MISSION PROJECTS A handicapped accessible van is needed for Holly & Jeff Fite. Les Harvey is working on refurbishing just such a vehicle. He needs about $7,000. If you would like to contribute put a check in the offering plate (with your regular offering) labeled "Fite van" & write the check to Williamsburg UM Church. Thanks Melody’s link to her Blog, to see everything that is going on with Melody’s Mission. melodysmith.theworldrace.org 4 THE COMMUNITY MISSION—Leave your spare coupons in shoebox in the entryway. MEDARY'S RECEIPT BOX IS IN ENTRYWAY FOR THE YOUTH! DONATIONS OF NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS PLACE IN BLUE TUBS. Distributed by “Community Mission” program of the Burg area churches. In need of Peanut Butter. POP CANS & ALUMINUM FOR WILLIAMSBURG COMMUNITY MISSION: A recycling bin at the Gay St. entrance. For info Jim Richter @ 513-734-0627 COMMUNITY INFORMATION OFFICE INFO Staff info at www.williamsburgumc.com/staff Church Office Hours: 9am – 3pm Tuesday thru Friday Cindy Gregory - 9am – 3pm Tuesday thru Thursday Anita Karschnik - 9am – 3pm Friday WILLIAMSBURG COMMUNITY MISSION Tues., Wed., & Fri., 10:00 am – 1:00 pm TODAY’S VOLUNTEERS 9 AM Greeters 9 AM Nursery Helper 9 AM Worship Leader Rosemary Malott, Allen Boothby Pedro Harry & Bill Bainum Bob Reynolds & Tim Ferree Emily Overcash Guy Bainum 11 AM Worship Leader 11 AM Nursery Helper 11 AM Children’s Church Lois Volk Doreen Young & Desiree Wallen Cindy Gregory/Jean Jordan 9 AM Ushers After-school tutoring program Is in need of financial help, several tutors; healthy pre-packaged snacks, juices boxes, etc. Contact Michael Bohl 724-1513. Please pray for this program. STEPHEN MINISTRY : For the difficult times in life! Talk to a Stephen Minister. Contact Pat Louiso. Would our regular attenders (if able) park in the gravel lots. FREE thanksgiving day event? Nov 27 at 9am. Meet at old HS on gym-side. Requesting 3-5 canned good donations. This is a non-timed event & can do a 1k, 5k or 10k on the hike/bike trail!! Thank you: Dear Faithful Supporters, The support we received from you in August is making a difference. Our partnership helps address spiritual & physical needs for the thousands in the Red Bird River Valley. Thank you again for your generosity. Grace & Peace, O. Taylor Collins from Red Bird Mission. PRAYER REQUEST & INFORMATION CARDS – Are in your bulletin & pew. Place your request in the offering plate. INFANT NURSERY (Infant - 2yrs.)is available in room #6, all morning. ATTENDANCE & FINANCES CHURCH INFORMATION OUR DAILY BREAD & THE UPPER ROOM daily devotionals are also available at the entrances. ovember 9th, 2014 Class & Groups Attendance ››› 9 am—104 Child 12, Yth 6, Adult 55 11 am—174 Month End September $ 18,844.69 Tithes/Offerings $ 16,671.45 Expenses Paid Last Week Total AVG 73 70 278 237 YTD -Tithes/ Offerings Expenses Paid $ 191,571.75 $ 191,825.19 ELECTRONIC GIVING: If you would like to give to the church electronically, please pick up an easy-to-use instruction sheet in the Entryway. For a CD of Worship Service contact Michael Bohl @ [email protected] or 513-724-1513 11AM CHILDREN’S CHURCH : Children Ages 3 yrs.– Pre-K will go to room 201. Kindergarten - 5th grade will go to Youth Room, 10 mins. after Worship begins. CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY BAGS are available to borrow at the Sanctuary entrance. Please silence your electronic devices during worship. Thanks! Our password is “Fraternity”. 330 Gay Street, Williamsburg, OH 45176-1335 Office: (513) 724-6305 FAX: (513) 724-6318 Email: [email protected] - Williamsburg United Methodist Church, OH Website: www.williamsburgumc.com 9:00 a.m. Familiar & Historically Centered Worship Williamsburg United Methodist Church November 9th, 2014 Welcome to Worship PRELUDE YOUTH & CHILDREN *HYMN - We’ve a Story To Tell To The Nations UMH 569 We need volunteers for all three youth programs. If you are interested in helping with any these programs please contact Rebekah Royer 513-305-6931! UPCOMING EVENTS (please sign and pass the friendship pads) After School Registration forms are Online. HONORING VETERANS & ACTIVE MILITARY 11:00 a.m. A Modern Worship Opening Songs & Communion Upcoming Events (please sign and pass the friendship pads) Honoring Veterans & Active Military **Children Leave for Children’s Church Our Offering & Special Music Ignite - 7th-12th grade meet Sunday evenings 7-8:30pm. The Church Prays The Lord’s Prayer (trespasses) OFFERINGS, TITHES, & GIFTS The Offertory *The Doxology……………………………..……………..........UMH 95 The Prayer of Dedication SCRIPTURE READING ……………………………….…… 1Peter 3:15 Club 6 - 6th grade meet Wednesdays after school 2:30-4:00pm. Club Orange - 3rd, 4th & 5th grade meet Thursdays after school 3:30-5:00pm. 10am SUNDAY SCHOOL: Pre-K & Kindergarten (3 yrs.