November 2014 Published by Barns Green Community Publications Barns Green Remembers Village Hall Sat 8th November at 7.30pm The BIG Mag is delivered free to all households in Barns Green, Itchingfield and Christ’s Hospital. Send your articles for inclusion to the Editor at [email protected] by the 17th of each month. Please use Microsoft Word. Advertising queries to [email protected] 01403 731182 Barns Green Playgroup We are a small charity run, Ofsted Inspected playgroup for children from 2 - 5 years old based in Barns Green Village Hall. Waiting list for places now open. For details please contact either: Barns Green Village Hall, Muntham Drive, Barns Green. Tel: 01403 730093 (Village Hall) or Bev Liley 07881728007 (during sessions and holidays). Charities No : 1033658 Parent & toddlers group We meet on Wednesday afternoons 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm in Barns Green Village Hall for play time. Parents/Carers & Toddlers all welcome. £2.50 per family. (£1.50 1st visit). Baby and toddler rhyme and story time Come along to play and have fun! Meet other families, sing rhymes, songs and enjoy stories. Every Monday 9:30 am – 11:00 am in the Village Hall. £2.50 per family (£1.50 1st visit) For further information on any of the above, contact Bev Liley on 07881 728007 MCVC is a veterinary clinic in Slinfold near Horsham formed by local veterinary surgeons Mark Maltman and Josie Cosham. ∗ ∗ ∗ Newly refurbished premises Modern diagnostic facilities Personal out of hours service Call 01403 791011 for registration or an appointment Lyons Farm Estate, Lyons Road, Slinfold, Nr Horsham, RH13 OQP 2 BIG Mag Editorial column. Three cheers for the Barns Green Marathon! The annual marathon is one of the many things which make Barns Green a special place to live. Congratulations to all the runners and three cheers for everyone who works so hard throughout the year to make the year a success. You can read Nigel Currie’s special report on page 4 and page 8. Remembering World War 1. This month our front page carries a reminder of the special events planned for the Remembrance weekend; 100 years since the start of the first world war. A chance to pause and reflect on the horror of that war and the sacrifice made by ordinary men and women; including so many from Barns Green. See the advertisement for the Village Hall event on page 12. The regular article on WW1 history by Mary Hallett and Merve Goddard is also a good read; that’s on page 10. Does God like war? While we’re on the subject; Carol Shepherd (Lay Pastor at St Nicholas church, Itchingfield) has been wondering if God likes war. You can read her conclusions on page 6. Jack and the beanstalk. The Barns Green Players have begun rehearsing for their pantomime. I wonder how they will fit a huge beanstalk onto that small stage at the village hall? Join in the fun by buying your ticket for the show; tickets went on sale on November 1st. See page 13 for details. Deadlines. Deadline for submitting copy and advertisements to the BIG Mag is the 17th day of each month. Roger Stamp. Editor. The BIG Mag. Email: [email protected] Not able to view your old family films and VHS tapes? Transfer them to DVD or Blu-ray Cine Film, VHS, Hi 8, Mini DV, DVD, Blu-ray Please contact us for a quote, any job undertaken, based in Barns Green 01403 738238 [email protected] 3 On Sunday the 28th September the 32nd Barns Green Half Marathon took place on a beautiful Autumn day with the temperature reaching 25 degrees – Great for the spectators but perhaps just a little too hot for the runners! Neil Boniface from Horsham Joggers won the race for the second year running and Rebecca Moore won the ladies race but all 1300 runners were winners and each received a medal at the end of the race. Race Director, Vernon Jennings who sounded the claxon to get the race underway said, “We are very pleased with the way the event has gone this year. We have had huge crowds on the Green and along the route to support the runners and the race continues to be one of the most popular local events in the calendar”. Once again the Christ’s Hospital School’s magnificent 100 strong marching band were playing as the runners went through the school grounds. The runners love this part of the race and the band certainly help to keep the runners motivated. Local fitness instructor, Diane Eggitt led the runners from the stage in 10 minute warm up to music which once again proved a huge success. There were even non runners and children getting involved! Then of course there was the fancy dress competition sponsored by Chilli Pepper TV. Continued on page 8 Gift Vouchers available in time for Christmas from £25. Services include: Deep Tissue/ Sports Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Relaxation Massage, Injury prevention/rehabilitation, Thai Foot Massage, Remedial Massage. More treatments coming soon. Contact Gemma for further details. 