Tanganyika Law Society Monthly Newsletter Inside the Issue October Edition FOREWORD FROM TLS PRESIDENT Foreword from the President of TLS Note from the New CEO Mr. Charles Rwechungura Editor’s Note A Message to my Esteemed Members, It is our sincere hope that the month of October has been successful in accordance to your expectations. Through the month the Governing Council has been seeing the milestones reached by the Secretariat. As we approaching the end of the year the council has been investing positive energy into ensuring that the secretariat meets the expectations and aspirations that were set at the commencement of this year (2014). Well, in this month we expect to have the launching of the Commemoration of the TLS 60th Anniversary. The Legal Aid day is approaching and it shall be aligned together with the commemoration of the 60th Anniversary . The calendar of activities and mode of participation of the above mentioned activities shall be shared in the near future. We hope for the outstanding cooperation from the majority of members in both of the events. Have a blessed and fruitful month. friend “Member” Reviewing TLS (Amendment) Bill and the Advocates Bill The review of the Legal Aid Manual Legal Aid Unit land rights awareness visit November CLE Seminars Training of community paralegals. Obituary REMARKS FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mr. Kaleb Gamaya Greetings from the TLS Secretariat, In the due course of the month the secretariat has proceeded into normal business routine and has vested energy into ensuring sustainability of the society. The secretariat has reviewed proposed policies, regulations and rules considering their significance in the effectiveness of modes of operation in the secretariat . The secretariat has been reviewing the Human Resource Policy as well as the Auditing Policy. Further the Tanzania Lawyer Journal Policy, Financial Regulations, Procurement Regulations, as well as Election rules and Code of ethics and Etiquette rules are still in review process. The strategic plan that has been in review is in final stages of review and shall be finalized in the near future. As we are about to officiate and commencing the 60th Anniversary calendar of activities that will be shared to all members soonest, we are very much delighted to encourage members to continue maximum cooperation and support in this forthcoming historic event. We have ended the third quarter of the year and commenced the fourth and last quarter. As we are approaching towards the year end, our efforts are to finalize the business plan for this year and effectively and as early as possible prepare the 2015 business plan. We are ensuring that we have a clear and outstanding path that will suffice fulfillment of objectives set in the reviewed strategic plan EDITOR’S NOTE This month has been exciting and a number of issues have been achieved. It is our sincere hope that you will enjoy the October edition of the TLS Newsletter that covers the milestones reached by the organs of the society. Should you have any ideas, comments and/or suggestions that will improve the newsletter feel free to forward your contributions to [email protected] copying [email protected] We encourage members to share the link of the Newsletter to other beneficiaries. Thank you for your continued support. Be blessed through out the coming month of November. -Editor- - A MESSAGE TO MY FRIEND “MEMBER” Dear Member, It is my sincere hope that this message finds you healthy and that all is well. I have a request that I need to forward to you. Please be kind. 1. Would you follow me in twitter please? Yes? Thank you!! My user name is @TanzaniaLawyer 2. Would you be my friend in Facebook and like my page please? Yes? My page name is Tanganyikalawsociety 3. Would you be my follower in instagram? Yes? My user name is Tanganyikalawsociety. Please Follow me and I will follow back. You know what? I will repay you back. I will keep you posted with everything that I do. Thank you for being my friend. Regards, Its me TLS - Review of the TLS (Amendment) Bill & Proposed Advocates Bill In this annual business plan for 2014 one of the areas that were set for implementation was the review and amendment of the TLS Act and the enactment of the new Advocates Act. The efforts of the same had already commenced. Considering that there are drafted bills of the two legislations in place, the Secretariat after the directions of the Governing Council arranged for the internal review of the two proposed bills before embarking into an external meetings with the Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs and the Attorney Generals chamber to write and compile concept notes for the two Bills so as they are ready for the procedures towards first reading in the parliament. The