Good Shepherd’s News 3800 Roland Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21211 410-243-1129

Good Shepherd’s News
3800 Roland Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Rev. Bonnie McCubbin, Pastor
Volume 9, Issue 11
November 2014
Email: [email protected]
“We are called to address the needs of God’s children within and
beyond our walls.”
Pa s t o r ’s M e s s a ge
As a child, I frequently had “growing pains”—severe
muscle aches in my legs caused by rapid growth. I was
growing faster than my muscles could stretch, and the
resulting pain left me in tears. My dad would try to massage my legs for me, but I remember that when I was in
3rd grade, there was a period of about 3 months where I
was unable to sit on the floor because my legs hurt so
much. Eventually, my growth slowed down to a point
where I was able to resume my usual activities.
American abolitionist Frederick Douglas said,
If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those
who profess to favor freedom yet deprecate agitation are men who
want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without
thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of
Its many waters. Power concedes nothing without demand. It never
did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly
submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice
and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with
both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of
those whom they oppress. (Common Prayer: A Liturgy For Ordinary Radicals, 479)
As I think back to all of the good work that has been done by this congregation in the last month and year; all of the ministries and the faithful dedication of so many people of God, I remember this quote. As a congregation
that is trying to grow—both in numbers and in our own spiritual lives; “if
there is no struggle, there is no progress.” Every ministry, every church, every activity that is trying to grow will experience growing pains. It is part of
life. If we are not having pain, we are not growing. If we are not growing, we
are shrinking. So I welcome the growing pains because it means we are on
the right track!
So as we continue to try to live life together, I encourage you to think
about this whenever something changes, or is new, or doesn’t quite line up
with your thoughts and ideas. Ask yourself, “are we experiencing growing
Sunday School
10:00 am
Worship Service
10:00 am
Fellowship Hour
First Sunday
Second Sunday
New Member
Fourth Sunday
Ramp for
Wheelchair or Walker
Inside this issue:
Pastor’s Message
Within Our Walls
Words from the P.I.T.
Youth Ministry
UMW Projects, etc.
Worship Elements
Editor’s Note
Insert: Calendar of Events
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Good Shepherd’s News
pains right now or is this something more serious that needs to be brought to the attention of the pastor and
staff?” If we are experiencing growing pains, I encourage you to wait a few days, weeks, or months, and see if
the pains subside. If they do, hallelujah! If not, we might need to take a closer look and see what is going on.
Brothers and sisters, as we approach Thanksgiving, I am thankful to be the pastor of this congregation—a
congregation that is wrestling with “growing pains.” Thank you for this privilege and honor.
Peace and Blessings,
Pastor Bonnie
Within Our Walls
On Wednesday, October 15, about a dozen people came together for worship and ministry sharing
with our District Superintendent at Charge Conference. It was a stormy night, but inside was filled with
laughter, joy and cake!
Charge Conference is our annual meeting where we share with our District Superintendent about the
ministries of our congregation and we ratify goals for the next year, look at our membership records,
approve persons for licensed and ordained ministry, and set the pastor’s salary for following year.
After a brief time of worship led by Pastor Bonnie, Rev. Cynthia Moore-Koikoi shared with us the
vision for the Baltimore-Metropolitan District over the next year. We are unique in Baltimore in our
neighborhood mentality. We are being asked to not just be a church in our neighborhood, but instead, to
be part of the neighborhood. We are being freed to be the church. We were encouraged to consider if a
different administrative structure (fewer committees/people serving on committees) could free up more
people for ministry in the community. Also, what would a community church look like? Would it focus on
young people or those more advanced in years?
While a lot was shared, the following are highlights of the meeting that impact all of us. All six of our
Lay Servants were approved for ministry! Linda Thompson was approved as a Certified Local Church Lay
Servant. Virginia Dailey, John Landers, Shirley Milledge, Susie Pearce, and Betty Pennington were each approved as a Basic Lay Servant.” What this means is that each of these persons has taken classes on leadership
and church life (in Linda’s case, advanced classes); and are approved for additional ministry opportunities.
You may see them providing pastoral care in the absence of Pastor Bonnie; leading Bible Studies, worship,
chairing committees or training others in the congregation. Please congratulate them! If you are interested in
this opportunity, please see Pastor Bonnie or any Lay Servant.