07500934286 / [email protected] 4 Barns Green Youth Club For all in school years 7-11, Age 11-16 Youth Club. Barns Green Village Hall on 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th November Bg15up - A Monday evening club for young people aged 15+ . David Francis Room. 3rd &17th November. Desktops ~ Laptops ~ Servers ~ Storage ~ Backup ~ Microsoft ~ Apple TV ~ Sound Systems ~ Media Hubs ~ CCTV ~ Anything wireless SCG Consultants Experienced, highly qualified engineer available for all your internet & network needs: Repairs ~ Servicing ~ New systems & advice available ~ Upgrades ~ Installations Broadband setup & installation ~ Wireless installation Home networks ~ Data and media sharing ~ Mobile device synchronisation Training Windows ~ Microsoft Office ~ Email Website creation & maintenance All work quoted Contact : Simon Gale, Tel: 07500 665083 or 01403 731003 [email protected] 5 St Nicolas Church - Thoughts from your Lay Reader. There is no Rector at St Nicholas Church, Itchingfield at the moment. Carol Shepherd is the Lay Reader. Remember, remember; the rhyme goes, and there is much this month to remember. On everyone’s mind will be the 1914/18 war. A war to end all wars! Then 1939/45 war, again hopefully to end all wars. Our service personnel have been somewhere in the world almost every year since then. I’m sure God never intended for His creation to be so violent and evil. How can we individuals help to change the world around us? Personally without God’s help we can’t. With God anything is possible. Here are some questions that have been asked by children recently. Why are there so many wars in the Bible? The Bible is a book about real people and their countries, the way they lived and how they did things good and bad. God gave Carol Shepherd people freedom to choose and that bought about misunderstandings, disagreements, fights and wars. The Bible was written so that we can read how God is involved in the lives of people in all sorts of situations, including wars. Because we can see all sides of people, their good and bad sides, it helps us to learn what is right from wrong. Sometimes a war needs to be fought even though lives are lost. Does God like war? NO. God does not like war. God loves all of us, no matter what side we are on. He doesn’t like to see people He loves hurt each other. The Bible tells us that one day God will make a new earth and there will not be any more wars, weapons, pain or crying- even animals won’t fight with each other. We will all live in harmony and peace. But for now we live in a world where things are not perfect. So God allows us to do what we choose to do even if He doesn’t like them. Does God love the enemy? YES. He loves everyone in the world. That means He loves those who do wrong, but not what they are doing. He loves them and they will have consequences to live with, but He will reward those who do good actions. Whom should we pray for? We should pray for everyone we care about. God tells us we can bring all our cares and worries to Him because he cares for us. If we can give God all our worries and anxieties, we don’t have to be so afraid. We should pray for all the people who are our leaders. We can ask god to give them wisdom and courage so that they do the right thing. We should also pray for the enemy and for their leaders and families. We may not always feel like praying for our enemies, but God asks us to pray for them, and it is good for us to do that. We can pray that they will be able to know what is right. We can also pray that God will protect the families and the children in countries where wars are being fought. With love in Christ Jesus, Carol Please contact me: Carol 730001 or email [email protected]. 6 St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield. November Sunday Services Children are always welcome at any of our services. 