ3I <[email protected]> Spalding Regional Medical Center Ω Butts County ARC Next Session November 15 — 9:00 a.m. 3rd Saturday — ODD Months Dan Darsey W4DED <[email protected]> Butts County Community Center Ω Henry County ARC Next Session December 20 — 8:30 a.m. 3rd Saturday — EVEN Months Roy Baker AJ4GT <[email protected]> Piedmont Henry Medical Center Ω WEEKLY COVINGTON AREA & GEORGIA NETS — HF, VHF/UHF Sunday [9 am] Friendly Southern Neighbor Net 3990 kHz (NCS: Joe K4APT) Sunday [4:30 pm-winter] GA ARES Digital Net 3583 kHz (USB) (or 7042 (PSK-31) (Center 1000 Hz) Sunday [4:30 pm–winter] Butts County FM Training Net 147.285 Mhz (131.8 PL) Winlink Checkins: WX4BCA Sunday [5 pm–winter] GA ARES SSB Net 3975 kHz (LSB) WINLINK Checkins: WX4GMA Monday [8 pm] Walton County ARES FM Net 147.270 (88.5 PL) Monday [8:45 pm] Rockdale County ARES 10-METER PHONE Net 28.325 Mhz (USB) Monday [9 pm] Rockdale County ARES FM Net 147.210 Mhz (162.2 PL) Monday [9 pm] Southern Crescent FM Net 145.170 Mhz (146.2 PL) & 444.875 Mhz (123.0 PL) Tuesday [7:30 pm] NW GA *CERT Digital Net 3583 kHz (USB) (PSK-125) (Center 1500 Hz) Tuesday [8 pm] GA *CERT FM Net 146.805 Mhz (100.0 PL) *Community Emergency Response Team Wednesday [8 pm] NEWTON COUNTY DIGITAL NET 146.925 Mhz (88.5 PL) (MT63-2KL) (Center 1500 Hz) Thursday [8 pm] NCRC/ARES/RACES FM NET 146.925 & 444.800 Mhz (88.5 PL) Winlink Checkins: K4NCR November: (NCS OPEN) (ANCS Phil KD8TDJ) (WL2K NCS OPEN) December: (NCS Jim K4DOI) (ANCS OPEN) (WL2K NCS OPEN) January 2015: (NCS OPEN) (ANCS OPEN) (WL2K NCS OPEN) February 2015: (NCS OPEN) (ANCS OPEN) (WL2K NCS OPEN) Saturday [11 am] **SATERN Net (Southern Section) 7262 kHz [1 pm] **SATERN Digital Net 14.065 (Olivia 8-500) **Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (Ctr 1000 Hz) This month’s photos courtesy of Gary & Gerry Chambers (K4MDC & XYL), Joe Coleman K4APT and Del Davis W4DEL Ω Needed for Thursday Night Net! Net Contorl Operators Alternate Net Control Operators Winlink Net Control Operators ῼ Contact K4DOI, AEC Net Operations <[email protected]> (404) 376-5107 Download the Net Script at http://ncrcga.org ῼ Please submit Newton County Ham-Stir contributions & suggestions to Del Davis <[email protected]> Page 5 of 5 QRT
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