Rev. Jason Dorriety Pastor Rev. Josh Coates Minister of Music Mr. Chris Clegg Student Minister Mrs. Patricia Kerr Organist Mrs. Susie Turbeville Pianist SERVICE TIMES: Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. AWANA - 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Services - 7:00 p.m. Church Office – 226-6825 Pastor - 276-6920 Church Office Hours: Tuesday 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Wednesday - 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Church Staff Email Addresses: Pastor - [email protected] Music Minister - [email protected] Student Minister - [email protected] Secretary - [email protected] WWW.NEALSCREEK.ORG PRAYER LIST AT HOME: Butch Allred, Denise Ashley, Debbie Aspey, Martharee and Debbie Bowen, Mike Brock, Charles Brooks, Matt Brooks, Wilma Burden, Eddie Burdette, Kevin Byington, Sally Calvert, Matthew Carroll, Cheri Chapman, Pauline Christmas, Morgan Collier, Ruth Collins, Evelyn Dariety, Jeff Davis, Sam Dickerson, Keith Dobbins, Norris and Marjorie Dobbins, Jacob Benjamin Doyle, Leon Ellison, Austin Fagg, Chase Faircloth, Alton Finley, Joe and Karen Finley, Jack Freeman, Robin Gafford, Cassandra Gary, Jeff Goode and Family, Scott Goode, Ray and Martha Hawkins, Jack and Bonnie Heiskell, Dorothy Hendry, Trudy Hendry, Bob and Gloria Hill, Susan Holliday, Mary Jo Hulme, Autum Jennings, Parker Jimenez, Cheryl Jones, Amy Keller, Connie Kelly, Gary Kelly, Joe Kelly, Mary Knight, Charlotte Lambert, Joseph Lecroy, Madison Leigh, Charles Macomson, Joel Martin, Keith McCoy, Laura McCoy, Jake Meeks, Kayson Neal, Ryan Nimmons, Lois Owens, Annie Mae Oxindine, Cory Peace, Mary Peace, Brenda Phillips, Linda Pierce, Christi Powell, Russell Ray, Dave Riddle, Gail Riddle, George Riddle, Joe Riddle, Eddie Scarborough, Donnie Shirley, Jerry Shirley, Adam Simmons, Joyce Smart, Betty Smith, Jean Spearman, Bobbie Speed, Vidella Stephens, Mike Strickland, Ginger Tadlock, Jimmy Tate, Michelle Chadwick Thomas, Ruth Tiller, Ruth Timmerman, Zoe Tipping, Micah Traynum, Brian Tribble, Eddie Turner, Nathan Turner, Ottumn Turner, Shane Urquhart, Brooke Wagoner, Benny Walker, Boyce Wilson, Brieann Wilson, Imogene Wilson, Joanne Wilson O CT O B E R 26 , 2 01 4 IN THE HOSPITAL: AnMed Health: Doy McKinley Nursery Workers Today: AM – Morgan Wood, Gail Meyer PM – Susan Holliday Wednesday: Suzanne Benton Next Sunday: AM - Sandy Thomas, Kayla Stone PM – Roberta Sorrow Children’s Church Workers Today: 2-3 - Ryan and Lydia Scarborough 4-5 - Avari Hall, Valerie Scarborough Next Sunday: 2-3 - Danny and Leslie Jimenez 4-5 - Leslie Bell, Kassie Holliday Ushers Today: Gene Coddington, Charlie Davis, John Garrett, Johnny Getsinger, Jason Holliday, B. J. Hurst Alternates: Ashley Mullen, Dean Mitchell Next Sunday: Tim James, Jeff Kay, Cliff King, Phil King, Ken Kohlmayer, Chase McCoy Greeters Today: Paul and Jenny Madden Next Sunday: Durane and Frankie Murphy TELLERS FOR NOVEMBER DEACON FOR NOVEMBER Wilma Burden, Curtis Peace Richard Parson Alternates: Mary Fagg, John Garrett 3204 Amity Road Extension Anderson, SC 29621 ANNOUNCEMENTS DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ENDS Daylight Savings ends Sunday, November 2nd. Remember to turn back your clocks Saturday night. BLOOD MOBILE The AnMed Blood Mobile will be here today from 4:30-7:30. AWANA COSTUME NIGHT Tonight will be Halloween Costume SPECIAL THANKS Thank you for all your love and generosity last week. It was Night in AWANA. Wear your truly a special day for our family. It is such a joy to be a part church-appropriate