Registration Early Bird Discount URBAN AG COUNCIL Reduced registration fees through November 26 GEORGIA Georgia’s premier green industry association for professionals involved in all sectors of the urban ag industry. Why join? Ten great reasons: 1. Reach new customers with UAC’s Find a Professional search and GA Landscape Pro blog 2. Workers comp/insurance and health care programs 3. Dynamic meetings and networking events 4. Legislative/regulatory representation 5. Safety School/Safety Zone Awards 6. Acclaimed UAC Magazine 7. Discounted professional development 8. Sales/marketing opportunities and materials 9. UAC Professional Landscape Awards 10. Make a difference in your industry Sign up and save: > Register by November 26 to get your Early Bird Discount. > If you’re a member of the Georgia Urban Ag Council, you get an automatic discount. > If you’re not a member, consider joining now to get the To register • • • Find the membership level that fits you perfectly immediate benefit of reduced registration. Business-level member also save $100 on their annual dues! Register online now at! Or complete the registration form on page 11, then: Mail: Fax: Email: Georgia Urban Ag Council PO Box 817 | Commerce GA 30529 706.336.6898 [email protected] Upon receipt of your registration form with complete payment, a confirmation and credit card receipt (if applicable), EDGE Expo badge, and necessary materials will be mailed. No materials will be mailed to registrations received after November 28, 2014; please pick up on-site. Full payment must accompany registration. Name badge holders and EDGE Expo programs will be available when you arrive at the Expo. Reprinting of name badges at the door will be processed at a cost of $15.00 per badge. Business memberships* • • • Contractor/grower/sod producer $250 - $875 Businesses actively engaged in the urban agriculture industry. Student/Educator registration fee Dues are based on annual sales revenue and valid for one year. Athletic field/golf course/institutional/ municipal organization/association $350 Vendor $350 - $875 Businesses who provide a service or product. Individual memberships* Independent professional $95 Individuals (cannot be the owner or principal of the company) whose companies or organizations are not UAC members. Membership is in the individual name. Educator/student$40 Educators and students (proof of teaching/enrollment in landscape/hort/turf-related program required). Membership is in the individual name. * Membership benefits vary by category. View the details at Students and educators must provide a copy of their current school ID. Students also must submit proof of current enrollment in a twoor four-year landscape or horticulture program. Student: Full- or part-time enrollment in a two-year or four-year program and majoring in a green/urban ag industry-related field (horticulture, turfgrass science, plant science, botany, plant pathology, water management, etc.) Educator: Full or part-time educator at high school or college teaching green/urban ag industry-related program (horticulture, turfgrass science, plant science, botany, plant pathology, water management, etc.) Additional attendees Please complete one form for each additional attendee. Priority Class availability will be limited. Attendee must register for specific classes at the time of registration. If classes become full, attendee will be notified immediately. Questions? GeorgiaUrbanAgCouncil 10 | 2014 UAC EDGE Expo #GAUrbanag Phone: 800.687.6949 | Email: [email protected] Sorry, no refunds will be given. Register/get updates: 1 Attendee info Name ___________________________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________________________ registration fees 3 Expo Fees are per person and include all educational sessions, entrance to the trade show and Wed. lunch. See page 10 for specific qualifications and requirements for the Student/Educator rate. Full Expo (Wednesday & Thursday) Early After Nov 26, 2014 Wednesday Expo (includes lunch) Early After Nov 26, 2014 Member Non-member Student/Educator (see page 10) Company ________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________ City __________________________________ State_____ Zip_____________ Member Non-member Student/Educator (see page 10) Phone___________________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________________ Thursday Expo What is your primary business? c Landscape design c Athletic/parks/rec management c Nursery/grower c Turf care c Educator c Landscape construction c Sports turf management c Tree care c Lighting c Golf course management c Landscape management c Irrigation c Sod production c Other ____________________________ 2 Session selection Complete descriptions on pages 6 - 9. Wednesday, December 10 & Thursday, December 11 c 1 Pesticide Applicator’s Training and Exam Requires full conference registration. Choose one session for each time slot: Wednesday, December 10 c c c c c c 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wednesday, December 10 8 9 c 10 c 11 c c c c 12 13 14 15 16 c c c c 17 18 19 20 21 8:00 am - 10:00 am Water Quality and Turf Management Fungicide Resistance in Turf New Herbaceous for Southern Landscapes Current and Emerging Landscape Diseases Estimating Projects with Confidence Thursday, December 11 c 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm GCLP Review Session (additional registration fee) Thursday, December 11 c c c 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Managing, Planning, and Navigating: Industry Info Landscape Lighting Today = Tomorrow’s Revenue Pavers From the Ground Up Create a Plan for Success! Wednesday, December 10 c GR 8:00 am - 11:00 am Get Rid of One-Size-Fits-All Fertilization Know Your Weeds, Know Your Options Team UGA: Super Grasses & Pesticides Pruning to Maintain Plant Health Doing Irrigation Right Georgia Lien Law: Protect Yourself 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Proactive Lawn Maintenance Strategies Bug Hero or Bug Villain? Got Weeds? ID and Control in the Landscape Beyond Butterflies: Lessons from the Sustainable Garden Take Your Business to the Next Level c $145 c $175 c $50 c $175 c $205 c $50 c $95 c $125 c $35 Early Member Non-member Student/Educator (see page 10) Wednesday GCLP Review Wednesday trade show/lunch Wednesday trade show only c $125 c $155 c $35 After Nov 26, 2014 c $55 c $75 c $20 c $85 c $105 c $20 c $35 c $35 c $20 c $20 c No charge c No charge Must complete sections 1 & 3 and submit this form for admittance. 4 Join now and save Business-level members - save an extra $100! Contractor/grower/Vendor sod producer Dues based on annual sales revenue, valid for one year. Under $1 million Under $2 million $2 - $5 million Over $5 million c c c c $250 $350 $525 $875 $150 $250 $425 $775 n/a c $350 $250 c $525 $425 c $875 $775 Athletic field/golf/institutional/municipal/associations c $350 $250 Independent professional Educator/student c $95 c $40 c I am a current UAC member (annual dues paid in full). 5 Payment Expo Full Expo (Wednesday & Thursday)$____________ Wednesday Expo (includes lunch)$____________ Thursday Expo $____________ Wednesday trade show/lunch only $____________ Membership Annual dues for new membership $____________ Book for pesticide training (recommended but not required) $40 to pick up at class (add $10 shipping to$____________ receive in advance if registering by November 28) TOTAL$___________ c A check payable to Georgia UAC is enclosed. Please charge my c Visa c MasterCard c Am Ex c Discover Name on card_____________________________________________________ Billing address ____________________________________________________ City ______________________________State _______ Zip _______________ Card #___________________________________________________________ Exp Date: _________________________ Security code:___________________ Register/get updates: 2014 UAC EDGE Expo | 11
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