-K) in room 201, Grades 1-5 in room 203. “Life Happens Here” - Part 7 Finding Life through Jesus’ Invitation *HYMN - Go, Make Of All Disciples 10AM WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY in Parlor. Studying Fruits of the Spirit. ADULTS WITH CHILDREN SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Studying Tough Guys & Drama Queens teaching us to not be blind-sighted by our child’s teenage yrs. Contact Jennifer Harcourt to obtain a book. COMMUNION UMH 571 FINAL BLESSING……………………..…..……. Pastor Jay Madigan POSTLUDE *Indicates that we stand if we are able You are invited to come to the front pew or to the kneeling step during this closing song for prayer. Scripture Reading - 1Peter 3:15 The Message………… Jay Madigan “Life Happens Here” - Part 7 Finding Life through Jesus’ Invitation Closing Song ADULT GROUPS THE MESSAGE …………………………………….……..… Jay Madigan Prayer You are invited to come to the front pew or to the kneeling step during this closing song for prayer. NOTES: Finding Life through Jesus’ Invitation Invite others Like Jesus did: Jesus invites me __________________ Matthew 11:28-29 Jesus invites me _________________________Matt. 4:17 GWT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS (Class with a purpose) in room 205 at 10am. A Bible Study from the Multiply book to encourage followers of Christ in their biblical responsibility to make disciples & to help equip them to make disciples. CHRISITANS UNDER CONSTUCTION SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS (CUC) in the Parlor (next to Nursery) at 10am. Join this small group to discuss various topics using “The Adult Bible Studies” book as a guide. Great discussions & a lot of laughs. Jesus invites me ____________________Matt. 28:18-19a GWT 7 Reasons we don’t share Christ (and still should) – by Christ Lutes 1) ________________________ 5) _______________________ 2) ________________________ 6) _______________________ 3) ________________________ 7) _______________________ 4) _________________________ Activities for November 9th– 16th, 2014 SUNDAY 9th: Communion After 11am Worship Operation Shoebox Luncheon & Pack Shoe Boxes - 4pm Charge Conference - 6pm KWT (5yrs-7th grade) Isaiah Jones play practice - 7pm Ignite (7-12 grades) meets in Youth Room MONDAY 10th: - 6pm Webelos1 (4th grade) & Webelos2 (5th grade) Den Meetings - 7pm Yada Women’s Prayer Group Meeting - Finishing Christmas Shoebox for packing & delivering TUESDAY 11th: Veterans Day - 3:30pm Tutoring Program in Fellowship Hall - 7pm Finance Meeting WEDNESDAY 12th: Bulletin information deadline - 10am Wednesday Morning Bible Study - 12:30pm Staff Meeting - 2:30pm Club6 (6th grade) meets afterschool - 3:30pm Tutoring Program in Fellowship Hall - 3:45pm KWT Practice for Speaking Parts in Play - 6:30pm Prayer Time - 7pm Boy Scout Troop #84 - 7pm Choir Practice - 7pm Wolves (2nd grade) & Bears (3rd grade) Den Meetings THURSDAY 13th: - 1pm United Methodist Women Meeting in Fellowship Hall - 3:30pm Club Orange (3rd-4th-5th grades) meet afterschool - 7pm Worship Team Practice - 7pm Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) meeting FRIDAY 14th: - 3pm Boy & Cub Scout Popcorn Pickup in Fellowship Hall SATURDAY 15th: - 10am WUMC Youth Dance Troop Practice in Youth Room - 3pm Private Party in Kitchen/Fellowship Hall SUNDAY 16th: - 6pm KWT (5yrs-7th grade) Isaiah Jones play practice - 7pm Ignite (7-12 grades) meets in Youth Room PRAYER NEEDS Pray without ceasing. 1Thessalonians 5:17 Join us as we pray for our friends and members. Weekly Prayer In The Chapel Wed. 6:30 pm—7pm Weekly Prayer Focus : For Melody Smith’s Mission, she is in Nicaragua Kevin & Desiree Wallen – Jim & Kenita Weaver – Glenn & Evelyn Wegner - Patience & John Wells - Jim & Glenna Wheeler - Earl Whiteman - Mike Wilkin - Dwight & Pam Wilson - Gene & Ruby Wilson - Tessie Workman - Joe Young - JD & Lisa Young Prayer Quilt: Please sign, with a prayer for, David Golfman & Bud Goldston Messengers: Ron & Betty Goldston Current Prayer Concerns John Simpson Louise Carpenter Ken & Carol Berry M.J. Bekah Jordan Jo & Tom Eichelberger Sally Gunter Leatha Zelaya Pat Docter Jeannette D’Jokovic Christopher Bukvic Louise Hensley Tim L.P. Jones & family Paul Nead Gerald & Grant Gregerson Jack & Mandy Cherie Cravens (Wiederhold) Mitchell Raymond & Shirley Healey Our Soldiers Ed Byrd Jackie Wallace Evan Roach Tricia Harmon Tom Fisher Cheryl Jackson Kelly Overcash Jana Millen Neal Barnes Cyrus Crocker Government Rehabilitation & Long Term Care Locust Ridge - George Thoroughman, May Marshall, Tessie Workman New England Club - Rose Marie Cavagnaro Eastgate Village - Helen Frazee, Helen Bastin, Bill McManus SEM Assisted Living - Doris McKenzie, Marge McCollum Home Care – Evelyn Vannoy, Gene Wilson, Betty McLean, Jean Hancock, Ken Overstake, Judy Malott OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE NOW SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES *Place this page in your Bible, on your nightstand, refrigerator, or anywhere it reminds you to pray!
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