2nd Nov 11am Holy Communion Tuesday 4th Nov 3.05-5.05pm Messy Church Slinfold Village Hall St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield. Remembrance Sunday 9th November 8am Holy Communion BCP - In Church 10.45am Service of Remembrance in BG Village Hall Collection to the Royal British Legion 16th Nov 11am Holy Communion - In Church 23rd 8am Holy Communion BCP - Church 10am All Age Worship BG Village Hall th 30 November 11am Holy CommunionShared service with Slinfold at St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield. A Harvest Thank You St Nicolas Harvest Service on 5th October was privileged to have Retired Minister Rev. Jack Mulder. He was for many years living in Lesotho, South Africa. Each year our church sends a donation to St. James Hospital, Mantsonyane. It was lovely to have first-hand account of how the hospital came about and we were able this year to send £200 from the collection taken on the day due to the generosity of all who attended the service. Thank you all. Carol Shepherd Births, Deaths and Marriages etc. For arrangements for Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, please contact the churchwarden Wendy Dorkings Office Hours 01403 730326 Mobile 07761 983635 Email – [email protected] 7 Barns Green Marathon — continued from page 4. Although the event is all about a race that lasts just a few hours on one Sunday morning in September, work on the event has to go on all year round. The Barns Green Half Marathon Committee, under the Chairmanship of Vernon Jennings works throughout the year planning and organising the event and as always, a small army of volunteers give their time to ensure that the race goes ahead smoothly and safely creating an event of which the village can be very proud. Then on race weekend, things get really busy!! The start and finish area has to be set up and two teams in vans with trailers start putting out all the barriers and road closure and race information signs from 6 o’clock in the morning. Four different teams of car parking marshals got over 1000 cars parked safely in time for the start of the race. In the Village Hall volunteers had to register all the runners and issue them with running numbers and timing tags. Also in the hall, helpers distributed t-shirts and other merchandise and prepared food for the volunteers. A large team of marshals lined the 13 mile route to ensure that no cars entered the closed roads and kept the runners motivated and going in the right direction. There were officials driving vehicles in front of and behind all the runners and there were groups of helpers at the 4 drink stations situated on the route to keep the athletes refreshed. At the end of the race, teams of helpers handed out medals and the goody bags to every runner and removed the digital timing tags from their shoes On the Green itself there was plenty of additional activity. St John’s Ambulance had a strong presence to help with any runners who suffered illness or injury, there were physiotherapists on hand to massage aching limbs, and drinks and catering stalls. The event also has an official charity which this year was Sussex Air Ambulance. Volunteers from the charity along with pupils from Christ’s Hospital School made collections in the car parks, and with the hundreds of individual runners also raising money for their own chosen charities the race generated an additional sum for charity estimated to be over £30,000. Over £900 was collected on the day and this money will be matched by additional funds from the Barns Green Half Marathon Committee which will mean a total of over £1800 being donated to Sussex Air Ambulance. Thank you to everyone who lives on or close to the race route for your great cooperation and understanding with regard to the road closures and to everyone who came along to the Green or lined the race route to support the runners. All the money raised from this year’s event will find its way to a charity or one of the many facilities, clubs, youth organisations or sports clubs in and around Barns Green. As this article has tried to show it is a very big operation and a huge thanks goes to everyone who helped (everyone gives their time for free) to make the event such a huge success. Contact: Barns Green Race Secretary; [email protected] 8 BARNS GREEN VILLAGE STORE Chapel Road, Barns Green. RH13 0PS 01403 730334 YOUR LOCAL STORE 9 Merve Goddard 01403 734408 [email protected] Mary Hallett 01403 732874 [email protected] When war was declared on August 4th, many people were relieved that finally the British Government was going to step in and sort out the troublemakers on the continent. When General Lord Kitchener set about recruiting 100,000 men in August 1914, it was anticipated they would serve on home duties, allowing the trained territorial soldiers to go overseas and support the British Expeditionary