St. John Herald Living Generously From Pastor C a publication of

St. John Herald
a publication of
St. John Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
November 2014
From Pastor C
Living Generously
What did Jesus mean when He said, “Whoever loses his life for My sake will find it?” How often do we stop to
consider the commitment Christ expects? He’s not talking about writing a check or checking a box, but a life
that is completely focused on giving to others what He has so graciously given to us.
In the coming weeks, I hope to address some of these questions and ideas as we begin a new series entitled
Living Generously. This series is different than others we have done. It includes a series of films that tell the
story of the Donovan family as they seek to understand what it means to live the words of Jesus. Each week
we will see a glimpse of their journey as they take risks, experience suffering and joy, and find themselves
transformed by the call of Christ. You won’t want to miss a single Sunday!
Life is busy, and it is easy for our hearts to be distracted by the demands we face. Each of us has so many
blessings, but often our attitudes are less than grateful. It is my sincere hope that this series prompts us to
take an inventory of the blessings God has entrusted to each of us. As we do, I hope we will be inspired with
a new awareness of the goodness of God and His desire for us to live and share those blessings.
At the end of the series, you will have the opportunity to bring forward, as an act of worship, your sealed commitment of ministry support for 2015 and place it in the offering box. It is a commitment you make between
you and the Lord to help the ministry of St. John Lutheran Church flourish and continue to make a difference in
our community and world.
I look forward to our time together in worship exploring how God wants us to Live Generously!!
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Join us in the 6 month PRAYER CHALLENGE!
The Elders of our church are leading a prayer initiative that we want to share with you and encourage everyone to join in! The challenge is to commit to praying for our church every day for 6
months, asking God’s guidance for the way that He would have us use our facility. God has richly
blessed us with a great location and wonderful building and grounds – neighborhoods all around
us – and we have the very best news that there is – Jesus has come to be our Savior! The
question is “How might we best serve Him?”
The encouragement is to pray every day
 asking God to help us understand how He would have us use our facility,
 how He would have us reach out to our community,
 and to make clear to us the direction that He would have us go.
If you would like to receive the prayer each day or share your prayer with others, please contact
Tom Wolfgang at [email protected] and he will add you to the distribution list. If you do not
have email and would like a copy of the daily prayer, please contact the office at 717-840-0382.
Thank you Elders for helping us to focus our prayers in this way!
Task Force: Sarah Peters, Todd Sindlinger, ChaCha Mwita,
Becky Shettel, Peggy Schultz, and Jeff Loser.
Task Force report:
The Task Force has organized the list of Survey results collected in September concerning ideas for the use
of our Education Wing. 119 responses were collected and the top 8 ideas are as follows:
Day Care/ Pre School – 22 votes
Sr. Citizen Activity Center/Sr. Caregiving – 17 votes
Rent to Small Business/Anonymous programs (AA)/Outreach – 11 votes
Afternoon Programs for Youth – 9 votes
Adjunct Classrooms for Educators/Home Schoolers – 7 votes
Music Studio for Christian Music/Artists/Bible College/Classes for immigrants/ Theatre – 7 votes
Gym for Local Sports – 6 votes
Homeless Shelter/Soup Kitchen – 6 votes
Other ideas that surfaced were, re-open school, bingo, community center, counseling center, boy and girl
scouts, gardening, Jazzercise. The Task Force will now begin collecting data and start with the top vote getters. Please continue to pray for the Lord’s direction as the Task Force begins their research.
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A Stewardship Snap Shot of November Sunday Morning Activities:
Nov. 2nd – Receiving New Members; Receive Time & Talent Sheets/Booklet to bring back
Nov. 9th.
Nov. 9th – Return Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes; Bring forward the Time and Talent
sheets; Steve Heeman from Lutheran Church Extension Fund gives a presentation on the
benefits of investing with the LCEF.
Nov 23rd – The Giving Tree is available to help the less fortunate for Christmas; Commitment Cards are brought forward; Collection for our G3 event on Dec. 13 th is held.
God’s Gracious Giving
On November 23rd (Commitment Sunday of our Living Generously Stewardship Series) a special
offering will be received—over and above the offering that each member gives to the General/
Operational budget of St. John. This offering will be unique. Ten percent will be allocated to the
St. John Alms Fund—a fund designated to help members and others during difficult times. Then
on Saturday, December 13th St. John volunteers will give away the remaining 90% collected on
November 23rd in Random Acts of Kindness. As many volunteers as possible, families included,
will be needed on the 13th to randomly give away the 90% to people at gas stations, grocery
stores, eating facilities, etc.
