Prayer Needs Please pray for … *Tom, Zoe, all the young people and youth leaders both from Sunnyside and other Berkhamsted churches who are on a Refract Weekend Away this weekend. *Maureen Lamb, Larry and Janie. *Pray for Zeljko , Kate and Adam as they make arrangements for their return to Serbia. Meeting to pray this week In addition to our regular services as a church family, we enjoy meeting together to pray for the needs of our community and our church. Please feel free to join with us this week: Wednesday: 9.30am The Wednesday Service will be Morning Worship in the Chancel. Reading: 2 Timothy 2: 8 - 13 Saturday: 8.00-9.00am Prayer Breakfast at the Way Inn: (PLEASE NOTE: Every Saturday of the month it is now held in the Breukelman Room, except 3rd Saturdays when it is held at the Way Inn). Collect for 9th November God, our refuge and strength, bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end, that earth may know the peace of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Readings for Sunday 9th November Theme: Pray & Plan. Live & Love. Matthew 25:1 – 13 Amos 5:18-24 p.920 Psalm 70 p.584 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 p.1187 Welcome to Love // Grow // Serve Thank you to … *All the men who organised the fireworks display after Messy Church last week. It was a great success. *All those who help in many ways with Edge, our youth group, on a Friday evening. Week beginning 9th November Monday 10th November 12 noon Lunch Club in the Breukelman Room for our Senior Citizens. Tuesday 11th November at 2pm Pastoral Events Committee meeting will be held at the Drivers’ home. Wednesday 12th November 11.00am-12.30pm Men at Home at The Old Mill. Contact John Kirkby . 11.00am-12.30pm Girls Allowed at The Boat. Contact Barbara Smith Friday 14th November 1.30pm in the Hall Smarties. This is our friendly group for Mums, Dads and carers with babies and toddlers. Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon, with toys and a fun activity, and refreshments. 7-9pm Edge – our youth club for years 7-13. Saturday 15th/Sunday 16th November Youth Sleepover at Sunnyside. Speak to Tom to find out more. 9th November 2014 Remembrance Day The Eight: Holy Communion (BCP) The Nine: Morning Worship The Ten Thirty: Morning Worship The Six-Thirty: Evening Service Welcome to Sunnyside We hope that you will feel very welcome in our church today. If you’re here for the first time, please fill in a welcome card and hand it to a member of the welcome team. Thank you. As a church we are seeking to: LOVE God and each other GROW in Faith SERVE our Community Please feel free to join us at any of our services today. We have refreshments between 10am and 10.30am on Sundays – get to know us over a tea or coffee! Contact For all enquiries please contact the Church office which is normally open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am-2pm. Church Office: 01442-875025 [email protected] David Abbott: 01442-865100 [email protected] Items for this notice sheet need to be given to the office by Thursday at the latest, please. General Information *If you deliver Sundials, please collect a letter from your pigeon hole. *We shall soon be asking our volunteer postmen to deliver the Sunnyside Christmas cards around the parish. If you feel unable to help us this year, please contact the office. Otherwise, thank you to you all in advance for doing this task for us once again this year. Dates for your diary th Wednesday 19 November 1pm Pot Luck Lunch at St John’s, Bourne End. 7.30pm Singers’ rehearsal in the Breukelman Room for Christmas. Saturday 22nd November 2.30-4.30pm. Barnabas Fund (which helps persecuted Christians worldwide) invites us to a meeting at which Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo ,the International Director, will speak. This will be at Duke Street Church, Richmond, TW9 1DH. Further details from the poster in the lobby or from Antony Beeley. Wednesday 26th November 7.30pm at Christchurch Chorleywood – another in the highly successful ‘Facing the Canon’ series with J. John in conversation with Mark Russell. Mark, a really amusing and interesting speaker, was appointed as Chief Executive of The Church Army at the age of 31 in 2006. For tickets go to th Friday 28 November 10am-12 noon Christmas Bazaar together with the usual Coffee & Cakes morning at St. John’s Bourne End. Sunday 30th November 8.40-9.40am Advent Breakfast – This event is a wonderful way to begin the season of Advent. Come and enjoy a truly delicious breakfast and some excellent company. 10am Baptism and Confirmation Service led by Bishop John Gladwin. Speak to Tom Hodkinson or David Abbott for more information. This will be a United Service and therefore the only service that day. Come and support our confirmation candidates at this important service. 3.30pm Festival of Light in Berkhamsted High Street, followed by Youth Café.* (*See Tom for more information.) 6pm Advent Carol Service at St. John’s Bourne End. Festival of Light The Festival of Light happens this year in Berkhamsted High Street on Sunday 30th November. We are looking for * Actors for the Nativity scene, one team from 3.30-4.45pm and another from 4.45-6.00pm; * Readers to cover the same two periods; * Singers and players similarly. We have been asked to perform on the main stage from 4.00-4.30pm. So the first team of actors, readers and musicians will start in the gazebos and then walk to the stage at 4.00pm. The second team will be only in the gazebos. During the 30 minutes on the main stage, we need as many people as possible to stand round the stage singing and playing. The other churches in the town have also been asked for volunteers. If you would like to join in, please contact Humphrey Norrington after the 9 and 10.30 services TODAY.
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