Union United Methodist Church 7582 Woodrow Street P.O. Box 705 Irmo, SC 29063-0705 Visit us on the Web at www.unionunitedmethodist.org NON-PROFITORG. U.S. POSTAGE P-A-I-D IRMO SC PERMIT NO. 1 Dated Material Please Deliver Immediately If you would like your name removed from this newsletter mailing list, please contact the church office at 803-781-3013. Connection Union • Union United Methodist Church Irmo, South Carolina Know Christ, Share Faith, Show Grace November 2014 Volume 29, Issue 9 Sunday Worship Sanctuary 9:00 am and 11:10 am Sunday School 10:10 am Education Building, Family Ministry Center & Sanctuary Lower Level HOMECOMING —NOVEMBER 16 On November 16 we are going to have only one Worship Service at 10:30 followed by a covered dish luncheon in the FMC gym. Our preacher for the day will be the Rev. Brad Gray. Brad grew up in Union and is the son of Bill and Nan Gray. He now serves as Senior Pastor of St. Andrews UMC in Charleston. Plan to be a part of this special day and invite former members to join us. You can get a ticket for the lunch through November 9 before and after worship services or in the church office. There is no cost for the ticket, but we ask for each individual planning to attend the lunch to get one so we can prepare. For the covered dish, if your last name begins with: A through H, dessert to share. I through P, meat to share. Q through Z, salad to share. Please drop off your food in the FMC prior to the 10:30 service. Rev. Wayne Horne, Senior Minister Rev. Mallory Forte, AssociateMinister Rev. Randall Bean, Assistant Minister A couple of weeks ago, while leading the 5th and 6th graders through a Son Zone lesson, I asked the children if they’ve ever had a story they were so excited to tell they couldn’t keep it in. The reaction was comical as hands shot up and stories ranging from heartfelt to absurd were shared. I love a good story. You all probably know that about me. I’ve told you stories since I’ve been here. I’ve even told you the story of how I earned the nickname “Rose” as a child because I told stories like Rose Nylund did on The Golden Girls. We, God’s people, are people of story. The book that shapes us as God’s people is the story of God’s activity with humanity. The story that draws us into the body of Christ is the story of a God who loves us so much that he gives himself for us, even unto death, that we might have life. The story that shapes us is the story we recount when we gather around the font every time anyone comes to the waters of baptism. When we recite together the words of our faith, proclaim our beliefs, and make vows to God and one another, we are entering into the story of the one being baptized as they enter into God’s story. When I recount the story of my life, it necessarily includes individuals who have shaped and formed me, who have influenced and inspired me, who have walked along side me or (Continued on page 3) Our Ministry Team Scripture Re adings Readings November 2 Joshua 3:7-17 Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 Matthew 23:1-12 November 9 Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 Psalm 78:1-7 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Matthew 25:1-13 November 16 Judges 4:1-7 Psalm 123 or Psalm 76 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 9:00 a.m. Worship November 23 Sunday, November 2 (All Saints Sunday) Crucifer Courtney Dove Acolytes Mary Blitch Brooke Clyburn Lay Reader Courtney Dove Sunday, November 23 Acolytes Andrew Fulmer Katie Weber Lay Reader Margie Mitchell Sunday, November 30 (1st Sunday in Advent) Acolytes Ashley Majewski Kaitlyn