The event on December 13th will begin with a breakfast hosted by the Men Of Purpose followed by
a 20-30 minute worship and prayer service led by the Praise Team—asking God’s blessing on our
giving. The volunteers will then be commissioned to go and initiate the Random Acts of Kindness.
Crazy, right?!! Not for a people committed to living a mission of Whatever It Takes!! This event
could change many lives—both the givers and the receivers.
So I am asking the people of St. John to prayerfully consider, on November 23 rd, making a
generous donation to this event, a donation over and above that normally given to the general
budget account. I want you to imagine the blessing and impact this event could make on
people’s lives in the community, especially in the middle of the Christmas season, a time when
people put so much attention on the material aspect of the holiday! Please come ready on
November 23rd to do Whatever It Takes to support this potential life changing event for the sake
of God’s Kingdom.
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ADVENT, the four week season of preparing for Christmas, begins this year on
Sunday, November 30th. In order to take some extra time to prepare our hearts for
the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we invite you to come for mid-week Advent services.
Before each service we will enjoy a soup and bread dinner at 6:00 pm hosted by the Fellowship
team. Our service will begin at 7:00 pm with the theme of “Comfort and Joy.” Come on December 3rd when the focus will be “Peace of Christ,” on December 10th when the theme will be
“Pardon of Christ,” and on December 17th when the theme will be “Presence of Christ.”
COUNCIL MINUTES - If you would like to review a copy of the most
current minutes, you can pick them up in the church office on the counter
to the left as you walk in the door.
Worship Schedule
Sunday Worship Services
8:30 & 11:00 am
web site:
Church office: ................. 717-840-0382
Church fax: ...................... 717-840-1845
Ch. Email: [email protected]
Rev. Tab E. Cosgrove …... 919-270-3261
…………….. [email protected]
Director of Spiritual Growth:
Denise Wright ……………717-757-6707
…………….….. [email protected]
Director of Music:
Steven T. Lee……..……….717-691-1771
…….………[email protected]
Support Staff
Susan Myers ……….Parish Administrator
Phillip Simon ………………….Custodian
Church Office Closed
November 27th and 28th
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From Director of Spiritual Growth
Dear Friends,
Two of my most favorite special days come in November – All Saints’ Day at the beginning of
the month and Thanksgiving at the end of the month! All Saints’ Day gives us the opportunity
to remember those dear ones who have gone ahead of us to be with Jesus in heaven – what a joy
to think back on the blessings that they were to us and to also look forward with joy to the time
when we will all be there in the perfect presence of Jesus! The writer of Hebrews helps us to find
encouragement from our loved ones – think about these words: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which
clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to
Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him
endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne
of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2 Isn’t it a blessing to think about our loved ones in heaven cheering
us on? They make up that great cloud of witnesses! May it be our prayer that we do run with
endurance and finish this race of life on earth with our eyes on Jesus!
George Washington was the first president to proclaim a national day of Thanksgiving in 1789.
In 1863 a proclamation came from President Abraham Lincoln to observe the last Thursday in
November as a “day of Thanksgiving and Praise.” The proclamation begins this way, “The year
that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful
skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source
from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they
cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God.” These words seem so appropriate today! How often do we rush
through hectic days filled with activity and never stop to give thanks? Why not try something
different for this November and take some time each day of the month to thank God for our
blessings? Find a way that works for you to record blessings – make a list, write a prayer of
thanks, photograph the blessings, create a piece of art, set a timer for 3 minutes and see how
many blessings come to mind!
My prayer is that you will find yourself overwhelmed with reasons to be thankful as we celebrate
Thanksgiving this year!
In Christ,
Denise Wright
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Through time together in small groups we will rely on God as we study His Word and pray together,
always acknowledging that He is our source of strength and refuge, our hope and our Provider. As
we meet together (relate) we share the joys and sorrows of life as well as the challenges and struggles. Being together in small groups helps us to care for and encourage each other. Strengthened
through the study of God’s Word and encouraged by healthy friendships we can go out into our
neighborhoods and communities sharing the love of Christ in ways that help and bless our
neighbors. (respond)
Our Connect Group leaders have been trained and commissioned and they are ready to begin! We
are excited with them about the spiritual growth opportunities that lie ahead of us as well as the
forming and strengthening of Christian friendships!