Force (BEF). By the end of August 1914 with the casualty lists growing daily, it was clear that even more men would be required and the recruitment campaigns began in earnest. Newspaper adverts and posters exhorted men to “do their bit” for their King and Country. So the call went out and local recruitment meetings were held across the country. In Southwater on 7th September 1914, Mr F A White of Muntham spoke at a recruiting rally and within days dozens of local men had walked into Horsham and enlisted in the Royal Sussex Regiment. So began 4 years that were to transform every corner of Great Britain, even small insular communities like Barns Green would be changed by the events to come. Our project will research these events and bring to life the trials and tribulations of our village as it was 100 years ago. On the 8th November we are holding our first exhibition – Barns Green A Local History of the Great War as part of the Barns Green Remembers event at the Village Hall from 7.30pm and also in conjunction with the Remembrance Day Service on Sunday 9th. The exhibition will be concentrating on events during the first years of the war, when it became apparent to everyone that the War was not going to be “over by Christmas” and everyone in the village had to pitch in and do their bit for the war effort. We will have information panels about different aspects of life during 1914 and 1915, with newspapers, documents and some personal items belonging to village residents. We will also have a database of information we have gathered so far. If you have any family members (whether Barns Green residents or not) who served during the Great War, come along to see us and we will help you to find out more. If you have any photographs, medals or other items belonging to your ancestor we would love to see them and talk to you about them. Can you help us? Contact us on [email protected] or phone Merve on 01403 733408. Poster reproduced by permission of Friends of Horsham Museum © 10 Barns Green Baby & Toddler Group Are you a parent or carer? Why not pop along to Barns Green Baby & Toddler Group? We are a very friendly, welcoming group and we'd love to see you on Wednesdays during school term-time 1-3pm Barns Green Village Hall, Muntham Drive, Barns Green RH13 0PT We have a different activity each week, rhyme time with instruments and a story. Pay-as-you-go: £2.50 per family (£1.50 first visit). Refreshments included. Just turn up or call Laura 01403 738804 or Anne-Marie on 01403 731192 LAWN MOWING Regular fortnightly or Weekly service HEDGE & SHRUB Cutting 25 Years Experience Facials Waxing Manicure & Pedicure Shellac Reflexology Indian Head Massage Sports & Remedial Massage Gift Vouchers Please contact Tish on 01403 791370 11 years experience Fully insured Quality machines used Hayter, Honda, Stihl For your FREE quotation Phone BEN on 01403 730347 or 07783 072314 11 Barns Green Remembers Village Hall Sat 8th November at 7.30pm Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance on the big screen An Exhibition A Local History of the Great War Pathé Newsreels Bring a platter of food to share Licenced Bar 12 JACK AND THE BEANSTALK – Tickets on sale 1st Nov Barns Green Players’ are bringing you a giant of a panto; Jack & the Beanstalk. Cast members have begun rehearsing for a total of 6 shows performed over two weekends in the Barns Green Village Hall this coming January. The shows will be on Friday 16th (evening), Saturday 17th (afternoon and evening), Friday 23rd (evening), and Saturday 24th (afternoon and evening). Zoe Munday and Warren Blanchard are jointly directing the production. Zoe said, “I am so excited about all the tricks and special effects, scenery and costumes that we have lined up. The script is exceptional and with the very talented comic actors we have in the Barns Green Players it is shaping up to be one of our best ever shows”. The shows are aimed at all ages although the afternoon performances are particularly suitable for the very youngest children. There are sing-alongs and sweets for the kids and opportunities for the audience to join in with the fun. For the evening performances there is a licensed bar serving a variety of alcoholic and soft drinks as well as sweets. The afternoon performances begin at 2pm and evening performances at 7.30pm. Tickets cost just £10 for adults and £7 for children. There is a special price of just £6 for all tickets on Friday 16th January. We look forward to welcoming you in January for some great fun and entertainment. Traditional 17thC Village