Internal review of the two proposed Bills was conducted on the 03rd and 04th October 2014. The review team was led by Mr. Charles Rwechungura (President of TLS) and consisted of Ms. Flaviana Charles (Vice President), John Seka (Honorary Treasurer) , other Governing Council Members, Mr. Francis Stolla, Ms. Maria Matui and Mr. Daniel Welwel. Further another team member was Ms. Amne Sued Kagasheki (Member of the Standing law Committee). Stakeholders meeting on the writing of Advocates Bill and TLS (Amendment) Bill Concept notes. After the completion of the internal review of the two proposed Bills, TLS Secretariat organized and conducted a five days intensive meeting with Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs, Attorney Generals Chamber and Law School of Tanzania to discuss and write concept notes on the two Bills. Stakeholders in the due course of discussing the Concept note of the two Bills. From left; Mr. Justine Moshy (MOCLA), Mr. Griffin Mwakapeje (MOCLA), Mr. Melchior Temu (MOCLA) and Mr. Kaleb Gamaya (CEO-TLS) From Right; Mr. Temu (MOCLA), Mr. Hilary Lubengo (LST) and Mr. Griffin (MOCLA). TLS Secretariat Review of the Legal Aid Manual. On the 19th October 2014, four officials of the TLS Secretariat conducted a two days review of the legal Aid Manual. The Manual that was reviewed is the guideline document for all the legal Aid Providers in Tanzania Mainland. The review was conducted for two days for purposes of having a well simplified and effective manual that will suit the needs of the paralegals, the goal that was achieved at the end of the meeting. The review team consisted of Mr. Kaleb Gamaya (CEO-TLS), Mr. Alphonce Gura , Mr. Selemani Pingoni, Miss. Celina Kibasa and Miss. Judith Kapinga The Chief Executive Office of the TLS, Mr. Kaleb Gamaya, facilitating a review session. On the right are Miss. Celina Kibasa and Mr. Alphonce Gura LEGAL AID UNIT EDUCATING FUKAYOSI VILLAGERS ON LAND RIGHTS On the 07th October 2014, the Legal Aid Unit in collaboration with Action Aid and the Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC) Conducted awareness giving programme in Fukayosi Village in Bagamoyo. The visit was aimed on educating the villagers on the land rights which happens to be one of the areas that have been raising conflicts in the village. The visit was also reproduced in the documentary which has been aired with TBC through a law TV Programme. The visit was conducted by Miss. Judith Kapinga and Ms. Bahati Mwano. One of the village leaders addressing and leading the meeting on behalf of the The chair of the village addressing villagers at the opening of the meeting Members of the village during discussion session One of the village members giving status of the land conflicts in Fukayosi Village NOVEMBER CLE SEMINARS Date: Friday 07th November 2014 Date: Friday 07th November 2014 Topic: Capital Markets Operations in Tanzania: The Law Relating to Unit Trust. Venue: Dar es Salaam Topic: Capital Markets Operations in Tanzania: The Law Relating to Unit Trust. Venue: Dar es Salaam Date: Friday 21st November 2014 Topic: Drafting of Applications Venue: Dar es salaam Date: Friday 21st November 2014 Topic: Labour Law: Preparing labour contracts in line with labour laws of Tanzania and providing clients with labour advice. Venue: Mbeya Date: Friday 28th November 2014 Topic: Derivative Claims: A device for Protection of Minority Shareholders Venue: Mwanza TRAINING OF THE COMMUNITY PARALLEGALS ON THE CHILD JUSTICE TLS Secretariat through Strengthening Access to Justice for Children in East Africa (SAJCEA) Project conducted a training to community paralegals in Kibaha on the Law of the Child as well as other important issues pertaining child justice in Tanzania. The training was aimed into imparting child justice knowledge that will comprehend the needs arising in the society that requires effective handling of the child affairs. The training was also done considering the sensitivity of the group of children in the society, which is considered as one of the most marginalized group. A Participant of the training giving comments during the session. One of the facilitators conducting a session in the training Participants of the training in the course of learning Participants posing for a group photo after the training. The first on the left is Mr. Benedict Bagiliye-Project Coordinator of SAJCEA in Tanzania. OBITUARY We regret to inform you of the untimely demise of Mr. Andrew Rwechungura, Advocate, Roll Number 1713, who passed away on the 05th October, 2014 at 10.00PM at Tumbi Hospital in Kibaha. The late advocate Andrew was involved in the car accident on the 05th October, 2014 at 0600PM in Mlandizi, Pwani. . MAY THE ALMIGHTY GOD REST HIS SOUL IN ETERNAL PEACE, AMEN.
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