The following people are the leaders of the 8 Connect Groups:
Ron and Marie Bodien
Jerry Cook
Rick Dellinger
Bob and Nancy Kilgore
Jeb and Lisa Schreiber
Amanda McKay with Cindy and Charlie Walter
Kathy Mokris
Mike and Nancy Singley
You will find a display in the church narthex with information about where and when these groups
will meet. A sign-up sheet will be available for each group. All groups will begin meeting in
January; your Connect Group leader will contact you about the starting date.
Brochures with more information about our Connect Group Ministry will be available near the sign-up
sheets. Please sign up soon!
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From Director of Music
Kristal Bells
We had a very successful outing for these kids on October 19th – if you missed it,
you really missed something. Thanks to all the parents and ringers for their
participation. This month, there will be rehearsals on the 2nd and the 16th, to get
ready for service participation on the 23rd. Parents: we will send a reminder home,
but please note that we are going to have them play at both services, which will
mean getting them here about 9:00 on the 23rd. Please let Bev Shellenberger or myself know if
there is a conflict or some other issue with any of these dates. Thanks for your cooperation.
Historic Music for October
I hope that you enjoyed the hymns and anthems that were sung in October to celebrate St. John’s
140th anniversary. As promised – there were no hymns in Deutsch, although some of us were
thinking about it. A big thank you to the historical committee for their lending me the old bulletins –
they helped out a great deal in pulling music together.
Looking Forward
As we start to approach the end of the church year and then Advent, the choir is busy rehearsing
a special anthem for Christ the King Sunday [November 23 rd – also Commitment Sunday], as well
as anthems for Advent and Christmas. The Kristal Bells will play at the Family service on Christmas Eve, and the Choir will lead the late service with some interesting carols [please pay particular
attention to “The Work of Christmas”].
As many of you might have heard a couple of Sundays ago, this year I celebrate 50 years of having
a church position and doing church music. As some of you might also know, I have gone back to
school full time in pursuing a graduate degree, and have found myself very busy all of a sudden.
For these reasons I have decided that it would be a good time to retire from church music, and will
be doing so as of the end of this year. My final Sunday with St. John will be December 28, 2014.
While I might be around subbing on occasion, my time will be mostly occupied with research,
dissertation, and hopefully a teaching fellowship of some kind in the next 12 to 18 months.
I have enjoyed my time at St. John, and I give thanks to everyone who has supported the music
program over the last three years. My special thanks to our adult choir – who have always kept me
hopping – and who are simply an incredible musical group in spite of small numbers.
“To make peace among brothers, to make music….from the heart.”
[From “The Work of Christmas”]
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November 2nd at both services.
Gary & JoAnne McCue
Katy & Paul Bauch
Pat & Mike Neff
Randy & Heather Park-Hubb
McKenzie & Samantha
Barb Nowe
Lana Park
Not pictured: Rita Snow & son, Daniel
Jack & Maria Sartoris
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Soul Care for Women meets weekly and is open to all women
and their friends and neighbors. We are working through a
video study by Sheila Walsh called “The Storm Inside,” and
each week we focus on a different woman of the Bible and her
storm story. As we learn her story, we also reflect on our own
story and how God is working in the midst of it.
Each session of Soul Care includes time for worship, study,
sharing and prayer – as well as wonderful refreshments! It is a
great way to get to know more women and it’s also a good
opportunity to invite a friend.
We meet at two different times during the week; choose the
time that works best for you! Childcare is available only on
Tuesday mornings.
He restores my soul . . .
Psalm 23:3
Tuesdays from 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Thursdays from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
During the month of November we will meet on 4 & 6, 11 & 13,
and 18 & 20. The session on the 18th and 20th will not be from
“The Storm Inside,” but will instead focus on the upcoming season of Advent. Please join us!
MOP Men’s Ministry – Hey guys, the Men of Purpose
group meetings are held on Mondays at 7:00 pm and
Saturdays at 8:00 am. We meet every other week until the first week in December. Our current study is
“One 2 Won, Climbing Higher.” If you have questions,
please contact Jerry Cook.
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11/01 Aimee Huckenberry
11/02 Ben Lamond
11/03 Scott Mueller
11/03 Angela Howard
11/03 Ailey Chidester
11/05 Douglas Mueller
11/05 Edward Gurtizen
11/06 Sharon Mack (V)
11/07 Diane Imler
11/07 George Merritt Jr
11/08 William Heinz
11/10 Ronald Cosgrove
11/10 Rhett Stambaugh
11/11 J. Kenneth Klahold
11/14 Alma Klahold
11/14 Carrie Merrifield
11/15 Dean Waltimyer
11/15 Caroline Ward
11/17 Jennifer Harlacher
11/20 Lois Knaub
11/20 Matthew Macken
11/21 Mike Pearl
11/21 Benjamin Little
11/22 Abigail Boudah
11/23 Steven Smith
11/27 Kirk Gibson
11/27 Ashley Einsig
11/28 Danielle Hubler
11/30 Duane Klahold
11/30 Alan Mokris
12/01 Trudy Oesterreich
12/01 Ian Rinehold
12/03 Cindy Ward
12/04 Martin (Ted) Grothe
If your birthday is not on this list, please contact the office and Susan will place your birthday in the church computer. Thank you!
