Special Guest Performance by Emily Muramoto CYE Spokesmodel Liesl Klages Pre-Teen Miss California 2015 Emcee Meghan Sherman Miss Orange County 2013 5 Age Divisions 6-8, 9-12, 13-15, 16-17 and 18-22 A fun, one day event! Saturday, January 24, 2015 Friends Church 18637 Yorba Linda Blvd. Yorba Linda, CA 92886 A one day event… No Swimwear, or Talent Performance required to participate! Winners move-on to CYE’s Miss California Pageant which awards Over $10,000 in cash scholarships annually! Pageant open to young women ages 6-22 years old (age as of 1/1/2015), that meet the residency requirements, that have never been married or never been pregnant. MISS ORANGE COUNTY 2015 CYE pageants are natural pageants, no flippers or heavy make-up on girls ages 6-8 yrs old. Age appropriate attire for all participants. (Must reside or attend school in Orange County) Application, fee & photo jpg due: January 16, 2015 (Must reside or attend school in Los Angeles County) .. Miss Los Angeles County 2015 The pageant is a one day event… Miss Orange Coast 2015 Contestants arrive 11:30 AM, check-in (please eat before arriving, snacks will be provided) (Open title, open to all residents of California) Rehearsal Time: 12:00/1:30 PM - BEAUTIFUL CRYSTAL TIARAS, Prepare for Pageant 1:30/2:30 PM - enjoy a snack... SATIN-EMBROIDERED SASH, PRESENTATION FLOWERS, CASH SCHOLARSHIP (AGES 16-22) AND STATE PAGEANT ENTRY FEE SCHOLARSHIPS TO EACH TITLEHOLDER Doors open for guest: 2:00 PM Pageant starts 2:30 PM (If you wish to watch rehearsal, you are required to have a ticket, thank you. NO Photography DURING REHEARSAL OR DURING THE ON-STAGE PAGEANT. Subject to being disqualified from CYE competition. ♦ 5 age divisions: ♦ 18-22 yrs - Miss OC / Miss LA / Miss Orange Coast receive - $500 Cash Scholarships ** Pageant Judging: overall appearance, beauty, poise/personality projection, gown modeling and onstage-type interviews. Teen and Miss Contestants should be prepared to discuss community service projects she would like to support, or currently supports. ♦ 16-17 yrs - Teen - $300 Cash Scholarships ** ♦ 13-15 yrs - Jr. Teen ♦ 9-12 yrs - Pre-Teen ♦ 6-8 yrs - Jr. Miss Pageant Program Book. Each contestant is asked to submit a headshot jpg to: [email protected]. By 1/16/ 2015. ♦ Each titleholder, ages 9-22, receives a $400 entry fee scholarship for CYE’s Miss California Scholarship Pageant. ♦ The pageant opens with a Parade of Contestants, dressed in their beautiful pageant gowns - as a group the young ladies will walk across the stage during the Opening of the Pageant…stop center stage, smile - exit the stage… Following the Parade of Contestants, each contestant will be called to the Stage individually, to model her gown, contestant will then walk to the podium area to select a question from a basket and respond. After each contestant in an age group has answered her on-stage question(s), contestants will return to the stage for the Final Review of Contestants… It’s that simple. We want everyone to have fun and to “just be yourself”, meet new friends, gain self confidence and experience the joy of striving to be your best. Billie Sangster, Pageant Director [email protected] - (619) 390-0061 Entries will be accepted day of the pageant...a late processing fee of $40.00 will be charged. Cash only accepted day of pageant. Please contact us and inform us that you will be entering the day of pageant (619) 390-0061, thank you. The Judges decisions are final and binding. **Cash scholarships awarded during CYE’s Miss California Scholarship Pageant October 11, 2015. CYE reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone. Please postmark entries by January 16, 2015. Miss California entry fee scholarships (a $400 value) are non transferable and can not be redeemed for cash. No refunds. Miss Orange County ___ Miss Los Angeles County ___ Miss Orange Coast ____ Please indicate which title you will represent, if you are the highest scoring Contestant in your age division! Residency requirements for Miss Orange County and Miss Los Angeles County. The highest scoring contestant in each age division that didn’t receive the Miss Orange County or Miss Los Angeles County title will be named Miss Orange Coast. One fee, 2 chances to win a title! Age Groups: Jr. Miss 6-8 ____ Pre-teen 9-12 _____ Jr. Teen 13-15 ____ Teen 16-17 ____ Miss 18-22_____ Age as of 01/01/2015 - Contestants may move up an age division. Entries due: January 16, 2015 Entries will be accepted day of pageant, a late processing fee of $40 will be charged, cash only day of pageant. Name: ____________________________________________Birth date: ___________ Address: ______________________________________________City ____________________zip_________ email: ____________________________________________________________________ (Please print clearly, list of on-stage questions and any changes/updates/confirmation of entry received will be via email.) Telephone: ______________________ Cell: ___________________ All fees payable to: CYE (Council for Youth Empowerment, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charity organization. Miss OC / Miss LA County Pageant / Miss Orange Coast : $150.00 Total Entry Fee Due $150.00 Entry Fee includes: Awards for: Best Smile, Prettiest Eyes, Prettiest Hair - in each age group. Pre-Sale Pageant Tickets: # of tickets_______ $15.00 each $_______ Tickets: Day of Event: $20.00 Total Due: $_______ Tell us 3 interesting facts about you! (information for judges, and to assist with your on-stage interview during the pageant). 