NOTICES for the Week beginning 10th November Morning Prayer will be said at 8.30am (Tuesday - Friday) MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1.30pm 10.00am –12noon 5.00pm 7.15pm 7.30pm 10.30am 12.15pm 1.30pm 6.30pm 10.00am 5.00pm 7.00pm 8.30am– 9.30am 7.30pm Bright Sparks (carer and toddler group)–Church Rooms Café – in the Church Youth Band Alpha Course PCC in the Evans Room preceded by prayers at 6.45pm Open Learning in the Hulbert Room Lunch in the Church Rooms Holy Communion in the Chancel KidZ Club in the Church rooms U3A in the Church rooms Café 4 T in the Church rooms Youth Cell including Youth Alpha in the Church rooms Prayers for the work and needs of St Mary’s Changing Tunes Wine Tasting NEXT SUNDAY 16th November 9.00am President: Preacher: 10.30am Leader: Speaker: 3.30pm Leaders: Holy Communion (CW) Reverend Mat Ineson Reverend Jennifer Hall Crossroads Holy Communion Reverend Mat Ineson Reverend Angela Cattell Film Focus - Wadjda (PG) Reverend Hazel Trapnell and Judith Sheather PRAYERS FOR THE WEEK Sunday We remember all who have died in service of their country. Monday For countries in conflict – especially those in Africa. Tuesday For calm in our busy lives, that we can find time to pause and reflect. Wednesday For all making decisions about our Church and our work in Stoke Bishop Thursday For the homeless of Bristol and those who volunteer at The Crisis Centre Friday All those who care for others at home or in age related facilities Saturday For our own families, friends and neighbours Sunday For generous and thankful hearts with a joy in giving. MISSION TOPIC Our mission partner Tearfund seeks to follow Jesus where the need is greatest. Please pray for the communities affected by the current Ebola outbreak. Thousands of families have lost loved ones. Ask that they will be comforted and kept safe from infection. Pray for individuals in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea who are infected by the virus. Pray that they will have access to medical care and be restored to full health. Tearfund’s partner, the Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone, is using its network of over 1,000 churches to inform people about preventative measures and tackle superstitious beliefs that can put people at risk. Pray that they would be successful in establishing trust and best practice to help fight the disease. ST. MARY MAGDALENE, STOKE BISHOP TO KNOW, TO SHOW, TO GROW IN, THE LOVE OF GOD Lord Jesus Christ, may we know you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly, day by day. Amen. Sunday 9th November – Third Sunday before Advent If you are a visitor or newly arrived in the parish we hope you will feel welcome. If you would like more details about St Mary’s and its activities, please complete a welcome card and ask for information or visit or contact the Parish Office Tel: 968 7449. ([email protected] ). 9.00am Holy Communion (CW) (said) President: Preacher: Sermon: Bible Readings Reverend Angela Cattell Reverend Hazel Trapnell My light, my salvation, my stronghold Psalm 27 (OT, page 555) Matthew 24:1-8 (NT, page 27) Jo Pestell Intercessions: 10.00am The bells are rung half-muffled as part of our Act of Remembrance 10.30am Service of Remembrance Leader: Speaker: Talk: Worship Group Leader and Organist: Bible Reading: Intercessions: Reverend Mat Ineson Reverend Mat Ineson Last Post and Reveille (including 1 Timothy 2:1-6) Colin Smith Psalm 57 (OT, page 578) Members of Uniformed organisations There will be an age related activity in the church rooms for those children who may not be able to cope with the Act of Remembrance and two minutes silence. Children can leave the service during “ O God , our help in ages past”. 6.30pm The Joinery – informal worship in the Church Rooms Leader: Speaker: Jo Morris Stephen Yates PRAYER MINISTRY If you would like prayer for yourself, relatives, friends or situations, members of the Prayer Ministry Team will be available after the 9.00 am and 10.30 am services. PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY - For pastoral care concerns please contact Jenny Baker (9683227) Jason Parker (9686863) or Jennifer Hall (9685959) Kneelers are available, if required – please collect from either Church entrance. TODAY. You are invited to join us for tea or coffee, after both morning services ,in the Church rooms. A leaflet detailing the sermon series for November and December is available at the back of the church. You can listen to past sermons at our website Choose Tuesdays Café - Here! @StMarys Each Tuesday Morning – Come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a chat – Children