It's time to vote for your Thrivent officers for 2014. There will be ballots and a box on
the table in the narthex Sunday, 11/2/14. Please cast your ballot and put it in the box.
If there are any questions, see Marie Gruendler or Beth Graybill. This is your last
opportunity to vote. Thank-You!
THANK YOU to those members
that donate their Thrivent
Choice Dollars
to St. John!
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& Offering
10/05/14 (107, 88 )
10/12/14 ( 85, 71 )
10/19/14 (121, 81 )
10/26/14 (104, 70 )
Direct Deposits October:
Thrivent Financial:
$ 6447.90
Monthly Oct 2014 Total
Monthly Oct 2013 Total
Weekly Average Oct 2014:
Weekly Average Oct 2013:
Weekly Needs:
Monthly Needs (4 weeks)
$ 7,998.00
If interested, please call the church office at 717-840-0382.
CHURCH USAGE must be coordinated with the Church office. Please make
sure you are checking with Susan to see if the room/area you are planning to
use for a meeting/event is available BEFORE you have the event planned.
Did you know you can listen to the sermon or the entire service on our website?
Type into your favorite browser, click on "Sermons." Enjoy!
If you are on Facebook, please “Like” the St. John page – it is
another way that we can share information and encouragement!
Just look for us at St. John Lutheran Church York, PA
If you are unsure of activities at church due to weather conditions, you can call the
church number to hear a message on the answering machine. The number is
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The Social Concerns Team, on November 23rd, will once
again make available ways in which St. John can bring
Christmas to 17 less fortunate families within our community as well as to St. John’s Shut-ins. The Christmas Tree,
with angel ornaments, will be set up in the narthex beginning Nov 23rd and the people of St. John are asked to take
an angel with buying instructions and return the angel
attached to the gift and place it in the corresponding
lettered box, located in the Fellowship Hall equal to the
letter on your angel. The gifts will be distributed the week of December 15th.
We thank you for supporting this project and helping to share Christ's love
during this holiday season.
If you have any questions, please call the office 717-840-0382.
October door offering collected for Lutheran World Relief $70.00
Please note…
We will not have a door offering for Alms/Social Concerns in November because of the emphasis
on G3. The Alms/Social Concerns Fund will receive 10% of the collected G3 donations.
Dish soap, toilet paper, paper towels, dish towels, pot scrubbers,
and kitchen sponges. Thank you in advance for your donations!
An informational meeting will be held on November 16th after the
11:00 service. The meeting will give details of the Guatemala
mission trip (August 8-15, 2015) and have a special presentation
from friends of Pastor Cosgrove who recently returned from the
same trip St. John will take. If you are interested in finding out
information on how you can become part of this short-term
mission team, please plan to attend.
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100 shoe boxes have been picked up and we are
looking forward to seeing stacks of FILLED boxes in
the Narthex. Please return your shoeboxes by
Sunday, November 9th. After the boxes are returned, they will be taken to a
local collection center and then sent on for overseas delivery. Your shoe box is
just the first step to transforming a young life for eternity!
Please call Deb Kingston at 741-4264 with any questions.
Giant & Weis Gift Cards:
The Social Concerns Team sells Giant and Weis gift cards and receives 5% profit from the sale of
each card. The money that is raised is used for Social Concerns Ministry projects. The cards are
available on Sundays for you to purchase in the church office and can be used not only for
personal use, but can also be a great way to reach out to a neighbor, co-worker or friend to say
thank you or as a random act of kindness. The gift cards can be bought with cash or check in
these denominations:
$10/ $20 / $25 / $50 / $100
Thank you for sharing your Love of Christ through this ministry!
SOCIAL CONCERNS - Provides Meals
Social Concerns also provides meals for members after surgery,
the loss of loved ones, the birth of a new baby or simply to let them
know they are loved. More volunteers are needed who are willing
to prepare food – it can be very simple! Please contact either the
church office or Diane Imler if you can help! [email protected]
or 717-812-8221. Thank you for being a blessing to others!