1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Charge: Visa ____ MasterCard: ____ Card Numbers: ________________________________ Name on Card: ______________________________ Zip Code of Card holder: ________ Exp. Date: _______ CRV #_______ (A $5.00 charge will be added) Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________ If under the age of 18 a parent or guardian must sign. Everyone, except contestants, required to purchase a ticket: Pre-Sale Tickets: $15 each person, day of Pageant $20 ea. Please sign both side of this form, mail along with fees to: CYE - 9355 Emerald Grove Ave., Lakeside, CA 92040 - 619.390.0061 RULES, REGULATIONS AND AGREEMENT TO PARTICIPATE I, ___________________________________________born on ___________________ Hereby apply for eligibility to participate in CYE’s 2015 Miss Orange County (MOCP) / Miss Los Angeles County title (MLACP) or Miss Orange Coast (MOC) and/or Miss California State Finals Scholarship Pageant (MCP) title and agree if accepted as a contestant to the hereafter enumerated conditions. 1. I acknowledge that I am a current full-time resident of the State of California, I acknowledge I reside or attend school in the area of the pageant title I am competing for. 2. That I have truthfully disclosed my age, address, and willingly disclosed all reasonable, necessary personal data as requests by the pageant. Further I understand that should I/MY Child (ages 9-22 yrs) wins a title in the January 24, 2015 CYE Pageant, that she will go on to compete in the Miss California State Finals Pageant, which will be held in San Diego County (10/11/2015). If for any reason I/she can not represent my/ her title in the State Finals I will notify my director as soon as possible, and I realize I will loose my title and scholarship award. 3. I acknowledge that I am at least a 2.5 grade point average student; I have excellent school attendance; and that I have never been suspended from school. 4. I understand that I am accepting the responsibility for representing the young women of this area/county/ state and that my public and personal conduct will be of the utmost concern during my reign. If my moral or personal conduct should for any reason become embarrassing to the Council for Youth Empowerment, or the title, I will willingly give up my title, if I do not willingly give up the title I will be disqualified and loose all scholarships and opportunities associated with the title. This would include but is not limited to the suspension from school and use of profanity in public. Title tiara and sash should be returned to the pageant committee, or I acknowledge I will be invoiced for the cost to replace the items. 5. I understand that one of the areas of judging will be based on my personal appearance. I agree not to alter my personal appearance should I become a CYE Titleholder, by coloring my hair, or with tattoos or piercings that were not present when I won the title. 6. I understand that if selected as a CYE titleholder I cannot use the title to endorse any products or businesses for advertising purposes without authorization of the Council for Youth Empowerment. Further for my safety, I will not disclose on any internet site/chat room such as twitter or facebook that I am a CYE titleholders. This information will only be used on the official CYE internet site/chat room/ facebook/twitter. 7. I understand that my scholarship prize will be awarded to me during my participation in CYE’s Miss California Scholarship Pageant October 11, 2015. 8. The Council for Youth Empowerment reserves the right to disqualify any delegate at any time before and after the pageant date for any infraction of the rules, regulations, unacceptable conduct that is embarrassing to CYE including, but not limited to, the use of drugs, alcohol or profanity. 9. The Council for Youth Empowerment has the right to refuse entry to our pageants to anyone. 10. I _________________________________, age _____ and ____________________________, my legal parent/guardian acknowledges that I have read these rules and have found that I am eligible to compete for the titles. Further I agree to abide by the rules as stated and hold harmless Billie Sangster, the Council for Youth Empowerment, the pageant volunteers, the rehearsal facilities, the pageant facilities, their owners and staff, and all of their volunteers and staff from loss, costs or damage of any kind to my person or property or while traveling to this event. I agree that my/my child’s name/photograph may be used by the pageant director for publicity. Fees and/or ticket cost are non-refundable. Signature of pageant delegate: _____________________________Print Name: ______________________ Or Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian _______________________Print Name: _____________________ Date: _______________ (this form must be signed to participate)
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