Stansell Lay Reader Susan Vinson Francis Warren Allen (May 28, 1921—October 7, 2014) We express our sympathy to his family. Assistant Minister Rev. Randall Bean Interim Director of Music Ministries Alicia Walker SYMPATHY Children’s Choir Director Linda Collins We express our sympathy to these families at the loss of their loved ones: Director of Youth Ministries Chris Conley Elaine Taylor at the loss of her father, Jimmy Rhinehart Kindergarten Barbie Creswell Mildred “Millie” Turner at the loss of her sister, Grace M. Nelms CONGRATULATIONS Mary Elizabeth “Betsy” Moody, daughter of Kyle and Aston Moody and sister of Mills, was born September 30, 2014. Communications Liz Edwards Organist Joey Rothfuss Administrative Assistant Jodi Wilson Church Operations Rev. Debbie Wood Finance Becky Wrenn Custodians Jerry Addison Emily Geiger November 30 Isaiah 64:1-9 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37 Union United Methodist Church 7582 Woodrow St. P.O. Box 705 Irmo, SC 29063-0705 Telephone: 803-781-3013 Fax: 803-781-3034 Web site: www.unionunitedmethodist.org Email addresses for staff: firstname.lastname@ unionunitedmethodist.org Christmas Eve Worship Services The Union Connection is a monthly publication of Union United Methodist Church. Articles should be submitted to Liz Edwards, Coordinator of Communications, by noon on the designated day of each month via Fax (781-3034), email Contemporary Traditional 4:30 PM 6:30 PM Communion will be offered at both Services ([email protected]) Utter Family Luke and Dixie 2 Associate Minister Rev. Mallory Forte Mildred “Mickey” Kleckley Younginer December 6, 1921-October 17, 2014 We express our sympathy to her family. Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Psalm 100 Ephesians 1:15-23 Matthew 25:31-46 Sunday, November 9 Acolytes Skylar Harrell Davis Little Lay Reader Wayne Stoner Sunday, November 16 Acolytes NA NA Lay Reader Beth Sawyer IN MEMORIAM Senior Minister Rev. Wayne Horne or placed in the box outside the Communications Office (LL5). December 2014 Issue Deadline: November 15 11 (Continued from page 1) Awana – A program for children 3 years old through 4th grade. Awana includes Bible stories, fun theme nights, recreation, scripture memorization, and much more. Meets on Sundays from 4:30 to 6:00. Contact Mallory to find out more. Son Zone – A program for children in 5th and 6th grade. We have relevant lessons, prayer time, games, and snacks so that Son Zone kids can learn together, play together, and grow together. Meets on Sundays from 4:30 to 6:00. Contact Mallory for details or to be put on the email list. Awana November November November November November 2 9 16 23 30 Son Zone November November November November November November 2 7 9 16 23 30 Crazy Hair Night Drive-In Movie Night Team Spirit Night Missionary Appreciation Night NO Awana Regular Son Zone 7:00 pm Friday Fun Night NO Son Zone Regular Son Zone Regular Son Zone NO Son Zone Children’s Choir We have choirs for children age 4 through 6th grade. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 6 pm. Meet in the Education Building foyer (closest to the circle). Joyful Noise—4 years old to 2nd grade Kings Kids—3rd grade to 6th grade Children in Worship November 23 November 30 10 Children in Worship – Drama in both services Jr. Leaps of Faith in 9:00 service carried me. I have a mother and a father, grandparents, a nana, friends, countless pastors, Sunday school teachers, all brothers and sisters in Christ, who are characters in the story of my life. That’s who we are called to be for one another and it’s who we promise to be for