Pub. Finest quality beers, ciders, wines and our original home cooked food Take-Away Fish & Chips every Friday 6.30pm. Christmas Bookings are now being taken. Wednesday, 12 November – Curry Night The centre of the universe Tuesday, 18 November – Pub Quiz Wednesday, 19 November – Pie Night 13 01403 730436 The Queen’s Head, Chapel Road, Barns Green, RH13 0PS This month’s Diary Bell ringing Practice Fridays 7.30-9pm at St Nicolas Church Playgroup Every weekday morning at the Village Hall during term time. Parents & Toddlers Wednesdays 1-3pm at the Village Hall (not during school holidays) Bible Discussion Group Fridays 7-30pm at 99 Bluecoat Pond, CH. Ring Ian Howard 247552 or just turn up. Parish Council Meeting See parish council website for dates of Brownies & Rainbows meetings. Wednesdays: 5.00 - 6.30pm for Rainbows and Brownies, 5.00 - 6.30pm at Barns Green Village Hall (not school holidays) Short Mat Bowls Tuesdays 2pm at the Village Hall. Church Services @ St Nicolas - page 7 Walks Home Communion - every 3rd Tuesday For full details of all walks in the Horsham area go to and in the month. Contact Carol Shepherd follow the link for Health Walks (730001) if you cant get to Church and would like to receive Communion. W.I. We meet on the 3rd Thursday afternoon Mobile Library The WSCC Mobile Library Service calls in of each month in the Village Hall. Barns Green at Farm Close on Wednesday mornings between 09:15 and New members are always welcome at village clubs. Please get in touch with the 09:40 relevant person on the Contacts Page to Details are available on 01403 224353 or check timings. the web-site. Itchingfield School See school website for diary dates. Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators Name Tony West David Redston & Diana Hewlett John Taylor Lin Dark Tish Scragg Dr Roger Smith Sharon Stahlberger Elleanor Wallis David Liley Rob & Nicola Fryatt David Redston Roger Corry Area of Responsibility Sandhills Road, Muntham Drive. Trout Lane, Cross Lane & Two Mile Ash. Brooks Green Itchingfield Baystone Corner Bashurst Hill Emms Lane The Hordens Smugglers Way Chapel Road Area Co-ordinator Valewood Lane 14 Tel No. 730493 732293 730222 741249 791729 791370 790533 730478 732762 732831 732703 732293 730676 Contacts Page BARNS GREEN TRANSPORT HELP SCHEME Joyce Groves 01403 730165 BARNS GREEN HALF MARATHON Sue Parillon 01403 249470 [email protected] BARNS GREEN PLAYERS Claire Parkes 01403 731963 [email protected] BELLRINGERS Carol Clarke 01403 730047 [email protected] BIG MAG Editor [email protected] Commercial Ads 01403 731182 [email protected] Magazine distribution 01403 731722 [email protected] BROWNIES Karen Jordan 01403 252270 [email protected] CHURCH FLOWERS Sandra Morfey 01403 790436 [email protected] CHURCH - Lay Reader Carol Shepherd 01403 730001 [email protected] CHURCH WARDEN Wendy Dorkings 07761 983635 [email protected] COUNTY COUNCILLOR Amanda Jupp 01403 741542 [email protected] CRICKET CLUB Martin Hennock 01403 730462 [email protected] CRICKET CLUB - COLTS Will Haynes 01403 730682 [email protected] DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Stuart Ritchie 01403 270988 [email protected] Tricia Youtan 01403 790669 [email protected] FOOTBALL CLUB Paul Toms [email protected] Pete Walker 07783 442 1033 [email protected] ITCHINGFIELD SCHOOL Simon Simmons 01403 790204 [email protected] LOCAL VOCALS Jenny Bailey 07792049721 [email protected] MONDAY CLUB Eve Barrett 01403 730182 [email protected] MOTHERS’ UNION Margaret Bailey 01403 790866 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH David Redston 01403 732293 [email protected] PARENT & TODDLER GROUP Anne-Marie Hobbs 01403 731192 [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL - CHAIRMAN Penny Simpson 01403 731019 [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL CLERK Jan Critchley 01403 731596 : [email protected] PLAYGROUP Bev Liley 01403 732831 [email protected] RAINBOWS Fiona Christer 01403 738806 [email protected] RUGBY CLUB Bill Bailey 01403 730068 [email protected] SCOUTS Paul Cooper 01403 588632 [email protected] SHORT MAT BOWLS Eve Barrett 01403 730182 [email protected] SOCIAL CLUB Trevor Courquin 01403 731745 [email protected] STOOLBALL (Ladies) Ann Tingley 01403 730236 TENNIS CLUB Monica Hargrave 01403 730024 [email protected] VILLAGE HALL - BOOKINGS [email protected] 01403 731003 VILLAGE TRUST & FIELD COMMITTEE Martin Hargrave 01403 730024 [email protected] WI Daphne Lindfield 01403 791258 YOUTH CLUB Simon Gale 01403 731003 [email protected] 15 Useful Numbers AGE UK