welcome - 10.00am – 12 noon. Church Contact Directory .This is due to be revised - If your information is incorrect or you are not listed- please complete a form from the back of Church and put in the Office pigeon hole, today. Present listings can be seen at the back of the Church. Volunteers to make and serve tea and coffee after the services, on a rota basis, are needed – please speak to a Warden, Jane Newton (for 9.00am) or Jeremy Barwell (for 10.30am). LOOKING AHEAD: @ STMARY’S Today at 6.30pm The Joinery in the Church Rooms led by Jo Morris with speaker Stephen Yates – one of our ordinands - continuing a series on the Ten Commandments – “Do not Steal” Next Week at 3.30pm Film Focus – Wadjda (PG) – A warm and human story of a young girl in Saudi Arabia Tickets, at £10 each , are now available for the Christmas Performance on Friday 12th December - “The Greatest Story ever told” . The local history group invite you to visit the Hulbert room today to view the artefacts collected during the research for Voices of Stoke Bishop – the exhibition will be open from 10.00am – 4.00pm. Join us for Thursday Lunch at 12.15pm in the Church Rooms. If anyone owns a polaroid camera which they would be willing to lend or to use at the Winter Warmer – please contact Yvonne Penn Saturday 15th November Changing Tunes –Wine Tasting Evening Saturday 29th November Winter Warmer Friday 12th December “The Greatest Story Ever Told” The Christmas story in poetry, prose and song. 15th-21st December Christmas Tree Festival Simon Guillebaud has a new book Choose Life: 365 Readings for Radical Disciples – A unique set of daily readings which encourages us to live the Christian life without compromise copies can be purchased through Mike Stewart . The Village Hall invite you to their Christmas Fair on Saturday 15th November, 2.00- 5.00pm. We would like to have buskers at the Winter Warmer. - If anyone can play any brass instrument or has a contact , please speak to Andy Gliddon. Office volunteer urgently needed for Friday mornings! Winter Warmer Our annual Christmas sale will be held on Saturday 29th November. Please offer your help We need stall holders (either to help on stalls prepared by the Church or to run an idea of your own) We are collecting books and bric a brac to be sold (please leave in the Church porch) We need new items for prizes, for raffle and Tombola. Brian Dunster’s house group will be running a bottle stall and appreciate donations of (full) bottles or jars. The Pearson and Smiths’ house groups will be organising the cake stall and ask you to offer cakes . If you need something collecting near the day please contact 9686822, or a member of either group. We will need help with publicity- please offer to distribute posters or flyers. Please speak to Yvonne or email at [email protected] Cabot Choir Promises Auction On Saturday 22nd November at 7.00pm. A 3 course buffet supper followed by an auction of promises. Tickets are £10 from Lynda Bryan Brown 9681536 Food for thought : ce/poppy.htm - a webpage which explains a lot about Remembrance and also has poems and music. Tickets for the Changing tunes Wine Tasting on Saturday 15th November can be obtained from the Church Office. Our traidcraft stall will be here on Sunday 16th November after both services. There is still time to order Christmas cards and gifts from the Traidcraft catalogue.. The Real Advent Calendars are available to buy ready for December. 1st. along with other Christmas goodies. We have been publishing the dates of next year’s Lee Abbey weekend, for some time now. Booking forms are now available – please reserve your place as soon as possible. The weekend (17th19th April 2015) will be led by Reverend Mat Ineson and promises much in the way of fellowship, fun , reflection, prayer and spiritual input. Do join us. If you have not been on a parish weekend before or not in recent years – please talk to a warden or member of the clergy who will tell you more - You may find that the person next to you in Church knows all about it! We would like to have a list of people who are able to offer occasional transport to the Church on Thursdays at 12noon for lunch or to services on a Sunday morning – please would you contact the Church Office if you feel able to help in this way. Voices from Stoke Bishop raised £537 for the Royal British Legion. Thank you to all involved. Sleigh Appeal The sleigh is at the back of the Church and will be here until 30th November – each year we collect toys, toiletries , hats and gloves to be shared between the Salvation Army and Sisters of the Poor in St Pauls .
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