one another when we are gathered around that font. The children’s ministry of Union UMC needs you to be a part of the story of this church, this community, and these children. You can help with Awana, children’s church, Son Zone, Sunday school, and all the other ministries throughout the year. We need people to lovingly hear children recite Bible verses, to be shepherds and leaders in small groups, to teach lessons, to prepare crafts and activities. There are things you can do to be a part of the story of the children of Union as they walk the journey of faith, and you can fulfill your promise to do all in your power to increase their faith, perfect them in love, and confirm them in hope. Mallory The Living Christmas Story December 5- 7 (Friday-Sunday) 6:30 until 9 PM Join the celebration of the 21tst presentation of Union’s Christmas Gift to our community, We need many people to help construct our backyard Bethlehem. Construction will take place ALL Saturdays in November. Save as many Saturday mornings as you can to join with the “Bethlehem Construction Crew.” This is a BIG job which needs many, many hands. If you are not handy with a hammer, then you may be the perfect one to carry materials to the construction crew or spread pine straw or hold a ladder. Bring your trucks, your gloves, your hammers and be prepared to have a great time. CH A NCEL POINSE T TI AS CHA POINSET TIAS There will be six large white poinsettias displayed in the altar area on Sunday, November 30. The price is $28 each. Anyone interested in donating one or more of these plants is asked to contact the church office at 781-3013, Ext. 122, to make their reservation and dedication. This will be handled on a first come, first serve basis. The plants can be picked up following the 6:30pm service on Christmas Eve. Poinsetta/Donation Once again you may choose to order a poinsettia or make a donation to Sharing God’s Love. A dedication will be placed in the poinsettia bulletin insert with either plan. This year the price is $17.50 per plant. Poinsettia orders or Christmas Donations to Sharing God’s Love are being taken through November 30. To place an order, please attach your check for $17.50 per dedication (made payable to Union UMC, with the designation “Poinsettia” or “Christmas Donation”) to the form below. Place your written order in the Sunday service offering plate or bring/mail it to the church office. Forms are also available in the church office. Designate on your order which plan you have chosen. Poinsettias may be picked up after the 6:30pm Christmas Eve Service or no later than December 29. If you normally do not pick up your poinsettia and would like to donate it to a local cause, please check the box below. Please complete the information December 14th bulletin insert. below for the In honor of : In memory of : Given by: I Poinsettia I Christmas Donation I Poinsettia Donated 3 People Enjoying People! Union members over 50, come join the fun! MARK YOUR CALENDAR Direction for Life Youth Experience—November 5 Meet in front of the Sanctuary at 6:30 pm. Youth Pastor Chandler of EPIC Student Ministries has invited the Youth of Union to join their youth group for a one-night, corporate worship, explosive experience. This will be held at The EPIC Center (1230 St. Andrews Rd), and all are welcome to join! Be sure to sign up for this FREE event, otherwise, you might not have a spot on the bus! Fall Retreat —November 7 - 9 At Awanita Valley Camp. Get away from the noise with a weekend full of Jesus, bonfires, hummers, and mud pits. Cost is $85 and it’s due November 2nd. TLCS Workdays All