General enquiries 01403 260560 Visiting service 01403 260560 Pensions & benefits 01403 274495 CHILDLINE 0800 1111 CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU 0844 477 1171 COMPASS BUSES 01903 690025 ELECTRICITY (EMERGENCIES) 0845 770 8090 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY FLOODLINE 0845 988 1188 GAS (EMERGENCIES) - SMELL GAS? 0800 111 999 HANDYVAN SERVICE 01403 226005 HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL 01403 215100 NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HELPLINE 0808 2000247 NHS (NON EMERGENCY) 111 (calls are free) PENSIONS SERVICE 0845 606 0265 POLICE (NON EMERGENCY) 101 (calls cost 15p) SAMARITANS 0845 790 9090 or 01403 276276 SOUTHERN WATER 0845 278 0845 TRADING STANDARDS 08454 040506 Approved Businesses 01243 642124 or TRAINS (National Rail Enquiries) 0845 748 4950 WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL 01243 777100 HIGHWAYS – 01243 642105 WEST SUSSEX SOCIAL SERVICES 01243 777100 COMMUNITY ADVERTISMENTS If you are a local resident you can advertise your second hand “stuff” in the BIG Mag for free if the sale price is below £20. Just write the text of your advertisement in Microsoft Word and send it by email to [email protected] . 16 Samantha Haines Ofsted Registered Childminder I have two children of my own, 11 years and 2 years & regularly attend toddler groups in Southwater as well as the Family Centre. Available for drop off and pick-ups from Barns Green Pre-School and Primary Schools. Opening Hours Monday – Friday 07:15 – 18:00 (Out of hours may be negotiable) Please contact me for further information and vacancies 01403 732341 / 07554 996860 [email protected] Coms Maintenance Telephone - PC - Broadband Engineer Ex BT engineer with 21 years experience PC & Broadband Problems - Extensions - Relocating - Network Cabling Systems - Fault finding Contact Paul Tel: 01403 823201 Mobile: 07989 836857 Please mention the BIG Mag when responding to advertisements. 17 Construction in Barns Green Your monthly update from Berkeley Homes School construction Great progress is being made at the new school, with the construction of the external walls continuing. With all the windows now delivered on site, the plan is to complete the external works and get the building water tight as soon as possible. Now the floor is complete, works on the underfloor heating works will commence. The installation of the gas supply is scheduled to take place this month. There is no anticipated requirement for any temporary traffic lights. Residential Development: The Ashmiles The Starflower thatched show house and marketing suite are now open to the public. All services and works to the Two Mile Ash road are now complete and no further works will be carried out until the end of the project when the road will be resurfaced. All the roads and infrastructure within The Ashmiles development have also been completed as have all the foundation works to the houses. Barns Green Playgroup Fundraising A big thank you to all the parents and carers that made cakes for the Barns Green Half Marathon playgroup stall - we raised a fantastic total for the Playgroup of approximately £800. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped set up the stall. Special thanks goes to Peter Hooper for the marquee and Simon Duke yet again for assisting throughout the day. We would also like to thank those that helped Bev at the water station. All efforts are greatly appreciated. By the time you read this we would have hopefully made a ghoulish amount of fundraising from the Halloween event at Sumners Ponds! We are helping to put together the Christmas Quiz at the Queen's Head on Tuesday 9th December 2014 with proceeds to go towards the Playgroup. Barns Green Playgroup fundraising team Mobile Personal Training Trish Filby MCSP Chartered Physiotherapist Back, Neck Pain: Joint and Muscle problems Sports Injuries and Post-operative conditions Based in Barns Green Tel : 01403 731125 Email: [email protected] Emily White 07833 220692 [email protected] Registered with the Health Professions Council and all major Health Insurance Companies. Member of the Organisation of Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practice 18 BARNS GREEN & ITCHINGFIELD W.I. Our W.I.’s Annual Meeting is always held in October – when we have reports for the year from the Treasurer, the Secretary and a review of the last year in the President’s address. This business is preceded by lunch and concludes with the election of the new committee. Barbara Hibbs will continue as