Our mission statement is “We are called to address the needs of God’s children within and beyond
our walls.” We live this out in a litany of ways that greatly impressed Rev. Moore-Koikoi (please see the list in
the Charge Conference packet if you are interested).
Our church-wide goals for 2015 are as follows:
1. Increase worship attendance by 10% (average attendance of 55-60) by September 2015 through
community outreach, increasing offerings for families, and personal invitation.
2. Increase our ministry presence at The Roland View Towers by working with their administration
and committees to provide conversation, Bible Study, or other programming in at least one building
monthly. (May alternate buildings).
3. Engage in at least 2 broader community events in 2015 (such as Ashes to Go or Hampden Fest)
with at least 2 members of the congregation (not staff) participating each time.
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4. Mentor a Seminarian to learn best practices in ministry, while providing constructive feedback
for growth.
Please consider how you can be a part of achieving our goals.
Additionally, we updated our membership records, approved the pastor’s compensation package for 2015
(virtually no change, except where mandatory medical and pension costs increased our costs marginally), and
shared reports from the UMW, Children and Youth Ministry, Trustees, and other committees.
If you would like to see a packet from Charge Conference, they are available. Please contact Pastor Bonnie
or Rachel in the church office.
As cold and flu season gears up, and fears of other diseases like Ebola and Enterovirus 68 spread, your
church staff would like to take this time to provide you with some accurate information and calm some fears.
First and foremost, get your flu shot. This is the best way to prevent the flu and to help keep your body
from battling more than one disease at a time.
Secondly, if you are feeling sick, please stay home from worship, Bible Study, meetings, etc. If you really
feel the need to be part of something, we can use the speaker phone setting to allow you to participate remotely. Additionally, Pastor Bonnie will prepare “Home Worship Packets” for anyone who would like one that can
be used in the event you are unable to attend worship. These can be used in the event of bad weather too! (As
always, even if church is open, please use good judgment as to whether you can travel/walk safely).
Third, even when you are at church, please make frequent use of hand sanitizer and hand washing with
warm water and soap. This is an excellent way to prevent the spread of any disease. All of our pastors and staff
will be encouraging this. If you notice that a bottle is out of sanitizer, please inform a pastor so that we can replace or replenish it.
If you are concerned about the safety of communion, it is perfectly safe to still receive communion. The
celebrant (pastor) washes her hands before touching the bread and cup. We will be asking everyone to wash
their hands before coming forward for communion. That means that only washed hands touch the bread which
touches the juice. Intinction (dipping the bread in the cup) is a safe way to celebrate communion (and much
safer than drinking from a common cup). Studies have been done and show that there is no increased risk of
illness from taking communion.
Pastor Bonnie and Pastor Angie were recently on a conference call with the Center for Disease Control
(CDC) designed for clergy; and are well-versed in how we can prevent the spread of disease. Please come to
us with any questions. We are also working on a plan for our church in the unlikely event that something more
serious than the flu arrives in our area. If you would like to be part of this, please let Pastor Bonnie know.
Thank you for not panicking and using good common sense!
Words from Pastor Angie (Pastor In Training)
Some people know St. Teresa of Avila from the Italian sculptor Gian Lorenzo
Bernini’s The Ecstasy of St. Teresa, which is housed in Santa Maria della Vittoria, a
church in Rome. Others know her through her books, which are full of her teachings
on prayer.
In November of 1535 Teresa at the age of twenty, ran away from home and entered the Carmelite Convent of the Incarnation at Avila. She was a woman of incredible faith and she was deeply committed to the Church. In all of her books she encourages her readers to pray.
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Good Shepherd’s News
understood that many people were unsure of how to pray. She offers some great advice in The Book of My
Life. Teresa taught from her personal experience. She talks about how one’s prayer life is like a garden. The
first step is to water the garden by using a bucket of water pulled from a well. The second step is to water the
garden using a water wheel that pours water into a trough that water the garden. The third step is to water the
garden by a running a stream. The fourth step is for the garden to be watered to be the rain. She did not make
her readers afraid of prayer. Rather she encouraged them to talk with God. The idea is that like with all relationships the more you talk the closer you become. She once said, “For prayer is nothing else than being on
terms of friendship with God.”