Saturdays in November 8am-12pm in the back parking lots Many hands make light work as we construct our backyard Bethlehem. ALL varieties of skill are needed, so come join the fun. Family Bonfire & Hayrides—November 25 The whole family is invited to come to our Thanksgiving bonfire. We will meet at the church at 6:00 pm to take a bus ride out to the Vinson’s farm where we will eat, laugh, sing, and chill out for the evening. Be sure to sign up for this FREE event, otherwise, you might not have a spot on the bus! For more information go to the youth website: youthofunion.org To register for these events or for questions email: [email protected] 4 PEP! is the Senior Ministry at Union UMC for all church members and their friends. The purpose of PEP! is to encourage friendship through Christian fellowship and spiritual enrichment. Questions? Please call John & Resel Bourne. PEP! CARD PARTY Meets every Monday when the Church Office is open 10:00 A. M. – 12:00 Noon Fellowship Hall Come! Have fun relaxing with friendly, fun-loving people. You are urged to join us for Bridge, Hand-and-Foot, Canasta, or other games. To learn more call Carol Van Dine (781-8621) or Fran Gunter (732-3864) NOVEMBER DATES: 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th THANKSGIVING DINNER Don’t have family to have Thanksgiving dinner with this year? Come share it with your church family. We will be having dinner on Thursday, November 27th from 12 noon to 3:00 in the FMC dining room. Meat provided, everything else potluck. Call Judy Keating at 781-5799 for more information and to get your name on the list. The next Union UMC Blood Drive is Sunday, November 9th from 8am-1pm in the FMC Gym. This blood drive is in memory of Carol Kennedy. Please call the church at 781-3013 to schedule your appointment. We are so thankful for this life-saving partnership and the individual donors that take time to give. 9 KINDERGARTEN KORNER In October, we had individual school pictures made, had a visit from the Imagination Lady (former staff member, Caroline Harrelson), took walks to discover the sounds and sights of Autumn and shared a visit with Irmo Fire Department. The preschool’s mission for this month was to bring sweet and salty snacks for the firefighters. You should have seen the smiles on both the firefighters’ and the children’s faces. Thank you parents for helping your young children understand the joy of sharing with others and especially with those that serve us in our community each day. UNION Every 3rd Thursday of the month, Arden Tutors needed! It is that time again. Our partnership with Arden Elementary in Richland One is up and running again for the fifth year. If you can spend one or two hours each week between November and May, you can help us keep our partnership alive. Contact Nan Nussler at [email protected] (429-1834) or Phyllis Pendarvis at [email protected] (772-8831) to volunteer for this rewarding local mission opportunity. 8 Union United Methodist Church will be hosting a Prayer and Reflection between 6:30 PM and 8:00 PM. All are welcome to experience these special moments of prayer for as long as needed during this time. Any and all S TEPHEN MINISTRY Why Stephen Ministry? We have many needs for care in our congregation and community: people experiencing divorce, grief, a terminal illness, loss of a job, relocation, an empty nest, retirement, hospitalization, loneliness, and many other strresses or challenges. Often peope with needs suffer silently or do not request or receive the level of care they really need. Where two or three are gathered in my name I am among them... In