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The St. John Crafters will not meet in November due to the
Bazaar. The next class will be on Monday, Dec. 8th at 10:30 am.
Our project will be Glass Disc Pendants. Bring some crazy nail
polish colors and watch the magic happen. As always, bring your
snack/lunch, a drink and your tool kit. We'll craft until 3:30 pm.
The results of the Bazaar will also be discussed.
BAZAAR NEEDS: (Please sign–up in the Narthex)
CHICKEN CORN SOUP MAKERS – Thank you to those who have volunteered to make
chicken corn soup (using the supplied recipe) for the bazaar. Please bring your soup in plastic
containers or any labeled container (no crock pot necessary) to the gym on Thursday or Friday,
Nov. 6-7. Soup should be ready to pour into large pot for heating. Anyone wishing reimbursement for ingredients please give receipts to Sue Burwick BEFORE THE BAZAAR.
SET-UP HELP NEEDED: On Monday, Nov. 3rd, we will be carrying tables, Christmas trees
and crafts to the gym. Anyone able to help at 10:00 am that day would be very welcome. Tues.
and Wed., Nov. 4th and 5th, the gym will be decorated and things will be put on display for selling. Again, your help would be greatly appreciated. Time is 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
BAKED GOODS for the Bazaar can be brought to the gym on Friday evening, Nov. 7th, from
4:00 to 7:00 pm, or Saturday morning, Nov. 8th, at 7:30 am. Let Marie Gruendler know if you
can bake a treat for the Bazaar or sign up in the narthex.
KITCHEN WORKERS NEEDED – Nov 8th from 8:15 am to 2:30 pm
SHOPPERS NEEDED: Any congregation member who is unable to attend the Bazaar on Nov.
8th, is welcome to stop by the gym on Wednesday, Nov. 5th, or Friday, November 7th, to purchase
goods from the St. John Crafters. Browse through our many projects including ornaments, jewelry, home décor pieces, gift bags, candy creations, and much more. New-to-You items and Raffle tickets may also be purchased at this time. Hours will be Noon to 3:00 pm.
RAFFLE TICKETS WILL BE SOLD in the narthex TODAY, November 2nd. We have 5 beautiful gift baskets that you can take a chance on winning. Tickets are 1 for $1.00 or 6 for
$5.00. Winners will be drawn at the conclusion of the Bazaar.
SOFT PRETZELS ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN TODAY, Nov. 2nd. Cost is $1.50 each or 6
for $7.50. Pick-up is at the Bazaar on November 8th.
CLEAN-UP HELP NEEDED after the bazaar on Nov. 8th around 2:30 pm. to carry tables
back to several rooms, carry boxes of crafts and supplies back to the craft room and carry kitchen
supplies back to the Fellowship Hall. Chairs must be stored under the stage and decorations must
be taken down.
Any help you could give us would be appreciated. Thanks! The St. John Crafters
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St. John Lutheran Church
Holiday Bazaar
2580 Mt. Rose Avenue
York, PA 17402
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Bazaar Hours: 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Spend time shopping at our bazaar, having lunch, snacking
on a baked good, or taking home a chicken BBQ dinner.
(Pre-order your dinner by calling 840-0382.)
You'll be sure to enjoy spending time with friends, browsing
the many vendor displays, and taking a chance
on winning a beautiful gift basket.
Items to look for:
Craft items, Home decor pieces, Ornaments,
Jewelry, Candles, Fragrance warmers, Sewn
items, Raffle baskets, New-to-You Items and much more!
Hope to see you there!
*Profits benefit St. John Youth Groups and Church Building Projects.
"The North York Chapter of Thrivent is supporting our fundraising efforts."
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All families with young children are invited to come to the City of David to experience
the birth of our Lord! Food (a hot breakfast) will be provided for all weary travelers on:
Saturday, December 20th, from 9-10:30 am in the Gym at St. John. Be prepared to
witness the arrival of the promised Savior!
Make your reservation by December 14th – more information about how to do this will
be available soon. The city will be crowded in December and lodging will be scarce.
Don’t be left out in the cold! Be warned that beggars will be in the area. Please bring
a non-perishable food item to share with them. Freewill offerings to offset the cost of
food and lodging will also be accepted.
If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact Denise Wright at
[email protected] or 717-840-0382.
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Children’s Sunday School Classes
Sunday School is back for children of all ages! Classes begin at 9:45 and end at 10:45. Parents
of the younger children are asked to take them to and from their classrooms. The following is a
listing of the age/grade groupings for this coming year.