John Wesley said, “God's command to ‘pray without ceasing’ is founded on the necessity we have of his
grace to preserve the life of God in the soul, which can no more subsist one moment without it, than the body
can without air” (A Plain Account of Christian Perfection).
When I think about what St. Teresa and John Wesley said about prayer I find myself singing a song that I
grew up hearing: “Just a closer walk with Thee, Grant it, Jesus is my plea, Daily walking close to Thee, Let it
be, dear Lord, let it be” (Just A Closer Walk With Thee). Through prayer we walk closer with God. Through
prayer we water our friendship with God.
YOUTH MINISTRY—Pastor Nickie Moreno Howard
Our After School program continues to grow! We
are still taking new students, and several students
have recently joined us.
Our Sunday School Program has spent two months
learning about the Beatitudes, and we recently talked
about prayer. Our students are learning so much! We want to thank the volunteers who help us on occasion. We are still trying to get a volunteer from
the congregation each week to assist and learn with our children. If you
would like to volunteer, please see me.
Additionally, we were recently awarded a $1500 grant from the Baltimore-Washington Conference to do campus ministry at Loyola University.
Stay tuned for more details as finals week approaches!
Meanwhile, enjoy these photos from Trunk-Or-Treat at Mt. Washington- Trunk-Or-Treat at Mt.WashingtonAldersgate UMC on October 25
Aldersgate UMC
on October 25.
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Mission Opportunities
HWRMW FOOD PANTRY...Bernie McAllister
Please continue to support the HWRMW Food Pantry by donating non-perishable food items. There is always a need for soups, pasta/pasta sauce, tuna, canned vegetables, cereal. Toiletries, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, deodorant, shaving cream and soap are also needed. Please continue to bring these items in
throughout the year, and place them in the box in the Roland Avenue narthex.
The Board of Child Care and The Strawbridge School are still in need of Labels for Education. The labels
will continue to help The Strawbridge School to get things they need. Please remember them by bringing in
labels to put in the box on the table in the 38th St. Narthex.
The participating products are: Bic, Campbell’s, Dannon, Emerald, Pace, Peppridge Farm, Pop Secret, Post,
Prego, SpagettiO’s, Swanson, V8 Beverages, V-8 Splash, V-8 V-Fusion.
If you have questions, please contact Bernie McAllister.
United Methodist Women: News and Projects
The UMW is still in need of items for their Annual Christmas Bazaar / Flea Market. They are asking for donations of small homemade baked items such as brownies, cookies and loaf cakes, candy and soups. Please remember to fill out the form in your bulletin and give it to Jeanne Harris. We hope to see you on Nov. 8!
Congregation’s Corner
My *honest* version of our membership form:
We invite all worshippers to consider membership. Please carefully consider all membership levels to discern how best you can engage with our community. Only On Paper: Yes, you are on the books
and will forever be a beloved member of this beautiful
community even though you have worshipped elsewhere for eighteen years. We promise to mail you a
print out of the newsletter once a month because you
refuse to check email but do send us the smallest
pledge possible to justify the hours our secretary
spends making sure you feel included.
High Holy Days: Easter and Christmas are
just the right fit for your spiritual needs! Worship is
really best when we spend lots of money on special
music and the church is packed. Plus everyone looks
so nice for those photos on social media that you'll
hastag #loveourchurch #alleluia. See you next year!
Quarter Timer (but we'll treat you like a full time
member) - This is our most popular option. You'll
make it to church about once a month and in return we
will treat you like one of our more active members.
We promise to constantly reach out to you, remember
details you told us a month ago, and attempt to include
you in activities on campus that you'll only show up
for 25% of the time. Please note that once a month-ers
are not expect to stay for coffee hour, worship during
summer, football season, holiday weekends, when
family is in town, or the weather is particularly nice.
Perpetual Attenders: You make it 3 out of 4 Sunday's a month. You serve on commissions, volunteer
with outreach projects, and have been on the vestry at
least twice. You faithfully raise your pledge every
year and stay to clean up from coffee hour with two
children in tow. When you do miss church for vacation you find a church where you are going and excitedly share bulletins with the rector upon your return.
Every Sunday Worshippers: Congratulations! You
are qualified for ordination. Please speak to the Pastor
for more information. If you select this option you
might actually already be clergy or otherwise employed by the church.