Matthew 18, Jesus promises to be with us. That is one of the great miracles of Stephen Ministry. When a Stephen Minister meets one-to-one with his or her care receiver, Jesus is present., too. He brings the power of his transforming love, and the peace, healing, and comfort that only God can give. The Stephen Ministers here at Union are there for you during difficult times…big or small. If you would like to have someone to talk to, who will keep your conversation confidential, please contact the Church Office 781-3013 and a Stephen Leader will contact you. physical, mental and financial burdens may be turned over to our loving Father with the full expectation that His perfect and unconditional love will comfort each of us. The next date of the Prayer and Reflection time is: NOVEMBER 20 MARK YOUR CALENDAR CHARGE CONFERENCE Monday, November 10th 7:30 PM Fellowship Hall Spread the Word Just a reminder of the different opportunities available at Union to help you spread the word about upcoming events. Weekly Bulletin, Sunday School Announcements and Website News Deadline: Noon on Tuesday Monthly Newsletter Deadline: 15th of each month Please email your information to Liz Edwards at [email protected] Calling all Young Adults!!! If you’re over 18 and are trying to figure out “What’s next?” in this crazy walk of faith, then you’ll fit right in at our Fat Tuesday, First Tuesday Pot Luck Dinner. We meet for dinner at 6:30pm on the first Tuesday of every month, so our next shin-dig will be November 4th. This month we’re having a chili cook off, so you can either bust out your old family recipe, drive thru Wendy’s, or bring some cornbread/ crackers/cheese/etc. to share. E-mail [email protected] for more information, and we’ll see you there! 5 November 2014 November 2014 Saturday, 01 November 2014 8:00 AM TLCS Workday 11:10 AM Back Pkg Lot Sunday, 02 November 2014 9:00 AM Worship Sanctuary 10:10AM Sunday School - Daniel Plan LL 2 10:10 AM Sunday School FMC, LL, EB 11:10 AM Worship Sanctuary 1:30 PM Girl's Basketball FMC Gym 2:30 PM Guys Basketball (6th-9th) FMC Gym 3:00 PM Jr. Leaps of Faith-TBD Sanctuary 4:00 PM Guys Basketball (10th-12th) FMC Gym 4:00 PM No Ladies' Leaps of Faith 4:30 PM AWANA 4:30 PM Son Zone (5th & 6th) EB 203 - 204 6:00 PM Disciple Classes LL 3, LL11, LL13, LL14 6:00 PM Youth Lifeline Praise & Worship FMC Gym Monday, 03 November 2014 FMC Gym 6:00 AM Man in the Mirror Meeting EB 211 - 213 6:00 AM Man in the Mirror Meeting 2:30 PM Guys Basketball (6th-9th) FMC Gym 9:00 AM Prayer Time LL 14 9:00 AM Prayer Time LL 14 3:00 PM Jr. Leaps of Faith Sanctuary 10:00 AM PEP! Card Party LL Fellowship Ha 9:30 AM Union Needler's LL 5 4:00 PM Guys Basketball (10th-12th) FMC Gym 12:15 PM PEP! Exercise Class LL Fellowship Ha 10:00 AM PEP! Card Party LL Fellowship Hall 4:00 PM Ladies' Leaps of Faith Sanctuary 4:00 PM Cap Campaign Program Leaders LL 2 12:15 PM PEP! Exercise Class LL Fellowship Hall 4:30 PM AWANA WC, EB 5:00 PM Cap Campaign Major Gifts LL 4 5:45 PM Guys Basketball (10th-12th) FMC Gym 4:30 PM No Son Zone (5th & 6th) 5:45 PM Guys Basketball (10th-12th) WC 6:00 PM Sr Girls Small Grp (10th-12th) F 222 6:00 PM Disciple Classes 6:00 PM Sr Girls Small Grp (10th-12th) F 222 6:00 PM Yoga Class LL 11 6:00 PM No Youth Lifeline 6:00 PM Yoga Class LL 11 7:15 PM Girls Basketball FMC Gym 6:30 PM Cap Campaign Ignite Session FMC Gym 7:00 PM Adult Christian Formation Team LL 14 9:00 AM Banner Babes LL 11 7:00 PM Man in the Mirror EB 210 6:00 PM Children's Choir EB 110, LL10 7:15 PM Girls Basketball Practice WC 6:00 PM Small Group Bible Study LL 3 8:30 PM Capital Campaign