Birth – under 2 year olds are welcome to come to the church nursery where they will be
cared for by Rachel Harascak and Lisa Schreiber. There will be a time of age appropriate
worship and learning!
2 – 3 year olds will gather with Abby Boudah, teacher and helpers, Angie Howard and
Rachel Peters.
4 yrs. – 1st grade Kindergarten will gather with Bev Shellenberger, teacher and Adelaide
Ward, helper for their worship and learning experience.
Grades 2 – 4 will meet with teachers, Matt Weir and Cyndi Sindlinger and helpers, Darlene
Weir and Todd Sindlinger for Bible learning and fun.
Grades 5 – 8 will meet in the Junior High Youth room with Lana Schafer and Tom Wolfgang
for faith enriching study and activities.
Grades 9 – 12 will meet in the Senior High Youth room with Ellen Keough and Kathy Mokris
In an effort to provide the best possible care and instruction for our children and youth, each
class will always have two adults present. All volunteers working with children will need background checks to ensure the safety of St. John’s children.
SUNDAY ADULT EDUCATION - 10:00 am – 10:45 am
Please know that we have a strong desire for you to be with us for the Education Hour on
Sunday mornings! What a great time it is to learn more and grow in our faith. It’s a great way
to get to know other people and we always have coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, and sometimes
even goodies to eat!
“Living Generously” is the focus for our November adult classes on Sunday
mornings in the Fellowship Hall. We live in a culture that has lost the true meaning
of a generous life. Jesus spoke about generosity throughout his ministry in ways
that now seem foreign even to those in the church. This series is designed to open
our eyes to the biblical model of generous living and chart a course for our own
journey of generosity.
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Trunk or Treat Thank You!!
The Children's Ministry team would like to thank everyone who donated candy, decorated a
trunk, volunteered your time the day of the event, invited children to come to the event and to
those who attended. We had about 95 children attend along with their parents and grandparents!! Fun was had by all who attended and we could not have done it without you!! We
would also like to thank the Fellowship Team for serving food
to the children and their families! You all are wonderful!!
Remember: When events occur, use the camera on your cell phone to send pictures to Dave Rhan
for inclusion on the website and FaceBook page. Before you send pics to Dave, be sure to get
permission from the person you are photographing to post their picture publically.
Please send them as attachments to [email protected]
Please choose a Sunday to glorify God by sponsoring the Altar Flowers
or for a special remembrance. The flower chart for the year is posted on
the bulletin board in the Narthex. Cost is $35. Please sign–up soon so
you get the Sunday you would like to sponsor. Thank you!
Thank you to Marie Gruendler, Linda Schaefer, Adelaide
Ward, Donna Cook, Sally Zinn, Bob and Betty Sampsell,
Gary and Beth Graybill who continue to give of their time
volunteering in the office or assembling the bulletins for
the worship services. God has blessed me with your
help! God bless each of you! Susan
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A Candle Light Service of Remembrance
Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 4:00 pm
Once again, we invite you to attend this special service near All Saints’ Day when we take time to
remember those loved ones who have gone on ahead of us to be with Jesus. During this service
we listen to Scripture readings and sing hymns and songs that remind us of the hope that we have
in Christ our Savior. At one point we light candles from the Christ candle in memory of our dear
ones. The lighted candle that we each hold reminds us of the presence of Christ in our lives and
encourages us to be thankful for the blessings given to us through our loved ones.
You may want to come to this service for yourself or you may want to come to support others or to
remember those in our church family who have gone before us. Following the service we will enjoy
some light refreshments in the Fellowship Hall.
If you have any questions about this service, please contact Denise Wright.
Financial Secretary Needed!!
The Finance Team has completed a job description for a Financial Secretary. A volunteer position is now
available for anyone interested that has skills and interest in financial record keeping; ability to keep detailed,
accurate records and maintain appropriate confidentiality; passion for financially supporting the mission of St.
John Lutheran Church; ability to work with individuals and ministry teams. The financial secretary shall be a
voting member of the congregation. He/she should have expe-rience in the handling of receipts and the maintenance of orderly records. A complete job description is available in the church office. If you have any questions please see Jeff Loser or contact him at [email protected]
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GriefShare Ministry at St. John
GriefShare is a support group at St. John that offers
help and encouragement after the death of a spouse,
child, parent, family member, or friend. We meet in the
Fellowship Hall on Monday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30.