President for a further year and the committee remains the same apart from one member retiring. All is set fair for another year. The November meeting will be enhanced by a competition for a small table arrangement suitable for Christmas, linking with the talk “The Biography of Father Christmas.” I suspect we’re not too concerned about his background just so long as he keeps turning up on Christmas Eve! The Temporary Scribe. Louise Taylor Community Oil Buying Syndicate It makes a lot of sense to club together and buy heating oil. We shop around and you make the savings! The average oil delivery is £25 to £50 cheaper. For information without obligation, email: [email protected] or phone: 01403 891181 Will matters Fully trained and insured Willwriters Regulated by the Institute of Professional Willwriters Full range of services with fixed prices Appointments in your own home Evening and weekend appointments available Please call: Claire Gordon on 01403 791337 or 07551 303002 [email protected] 19 1st Barns Green and Itchingfield Brownies and Rainbows For the first time in several years, both the Rainbows and Brownies units are full! This is fantastic news, as we are able to introduce more Six activities within Brownies, team games are more fun and it has given us a much needed boost in income to re stock all our arts and crafts, plus buy some basics such as pens! We have just experienced a fantastic time at Natural Nurture, with Tracey Poulton and her team. What a wonderful place and a super experience for the girls. A range of hands on activities, such as pond dipping, feeding the animals, fire building and sausage making. The sausages were cooked on the fire at the end of the evening for all the girls to enjoy. ( for more information). Smiling children left the farm that night! All the girls enjoyed a wonderful Sri Lanka night earning a very special badge. They all came dressed up in Sari’s or brightly colored clothes, played cricket, balloon volleyball, decorated elephants, made butterflies and friendship bracelets. They discussed how our Promise is different to that in Sri Lanka, and then finished the evening with a song ‘Ride my Tuk Tuk”. All the children have learnt some new First Aid skills. Rainbows were ably assisted by their own teddies and dolls. The Brownies undertook their activities in more details, and hopefully, by the time you read this they will have all passed their First Aid badge. They will have to know about and how to deal with cuts, scolds, burns, broken bones and DRAB, whilst understanding about heir own safety when dealing with a First Aid situation. Our region of Guiding has launched a Growing Up Wild campaign to encourage the girls to get out and about more. We were able to spend a night walking through woods at the green towards Sumners playing a variety of games along the way, and generally taking an interest in what autumn has to offer. Yet another badge earned! We are very lucky as its so easy to enjoy outdoor spaces in the village. To register your interest for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides or as a unit helper Ring Fiona on 738806 or go on line 20 Please mention the BIG Mag when responding to advertisements. 21 Christ’s Hospital Choral Society presents “In Flanders Field” Reflections on Remembrance 1914-2014” 7.30pm on Saturday, 15th November 2014 St. Mary’s, The Causeway, Horsham. We will be singing Requiem by Faure, excerpts from The Armed Man, and works by Goodall, Willcocks and others to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of the conflict . Interval refreshments will be available in aid of Chase, The Children’s Hospice. Tickets at £10. Box Office – 01403 247434, or on the door. Any queries, please ring Liz Lancaster on 01403 753279. N. P. Duley Tiling and Plastering Building Refurbishments High level of workmanship with a down to earth approach Bathrooms Kitchens Alterations Interiors Finishing Work Decoration Conversions Outside Work Telephone: 01403 738103 Mobile: 07917 457286 Email: [email protected] Website: Fully Insured- Southwater based 22 Are You Interested in Wildlife? Beginner through to specialist – wildflowers, birds, insects and more - whatever your interest or knowledge Horsham Natural History Society has something for you. The new 2014/15 winter programme is packed with a wide variety of presentations that include such diverse topics as fossils, orchids, birds, sealife, reptiles and conservation, There will be a number of presentations given by expert members. Some have an international flavour, including