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Good Shepherd’s News
2 Nicholas Seibert
9 Madelynn Wheat
16 Nick Curry
23 Gordon Wheat
Each year during Advent, Good Shepherd’s Family lights the Advent candles
during worship. There are 8 services for
which candle lighters are needed, including two services on Christmas Eve.
Individuals, families, or groups of friends welcome! If you
are interested in serving in this way, and have not lit the Advent candles in a while, please sign up in the 38th St. Narthex. The deadline is Sunday, November 23.
30 Nicholas Seibert
Broc Smith
Barbara Snyder
Elaine Grill
William Smith
Chris Arrington
Renice Bloom
Shirley Huff
Chris & Ben Arrington
Sharon & Gary Weese
Joys, Concerns and Continued Prayers
Betty C.
Mike, son of Don & Jean Lippy
Frances Spitzbarth
Pam’s friend, Joyce
Linda T’s sister, Vera
Ebola Victims, their families & the healthcare workers
Continue prayers for:
Shirley S.’s sister, Nancy
Doris Montgomery
Pastor Bonnie’s grandfather, Al
Tim P.
Evelyn R and her family
Edie W. and her family
Our Shut-ins:
Helen Bridges ~ Stella Maris
Betty Callahan
Doris & John Cromwell
Ruth Kurz ~ Keswick
Lois Lewis
Myrtle Markland ~ Lamplight on Greenspring Ave.
Shirley Stran ~ Keswick
Don Webb
Rosetta Whittington
Sharon E’s friends are adopting a little girl
Pam’s son, Jeremy, is doing better
Edith’s sister is home
Charge Conference is over!
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Reflections by John Landers
Some of us who are Night Owls, may be familiar
with David Letterman and his nightly “Top Ten
List.” I have my own “Top Ten List” as to “Why
People Do Not Go To Church.” I’ve talked to
many people through the years about that and were
told many reasons. So here we go. The Top Ten
Reasons People Do Not Go To Church:
10. I work hard all week, on Sunday I sleep.
9. Sunday is Funday…Golf, Fishing, etc.
8. I hate dressing up.
7. Go once and you’re pressured to go every
6. I don’t understand the Bible.
5. My friends don’t go.
4. I have no transportation.
3. I don’t know anyone there.
2. Once you go, you are pressured to participate in all church functions.
And the number one reason people do not attend
church is:
1. I don’t believe what the church believes…
virgin birth, resurrection, etc. If I attend, I
would be a hypocrite.
November 2014
Worship by Pastor Bonnie
This month’s worship column will focus on the
Greeting. We have three parts to our Greeting: 1) The
leader; 2) The Choral Prelude; and 3) The Call to
First, facing the people, the leader greets everyone
in the Lord’s name. It needs to be explicitly Christian
and declare that the Lord is present and empowers
our worship. In our case, this comes as the very first
thing in worship—even before the announcements!
Pastor Bonnie normally tells everyone that “they are
welcome in God’s house.”
Later, we sing the Choral Prelude. In some congregations, this is sung by the choir or omitted entirely,
in favor of a spoken response. According to the Book
of Worship, “a doxology, stanza, chorus, acclamation,
or canticle may also be sung at this point, possibly
repeated every Sunday, at least for a season, so that
the people know it by heart” (18). Some congregations have their own “theme song” that they sing every week!
We also have a Call to Worship. It is a type of
greeting that invites the congregation to enter into the
worship service. It can be said by either the leader
alone (example: This is the day that the Lord has
made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!) or in a responsive way with the congregation (One: Christ is Risen!
Many: Christ is Risen indeed!).
Regardless of how we enter into worship, the most
important thing is that we center ourselves and invite
God into our worship space.
Beyond Our Walls
Medicare D: Open Enrollment 10/15-12/7
Check your plan—some companies add/drop RX drugs. Premiums, co-pays, & deductibles change yearly. Call SMOC to
check your 2015 plan. Programs are available to help low and mid-income seniors pay up to $40/month.
MEAP (Maryland Energy Assistance Program): Open enrollment until May 30, 2015
Senior Water Bill Discount
35% discount for those 65+ and total household income of less than $25,000. Hardship Exemptions also available.
Theses services and more are provided through SMOC. Please call Sandy & her team at 410-366-3106.