Each GriefShare session includes a video presentation and group discussion. (If you are not ready to share, that’s fine too. Just come and listen!) The
videos feature top experts on grief recovery as well as real-life stories of ordinary people who have
experienced losses like yours. There is a workbook that helps to reinforce the weekly video content;
the suggested donation for the book is $15.00. GriefShare is sponsored by people who understand
what you are experiencing and want to offer comfort and encouragement during this difficult time.
There is no time limit on grieving so this group is not limited to people who have lost a loved one just
recently. Your loss may have been a number of years ago and now may be just the right time for
you to come. Any member of our congregation is welcome, as well as anyone from our community.
Please help us to share this opportunity with any friends, neighbors, or co-workers you have who
are grieving. Brochures with more information will be available in the church narthex; please feel
free to take some to share.
We are now using an updated version which is excellent – if you have participated in GriefShare in
the past and would like to go through it again, please know that you would be very welcome.
The GriefShare Leadership Team is made up of Denise Wright, Linda Smeltzer, and Paul Grothe.
Please contact Denise with any questions 717-840-0382 or email her at [email protected] .
Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.
(Isaiah 40:31)
Dave Turner, a member of St. John, facilitates a ministry called “On Eagles Wings.” It is a
ministry that helps individuals deal with the spiritual aspect of cancer. It is a listening ministry
that simply enables people diagnosed with cancer a way to express their feelings. The
Mission Statement of the ministry is: “To share Gods love with those on the journey by
offering hope and compassion in a way that provides strength and well-being through mutual
trials and tribulations.” If you are interested in more information on how to help and support
this new ministry at St. John or would like to talk, please contact Dave Turner at
[email protected]
Page 21
The Holidays and Grief
Holidays are “supposed” to make us think of words like thankful, merry, and happy.
We’re “supposed” to think of them as the most wonderful time of the year, but the
thought of facing the holiday season can cause grieving people to wish they could
sleep from the Wednesday before Thanksgiving until January 2nd. Loss is always
hard, and at the holidays it can seem crushing. If you are grieving, or if you know
someone who is, please plan to attend “Surviving the Holidays,” a GriefShare
program that has been designed to help grieving people plan ahead for the holiday
Come on Monday, November 10th at 7:00 pm to the Fellowship Hall.
Watch a video presentation with practical advice about getting through the
holiday season.
Receive a Holiday Survival Guide which is filled with ideas and devotions.
Enjoy refreshments and conversation with others who understand.
Be reminded that it is normal to hurt but it is also possible to hope.
Know that it doesn’t matter how much time has gone by since your loss, just come!
If you know someone who is grieving, please bring them!
Christ Lutheran Church of Spry, 2385 S. Queen St., will honor all
veterans and those presently serving their country with a patriotic
concert, America the Beautiful, on Sunday November 9th at 7:00
PM. The concert will feature the Chancel and Bell Choirs and also
the church organist and music director. A free reception will follow
the concert in the church social hall.
Our LWML Bazaar is being held Friday November 7th 9-6 and Saturday November
8th from 9 am - 3 pm. Items featured are country crafts, Christmas decorations,
handmade items by our Busy Bees, plants, baked goods, etc. Our food stand will
be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. New this year
is the “Children’s Center,” an area for children ages 12
and under to buy gifts for their parents or anyone in their
family. Prices range from $.25 to $1.00 and purchases will
be gift wrapped.
Page 22
Confirmation (grades 7-8) meets in the evening once per month on the second
Sunday from 6:30-8:00PM. The next meeting is November 9th.
(Sermon note sheets can be found in the narthex.)
Page 23
Our group meets monthly, typically on the third Sunday of each month from 6:30 - 8pm. Some
exceptions to these dates and times are made, so please watch your newsletters, emails and church
bulletins for info each month. We welcome all youth in grades 5-8, together with their friends to any
and all activities. LanaSchafer, our coordinator, relies upon the active participation by the parents
of our youth to make each get-together go smoothly. Lana’s email [email protected] .
Mark your calendars & invite friends to:
 November 16 - Regular Meeting, Thanksgiving Theme
screen TV with an HDMI port. It would provide the class with more
multimedia instruction options. The senior high classroom has a TV
that was donated and we are hoping someone will have a TV that they
would like to donate to the junior high room.
SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP MEMBERS - Anyone in grades 9th through 12th are welcome to
Senior Youth Group events. Senior Youth Group meets the second and fourth Sundays of every
month from 6:30-8:30pm. Please feel free to bring your friends!
November 8 – Serving Event - Holiday Bazaar – Sell and hand out Chicken BBQ dinners
(proceeds go towards the next National Youth Gathering trip) or volunteer to work a stand.