costume and of our wonderful faith family here at NCBC and it is an honor let’s see who has the most creative one! to serve as your Pastor. - Pastor Jason TRUNK-A-TREAT BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST th Trunk-a-Treat will be Thursday, October 30 , from 6:00 - The Brotherhood Breakfast will be 8:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to provide trunks. If you Sunday, November 9th, at 8:00 a.m. will decorate a trunk for that evening, please sign one of the BUSINESS MEETING sheets at the entrances to the Sanctuary. Also, we need lots of bags of candy. Please place your candy donations outside The Church Business Meeting will the Conference Room. be Wednesday, November 5th. BLANKET MAKING CARE NIGHT We will have a church wide blanket-making get-together in Care Night is Tuesday, November the FLC tomorrow at 6:00. Supper will be provided, so 4th, at 7:00 p.m. please let one of the M & M’s Circle group know if you can FINANCE COMMITTEE come. The Finance Committee will meet THANK YOU October 29th. A ‘thank you’ note from Golden Riddle and her family is on KEEPING IN TOUCH the bulletin board. YOUTH VOLUNTEERS FOR TRUNK-A-TREAT The Youth ministry has been asked to work the games for Trunk-a Treat. Please sign in with Chris if you can help. WI-FI FOR FLC Wi-Fi access has been expanded to the October 12 FLC. The network ID is flc-guest-wifi and October 19 the password is nealscreek. SANCTUARY FLOWERS The flowers are placed in the Sanctuary today in memory of James Hawkins and Todd Hawkins by Linda Hawkins and Karen, Carter, Leah and Caroline Infinger. Phillip Wood Erskine CPO 625 P. O. Box 1001 2 Washington Street Due West, SC 29639-1001 Stewardship Report Sunday School Tithes and Offerings Weekly Budget Requirements Regular Offering AWANA Youth Yard Sale Pastor Appreciation Tailgate T-Shirts Total Giving 135 159 $4,934.98 $4,529.68 18.12 366.35 40.00 365.00 $5,319.15 MORNING WORSHIP Prelude Welcome Invocation Call to Worship SERMON NOTES AM Grace: Reborn by Grace John 3:1-15 Congregation ___________________________________ Mrs. Patricia Kerr Rev. Jason Dorriety “I worship You, Almighty God; There is none like You. I worship You, O Prince of Peace; That is what I want to do. I give You praise for You are my righteousness. I worship You, Almighty God; There is none like You.” Hymn #444 Congregation “I Love to Tell the Story” Time of Fellowship Kids Korner Ms. Janis Cox Choral Worship Sanctuary Choir “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” Offertory Hymn #343 Congregation “Amazing Grace” Worship Through Giving Mrs. Patricia Kerr Special Music Mr. James Byars Message from God’s Word Rev. Jason Dorriety Grace: Reborn by Grace John 3:1-15 Invitation Hymn #581 Congregation “Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus” Announcements Mr. Chris Clegg Benediction Postlude Mrs. Susie Turbeville EVENING SERVICE Prelude Mrs. Patricia Kerr Welcome and Fellowship Hymn #410 Congregation “Standing on the Promises” Evening Prayer Choral Worship Sanctuary Choir “I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary” Offertory Hymn #693 Congregation “A Shelter in the Time of Storm” Worship Through Giving Mrs. Susie Turbeville Message from God’s Word Rev. Jason Dorriety 1 Peter 2:11-25 Invitation Hymn #488 Congregation “Just As I Am” Benediction Postlude Mrs. Susie Turbeville ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ PM 1 Peter 2:11-25 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
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