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Good Shepherd’s News
The choir rehearses on Wednesdays, at 2:30 pm in the Junior Room. Sunday morning rehearsals are at 9:30
Please inform Sharon Weese, Chair of Trustees, if you want to schedule an event at church. Contact Sharon
Weese for Parking Passes. The parking lot will be patrolled by Greenwood Garage from 8 am to 1 pm. Y ou
must make sure your Parking Pass is visible or your car will be towed. If you plan to have guests please be
sure to get passes from Sharon on the day your guests are to arrive. If you notice a visitor in the congregation,
feel free to ask if they parked on the lot so that they can get a pass.
Please be aware that we continue to ask for your help in encouraging and lifting the spirits of many of our
homebound members and friends. Please remember to share God’s love with others. Addresses are in your
Church Directory.
If you want a copy of Pastor Bonnie’s sermons sent to you please contact Rachel Yates, Administrative
Assistant, 410-243-1129 (the church office number). Leave your name and address or your name & email
address so she can send you the sermon.
Those who are able to attend services may also request a copy to follow along during Sunday’s sermon.
Please leave your name with Pastor Bonnie after the worship service.
Please contact Pastor Bonnie to schedule a time to meet. If there are several interested persons, a class after
worship can be arranged.
Every Monday all announcements, joy and concerns, fellowship opportunities, mission opportunities and
other information you want to share with the congregation should be in writing and left in the mailbox, on the
wall, outside the office of Rachel Yates, Administrative Assistant.
If you would like envelopes contact Pam Seibert or Nancy Cromwell.
Hosts are needed for the 1st Sunday of the month socials. Individuals or groups welcome. Consider signing
up for one or more months. Help is available. The church provides coffee, tea, hot chocolate, utensils, plates,
and napkins. Sign up in the narthex. If you have questions contact Shirley Huff or Bonnie Thompson.
October/November/December copies are available in regular and large print. The Upper Room is available
for a yearly subscription of $6.30. Contact Nancy Cromwell if you are interested.
The poinsettias help to decorate our worship space during the Christmas season. You are able to purchase
them for $10 each in honor or in memory of a loved one. Please see the order form on the back of the newsletter or in your bulletin on Sundays. Deadline to order: November 16.
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November 2014
This month, in honor of Thanksgiving, I was hoping to
write a column based on what the congregation was thankful
for. For several weeks, I tried to solicit responses from the
congregation, but only Nancy told me she was thankful for
family and the presence of God in her life. This made me
sad, because I am thankful for so many things.
At Bible Study, I asked the group to write down what they
were thankful for to help me out. Several people participated:
Linda T. & Pam: Family & Friends
John: Football & Friends
Sandy: Help she gets with meeting minutes
Pastor Bonnie: Family, Friends, Safe place to live
Shirley M.: Loving husband, Supportive family/
friends, hair dye
It seems that relationships are the most important thing to
our congregation. So I hope that you enjoy your Thanksgiving meal—whether it is shared here at Good Shepherd, in
your home, or in a friend or family member’s home and remember what you are thankful for.
Peace and blessings, Shirley M
P.S. Thanks for the lovely birthday
wishes from everyone and a special
thanks to Pastor Bonnie for helping
to put together this newsletter—
otherwise, we’d be having a November/December issue!
November 2nd
21st Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 32:1-14
Psalm 107:1–7, 33–37
1 Thessalonians 2:9–13
Matthew 23:1–12
November 9th
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 33:12-23, 34:29-35
Psalm 78:1-7
I Thessalonians 4:13-18
Matthew 25:1-13
November 16th
23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Deuteronomy 34:1-12, Joshua 3:7
Psalm 123 or Psalm 76
1 Thessalonians 5:1–11
Matthew 25:14–30
November 23rd
24th Sunday after Pentecost
Christ the King Sunday
Psalm 100
Ephesians 1:15–23
Matthew 25:31–46
November 30th
1st Sunday of Advent
United Methodist Student Day
Psalm 80:1–7, 17–19
1 Corinthians 1:3–9
Luke 1:5-25
Luke 1:69-79
Pam Seibert
Elaine Grill
Don Lippy
Roy Keys
Don Lippy
Bill Harris
ACOLYTES (see schedule on p. 7)
Nick Curry
Nicholas Seibert
Pam Seibert (Alternate)
Michaela Smith (Alternate)
Gordon Wheat
Madelynn Wheat
Jerry Guchemand
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Good Shepherd’s News
A NEW 5-week Advent
Bible Study called “The
Journey” traces the path
of Mary and Joseph on
their way to the manger. It
includes weekly videos for
our class time. The church will underwrite the
cost of the materials for this study. However,
you must sign up no later than Sunday, November 2 in the 38thStreet Narthex. No exceptions. Class will be held on Tuesdays