Leadership Orientation LL Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM Youth Family Bonfire Off Premises 6:30 PM Grief Share Support Grp EB 214 7:30 PM Union Brass Sanctuary LL 3, LL11, LL13, LL14 6:00 AM Man in the Mirror Meeting EB 211 - 213 9:00 AM Prayer Time LL 14 9:30 AM Union Needler's LL 5 10:00 AM PEP! Card Party LL Fellowship Hall 12:15 PM PEP! Exercise Class LL Fellowship Hall 6:00 AM Man in the Mirror Meeting EB 211 - 213 5:45 PM Guys Basketball (10th-12th) WC 9:00 AM Prayer Time LL 14 6:00 PM Evangelism Team LL 3 10:00 AM PEP! Card Party LL Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM Sr Girls Small Grp (10th-12th) F 222 12:15 PM PEP! Exercise Class LL Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM Yoga Class LL 11 5:45 PM Guys Basketball (10th-12th) FMC Gym 7:00 PM Missions Meeting LL 14 6:00 PM Sr Girls Small Grp (10th-12th) F 222 7:15 PM Girls Basketball WC 6:00 PM Yoga Class LL 11 7:30 PM Charge Conference LL Fellowship Hall 6:30 PM Trustees Committee LL 4 6:30PM Staff/Parish Relations Committee F 218 Conf Rm 7:00 PM Man in the Mirror EB 210 7:15 PM Girls Basketball FMC Gym Tuesday, 11 November 2014 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM Tuesday, 04 November 2014 Union P/K Holiday LL 11 LL 11 Pauline Younginer Circle LL 13 Mattie Mathias Circle LL 14 Children's Choir EB 110, LL 10 Family Ministry Team LL 13 Conference Room Small Group Bible Study LL 3 6:30 PM Grief Share Support Grp EB 214 7:30 PM Union Brass Sanctuary 6:00 PM No Children's Choir 6:00 PM Small Group Bible Study LL 3 6:30 PM Grief Share Support Grp EB 214 6:30 PM UMW Executive Board Mting LL 14 9:00 AM 7:00 PM Traditional Worship Team LL 11 7:30 PM Union Brass Sanctuary 9:00 AM Banner Babes 6:00 PM Banner Babes Tuesday, 18 November 2014 7:30 AM PEP! Christmas Trip to Biltmore Off Premises 9:00 AM Banner Babes LL 11 Wednesday, 12 November 2014 Women's Bible Study LL 2 10:00 AM GPS - Grow/Pray/Study LL 14 11:30 AM PEP! Exercise Class LL Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM 7th-9th Grade Small Group Underground LL Fellowship Hall 8:00 AM Union P/K Thanksgiving Holidays Children's Choir EB 110, LL 10 6:00 PM 7th-9th Grade Small Group 6:00 PM Small Group Bible Study LL 3 7:00 PM No Guys Basketball (6th-9th) 6:30 PM Grief Share Support Grp EB 214 8:15 PM Men's Basketball 7:30 PM Union Brass Sanctuary Women's Bible Study LL 2 10:00 AM GPS - Grow/Pray/Study LL 14 11:30 AM PEP! Exercise Class LL Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM 7th-9th Grade Small Group Underground 6:00 PM Drama (2nd - 12th) Chapel 6:15 PM Handbells Narthex 6:15 PM Spirited Singers LL 10 6:30 PM Leisure Ministries Team LL 14 7:00 PM Guys Basketball (6th-9th) FMC Gym 7:00 PM Leaps of Faith Sanctuary 7:30 PM Chancel Choir LL 10 8:15 PM Men's Basketball FMC Gym Disciple Classes 7:00 PM Stephen Ministry Supervision EB 216 6:00 PM No Youth Lifeline 7:00 PM TLCS Steering Committee LL 14 No Guys Basketball (6th-9th) 6:15 PM Spirited Singers LL 10 7:30 PM Chancel Choir LL 10 6:30 PM Directions for Life Youth Exp Off Premises 8:15 PM Men's Basketball FMC Gym 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Leaps of Faith No Guys Basketball (6th-9th) Sanctuary 7:30 PM Chancel Choir LL 10 8:15 PM Men's Basketball FMC Gym Chapel EB 216 Friday, 07 November 2014 Saturday, 15 November 2014 8:00 AM TLCS Workday Back Pkg Lot Sunday, 16 November 2014 Women's Bible Study F 223 Saturday, 22 November 2014 8:00 AM TLCS Workday Back Pkg Lot 9:00 AM Jr. Boys Basketball League-1st Game FMC Gym Sunday, 23 November 2014 Worship Sanctuary 10:10AM 9:00 AM Sunday