November 9 – No meeting scheduled
Upcoming Events: Chicken BBQ Sale & National Youth Gathering Meeting
If you have any questions or need information, please contact Brian Sandhaus
[email protected], Jeff Himes Jeff [email protected], Kristen Himes
[email protected] or Ellen Keough [email protected].
Page 24
Ordering a poinsettia in memory or in honor of someone
special to you is as easy as 1-2-3:
1. Please fill out the form below
2. Attach your payment.
3. Place your order and payment in the offering plates
or drop them off in the church office.
We will be collecting your orders (and payments) from now
until Sunday, November 30, 2014.
The flowers will be delivered prior to Christmas. They will be
used to decorate the sanctuary and then available for pick up
during all the Christmas services and the week following
Poinsettia Order Form - 6” pots with 5+ blooms
Your name:
In memory of:
In honor of:
#____________ X $7.50____
#____________ X $7.50___
Al Mokris
Paul Grothe
Amy Chidester
Beth Graybill
Deb Waltimyer
Madi Shellenberger
Barb Ross
Alex Schafer
Madi Shellenberger
Matthew Peters
Gary Wise
Dave Rhan
Diane Imler &
Sally Zinn
Scott Mueller &
Shanga Shahswar
Tom Sindlinger, Jr.*
Bob Fink
Shirl Fink
Dean Waltimyer
Jeff Himes*
Gary Graybill
Kristen Himes
Jenna Himes
Jerry Cook
Dave Rhan
Amy Sindlinger
Kenzie Park-Hubb
Justine Ward
Al Oesterreich
Bob Kilgore
Brian Sandhaus
Adam Wiegandt
Al Mokris
Dave Ward
Tyler Boudah
Kollinn George
Rick Dellinger
Kyle Goodyear
Bob & Betty Sampsell
Beth Graybill &
Mark Chidester
Tom Sindlinger, Jr.*
Bob Fink
Shirl Fink
Dean Waltimyer
Jeff Himes*
Gary Graybill
Kristen Himes
Jenna Himes
Diane Imler
Kathy Mokris
Doris & Julia Givens
Madi Shellenberger
Cheryl Lapinski
Lea Youngman
Al Oesterreich
Bob Kilgore
Brian Sandhaus
Adam Wiegandt
Todd/Brandon Sindlinger
Mike Pearl
8:30 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
8:30 am
11:00 am
8:30 am
11:00 am
Audio & Video
8:30 am
Guest Recep.
8:30 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
11:00 am
Lector 8:30
11:00 am
Todd/Brandon Sindlinger
Mike Pearl
Brian Sandhaus
Adam Wiegandt
Al Oesterreich
Bob Kilgore
Tom Wolfgang
Kathy Mokris
Al Mokris
Dave Ward
Brian Sandhaus
Adam Wiegandt
Al Oesterreich
Bob Kilgore
Mark Chidester
Rachel Peters
Beth Graybill
Anna Dellinger
Rebecca Little
Tom Sindlinger, Jr.*
Bob Fink
Shirl Fink
Dean Waltimyer
Jeff Himes*
Gary Graybill
Kristen Himes
Jenna Himes
Todd/Brandon Sindlinger
Mike Pearl
Brian Sandhaus
Adam Wiegandt
Al Oesterreich
Bob Kilgore
Terri Hinckley
Lea Youngman
Dave Rhan
Lisa Little
Jerry Cook
Tom Sindlinger, Jr.*
Bob Fink
Shirl Fink
Dean Waltimyer
Jeff Himes*
Gary Graybill
Kristen Himes
Jenna Himes
Marie Gruendler &
Adelaide Ward
Sylvia Gibson &
Matt Weir
Linda Smeltzer &
Ron Cosgrove
Dave & Roxann Rhan
Kollinn George
Marjorie Van Ness
Cindy Ward
Natalie Sindlinger
John & Cheryl
Bob & Jean
November 30
Matthew Peters
Marie Bodien
Sarah Peters
Ben Little
John & Cheryl
Sarah Peters
Doug Mueller
November 23
Tom Sindlinger, Jr.*
Bob Fink
Shirl Fink
Dean Waltimyer
Jeff Himes*
Gary Graybill
Kristen Himes
Jenna Himes
Sylvia Gibson &
Brenda Youngman
Gary & Helen Spurley
John & Cheryl
Lou & Julia
John & Cheryl
Dave & Roxann
John & Cheryl
Bob & Jean
Altar Guild
November 16
November 9
November 2