at 2pm in the Parlor, November 25-December
23. Please see Pastor Bonnie with questions.
November 2
Please bring pictures of loved ones to be
displayed in the parlor. You may place
them on the desk. We encourage you to tell
stories during fellowship hour and to label
your photos with names, using the post-it
notes provided.
Sunday, November 23
in the Social Hall after worship
Come fellowship with your church family.
(provided by Good Shepherd)
**Ham**Macaroni & Cheese**
Christmas Bazaar/Flea Market
**Corn**Apple Sauce**Salad**
Saturday, November 8, 2014
9 am to 3 pm
**Gift items*Clothing**Glassware**Jewelry
Homemade Candy**Homemade Baked
Goods**and much more!
All items are clean, in good condition, and reasonably priced
Sponsored by the Good Shepherd UMW
Desserts provided by the congregation
Sponsored by the Hospitality Committee
On Sunday, November 24th the Christmas
Card Mailbox will be set up. Remember the
mail slots are in alphabetical order to make
it easier to file them. Please be sure to pick
up your mail each Sunday.
We will be having a community service the week preceding Thanksgiving.
Please watch your bulletin, the church website, and Facebook page for details.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
6:00 pm—Light Fare
7:00 pm—Family Service
10:00 pm Communion Service
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1st Sunday of
each month in the
lounge, following
the Worship
Come, enjoy light refreshments
and conversation.
If you are interested in Hosting one
Sunday sign up in the 38th St.
Narthex or contact Shirley Huff or
Bonnie Thompson.
Ways to Support Your Church
 Remember your offering
 Altar Flowers and Bulletins
 Garden Windows
 Donations
-Bulletin Insert
-Easter Flowers
-Mother’s Day
-Father’s Day
-Grandparent’s Day
 Remember Good Shepherd in your Will
Please contact Nancy Cromwell, 410.366.6862,
to place your order for flowers & to support
your church by making donations.
The deadline for the January 2015
issue will be moved up one week
(Sunday, December 14) because of
the Christmas / New Year Holiday.
It will be published on Sunday,
December 28.
Please try to plan your articles
ahead so they will make the issue in
time. As always make sure your
articles are in writing or sent via
email: [email protected].
There will be no exceptions so that
Rachel Yates, who prints the newsletter, and I can enjoy our Holiday.
Rachel and I thank you in advance
for your cooperation.
Join one today
Adult Bible Studies
NEW 5-Week Advent Bible Study: The
2:00 pm in the Parlor
Tuesday, November 25 - December 23
Lead by Rev. Bonnie McCubbin
First Tuesday of the Month
10:00 am Prayer Group & UMW Meeting
Linda Thompson, President
Groups meet promptly in the Fellowship
Hall. Please bring a sandwich or light lunch,
drinks and desserts will be provided
Second Tuesday thru Last Tuesday of
each month
10:30 am
Friendship Circle
Meets in the Jr. Room
Led by Nancy Cromwell
Please bring bag lunch
All are Welcome to any group
(Cut along the dotted line)
Our Altar will be overflowing with poinsettias again this Christmas. Please fill this form out and return it to Nancy
Cromwell of call her at 410-366-6862. The deadline is Sunday, November 16.
Number of poinsettias __________ x $10.00 = _____________
Please list the names and relationships of the person or persons you wish to memorialize or honor with a poinsettia.
In honor of ___________________________________ submitted by ___________________________________
In Memory of _________________________________ submitted by ___________________________________
In Honor of ___________________________________ submitted by ___________________________________
In Memory of __________________________________ submitted by ___________________________________
I will take my poinsettia on Sunday, Dec. 21
I will take my poinsettia on Christmas Eve
I will take my poinsettia on Sunday, December 28
I will leave my poinsettia for a shut-in
Name: _______________________________ Phone: _______________________