School - Daniel Plan LL 2 10:10 AM Sunday School FMC, LL, EB 11:10 AM Worship Sanctuary 1:30 PM Girl's Basketball FMC Gym 9:30 AM Women's Bible Study F 223 10:30 AM Unity Service Sanctuary 2:00 PM Worship Teams -Decorate Narthex 6:00 PM Yth Fall Retreat-Awanita Valley Off Premises 11:30 AM Covered Dish Luncheon FMC Gym 2:30 PM Guys Basketball (6th-9th) FMC Gym 7:00 PM Son Zone Lock-In FMC Gym 1:30 PM Girl's Basketball FMC Gym 3:00 PM Jr. Leaps of Faith Sanctuary Saturday, 08 November 2014 8:00 AM 2:30 PM Guys Basketball (6th-9th) FMC Gym 4:00 PM Guys Basketball (10th-12th) FMC Gym Youth Fall Retreat Off Premises 3:00 PM Jr. Leaps of Faith Sanctuary 4:00 PM Ladies' Leaps of Faith Sanctuary TLCS Workday Back Pkg Lot 4:00 PM Guys Basketball (10th-12th) FMC Gym 4:30 PM AWANA WC, EB 4:00 PM Ladies' Leaps of Faith Sanctuary 4:30 PM Son Zone (5th & 6th) EB 203 - 204 LL 3, LL11, LL13, LL1 Sunday, 09 November 2014 12:00 AM Youth Fall Retreat - return at 1pm 4:30 PM AWANA WC, EB 6:00 PM Disciple Classes 8:00 AM Carol Kennedy Mem Blood Dr FMC Gym 4:30 PM Son Zone (5th & 6th) EB 203 - 204 6:00 PM Worship Teams - Decorate Sanctuary 9:00 AM Worship Sanctuary 6:00 PM Disciple Classes LL 3. LL 11, LL13, LL14 6:00 PM Youth Lifeline Games & Groups FMC Gym 6:00 PM Youth Lifeline Games & Grps FMC Gym 10:00 AM Sunday School - Daniel Plan LL 2 10:10 AM Sunday School FMC, LL, EB LL 3, LL11, LL13, LL14 Friday, 21 November 2014 9:30 AM Stephen Ministry Supervision Sanctuary No Son Zone 7:00 PM Praise Band Practice Jr. Leaps of Faith 6:00 PM Narthex 7:00 PM 3:00 PM Chapel Handbells 7:00 PM WC LL Fellowship Hall Praise Band Practice 6:15 PM Chapel Guys Basketball Practice (6th-9th) 7:00 PM Sanctuary Praise Band Practice WC 2:30 PM No Awana Leaps of Faith 7:00 PM FMC/MPR Girl's Basketball Practice 4:30 PM 7:00 PM LL 14 Joy Class 5th Sunday Lunch 4:30 PM Chapel LL 11 12:15 PM Sanctuary Drama (2nd - 12th) Yoga FMC, LL, EB Sanctuary FMC Gym 6:00 PM 6:00 PM Sunday School Worship Time of Prayer and Reflection LL 10 FMC Gym 10:10 AM 11:10 AM Sr. Boys Basketball League Narthex Spirited Singers Wilson Circle LL 2 6:30 PM Handbells 6:15 PM Sr. Boys Basketball League Sanctuary Sunday School - Daniel Plan 6:30 PM 6:15 PM 6:30 PM Worship WC Underground 6:30 PM 9:00 AM 10:10AM Sanctuary 7th-9th Grade Small Group LL 11 Sunday, 30 November 2014 Ladies' Leaps of Faith 6:00 PM WOW Women of the Word Back Pkg Lot 10th-12th Grade Guys Basketball Practice LL Fellowship Hall 12:15 PM No Jr. Boys Basketball League 4:00 PM PEP! Exercise Class Thursday, 06 November 2014 TLCS Workday 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM LL 11 8:00 AM LL 11 Chapel LL 11 Union P/K Thanksgiving Holidays LL 11 Drama (2nd - 12th) Yoga 8:00 AM Saturday, 29 November 2014 Yoga F 218 Conference Rm 6:00 PM WOW Women of the Word FMC/MPR Friday, 28 November 2014 WOW Women of the Word Children's Ministry Team LL 14 6:00 PM Union P/K Thanksgiving Holidays Thanksgiving Dinner 12:15 PM 6:00 PM GPS - Grow/Pray/Study 12:15 PM 8:00 AM 12:00 PM Lillie Bouknight-Davis Circle 10:00 AM Union P/K Holiday FMC Gym Thursday, 27 November 2014 10:00 AM LL 2 8:00 AM Underground 1:30 PM Thursday, 20 November 2014 Women's Bible Study Thursday, 13 November 2014 Wednesday, 26 November 2014 Sarah Circle Wednesday, 19 November 2014 EB 211 - 213 Tuesday, 25 November 2014 6:00 PM 12:15 PM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM Wednesday, 05 November 2014 6 Sanctuary No Girl's Basketball Monday, 10 November 2014 WC, EB Monday, 24 November 2014 Monday, 17 November 2014 Worship 1:30 PM 7
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