India, St. Lucia and Africa. Winter meetings are held weekly on Monday evenings at 7.30pm at the Wesley Hall, London Road, Horsham and these started on September 22nd. Visitors are welcome. Throughout the year there are regular field meetings and trips, some on specialist subjects such as plants, insects or birds. Recent events have included an Insect Day and evening walks in a variety of habitats and soil types. HNHS also combines with other organisations for some meetings. Details of future events can be found on the website where you will also find a photographic quiz “What are these”? They are all things that are found locally and is well worth testing your knowledge. HNHS is a local charity – members live mostly within the Horsham District, but others from as far afield as Cranleigh, Ewhurst, Crawley, Henfield and Loxwood. If you or someone you know might be interested in joining in the activities then come along to a meeting and see what is on offer, or perhaps the gift of membership may make a useful present or thank you. Contact Secretary Josie Allen 01403 257 483 [email protected] Publicity Officer Roger Patterson 01403 790 637, 079 76 306 492 [email protected] 23 Please mention the BIG Mag when responding to advertisements. BOOKKEEPER Services available: One off start-up of accounts - Tidying up of paperwork - Continuous record keeping Apply now for a FREE Initial Consultation SPECIAL OFFER: 15% off hourly rate for first 10 clients taken on (valid for 6 months), please quote BIG MAG. Jane Edlin (MIAB) 01403 731962 / 07940 501169 [email protected] Body Control Pilates classes in Southwater, Horsham For men and women of all ages and abilities At Audiologica we pride ourselves in excellent customer service. We are always happy to help with any questions about setting up a home audio or cinema system, please contact us as detailed below. Mondays Easteds Barn 7:00pm – Beginners/Improvers 8:15pm – Intermediate/Mixed Ability Wednesdays Easteds Barn 09:30am – Beginners NEW starting in Sept! 10:45am – Gentle 50+ NEW starting in Sept! 7:00pm – Beginners/Improvers Thursdays Private Studio 09:30am – Beginners/Improvers 10:45am – Gentle 50+ Call Katharine on 07747 464828 [email protected] 10% discount on RRP for BIG Mag readers (not in conjunction with other offers, excludes Oppo, Sonos, LIV and iFi products) tel: 01403 336339 mob: 07901 833128 web: mail: [email protected] Please mention the BIG Mag when responding to advertisements. 24 BARNS GREEN SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB In September we hosted the Barns Green Music Festival Launch Party. Bands and solo performers played throughout the evening and it was a great opportunity to sample some of the entertainment which may feature at the 2015 Festival. The Half Marathon was successful and the club played it’s part in providing essential refreshments throughout the day. Maff’s ever popular music quiz was a great night and we thank Maff for all his work in preparing and presenting the Quiz. Live band Joe Ninety made a welcome return to the club and will be back for future dates in 2015. There’s a spooky start to November with our Halloween Disco and from 7 – 8pm there’s a Kids Party and Fancy Dress competition. It’s BINGO as usual, on the first Thursday of the month. Pier Pressure - Live Ska Band - will be with us for the first time on 22nd November 2015. Dates for your diaries: 1st November – Halloween Disco: 6th November – BINGO : 22nd November – Live Ska Band - Pier Pressure We are always glad to welcome new members and our membership rates are very reasonable at just £10 per person to join and £7.50 to renew. OAP membership is just £2. Come in and see us, give us a ring or drop us a line, contact details below. Telephone: 01403 730473. E-mail: [email protected] Web: 25 26 To advertise in the BIG Mag contact: [email protected] 01403 731182 27 Julian Francis Carpenter and Joiner For all that’s good in wood Mareland Farm Two Mile Ash Road Bookcases, wardrobes, fitted furniture, Purpose made joinery Barns Green Horsham Tel. 01403 731791 Sussex, RH13 0PZ Email: [email protected] JOHN POTTER TREE SURGERY Garden Work Felling Pruning Reductions Climbing Wood chipper Stump Grinding Grass CuttingStrimmingHedge CuttingRotavatingFencing JONATHAN CARTER Itchingfield NPTC City & Guilds Qualified & Insured All types of work undertaken 07732 668518 Tel: 01403 782914 Mobile:07778 241396 [email protected] Please mention the BIG Mag when responding to advertisements. 28
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